MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample


Personal effectiveness is a term, which can be heard numerous times from the employers those are looking for the desired skills in a candidate to seek new talent in the company (Jha, 2018). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment SampleIn other words, personal effectiveness can be referred to as a means to get the best out of oneself.

It is an approach, which is used by various people to utilise every ounce of motivation, energy, and skill for developing and reaching the predetermined goals. The importance of personal effectiveness can be extensive which can enhance the well-being of a person as well as lead to a fulfilling and successful life (Voronina et al. 2018).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

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It is an extensively crucial skill that allows a person to constantly grow and develop in the respective field that the person is working on despite their present roles. It is a constant means of developing personal skills.

Application of personal effectiveness helps people in achieving a positive mental health as the people who can analyse themselves can be seen to be dealing better with unexpected situations which alternatively lead to a more fulfilling and content life (John and Speake, 2018).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample Furthermore, it also assists in boosting confidence in people, which becomes a crucial part of success.

In this report, the prime discussion will be on identifying the leadership skills and behaviour of Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Alphabet Inc. and its subsidiary Google. Furthermore, the impacts of those leadership skills and behaviour on Google as an organisation and its employees will be analysed.

As the report proceeds, a brief evaluation will be presented on the personal effectiveness in regards to its strengths and weaknesses, application of framework and others. Finally, different methods will be discussed which could be used to support and develop the existing weaknesses and the ways to convert them into strengths for a successful skill development.

Review of case study

Sundar Pichai’s skills and behaviours

In this section, there will be an entire review of the skills and capabilities of Sundar Pichai. Every single individual reaches out to Google if there are any certain issues or questions. Google plays one of the primary roles in every individual’s life (Singu et al. 2020). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment SampleHe is currently the CEO of the firm, which is providing services to millions of people across the world.

The leader has all the required skills and capabilities, which is mostly required for being an excellent leader (Dirani et al. 2020).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

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As the case study suggested, he is one of the most influential and strong leaders along with winning the hearts of millions with his kindness and polite nature. Sundar Pichai is found to be having the transformational leadership style as per case study reflected.

Transformational leadership is an approach that encourages others to make positive contributions. Transformational organisations are highly vivacious, energetic, and appreciative (Abozaid et al. 2019). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment SampleThese managers are not only attentive and implicated; they are also focused on maintaining that each team member succeeds. As per the case study, Sundar Pichai is recognised as a global leader who is transforming the organisation by modifying the scenario of the corporate business.

The leader has great public speaking capabilities; he makes constant eye contacts along with having an aura, which is empowering for the individuals (Rochefort, 2020).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample Furthermore, his vocal tone is of assertive style, which makes the listener comfortable and calm.

Apart from that, he put emphasis on building a goal-oriented vision and mission. This technique of Sundar Pichai has helped him to boost employee engagement and motivation in the organisation.

On the other hand, transformational leadership helped Sundar Pichai to implement technological development in the firm to ensure better efficiency along with profitability with a cost-effective approach. Through these techniques, Sundar Pichai is able to retain staff along with maintaining productivity of the firm with less effort.

As per the case study, it has been identified that Sundar Pichai is a great communicator. He seems to adjust his tone as per the category of audience. He puts efforts to build and effectively communicate with the organisation, which helps the organisation’s member to understand the real aim, vision, and mission of the firm.

Through the help of this technique, the employees can recognise their job roles and act accordingly. It is important to have a supportive leader in an organisation, who acknowledges and recognise the productive elements inherent within the office environment (Meng and Berger, 2019).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

In accordance to the scenario, it has been analysed that Sundar Pichai appreciates the members of the organisation for building an effective relationship and for respecting each other’s emotions and values.

The success of Google Chrome is the outcome of Sundar Pichai’s determination and resilience. As per the case study, it has been gathered that while working on a project of establishing a web browser, some members of Google were severely criticised by opposition as well as superiors.

With several criticisms and a huge risk of launching a web browser in a highly competitive marketplace with competitors like Microsoft edge; Pichai remained resilient and determined for the launch of Google Chrome along with having several supports. It is now owned by approx 70% of the desktop users along with beating the Microsoft edge (case study).

Sundar Pichai is identified to be having an inclusive and collaborative work culture in the organisation. The leader seemed to prioritise the growth of every individual employee and their accomplishment, which ultimately helps in improving the productivity of the company.

