MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample


Personal effectiveness is an approach that involves and utilizes all of your energy, motivation and skills to develop success and reach the estimated goals that one has targeted for themselves (Jaques, 2017). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Understanding personal effectiveness by making a plan which, implemented in a way that helps for personal growth benefits an individual in his/her life. It also helps to develop an individual’s skills. By working with all of the resources available in progress, which calmly aspires to demonstrate personal effectiveness by managing and taking necessary steps towards change and growth.

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By identifying the best qualities in individuals which can be used as a source of motivation in achieving their professional goals. Personal effectiveness constantly strives their professional lives by boosting their confidence. One needs to understand the level of performance by completing and implementing personal effectiveness into accomplished lives for positive mental health.

Personal effectiveness should focus only on performance level at an extent of determination required in an individual’s life. Implementing emotional energy becomes a necessity in the growth of the world as it satisfies an individual.

Willingness and motivation help to achieve more of the ability to give the best of the skills to everyone, which brings out the personal effectiveness of an individual’s skills (Wingerden et. al. 2017).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

The relationship between motivation and emotional energy is a set of skills to be focused on growing success. This report focuses on three categories. The first category discusses the behaviours of global business leaders and some negative skills of transnational business leaders. The second and third categories analyzes their learning styles using different strategies to improve their skills.

Task 1: Case Study Review

Two positive behaviour and skills of Global Business Leaders

Positive benefits of behaviour and abilities: The leadership capacity of an organization’s success depends upon its members and managers.

The personality characteristics which create flexibility, good communication and motivation develop great personal effectiveness skills (Fayolle, 2018). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleBy boosting confidence and building up morale.

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MSc Management  Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample
1: Characteristics of A Business Leadership

(Source: Global Leadership with Existing Frameworks, 2021)

Good behaviour of personal effectiveness is born in global business leadership. Managing relationships and having effective communication within the organization are important. The objective is to motivate and develop employee satisfaction, increase productivity and maintain the work (Cirillo, 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

The climate of the organization is the good behaviour of leadership. Most business organizations in countries like the UK follow organizational objectives and an approach to meet their deadlines from a global perspective.

The worldwide leader and the managing member need to maintain a relationship to words people who come from different areas of the world and build communication and trust to refine their skills (Caligiuri et. al. 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample The goal is based upon leaders, behaviour and skill, which select specific behaviours by helping the environment and employees to obtain their routine work activities in the best possible way.

Case study

One of the most popular global business leaders is Mark Zuckerberg, The CEO of Facebook; the most-known social network worldwide and the best example for all the youth entrepreneurs to achieve and contribute towards the upliftment of the global environment by using social media platforms.

This business leader has a vision which gives the direction to reach his goal by communicating with every managing department. To establish trust and relationships between leaders, one should accomplish the business organization by achieving personal goals and skills.

Communication plays a major role in avoiding conflicts, managing the relationships between both parties, and developing multiple relationships to grow the business and its growth.

Communication with managers and employees helps global leaders to initiate and master the relationship between the international market as it produces superior services and innovations (Kouzes et. al. 2022).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample The work environment for its employee makes the collaboration of its business growth more effective by understanding the requirements and needs of its customers and shareholders.

Two negative behavior and skills of Global Business Leaders

Negative and Disadvantages of behavior and skills: Pressuring and pushing the staff to the limits produces a lot of pressure, and lack of rigid and stubbornness makes it stressful.

Being a global business leader, one should be open to subordinates’ suggestions and ideas to improve a concept highly stimulated by unique views and individual opinions. The feedback approach should be followed in the development of an organization by helping prevent being empathetic towards customers and employees (Kersemaekers et. al. 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Other leaders also approach non-flexible work routines to help the organization’s staff members to ensure comfort and positivity in the organization. Most employees become self-obsessed if they don’t hold a position in the market towards their global leaders.

The communication between the organization’s employees is also affected when there is a lack of support and empathy from a worldwide business leader like Mark Zuckerberg. If the leaders are also flexible, innovation and creativity will always succeed. Communication and flexibility play a major role in global business leadership as relevant communication with the team members helps the organisation’s effectiveness.

