MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample


Personal effectiveness stands to remark the personal utilization of an individual’s energy, talent, and skills for achieving or setting a goal towards the future with success. Positive psychology and thinking help to develop personal effectiveness. For a varying groups of people, the personal effect can differ (Hahn, 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

These people make better use of their behavior and skill. While the effective use of personal effectiveness enables the individual to hold a confident character and a winning attitude it also allows to strengthen the overall growth opportunity due to personality.

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In order to effectively use the skill, time, and resources of any Global leader, personal effectiveness and development are essential components (Nahavandi and Krishnan, 2017).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

The use of personal effectiveness helps the leaders to integrate the goal of making people happy, providing them with high-quality work creating a successful relationship, and positively influencing the workers.

In addition to that, it also provides the employees in the organization with advanced career opportunities as well as earning respect from co-workers and colleagues. Effective people do not waste their strategies and skills but they make good use of them.

The global leader tends to have the capability of determining individual effectiveness in terms of different attributes such as decision-making, communication, and behavior. This report will focus on the underlying skill and behavior and personal effectiveness of the chief executive officer of Google Sundar Pichai.

The effective leadership qualities and technique of a Sundar Pichai and how they are quality has helped Google to grow as an organization and the employees in the company will be identified. A critical analysis of the characteristics will be based on the analysis of reflective models. Therefore the personal effectiveness of an individual is exceptionally important for managing personality and self-growth.

Case study review

The leadership style of Sundar Pichai is well known all over the world and he is considered an effective global leader. Currently, Sundar Pichai is the CEO of Google and the parent company alphabet. The company has a user base of more than a billion customers.

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However, before Google, he was not always the extraordinary and global leader in the market (Burton, 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample He had a very high personality in his childhood as he had different interviews. However, the boy from a remote location in India grew up to be a man of inspiration on the global platform.

Concerning difficult situations in his career, Sunder Pichai has handled them very swiftly. The major skills of Sundar Pichai include effective decision-making, critical thinking, and good communication skills. However, rather than the influential qualities of a Sundar Pichai, there are differential characteristics that make the CEO a world leader (Zimmerman et al., 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

The knowledge of products and Technology is not only the key for which he is known across the globe but the skills of working with people make all the difference. On a global platform in the current era of globalization, Sundar Pichai has set an example of the difference between a boss and a leader (Schmidt et al., 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Leading the global company has provided Google with greater height and exceptionally advanced skills for the employees working in the company. Sundar Pichai is an inclusive leader and not a team player therefore he believes in empowering people. The resilience of Pichai towards challenges makes him a true leader.

As he made Google chrome a big success it reflects the proof of his resilience being a global leader. Another significant leadership quality of Sundar Pichai is collaboration and cooperation. Sundar Pichai believes in the notion that people come first. And this is the reason Sundar Pichai has always taken care of employees and the thoughts of teammates.

For example, it is evident from the internal workplace culture of Google where formal office attire and meetings were introduced in the company at a very early age (Agarwal and Sisodia, 2021).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

The true potential of this notion is evident in his leadership technique as a result of which Google has become one of the top market leaders in the current environment.

As per the opinion of Sundar Pichai, sometimes he even has to make smart and hard decisions in critical situations. As per the opinion of Sundar Pichai, sometimes we need to make difficult decisions in very critical situations.

Once an individual gets success in deciding on a difficult situation the confidence increases automatically and it affects the motivation of individual team members (Pichai, 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Across the world, many entrepreneurs have abruptly used techniques and strategies in their business models for gaining success in their respective businesses and fields.

The motivation and philosophy of Sundar Pichai guide entrepreneurs to generate positive elements in business operations. Not only a successful leader Sundar Pichai has also set his remarks on being a critical thinker and innovative leader. With continuous improvement and advancement in technology, innovative ideas are also skyrocketing.

Therefore he also tends to respect the opinions, views, and innovative ideas of others in the team irrespective of their experience or background (Zakrzewski, 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

It creates a magnificent impact on the overall growth of the organization. He strongly believes that innovative ideas can help businesses to create future structure and this is the reason that Google promotes critical thinkers and innovative minds compared to higher marks and regular thinkers.

The young entrepreneurs need to focus on innovative thinking as per Sundar Pichai that can help in the future to successfully plan. The decision-making ability is yet another positive element (Goyal and Singhania et al., 2021). http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment SampleTaking the exact and correct decision enables Google to have continuous growth.