Both the organisation, Google and Alphabet have a diverse culture in the workplace where there are several different individuals from different backgrounds, nationalities and cultures.

As per the case study, Sundar Pichai developed several different challenges of effective communication, which ensures better management and collaboration (case study). Therefore, the workplace environments are positive and healthy which promotes productivity and better workplace relationships.

The impact of Sundar Pichai’s leadership skills and behaviours

The phenomenal skills and practices of Sundar Pichai has extensively assisted in both the parts of employees’ well-being and skill development and along with that has helped in the overall development of Google as an organisation.

The leadership style, which has been massively adopted by Sunday Pichai is Transformational leadership. Transformational style of leadership is a type of leadership where the leaders are seen to encourage, motivate and inspire employees to attain the objective of the organisation through innovation and other means (Eliyana and Ma’arif, 2019). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

The principal focus of Sundar Pichai is towards motivating the employees, staff and others by trusting them with major projects and others, which are crucial for the organisation. The CEO also helps the employees in need to support them and encourage them to take on important projects (case study). Furthermore, a healthy competition among the employees in the workplace is promoted to develop the skills and escalate performances of the employees.

Pichai has been seen to be applying several different strategies for establishing a successful communication, prioritising the operations and stress management. Through these activities, the well-being, motivation, energy, and enthusiasm of the employees are extensively maintained which in turn helps to bring success to the organisation (case study).

The innovation can be achieved as the employees are not pressurised and free flow of ideas are appreciated along with a great way of communication within the workplace. In addition to the approach of a transformational style of leadership, which enhances the performance of the employees, Pichai’s capabilities of inclusive and affiliative leadership also assists in impacting the organisation in a positive dimension (Boamah et al. 2018). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

As per the context of the organisation of Google and Alphabet, the approaches and techniques, which are applied by Pichai, have been examined to be the most suitable and appropriate way of leading an organisation. Adding to that, the personal achievements and gains are driven towards the collective accomplishment of the organisation by directing them towards the goals, objectives, and targets (case study).

Moreover, Pichai aims to mitigate every hindrance or obstacle, which might come in the paths of the stakeholders or employees to accomplish their goals and objectives. Therefore, it can be said that from the perspective of both the organisation and its employees, Sundar Pichai has extensively contributed towards the development of both, starting from supporting and developing the employees to achieving the objectives of the organisation.

Appraisal of personal skills

Strengths and weaknesses

Based on the self-assessment test and that I took in order to determine my strengths and weaknesses I have identified some of the key strengths that I have. The following section would detect my key strengths and weaknesses that essentially determine my present employability prospect


  • Patience
  • Proficiency in Microsoft word
  • Hard-working
  • Creative thinking

Taking the self-assessment has also helped me in understanding that I am quite patient in terms of achieving my objectives and goals. I believe that being patient can help in achieving complex tasks in the long run especially if and when I am given a task in which I have no experience.

Furthermore, I am also proficient in using various Microsoft Office software like Microsoft word PowerPoint Excel and project. These can be used in different industries and my ability to use them to execute my given objective can greatly enhance my employability prospects.

Even, combining my hardworking capabilities with my elevated levels of patience can effectively help in achieving critical tasks in complex organisational situations. I also have creative thinking capabilities, which helped me in coming up with innovative ideas. I do have a few weaknesses that can affect my overall growth and personal and professional development mentioned in the following section.


  • Decision-making
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication

Through personal assessment, I have identified that my decision-making skills and critical thinking attributes are not at the desired levels and therefore it needs a specific development and plan for improvement. Furthermore, my problem-solving capabilities and communication skills have also identified as two key weaknesses.

Gibbs reflective cycle

Gibbs reflective cycle is a reflective model that helps in analysing and learning from experiences.

The reflective cycle of mine on learning and development has been and listed below which would allow me to come up with an action plan essential to further develop my skills and minimise the effect of weakness is on my employability prospect (Adeani et al. 2020).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample


The first stage of the reflective cycle where the description of an event that has occurred needs to be analysed (Sekarwinahyu et al. 2019).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample In my case, I would like to analyse this assessment test I took, which helped me to identify my key strengths and weaknesses.

In this regard, I would say that during the test I was not able to utilise my decision-making, critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities to their full advantage due to which I have listed them as my weaknesses.