Case Study

Global leaders like Mark Zuckerberg should practice sympathetic behaviour towards their members of the organization as it increases the chance of growth in the organization and does not create any conflicts between them ploys and it’s satisfying customers.

The leadership style is completely based upon innovation and creativity, which maintains the capacity for productivity (Osland, 2017).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Mark Zuckerberg is defined as a democratic leader who focuses only on group relationships and the emotions of his people, which stimulates the opinions of every individual.

To develop an environment that benefits all global business leaders should adopt these skills and behaviour to maintain the relationship between the employees and customers by being flexible towards the organisation’s approaches.

Covey’s Habits of Highly Successful People

By identifying these habits, one can succeed in words their journey toward self-improvement perceptions towards themselves (Covey, 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

  • Seek First to Understand and Then To Be Understood: By using empathy, listening to understand the person’s mind by creating a positive and caring atmosphere helps an individual understand the reciprocation towards the emotional trust of the person.
  • Sharpen The Saw: Covey says there should be a perfect balance between energy and health resources to create a long-term and sustainable lifestyle that emphasizes service to society.
  • Synergies: Combining people’s strengths and advantages through impactful and positive teamwork to achieve goals helps the employees and members to synergise with the organization.
  • Be Proactive: proactivity is a reaction of an individual to create experiences by taking responsibility in a positive way to maintain and improve the situation by taking the initiative (Mendenhall, 2017).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Based on Covey’s proactive habits, individuals control their own emotions by managing their personal and professional responsibilities to become leaders in their own heads.
  • Think Win-Win: The agreements or win-win solutions in the relationships create benefits by respecting and valuing the people looking for a win solution for quick fix technique based on long-term resolutions by collaboration.
  • Begin With the End in Mind: If one wants to envision the future, then one should plan towards understanding that taking important life decisions is the most effective action based on the mission statements and its principles.
  • Put First Things First: Covey mentions what is urgent versus what is important to accomplish the priority business and eliminates the other metrics of managing time and efficiency.

Task 2: Evaluation of Learning Style

Identification of own learning style

People from different areas differ in their perspectives on knowledge, motivation, maturity, learning, skills and responsibility (Gayed et. al. 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Different kinds of people have different ways of learning. There are many other models of learning skills and evaluating them and which learning style should be adopted by the person on a personal and professional level.

The Honey and Mumford learning style questionnaire can be utilized to assess and implement my learning style. With the help of this learning style, I described and analyzed that this style of learning is one preference of diversity (Osborne and Hammoud, 2017).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Adding value to teamwork through organizational functioning without discrimination to learn new things makes this style more comfortable.

I am a theorist who loves synthesizing and analyzing to convert observations and facts into logical theories, as my philosophy is based on logic and rationality.

By doing this, I search for new creativity and ideas in my initial opportunity, which helps me experiment with other applications in perspective to gain new experiences, which I enjoy doing.

MSc Management  Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Figure 2: Honey & Mumford Cycle

(Source: Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles Questionnaire,2018)

Strengths and limitations of learning styles

As a theorist and an individual, I am supposed to integrate and adapt the observations into logical but complex theories (Hartwig et. al. 2020). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleThen the problems come in a vertically logical way, step-by-step. Principles, basic assumptions and system modules are supposed to synthesize and analyze the rational scheme.

Accepting the changes is an easier way until the theory is fit for its outcome in effectiveness. The strength of a theorist describes vertical logical thinking towards the approach taken by the thinker. Makes me feel optimistic and exposed to accept new changes and situations whenever they are around my position.

On the other side, I am very restricted in my lateral thinking as it describes uncertainty, ambiguity and disorder for my low tolerance towards certain subjects, which are consistently illogical to my theory.

I often need more critical and doubtful thinking before starting any process or action. I also must prepare to tackle the consequences of maintaining the ideas with different methods. I am supposed to understand that effective communication is necessary to deliver business information in conferences and meetings to strengthen the relationship between the organization for the best theory of path.

Utilization of learning style framework in personal effectiveness

With the help of Honey Mumford’s learning style, questionnaire and individual, an activist, a reflector, a theorist or a pragmatist can enjoy and understand unique learning experiences. This learning style framework mentioned and determined that an individual have common and natural tendencies towards the learning style from one another to push and expand the develop other types of learning.

