Marketing Processes and Planning Assignment Sample

Process benchmarking

Identifies and compares the extended marketing mix for two selected ‘luxury’ non-food products

Marketing mix can be regarded as extensively essential for the promotional and presentation purposes of the products of the company to the potentially targeted customers. Through applying the 7p marketing mix of Unilever, two different product ranges such as Dove and Seventh Generation would be demonstrated for their impacts towards the success and growth of the company.


Unilever has a wide product range with 400 different varieties of brands around the world (Unilever, 2022). Furthermore, through these products, the company has a vision to provide positive impacts on the planet. Among all the products, Dove can be witnessed to be providing beauty of skin and hair to the wonderful women of the planet alongside skin and hair care of grown up women, Dove has also launched products for the sensitive skin of the babies. Along with that, Unilever has also exponentially marketed Seventh generation in its product range for upgrading the well being and cleanliness of the clothes. Furthermore, the seventh generation have other varieties as well such as hand wash, disinfectant, deodorant and others (Unilever, 2022). Two different products can be seen to be attracting a wide range of customers. The dependence of the company can be seen to be diversified on different products, which signifies enhanced revenues from one or the other products.

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Pricing strategy can be said to be crucial for attracting the target customers of the company. Thus in different products of Unilever, the company can be seen to be using different ranges of prices for marketing its products in the market. In this regard, Dove can be witnessed to be adopting a premium pricing strategy for availably its products among a certain standard of people. Whereas, the product of Seventh generation can be witnessed to be concentrating more towards providing sustainability in terms of all the aspects of its products, prices and others. Thus, its prices can also be seen to be of competitive nature, focusing on enabling the benefits of the products to every class of people (Gupta et al. 2021).


Place plays a crucial role in getting the attention of a wide range of people. Availability of different products to the consumers impacts the revenge of the company extensively. Thus, for the products of Dove, it can be found both in the traditional stores as well as through the online mediums. This availability in both the mediums can be seen to be increasing the sales of the product in the company. However, the seventh generation mainly sells its products through online mediums and availability of the products in the stores are critical (Help, 2022). Hence, it can be seen to be bringing down the sales due to its shortage of availability to the consumers.


Promotion can be referred to as one of the most crucial activities of any company in getting the attention of the customers towards the products of the company. Thus, different companies can be witnessed to be leveraging upon different promotional strategies, both through online and offline mediums for reaching a wide range of consumer base. In this regard, Unilever can be seen to be promoting different products differently. Primarily, dove can be seen to be promoted throughout the media channel and social media sites. Furthermore, different celebrities are researched for advertisement purposes of the products (Aditya, 2022). Thus, it can be said a large emphasis is given in advertisements of traditional channels along with social media platforms. On the other hand, promotion of Seventh Generation has largely depended upon the electronic word-of-mouth and different events or advocacies. Thus, decreasing the coverage or reaching to the potential consumers.

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Primarily, people can be referred to as the personnel that are responsible towards meeting consumers and listening to their queries, complaints and others. Additionally, Unilever can be witnessed to be having a huge number of employees and a wide range of distributors, distributors, media personnel and others. These people make the vision of the company real with a significant time frame.


The processes adopted by Unilever are to provide sustainable products at a diversified price range to its customers and alongside that provide uninterrupted and speedy customer services. In regards to Unilever, the company can be witnessed to be utilizing chatbots for increasing the efficiency and speed of communication with its potential customers (Voqin, 2022). Furthermore with the help of chatbots technologies, customers queries can also be solved quickly, providing enough time for employees to focus on different prioritized tasks. Additionally, Unilever is also seen to be promoting new products through WhatsApp chatbots due to the increased use of WhatsApp among people. As per the records, around 2,90,000 messages get exchanged in 7 days and along with that, product sales has been increased by 14 times (Infobip, 2022). Moreover, Unilever has also launched ‘Bella the Bot’ for assisting skincare shoppers (Robert, 2017).