That decision-making ability of Sundar Pichai not only helps him to find a solution innovatively but also changes the internal structure of business operations and profitability.

Politeness and humbleness are also something Sundar Pichai is known for. He has been seen to attend many functions and gatherings or meetings just like a normal person and not like the CEO of any other big organization or any other celebrity.

In the pandemic situation, Sundar Pichai has also been reported to donate millions of dollars for buying vaccines and improving the infrastructure for the medical sector. Other than many positive characteristics and the special ability of the CEO of Google Sundar Pichai also holds certain negative components in his skill and behavior (Maira, 2021).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Sundar Pichai has been criticized for stimulating the nature of diversification in the work field by considering different criteria. Different components result in the negative segment of skill and behavior in Sundar Pichai as different reports about sexual harassment or discrimination have come into consideration in the past few years from the Google workplace.

The non-payment charges and breach of information are also not empowered with eagerness by Sundar Pichai which also reflects yet another negative characteristic in the skill and behavior set of the leader.

The CEO Genome Project identifies specific characteristics that make the high-performing CEO in the world. Aligning the CEO Genome Project with the personality and skill of Sundar Pichai it can be stated that her communication skills business vision and people focus make him the most prominent CEO in the world.

In an organization that is filled with exceptionally skilled and talented people, Sundar Pichai still inspires his team with professional work ethics innovation integrity enthusiasm, and risk-taking strategy. It can be stated aligning with the CEO do you know to project the leader should be able to inspire constantly the team member towards a greater goal (Kanchana, 2019).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

The CMI code of conduct associates with the professional manager referring to professionalism competency honesty and integrity to keep updated with the current good practices. It works with education and business for inspiring people to become confident successful and skilled leaders or managers.

The leadership lesson that can be identified from the skill and behavior of a Sundar Pichai can be an evident example of the application of the CMI code of conduct. In spite of growing excessive popularity, Sundar Pichai maintains a very low profile. He let his work speak.

The persona of Sundar Pichai is extremely soft-spoken and approachable (Sanchez and Dalmia, 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Among all the high stake profiles with whom he works with mentoring others to remain rooted is something very elementary in skill and behave your that can be identified the from Sundar Pichai’s leadership skills effective decision making and critical thinking can also be aligned with the CMI code of conduct as Sundar Pichai maintain the prominence as a leader and

it is evident in Google as an organization as well as among its employees that with effective decision making and critical thinking Sundar Pichai has made massive positive changes in the organization.

Personal Skills Appraisal

Key strengths

My major strengths are analytical thinking abilities, problem-solving skills, teamworking and collaboration, professionalism and work ethics, communication skills, and leadership abilities. Almost all professions necessitate the application of critical thinking.

The teams of a firm must be capable of evaluating shreds of evidence, challenging assumptions, making a prediction, monitoring, and making conclusions from a wide range of sources (Lacsamana et al., 2021).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample Analytical thinking is considered more than a skill or talent; it is mainly associated with a habit in terms of helping in solving issues.

Teamwork is needed for professions across the business industry.  From construction departments to advertising firms, healthcare centres to acting professions, interprofessional collaborations and team working abilities are essential to the successful operations of any organisation or corporation. The organisation or firm will grow and progress if I communicate and coordinate with my co-workers

. All people tend to bring a wide range of talents to the plate. People might come to a better solution or strategy by talking with their co-workers than they would have come to on their own.

While the knowledge of digital innovations is established for several jobs, it cannot be utilised as the exclusive model for communicating. Overcommunication is considered an area where there is a set of chances for development. The more direct the information is, the more likely it will be in terms of getting correctly received (Shaheen and Hameed, 2020).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Engagement of my audience is considered another method for improving oral communication. I may initiate creating my leadership styles considering my talents and high levels once I have recognised them.

It must involve an attempt for developing the system of self-reinforcing aspects, behaviours and procedures once I have entailed it within my leadership styles.  When other people realise that I am quite eager and enthusiastic about the task, they also become encouraged about their own tasks.

Key weaknesses

My weaknesses as identified involve active listening and decision-making. I lack in making active decisions and cannot really concentrate on other perspectives while making a decision. I should focus on paying attention to all my associated members.

Active listening or decision-making skills are considered to be important skills in terms of enhancing employability opportunities. I should focus on listening to other people’s opinions for obtaining an understanding of what strategies must be implemented for enhancing my decision-making abilities.

