MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample


Personal effectiveness can be defined as the ability to analyse skills, strengths, talents, weaknesses, and capabilities that can help achieve the lined-up goals. It is necessary to enhance personal effectiveness as it enables the probability of achieving success effectively.

Identifying personal effectiveness can help analyse the weaknesses that can be used to reduce them (Misra and Srivastava, 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Investigating personal effectiveness also supports monitoring the field that needs improvement as per market demands and can help in acquiring a successful position in the market.

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The concept is primarily used for developing skills and learning continuously. In simpler terms, personal effectiveness is utilised in improving the entire skills so an individual can perform tasks and activities regularly. It also highlights diverse techniques and strategies so an individual can utilise most of the talents and abilities effectively.

The report significantly plans at analysing behaviours and skills of Sundar Pichai so it can act as an example for developing personal effectiveness reflection. The report will be completed after reviewing the success story of Sundar Pichai.

Pichai is an excellent leader and primarily focuses on bringing innovation and developments to attract more customers. In this report, leadership skills and styles used by Pichai will be discussed broadly and it can help an individual in focusing in developing personal skills (Mirbabaie et. al. 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

The primary skills of the CEO of Google is to allow their employees to think out of the box and develop that is innovative, engage their employees in every decision-making process, and focus on achieving future goals. After that, the reflective statement will be developed that will help develop the skills and talents to enhance my effectiveness.

Case study review

Sundar Pichai is known for its continuous development and innovation that is the major reason for Google’s success. Pichai constantly develops products using the latest market technologies so market competitiveness can be achieved.

Sundar Pichai belongs to a very poor family from India and had never seen a telephone before 10 years of age (Hahn, 2018). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleAfter arriving at the university, Pichai’s primary interest was computing as it was the first time Pichai used a computer.

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Since childhood, Pichai was fascinated about using technologies and has a great learning ability. Pichai joined Google in 2004 as a project manager and achieved continuous growth and currently working as CEO, Alphabet. Colleagues of Pichai discussed that he is very minded and thoughtful.

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Figure 1: Sundar Pichai.

(Source: Google, 2019)

Sundar Pichai skills

Google’s success is proof of the knowledge Pichai possesses about technology and products.

Sundar Pichai acquires diverse skills that are a major reason for handling employees adequately are described below:

Numerically strong: From the case study, it has been analysed that Pichai has great knowledge of numbers and learns them quickly.

The knowledge of remembering numbers was identified by Pichai’s parents when they recognised Pichai can recall every number he dialled on their rotary phone (Meisenzahl, 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample It predicts that Sundar Pichai has a great capacity for memorising things and it is helpful for them while bringing any innovations and development.

Coding and project design skills: It is the most essential skill required to develop and innovate products and services of technology.

Sundar Pichai has great coding skills and using this they suggest their employee develop products in a technologically advanced world.

After his joining Google, Pichai initially worked on the Google toolbar and allowed people to access the Google search engine effectively (Gim, 2021).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample After that, Pichai personally worked on developing Google’s own browser and it was launched in 2008.http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample It was the biggest release in Google history and is known as the primary reason for Google’s success.

Communication: Pichai possesses excellent public speaking skills that help him in communicating with the audience attractively. Other than that, Pichai has a sense of changing tone and way of speaking as per the audience.

Effective communication style helps Pichai in making their team understand the mission and vision of the organisation (Kumar and Lakshkar, 2017).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Since childhood, Pichai was not good at communication but after constant working and improving Pichai learned about the way of communicating effectively.

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Figure 2: Skills of Sundar Pichai.

(Source: Self-made)

Teamwork: Pichai is good at managing a team as Pichai not only focuses on his success but constantly empowers and influences people to bring the best out of them. Sundar Pichai stated that it is mandatory to help the employees in solving the obstacles coming in their way of success (Dutta and Chaudhry, 2021). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

It is his belief that empowering and collaborating with employees is major for achieving the lined-up goals. As declared by Pichai, it is mandatory to build an environment that is positive for employees to work. Looking at this scenario, Pichai continuously focuses on building a collaborative working environment to enhance teamwork.

Visionary: As per the case study, it has been declared that Pichai focuses strongly on building a future by bringing constant development and innovation in Google’s products and services.

Google chrome was the major development that brings Google towards success story. It proves that Pichai is great at creating a vision for the future and develops products that are majorly asked by people. Creating a strong vision is very helpful for the company’s employees to develop strategies required to achieve the lined-up objective.

