MGT702 Case Study Assignment Sample

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Executive summary

This paper considers the case study about the communication issues within the organization ACMA. This organization needs the organizational development by the use of effective communication in the organization to solve the issues. At the same time, this report also includes the importance of the communication within the organization by effective implication. The effective communication skill of the organizational employees can be resolved the problems that are facing the company in the case study. At the same time, this report also includes the guideline for the line manager to improve the communication skills of the organizational people and develop the organization with staff engaged. This report is also recommended to the line manager that he or she should take the meetings, seminars, and conference to reduce the challenges that are facing the company. In addition, this report also provides the suggestion to the line manager that it should provide the proper guidance to the employee.


This report discusses the communication issues of the organization that increase the conflict between workers and leaders to complete their organizational goals. The main communication issue is found in this case study is the staff engagement. The staff engagement is an issue faced by the staff members of ACMA because there are some issues in the communication, coaching, delegation and performance management. For this case study, the communication is selected that can help the organization to reduce the issues, which can face the organization in the development. This report also discusses the importance of the implication of the communication in the organization. The implication of the communication can create the successful development of the solutions of the problem of the organization. This report also introduces the guidance or the line manager to improve the communication skill of the staff members of the organization. Finally, recommendations are also provided to the line manager to improve the communication skill.

Communication and its importance

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In this case, it is found that the organization facing the issue in the staff engagement such as coaching, communication, delegation, and performance management. The communication is a very important part in this case that should be improved to get the success in the concern of the staff engagement and organizational development (Jackson, 2014). Most of the time, it is seen that the communication can help the organization to remove the organizational conflicts. At the same time, this case needs the organizational development that can be possible by the effective communication skill and build the team by taking the suggestions of the team. The effectiveness in the communication skill is very important to remove the issues and problems in daily life and fill the needs. The improvement of the communication skills of the employees of the company is very important to regulate the flow of conversation (McNaughton and Light, 2013). The effective communication skills are helpful to provide the quality of the work of the employee because the manager can motivate the employees. In addition to this, the manager of the company can help the staff members by providing techniques that can improve the quality of the service.

The effective communication can be possible by the use of communication channel. The communication is the process that includes the several stages to make a successful communication (Wilton, 2012). The stages of the effective communication are sender- encoding- message- medium- receiver- decoding- noise and the feedback. In addition to this, the communication also needs the effective selection of the media for effectiveness that includes the oral, written, social media and electronic communication. All media of the communication are dependent on the requirement of the message and type of the audience. The oral communication is useful for the organization to converse the employee in meetings, presentation, conference, etc. Additionally, the written communication is useful in the official work through the letters and emails in the organization. In the words of Hashim (2015), it is define that the written communication is useful for the organization because it provides evidence of the particular things happen or not happen. In order to electronic communication, it is used by the organization to send the message in a brief form with the use of the internet, fax, emails, etc. In addition to this, the social media networking is an informal media tool for the communication. It enables the sharing of information of the company and collaborates them. The electronic communication also handles the overload of the information by well-organized delivery of information (Gray, 2010). The non-verbal communication also plays a vital role in some situations that can be done with the posture, gesture, facial expressions, eye contacts, appearance, and silence. The communication also includes the active listening to find the proper answer to the communication. At the time, the listener needs the attention and provides the reflection of the message.

The implication of the effective communication is helpful in the improvement of the following areas:

Building team in the organization- The effective communication skill is helpful for the staff members because it builds the team of the employee in the organization. The staff members of ACMA are able to trust on each other by the good communication (Robles, 2012). The trust between the staff members is very helpful to improve the production by a reduction in the unnecessary competition. At the same time, The effectiveness of the communication can also create the strong relationship among the team members to achieve that is helpful to achieve the organizational goal.

Improve employee morale- The effective communication is helpful to improve the employee morale because it motivates the employee with the quality of the work (Mitchell et al., 2010). At the same time, it creates the healthy environment of the working that satisfies the staff members. The managers can also gain the advantage of the employee morale by the effective communication skill and improve their work by the training.

Increase productivity- The effective communication among the organizational employees is very helpful to improve the productivity of the business. Better communication among the staff members of the call center can help to manage the international calls by the thought of helping the staff (Ihmeideh, Al-Omari and Al-Dababneh, 2010). Additionally, it helps the customer to provide the good and timely service of problem-solving and it will provide a higher rating to the business from the customer.