The feeling is the second stage of the reflective cycle where I felt that the problems and that I was facing during the self-assessment tests were too complex and critical for my capabilities to come up with successful answers (Markkanen et al. 2020).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample I also felt and that my ability to communicate what I was willing to answer was not expressible. Additionally, I also felt that my critical thinking ability is not allowing me to resolve the problems as I often get nervous at critical situations. In particular, my analytical skills that are necessary for critical thinking capabilities are not yet developed


Evaluation is the third stage of Gibbs reflective cycle and it helps in developing an idea that is either good or bad about the experience (Adeani et al. 2020).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample In this regard, I would like to state that

I have had both good and bad experiences, for instance, identifying my strengths are particularly my good experiences. Whereas, the bad experiences can be the identification of my weaknesses. The valuation of my experience has led me to think that I need to develop ways and strategies to change these weaknesses into strengths.


The conclusion is the next stage in the reflective cycle, which helps in identifying what could have been done in particular reference to the experiences as discussed above. This section of the reflective cycle helps me to understand that if I had a personal development plan developed before I took the assessment, my employability prospect would have been much better.


This is the final step of the reflective cycle, which has helped me to identify, based upon my experiences and description of the same that I need to come up with an action plan and form of a personal development plan.

The personal development plan would aim to minimise the impact of the weaknesses that have been discussed above so that my employability prospects can improve and develop further (Adeani et al. 2020).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample The objective of this personal development plan would be to increase my chances of getting a job in a reputed organisation that suits my requirements thereby enhancing my employability prospect.

Analysis of Weaknesses

Critical thinking

Critical thinking in the 21st century plays a significant role that guides an organisation towards success and finds real root cause issues (Sekarwinahyu et al. 2017).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample However, this attribute is not upto the mark in my case due to poor self-confidence, cognitive impairment, and poor communication skills.

If my critical thinking capabilities were not developed and effective, then my employability prospects would decline; thus, employers may not prefer me as their selected candidate (Sekarwinahyu et al. 2017). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment SampleHence, developing critical thinking capabilities needs to be acquired which also supports problem-solving and decision-making skills that have been discussed.

Communication skills

Communication skill is another weakness that I have identified as a part of my assessment. Weakness in my communication skill is due to lack of confidence and being an introvert it is quite a struggle for me to adopt an ambience and merge with others.

Proper mode of communication plays a vital role in assessing employee motivation, eliminating misconception, and reducing conflicts (Žnidaršiè. and Zupan, 2019).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample Hence, every employer aims to appoint an employee with at least profound communication skill, which is however, lacking in me.

Thus, it is essential for me to come up with a personal development plan that aims to improve my communication skills with different means of strategies and formula.

Problem-solving skills

As mentioned earlier, due to lagbacks in my communication skills and critical thinking attributes, I often deal with issue related to problem-solving. As a leader, it is quite obvious to have problem-solving skills in order to bind a team and achieve common goals without having any internal conflicts (Güleç, 2020). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

Thus, every organisation looks forward to hire an employee who holds the ability to resolve issues without stretching it further. However, my poor communication skill and critical thinking capabilities creates a barrier against problem-solving.


Decision-making is a prime weakness that I have identified with the help of a self-assessment and I believe my ineffective decision-making skills can greatly reduce my employability prospects.

Organisations often look forward to employing individuals to have effective decision-making skills as it helps in making better and informed decisions that work in the favour of the organisation. Moreover, decision-making is a time scale of a successful leader due to which my leadership skills are also not advanced.

Discussion of learning methods

As mentioned in the previous point, I have found several weaknesses to my personal skills.

These skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and communication. In order to improve these skills, effective strategic interventions are highlighted below.

The topmost concern in this context highlights the consideration of improving the overall decision-making process with the help of empowering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In this regard, the rational decision-making model can be undertaken.

According to the theoretical assumption, the problem-solving method usually obtains a systematic procedure. This process begins with defining the problem and identifying judgment criteria, deciding the relevance of the problem along with generating a range of possible alternatives, evaluating the alternatives, and determining the best probable solution (Grau-Moya et al. 2018).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

Through this systematic procedure, I might be able to eventually empower my critical thinking attributes as an integral part of empowering my decision-making skills. However, the rational decision-making model can also signify minimised risk and uncertainties for considering effective decisions with the sequential approach that has also increased its accountability in the professional field.

