MMN226181 Construction Project Management Assignment Sample


Introduction to the Hong Kong Airport

Increasing the integration of modifications identified by the environmental performance enhancement assessment into the construction process will allow the environmental effect of construction to be reduced even further. Environmental performance improvement assessment: The following are just a handful of the goods that are included in this bundle:

After thorough research, it was revealed that just a limited number of marine piles would be necessary for marine approach light constructions, resulting in a reduction in the amount of underwater noise that may be harmful to Chinese White Dolphins and other aquatic wildlife. Based on preliminary engineering studies that had been done at the time of publishing, according to the author, this conclusion was reached.

Critical analysis of engaging stakeholders

As was the case with the previous airport platform before it was demolished, dredging reclamation was employed during construction of the current airport platform because it was considered to be a standard approach at the time. It was also employed during the construction of the current airport platform before it was demolished. Previously, before the airport platform was dismantled, dredging reclamation was employed in the building of the old airport platform. Before this method can be used, it is necessary to first remove the soft marine sediments from the region in question. Soft marine sediments would interfere with the CMP and cause a significant amount of suspended particles to be discharged, limiting the efficacy of the operation. As a result, this is required to ensure that the operation remains successful. Initially, it was discovered that there were environmental concerns associated with dredging and sediment disposal; later, it was discovered that there were suggestions for further environmental improvement that did not require dredging and had the potential to mitigate some of the environmental problems associated with land formation. It has only been in the last few decades that a number of non-dredge ways of draining retained pore water in coastal soil have been developed. One alternative that has been successfully implemented is the placement of a layer of fill over the coastal soil, followed by the construction of vertical wick drains to divert the collected water away from the site once it has accumulated (Chen,2018). It is possible to achieve significant gains in garbage output and water quality by using this technology to reclaim areas outside of CMPs as well as areas inside CMPs, while also lowering the indirect consequences on marine ecosystems that are associated with this method. The recovery of areas both outside and inside of CMPs may be accomplished using this method, depending on the conditions. Construction of seawalls in areas that are sensitive to settlement, such as those where a seawall is being built, has resulted in the practise of dredging under the foundation of a seawall becoming commonplace. Dredging under the foundation of a seawall is a process that involves removing sediment from beneath the foundation of a seawall. It is necessary to remove silt from under the foundation of a seawall in order to do dredging under a seawall’s foundation. In no way diminishes the fact that this strategy will also be used for the building of the sea wall, which will be preferred for the reasons indicated above (Hon2018).

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Deep Cement Mixing is becoming more popular for non-dredged restoration projects because to its versatility. Every day, this technology becomes more and more prevalent in our lives. In addition to the above mentioned reasons, the non-dredged approach used above CMPs was not selected because of concerns about unclean water leaking from the pits and into the surrounding environment during the construction process. According to the findings of this paper, Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) is an alternative solution in which cement is injected and mixed into weak soils beneath the surface of a capping layer of sand to increase their strength and stiffness, allowing for land development above without the discharge of polluted silt into the environment. Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) is an alternative solution in which cement is injected and mixed into weak soils beneath the surface of a capping layer of sand to Using Deep Cement Mixing (DCM), an alternate option in which cement is injected and mixed into poor soils under the surface of a capping layer of sand to strengthen them is possible. It was put through its paces in the field to ensure that it was ecologically acceptable before being evaluated for larger deployment in Japan and Asia, which was the first time this ground-breaking technology was submitted for wide-scale implementation.


 As a result of a scarcity of prior experience with the technology in Hong Kong, it has not yet been applied. When a field trial with DCM took conducted in February of 2012, it was used to determine whether or not it was successful. A CMP was dug north of the airport island and north of the runway to accommodate the DCM testing. Clusters of twin DCM columns, each 20 metres long, were buried in the CMP to accommodate the testing. As part of the DCM testing, the clusters of twin DCM columns were installed in a CMP to the north of the Airport island and to the north of the runway. The DCM trial was subjected to a variety of other tests as part of a comprehensive environmental monitoring programme that was carried out both before and after the trial. This programme included in-situ testing of parameters such as dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, and ammonia nitrogen, as well as laboratory testing of suspended solids and heavy metals, as well as measurement of underwater noise levels. It is intended to do this by thoroughly assessing and analysing each and every piece of environmental monitoring data acquired during the DCM research period (ANTUNES,2020).


A temporary closure of the present North Runway at Hong Kong International Airport will be necessary in order to finish tunnelling and modification work, and a temporary opening of the third runway will be necessary in order to complete the work. As a consequence of this situation, it is possible that aircraft movements at the airport may be momentarily suspended, which may result in brief interruptions. Expect the Environmental Impact Assessment to take into account the possible consequences of this intermediate phase layout on air quality, as well as the overall functioning of the three-runway system as a whole (Vogel,2018).

As a consequence of the growth of the airport’s operations, according to the Federal Aviation Administration, automobile emissions will rise (WU,2020).