Development of personal effectiveness makes it important as it allows an individual to focus and think about what she wants to achieve at work or in their relationships (Woerkom and Meyers, 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Personal effectiveness is an important trade that requires productivity and workplace performance. To maximize the learning experience, individuals should know their learning style through which they will get each opportunity differently.

By utilizing this learning style, an individual can encourage self-reflection and improvement towards new learning situations and experiences. Personal effectiveness includes behaviour, skills and qualities which makes the staff member optimistic and confident towards their personal and professional lives (Hampden et. al. 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Learning styles play a major role in the development of the emotional effects of an individual. Therefore, I always focus on what other people are listening to provide better explanations and understanding towards new experiences.

Task 3: Comparison of Methods of Improving Skills

Two skills to develop by improving personal effectiveness and employability at the workplace.

According to the above report on behaviours and skills of global business leaders, I will focus on effective determination and self-confidence, which I lack at present.

Self-Confidence is an employability skill that allows them to achieve their goals by being self-aware and trusting each other (Richmond et. al. 2017). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleSelf-confidence helps us boost morale and initiate the process of gaining effective skills.

Therefore, I need to upgrade my self-confidence and be as verbal as possible. To develop self-confidence, it is necessary to manifest in physical conditions, speech and dressing.

The leader’s self-confidence is also a form of an attitude that achieves the right goals by making the right decision towards success. I always have an issue with boosting my self-confidence because I am introverted towards encouragement and having conversations.

Problem Solving is another employability skill I need to improve more, which will help me explore my effectiveness. Global business leaders always adapt problem-solving solutions in their working environments by making suitable and creative changes (Thompson, 2021).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

I am an optimist and a problem solver, but when issues like not being persistent towards professionalism occur, I feel disrupted towards my effectiveness. If an individual can overboard all the obstacles and become focused towards the problem, solve it in no time. Determining the issue and identifying the cause of the main problem, the best possible outcomes and implementation helps the problem solver to resolve the issues and problem-solving skills.

Therefore, the major personal effectiveness in employability skills, I will work to improve and enhance my skills in my professional career. I can break up the problem into small parts to address the issue, where my problem-solving skills will be utilized by communicating with others. By undertaking a project, my confidence will be boosted.

Contrasting and comparing two methods to improve learning skills

Only focusing on what I am really good at will help me improve my learning skills. Identifying the right problem of the situation that creates the problem will help me understand and solve the problem (Santalova et. al. 2017). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleThe benefits of this personal effectiveness are countless, but having the best understanding of your motivations and strings makes it look very easy and takes little time.

Self-confidence helps the decision-making process challenge themselves more, and its benefits are less anxiety and fear. My self-esteem and life experiences will also influence my personality through these methods. I can work on problem-solving skills and self-confidence by improving my ability to analyze the information before becoming confident about the data as a decision-maker.


Personal effectiveness is a trait that uses professionals’ and successful people’s features as being able to achieve all the personal skills necessary to make a big difference in business organizations. The behavioral approach and leadership style should manage a successful company through the characteristics of Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook.

He has a vision and a process of reaching the goals through innovation and being socially responsible towards the staff and sensitivity of his people in the business. He is the greatest example to follow as a global business leader as he improved his organization to the highest level by developing himself by creating personal effectiveness and introducing passion into work.

The above report discusses the major importance of personal effects, which affects professional growth. It also plays an integral role in manifesting the lives of an individual. Employees should engage and focus on implementing personal effectiveness by adding behaviors and skills that will reflect their learning skills’ success and performance.  The global business leader Mark Zuckerberg determined that the Metrics of personal effects can help a business grow by identifying learning styles.

By adopting different skills and behavior, individuals can identify five effective learning style frameworks to develop personal effectiveness. This model should be adopted as a learning style framework to enhance the growth and productivity in an organization where every person is dependent upon specific skills which impact their performance.

Personal effectiveness is attached to an individual’s mental and physical well-being because it builds enthusiasm and confidence. Individuals can enhance their self-confidence and problem-solving skills to improve these employability skills.



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