Great problem solving ability: It has been declared that Pichai has the ability of a logical problem solver with a reflective style. Problem-solving skills are must while working on large projects (Leading In, 2018). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleThere is a major chance of rising risk while developing products so it is essential to solving problems effectively without giving rise to conflicts and issues.

Resilience and daily routine of Sundar Pichai

From the case study, it has been analysed that some controversial memos at Google made Pichai cut short their family vacation. It shows the level of flexibility Pichai has as he keeps their work at priority before family and friends.

Pichai likes to spend morning time with a cup of tea, omelette, and paper. Reviewing the case study depicted that Pichai is not a flashy leader and follows skills of thoughtfulness, empathy, and tempered (Dutta and Chaudhry, 2021).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample The leadership style of Pichai is primarily reflected during the meetings.

Their colleagues described that Pichai possesses a habit of listening patiently and actively. After everyone is finished with their opinions and perceptions, Pichai will speak about personal opinions that could be beneficial for every employee. The habit of listening patiently helps Pichai in addressing the solution in everyone’s favour.

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Figure 3: Sundar Pichai’s success story at Google.

(Source: Sundar Pichai’s success story, 2020)

On the other hand, it has been highlighted that Pichai takes meetings on the go as he doesn’t believe in organising meetings constantly. It is not unusual for Pichai to wander in the mid of the meeting so he can return with a solution for the problem that has been discussed in the meeting (Hsu and Dubberly, 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Other than that, Pichai doesn’t like to take the work at home and avoids testing the prototypes at home.

In this way, Pichai’s resilience, flexibility, and great balance between family and working can be seen. These are the abilities that can act as skills to be developed in other individuals.

Two step plan for Sundar Pichai successful life

Pichai started as a product manager in 2004 at Google and because of Pichai’s excellent skills and talents he is CEO of Alphabet. For this success, Pichai described that there is a two-step plan behind the success that includes an open mind and a deep passion.

On the other hand, Pichai declared that it is the best strategy everyone can utilise to achieve the path of their success even their goal is to find a dream job, start a company and build a satisfying career. The two-step plan of Pichai’s success is described below:

Step 1- Find the passion: It is mandatory to find the passion a person wants to follow as it is the first step for achieving success. Pichai stated that an individual must take time to find what excites a person more than everything in the world (Professional Development, Research and Goal Setting, 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Finding the thing an individual loves is not always supported by peers, parents, and society. Looking at Pichai’s passion, it has been seen that Pichai must have completed Ph.D. after graduation as it would make parents proud but Pichai chooses to bring innovation in technology.

It can be seen that if Pichai had not followed the passion that Pichai was not at the position of Google’s CEO. After analysing the case study scenario, it can be depicted that passion is must for achieving success and it will help an individual in developing their skills constantly.

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Figure 4: Two step approach of success.

(Source: Self-made)

Step-2 Follow the passion with an open mind: The second step for achieving success is being followed by pursuing a career with an open mind. Other than that, Pichai was constantly focused on following the passion of technology along with thinking about the output of following the passion.

Pichai started to pursue a career by working for semiconductor companies as Pichai believes that it is the best way to satisfy the defined passion (Ahmed, 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

It took a small period for Pichai to recognise that the internet would be the best way to make people access technology at a greater pace. After analysing this, Pichai joined Google and initially led the development of Google Chrome that achieved enormous success.

Furthermore, looking at the scenario it can be predicted that passion before pursuing is mandatory to achieve great success. An individual is not capable of inspiring and influencing others unless an individual inspires them to achieve success.

Achieving the passion requires strategic planning by keeping open-minded thinking. Pichai in the speech said to graduates of the 2020 batch that they are capable of changing the world even if they are not aware of that.

Sundar Pichai’s Leadership skills

Transformational style of leadership: It can be analysed that every leader must have the ability to adopt transformations appropriately to achieve future growth. As there can be seen rapid advancements in technologies, it is mandatory to bring innovations and development in products and services to attract more customers (Agarwal and Sisodia, 2021). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

From this concern, it has been depicted that leaders must lead the team using an effective vision statement, and looking at the case study scenario, it can be analysed that Pichai possesses visionary skills.

Pichai also focuses on developing products and services by bringing continuous innovation and also can solve problems efficiently. The transformational style of leadership allows leaders to bring changes as per future demands by bringing innovations.