On the other hand, the Vroom Yetton decision-making model can also be undertaken for eliminating my weaknesses with problem-solving and decision-making. This model is eternally flexible for making accurate decisions from both personal and professional perspectives (McPherson et al. 2021).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

It can eventually add a greater value to empower my communication skills as this theory highly recognises the maintenance of profound collaboration for making effective decisions. Along with this, the consideration of this strategy can be highly beneficial from my perspective to empower my internal critical thinking attributes by considering both the positive and negative consequences by effectively communicating with others.

As a result, I might find significant future opportunities of developing my existing communication and decision-making skills that can be supportive for enhancing my professional accountability.

In relation to conceptualise effective personal development, an action plan is provided below considering specific proposals and strategies.


Plan or strategy Implications Impact Time-bound
Consideration of online counselling sessions to improve existing communication skills with others The aspects of online counselling sessions can open wider opportunities to develop internal communication skills. The topmost implication of this strategy reflects the consideration of virtual collaboration and communication as a subsequent part of improving collaborative skills. Virtual interaction facilities through online counselling sessions can also point out need for further improvements that can efficiently support my personal and professional growth to some extent. This strategy can provide a positive impact with empowerment of direct interaction skills as a sequential part of justifying improvement of communication 6 months
Conceptualisation of adequate professional training and development arrangements for empowering critical thinking skills through rational decision-making model Proper training and development opportunities can signify professional growth with the empowerment of critical thinking skills where both the positive and negative consequences are heavily enlightened before considering a judgement. Moreover, this strategy can eventually play a supportive role to enlarge internal critical thinking skills with the empowerment of problem-solving attributes. This factor can eventually play a leading role to improve my existing leadership attributes based on which profound professional accountability could be established from an individual perspective. This strategy can highly influence both personal and professional growth with the development of critical thinking aspects based on which professional credibility could be improved. The consideration of systematic evaluation according to the rational decision-making model can positively upgrade self-critical thinking ability by signifying accurate decisions. 3 months
Consideration of Gibbs reflective learning cycle and Vroom-Yetton decision-making model application as an integral part to efficiently conceptualise valuable abstracts and thereby support internal problem solving and decision-making skills by communicating with others Gibbs reflective learning cycle can empower the base of decision-making with the help of profound observation and evaluation and thereby conceptualising valuable abstracts. In this manner, I might benefit from internal improvement of decision-making consequences by efficiently evaluating and exploring the overall situational attributes. However, this action plan can also be applied within the professional field as a subsequent parameter to signify the improvement of decision-making concerns and thereby supporting personal development to a large extent. This strategy combines both Gibbs reflective cycle and Vroom-Yetton’s decision-making model that can efficiently conceptualise professional growth with the combination of improved communication and decision-making skills. 2 months

Table 1: Personal development plan


The case study review has highlighted different skills and behaviours of Sundar Pichai. The considerations of transformational leadership style along with greater public speaking capabilities have added a distinctive value to empower the professional accountability of Sundar Pichai.

Personal determination and resilience of Sundar Pichai can also be highlighted through notifying the success of Google Chrome. Apart from that, positive implications of Sundar Pichai leadership skills and behaviours can also be signified with the attributes of employee well-being and overall development of Google as an organisation.

With increased employee motivation, Google has been successfully able to conceptualise innovation in their businesses as an integral part of ensuring healthy competitive benefit.

The personal skills appraisal section has highlighted different personal weaknesses concerning the attributes of inadequate critical thinking and decision-making, problem-solving and effective communication skills.

Gibbs reflective cycle has been profoundly beneficial for highlighting relational weaknesses and strong points of my self-employability prospects. However, the negative implications of my weaknesses have also been signified with declining accountability in the professional field.

The overall costs have ensured a profound collaboration with regards to signify personal development and skills improvement for ensuring professional growth.

The case study context of Sundar Pichai has highlighted different skills and attributes that have been supportive for both personal and professional development of the Alphabet Inc. and Google CEO. This attribute has eventually provided a positive influence upon Google’s service effectiveness and operational environment improvement.

From this viewpoint, concise understanding can be outlined with regards to develop existing critical thinking and decision-making skills that can eventually play a supportive role to enlarge individual accountability in the professional arena.



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