In order to accomplish the Project’s air quality objectives, all Environmental Protection Department (EPD) rules and procedures must be adhered to to the letter when executing the airport emission inventory and dispersion modelling exercise under the most severe operating circumstances feasible. Also taken into account will be the potential emissions from other infrastructure projects in the close neighbourhood of the site, which will be a factor in the final decision (Cheng,2020).

Towards this end, the project’s proponent has submitted a letter of support to the Environmental Protection Agency in support of the government’s new air quality goals (AQOs) and package of measures to improve air quality, which were announced on January 17th, 2012, and are intended to improve air quality. The letter was submitted in support of the government’s new air quality goals (AQOs) and package of measures to improve air quality, which were announced on January 17th, 2012. On January 17th, 2012, it was announced that the new air quality objectives (AQOs) and a package of initiatives to improve air quality will be adopted, with the purpose of enhancing the quality of the environment’s air. According to the Project Proponent, the proposed new air quality objectives (AQOs), which are scheduled to take effect in 2014, will be used for air quality impact assessment purposes under EIA research, regardless of whether or not any existing legislative constraints are in place.

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Because of the project’s development, it is probable that marine life would suffer either directly or indirectly as a consequence of it. This procedure’s execution might take occur both on-site and off-site, depending on how it is carried out. As a result of the proposed work area’s loss of benthic habitat, it is projected that the marine ecology of the surrounding seas would be negatively impacted, as will the entry of invasive species into the work area. Certain portions of the benthic ecology were significantly disturbed during the building and operation of the CMP; other areas had previously been affected by previous large-scale activities prior to the installation of the CMP. To properly evaluate the ecological relevance of the benthic environment, which is now under examination, more research must be done into it.

As a consequence, there may be an increase in suspended particle concentrations, the production of sediment plumes and re-deposition, as well as a decrease in the water quality of the surrounding area. Direct and indirect consequences on marine ecosystems and fauna are likely to occur as a result of this practise. Consider the implications of the project’s development on Chinese White Dolphins (CWDs), whose natural habitat corresponds with the reclaimed area that will be utilised for the project’s construction. Aside from that, it is anticipated that any silt plume that arises will have a severe impact on marine invertebrates, as well as fish food supply and the possibility of CWD locating food sources. The possibility of an inadvertent chemical leak occurring during the process of offshore and coastal development has been raised, and it is possible that this will have a detrimental influence on marine ecosystems in the surrounding area.

One of the secondary consequences of the development for CWD and their calves that must be taken into attention is an increase in underwater noise and an increase in maritime traffic, among other issues. CWDs use echolocation for a variety of purposes, including hunting, communication, and navigation. The underwater noise generated by a small number of marine pilings, the engines of construction boats, and other activities may interfere with their feeding and socialising behaviours, putting their long-term survival at risk. In addition to the increased possibility of being struck by a vessel, the growing volume of maritime traffic surrounding the airport may put CWDs at danger of being hit by a vessel in the future.


ANTUNES, F.G., 2020. O emprego do Cão de Polícia em Operações de Estabilização-Estudo de Caso: HKIA-Afeganistão (Doctoral dissertation).

Chen, F., Peng, H., Chan, P.W. and Zeng, X., 2019. Low-level wind effects on the glide paths of the North Runway of HKIA: A wind tunnel study. Building and Environment, 164, p.106337.

Chen, F., Peng, H., Chan, P.W., Ma, X. and Zeng, X., 2020. Assessing the risk of windshear occurrence at HKIA using rare‐event logistic regression. Meteorological Applications, 27(6), p.e1962.

Cheng, V.C., Wong, S.C., Wong, S.C., Sridhar, S., Chen, J.H., Yip, C.C., Hung, D.L., Li, X., Chuang, V.W., Tsang, O.T. and Woo, G.K., 2019. Measles outbreak from Hong Kong International Airport to the hospital due to secondary vaccine failure in healthcare workers. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 40(12), pp.1407-1415.

Hon, K.K. and Chan, P.W., 2021. Improving Lidar Windshear Detection Efficiency by Removal of “Gentle Ramps”. Atmosphere, 12(11), p.1539.

Hon, K.K., 2021, October. Artificial intelligence prediction of air traffic flow rate at the Hong Kong International Airport. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 865, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP Publishing.

Klein, T.K., Liem, R.P.L. and Lui, G.N.L., 2020. Data-Driven Approach for Aircraft Arrival Sequencing Investigation at Terminal Maneuvering Area.

Vogel, B., 2018. Technovation makes Hong Kong a hive of creativity: as it celebrates its 20th birthday, Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) emphasises innovations in terminal and airside areas. Janes’ airport review (2017).

WU, C.K., YIP, J. and LUI, Y.S., Automatic observation of cloud cover, visibility and precipitation in HKIA based on high-resolution cameras and deep-learning classification models.


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