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Reduction in the conflicts- The effective communication skill is useful to reduce the conflicts that have occurred in the business. Moreover, it can be found that misunderstanding creates the most of the conflicts that are coerced in the business. The effective communication or a good manager can help the employee to reduce the conflict by good communication skill (Hartman and McCambridge, 2011). In addition, a person among the staff can also reduce the conflict, if he or she has a good communication skill.

A better suggestion for organizational development- The effective communication with the staff members of the company can be helpful to provide better suggestions for the development of the organization (Chen et al., 2012). The organizational employee understands the issues and problems that occur in the company and they have better suggestions to remove the issue. Therefore, it can say that the working employee can provide the best suggestions to the management if they communicate them effectively.

Guideline for line manager to improve in communication

The ways by which the line-managers can improve the area of focus which is communication. The line managers can provide the full information without being biased to the staff and other employees so that they can use that information in taking effective decisions. The line managers should improve the way information is being delivered to the other staff so that it can be reached quickly (Louhiala-Salminen and Kankaanranta, 2011).  The line-managers should make the employees and other staff member understand the importance of communication and what is expected from them in the company. The line managers should provide timely feedback regarding the performance of the employees and communicate with them about the outcomes they attained from evaluating their performance so that they can enhance and improve their performance. The line managers should allow the employees to communicate with them face to face so that they can better clarify about their problems or issues they are facing (Freudenberg et al., 2011). The line managers should make ensure that their messages and any plan are clear in the minds of the employees and they are aware of what the company wants from them. The line manager must choose the right medium to communicate with the staff as well as the employees. The line managers should make a conversation which has been based on mutual discussion and understanding between the staff and the line managers. The manager should also improve the team building process within the organization because honest and true conversations in the workplace are encouraged and it leads in developing a more productive team which helps in the growth of the organization as a whole (Gray and Murray, 2011).

The line manager of the company should improve the communication skill of the employee and it will improve the employee morale. If the moral of the employee will increase then they will motivate for providing the effective quality in the work (Lolli, 2013). At the same time, the high moral of the organizational employee will create the healthy environment inside the organization and be helpful to satisfy the employee on the job. The line manager should effectively communicate the employees for improvement in the productivity of the company. The motivated employees can manage the organizational work effectively because they help the team members in every situation. The line manager can build the team spirit of the employee by use of the effective communication and motivation. If the line manager provides better communication, then the staff members can manage each work to satisfy the customer or clients of the company. The line manager should also observe the behavior of the employee in the organization and try to solve the problem through the effective communication skill (Rosemann and vom Brocke, 2015). The line manager can observe the verbal and non-verbal behavior of the employee by use of their talent and always try to resolve the issues. Additionally, the line manager should also focus on the employees to attract them by providing guidelines are helpful in their work. The line manager should not use the aggressive and passive communication as much as possible because it can reduce the morale of the employee. These communication styles are only useful if the manager feels insecure and there is no option to solve the problem (Salmon and Young, 2011). Therefore, it can say that the line manager should use the assertive communication to direct the organizational people to manage the work. In this communication, the manager respects the feelings of the employee and enhances the work of the people.


It can be concluded from the above report that communication is an important aspect to focus while conducting any business. Communication is the essence of any business activity or process. Without effective communication, it is not possible to conduct any business practice. Effective communication will help to foster good and healthy working relationships in the business which in return will help to improve and enhance the morale and efficiency as well as productivity. At the same time, it can also be concluded that open communication within the workplace will help to manage a team more effectively. Communication also helps to contribute to the growth of the company as well as its productivity. It is also concluded that the line managers are recommended to ensure transparency among the organization.


The recommendation that the line managers should take in rolling out the learning program is:
The line managers should hold regular meetings that will help to understand and gain an insight into the matter or issue that existed in the company. They should identify that where people are facing communication challenges. The managers should have an open door policy. This policy will help to remove the hesitation of the employees that they might be facing in the context of communication. This approach will further help to develop a feeling that the managers are always available and willing to communicate with them. The line-managers should take timely feedback from all the employees so that they can gather and collect their views about the company and their work climate and culture as well. The line-managers should always ensure that the employees and the staff members understand what is expected of them and are clear about the goals and objectives of the company.


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