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Figure 5: 10 Principles of Pichai before bringing any innovations.

(Source: Croitor, 2016)

Participative and supportive leader: Looking at the skills of Sundar Pichai it can be analysed that Pichai has a great ability to manage team and teamwork. As the name depicts, participative leaders are those that allow employees to take part in every decision-making process (Voronina et. al. 2018). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

It is being suggested by the case study, that Pichai allows every employee to put their perspectives and opinions effectively in every meeting held and after listening patiently Pichai concludes an effective solution for the problem that is in favour of everyone. Other than that, Pichai continuously empowers and influences employees to enhance their skills and pursue their desires.

Negative skills of Sundar Pichai

Google has faced some issues related to communication and internal debate has been observed. Based on the survey, it has been predicted that employee satisfaction is low for the last six years.

The significant reason for declining in its satisfaction level is because of sexual harassment in the company. About 20,000 employees were involved in the protests and declared that the company is not capable of handling misbehavior effectively.

They have also paid around $5 billion for violating anti-trust laws of the European Union (Professional Behaviour, 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample It was taken because Google was caught for accusations of self-dealing in search results.

Pichai shows concern about changing technology and the way it kills jobs for many people. Other than that, Google’s employees walked out of the offices protesting against Trump’s banning on travelling into Muslim countries.

Reflective statement

Personal effectiveness is defined as the strategy of utilising professional and personal talents and skills in achieving goals effectively. Managing self skills puts a positive impact on improving an individual’s effectiveness (Jha, 2018). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

It can help analyse the ability to handle emotions, behaviours, thoughts, and skills in diverse situations. It can be analysed that if any individual has some desire to achieve then they must identify their current status so they can analyse strengths along with reducing their weaknesses.

After analysing my weaknesses, it would be much easier for me to implement strategies for reducing that so it can’t come in my way of achieving lined-up goals. On the other hand, before working on personal effectiveness, it is necessary to identify the future goals so proper improvements can be done.

Furthermore, after identifying my passion for achieving future success, it is essential to identify the qualities, skills, values, and talents vital to achieve success. After analysing the values and skills it can be helpful for an individual to enhance their effectiveness along with increased competitiveness.

After observing my skills I have notices that I need to work on developing skills like collaborative nature, communication skills, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership qualities for improving my graph of personal effectiveness (Vipinkumar et. al. 2017).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

I have identified the requirement of developing my skills comes after analysing the leadership qualities and skills of Sundar Pichai. He declared that teamwork and collaboration is essential for an organisation to achieve success as it allows adopting diversified opinions suggested by team members.

After understanding the concept of an individual’s personalities they would be able to develop human qualities that are majorly asked in today’s advanced world are leadership, empathy, motivation, and thoughtfulness. It can be analysed from Sundar Pichai’s case study that these are the qualities that are essential for achieving success in any field.

Some characteristics for developing my personal effectiveness

Passionate and determination: As per the case study, it can be seen that Sundar Pichai has achieved success because he followed his passion with great determination. Looking at this scenario,

I have identified that determination is must for following the passion as it will allow me to work on my goals effectively and passionately (Roux et. al. 2019). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleOther than that, Pichai was highly concentrated on achieving the goal and constantly focus on developing his skills. I would also work on developing my skills for achieving success.

Communication skills: Sundar Pichai possesses excellent public speaking skills and that is must for handling every problem and conflict. Pichai was poor at communicating as

he was shy but he constantly tries to develop his communication skills so he can make everyone understand their opinions (Thibault-Landry et. al. 2018). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleLooking at his constant improvement, I have decided to develop my communication skills continuously because

it is a basic skill that needs to be possessed by everyone. It will help an individual in communicating and discussing every topic effectively and keep an effective point that is going in one’s mind.

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Figure 6: Development of personal skills.

(Source: Self-made)

Creative and innovative: Looking at the technologically advanced world, it can be depicted that every individual must possess great knowledge about diverse developed technologies.

The primary reason for developing this quality is to cope up with increased competitiveness (Khan et. al. 2017).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Other than that, bringing innovation is mandatory as the previously developed technology can’t cope up with future needs so to meet the future needs and demands it is essential to become creative and innovative.

Leadership: It can be seen that leadership quality is necessary for achieving market success and cope up with competitiveness. Looking at the leadership qualities of Sundar Pichai, I have decided to develop a transformational and participative style of leadership.