Physical evidence

Physical evidence plays a major role in creating a mentality of the customers regarding the potentiality of the product. Thus, Unilever can be seen to be providing sustainable packaging for providing the environment with a positive impact. It can be seen that consumers are inclined towards such products which are sustainable in nature. Additionally, attractive packaging is made for attracting the attention of the consumers together with providing a unsilver logo and unique designs of the products.

Evaluation of marketing strategies and tactical approaches adopted by each business in meeting their overall business objectives

The main aim or objective of Unilever can be witnessed to be driving positive changes through the brands of the company. With above 1 billion people using different brands of the company and even more just by showing their advertisement on online and offline channels, Unilever can be said to be have immense power to bring real differences in the lives of people (Unilever, 2022). Furthermore, their vision is to provide positive impacts on the mental and physical well-being of the consumers and the focus has been further increased after the emergence of Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, through different strategies of Unilever’s marketing, these objectives can be seen to be reaching at a phenomenal extent.

Figure 1: Revenue of Unilever

(Source: Statista, 2022)

The revenues can be seen to increase, which can be said as positive impacts of the vast marketing strategies adopted by the company. Thus, it can be said that the above mentioned, pricing, promotions, diversification of products and others are aligned appropriately for attaining the objectives of the company. Adding to that, increasing revenue can further enable the company to become more sustainable through application of innovative technologies.


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that Unilever is a very large company with a large base of diversified products and different targeted consumer bases. Through application of effective and efficient marketing strategies, the company has been able to launch its products successfully in the market. Alongside that, the company has a vision to positively impact the planet, which further increases the chances of attracting various categories of customers into making purchases of the brands of the company. Thus, it can be said marketing strategies are in line with the objectives which can be seen to prove effective for the Unilever company.


It is evident that the retail giant has already been using great marketing tactics to grab a huge number of customers, but as it is willing to increase the sale of Dove and Seventh Generation it has to take some advanced strategies. It can be recommended that the company can use celebrities for promotional purposes in a more effective way if it will focus on some aspects while choosing a celebrity to promote the product. Unilever can be more active to use the characteristics of celebrities for promoting any specific product. For instance, in order to attract the young generation, the company can make the strategy for endorsement of celebrities have a separate fan base.

In this era of globalization as like other international business organizations Unilever is also using digital marketing, though there are some ways to increase its effectiveness. Customers nowadays are always ready to check reviews before buying a product and social media influencers use to play a significant role in that (Zeljko et al. 2018). Therefore, it can be recommended to the organization that it can involve some influencers to review their products that will influence the product demand.

Additionally, the company can involve some YouTubers to promote its products. It is evident that people are more active in online platforms as the use of smartphones has increased and that is the reason that YouTubers can be involved in the marketing of the company (Ongkrutraksa, 2021). Famous YouTubers have a strong fanbase and if they review any product in a positive manner the demand for that product can increase, which will influence the sales growth rate of specific products.


Aditya, S., 2022. A Complete Case study on the Marketing Strategy & Campaigns of Dove. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Gupta, V., Ivanov, D. and Choi, T.M., 2021. Competitive pricing of substitute products under supply disruption. Omega, 101, p.102279.

Help, 2022. Where can I purchase Seventh Generation products locally? [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Infobip, 2022. Unilever: Promoting new Products with a WhatsApp Business Chatbot. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Ongkrutraksa, W., 2021. THE ANALYSIS OF CHILD YOUTUBERS’VIDEOS IN THAILAND TO DEVELOP APPROPRIATE YOUTUBE ADVERTISING. AU eJournal of Interdisciplinary Research (ISSN: 2408-1906), 6(2), pp.34-41.

Robert, W., 2017. Unilever, Saatchi launch ‘Bella the Bot’ to help skincare shoppers. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Statista, 2022. Revenue of the Unilever Group worldwide from 2012 to 2021. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Unilever, 2022. Our brands. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Unilever, 2022. Seventh Generation. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Unilever, 2022. Strategy and goals. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Voqin, 2022. unilever leadership meeting chatbot. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed on 19 February 2022]

Zeljko, D., Jakovic, B. and Strugar, I., 2018. NEW METHODS OF ONLINE ADVERTISING: SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS. Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings, 29.


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