The reason for adopting the transformational style of leadership is it allows an individual to analyse future demands and brings changes by adopting innovations and creativity. It will be also helpful for me in developing my skills of becoming innovative and creative (Gardner et. al. 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Other than that, developing a participative leadership style is to enhance my teamwork and level of collaborating with other people. It is mandatory to work in a team because it helps in developing an individual’s skills along with achieving organisational growth.

These are some major skills that I need to work on. Other than that, I possess some skills like effective time management, decision-making, motivation and self-confidence. I have identified that managing time while completing any task helps meet deadlines and produce greater outcomes.

Time management also allows an individual to enhance their ability to control and planning projects as per the goals and objectives. In my opinion, time management is the initial step for developing skills on time so individual growth can be achieved.

Self-confidence and motivation allow every individual in learning from their failures and never getting afraid of failure. It allows me to learn from failures and motivates me to never repeat that mistake instead it offers me a great idea for achieving my passion. Sundar Pichai also stated that it is not great for an individual to quit after failing, they must learn from that and plan strategically from the beginning.

Gibbs Reflective cycle model

It is the model that helps an individual in analyzing the incidents and learns from failures to achieve future goals.

There are six stages in the model including description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. All these stages are described below:

Description: In this first step, the entire description of the task is being provided. Producing a deep description will help analyse my weak point and work on that (Markkanen et. al. 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

For example, I continuously took part in debates, speech, and group activities and from that, I had analysed that my communication skills require constant development.

Feelings: The expressions going in an individual’s mind before and after the incidents are described.

Looking at my incident, I can identify that I was motivated and self-confident before going to the stage for speech and debates but when I started speaking I was not able to express my views and opinions adequately. I was bluffing and that was the major reason for making my performance poor.

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample
7: Gibb’s Reflective Cycle.

(Source: Gibb’s reflective cycle, 2018)

Evaluation: It is the stage where the evaluation of the entire incident is done so proper improvement can be done (He et. al. 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

I have noticed that my preparation for debate was very proper and I was highly confident about my performance by my poor way of expressing views affected my performance severely. After evaluating I decided to improve my communication skills adequately.

Analysis: After working on evaluating my weaknesses I worked on analysing the situation for improving the performance (Adeani et. al. 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample In my viewpoint, it is mandatory to improve my communication skills by constantly getting certificates in language courses.

And for testing my skills, I would take part in debates, speeches, group activities, and many more as it will help me in identifying the way of communicating my views to others.

Conclusion: After analysing the situation, I have demonstrated that learning from failures is the key to success (Gibb’s reflective cycle, 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

I boosted my zeal to improve my skills after analysing the case study of Sundar Pichai that failures are for learning instead of getting demotivate. Other than that, it also worked for enhancing my effectiveness as it will improve my likelihood of achieving success.

Action Plan: The plan is mandatory for developing the skills that I recognised as my weakness. Using the model helped me in improving my communication skills along with time-management skills.

It can be identified that personal effectiveness requires constant improvement to meet the market competitiveness.


It has been concluded from the report that developing personal skills are mandatory for achieving future goals and objectives. The report aims at identifying the leadership skills and talents of Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet. Sundar Pichai is highly motivated and self-confident in achieving the mission and vision of the organisation.

It can be seen that Pichai is the major reason for the success of Google as Pichai has developed Chrome. Other than that, Pichai possesses great leadership qualities like transformational, participative, affiliative, and democratic leadership.

In this perspective, Pichai empowers and influences their employees constantly so they can develop their professional skills along with their organization’s growth. Sundar Pichai suggests that every individual must find their passion and follow them with an open mind.

Furthermore, a reflective statement on personal effectiveness was prepared so an analysis of my skills so the achievement of goals can be done. Looking at the Sundar Pichai case study, it can be seen that I have to work on developing communication skills and leadership qualities.

I am currently aiming at working on my leadership qualities so I can bring creativity and innovation. I have declared that working on developing transformational and participative leadership is essential for my future growth. In this perspective, I have reflected on my past incident of poor communication using Gibbs’s learning cycle.


Books and Journals

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Meisenzahl. M. (2020). Sundar Pichai- skills. [Online]. [Accessed through]:<>

Professional Behaviour. (2019). [Online]. [Accessed through]:<file:///D:/office%20work/May/21-May/Case%20Study%20-%20Professional%20Behaviour.pdf>

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Sundar Pichai’s success story. (2020). [Online]. [Accessed through]:<{{default.session}}&>

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