It must involve effective collaboration, engagement, and participation with the associated team members. The ways to develop my listening skills are mainly associated with the practice of active listening. In this regard, I need to make a conscious action in hearing the words the people around me are saying, suggesting, or recommending. I must evaluate the opinions of each of the team members in terms of reflecting upon the decision-making perspective of my team.

For enhancing my active listening skills, active participation and engagement with the team members are highly necessary. Conversational engagement tends to improve the active listening and decision-making skills considering clarity and trustworthiness among the team participants.

It also encourages obtaining feedback and suggestions, which may enhance my decision-making capabilities by developing flexibility and resilience within my personal set of skills. I must defer any sort of judgement calls while analysing the discussions within the team. Interruptions may lead to conflict while dealing with communication. Therefore, I must not interrupt other people’s thought processes, for mitigating my weaknesses in this regard.

Application of a framework for personal efficiency

The most suitable framework for identifying my personal attributes and contemplating effectiveness and employability opportunities is Gibbs’ reflective cycle. It involves six stages of establishing an experience. The six stages are description, evaluation, feelings, analysis, conclusion, and action planning (Liedtka et al., 2018).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

I should involve the opportunities for describing the issue in its fullest form in the primary phase. The most essential detail for being mentioned here are mostly related to what has taken place. My ideas, thoughts, and conclusions will follow eventually. In the following phase, I may focus on considering any sentiments or ideas I had while the event was taking place and how the related aspects might have impacted it.

Additionally, I will focus on having the opportunities for assessing what went well and what did not function within the given case. I should make an attempt for being as impartial and honest as feasible.  It must include a focus on both the favourable and unfavourable parts of the event, even whether it was massively one or the other, to obtain the most input out of the personal reflection.

I must seek an opportunity in making sense of what transpired by evaluating the analysis phase. I have been focusing on the particulars of what has occurred within the circumstance considering the levels up to the endpoint. I now possess the opportunities for making sense of the situations.

I must emphasise the several aspects that have worked well or badly and it inquires for answering to why. It is considered to be a rational place in putting up scholarly management if I need to engage it. I may focus on drawing inferences regarding what has transpired considering the previous stage in this part. It is where I may summarise the lessons and may indicate what kind of activities, I may take part in in the future in terms of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. It ought to become a natural aspect of the former sections.

Finally, I should consider what I would have done for doing better in the future considering the same and related circumstances. It is also advantageous for considering how I will be assisting myself by acting that way, so that it doesn’t just form what I will be done separately, but also how I will be ensuring its occurrence. Sometimes just internalising a thing is quite sufficient, but there are also times when essential reminders are required.

Identification of weaknesses on the basis of employability prospects

Active engagement and participation with the team members are essential for improving my active listening abilities. Dialogue engagement improves active listening and decision-making skills among team members when there is transparency and honesty (Azizi et al., 2022).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

It also pushes me to seek out criticism and ideas, which may help me improve my decision-making abilities by increasing my strength and flexibility. While observing the team’s talks, I must refrain from making any form of personal decision. When coping with communications, interruptions might lead to conflict.

As a result, in order to mitigate my inadequacies in this area, I must not disrupt other people’s engagement processes. I should concentrate on paying attention to all of my associates. Active listening and decision-making skills are seen as crucial skills for improving job prospects.

Learning Methods Discussion

Identification and explanation of effective strategies for improving personal efficiency

Analytical thinking is required in almost every career. Staff must be able to assess evidence, question ideas, make forecasts, track data, and draw conclusions based on a range of data sources. Rational reflection is more than a skill; it is a practice that can aid in issue solving.

Almost every occupation necessitates the use of a team. Interdisciplinary team collaboration and coordination qualities are important to the successful running of any organisation or enterprise, from architecture to advertising, healthcare to performance (Mahdzir et al., 2021).http://MSc Management Personal Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Critical thinking capabilities, problem-solving skills, interprofessional collaboration, competence and work ethics, excellent communication, and management talents are among my greatest assets.

If I interact and cooperate with my colleagues, the company or organisation will grow and thrive. Everybody contributes a diverse set of abilities to the table. By chatting with their colleagues, people may come up with a better answer or idea than they would have come up with on their own.

While the computer revolution is necessary for many vocations, it cannot be used as the sole means of communication. One area where there is a lot of space for development is overcommunication. The simpler the data, the more likely it will be processed accurately. One technique to enhance communication skills is to engage my listeners.

Once I have established my strengths and quality expectations, I can begin to shape my management style around them. Once I have decided on my management style, it is time to start constructing a structure of self-reinforcing behaviours and processes. Others get excited about their own job when they see how passionate I am about mine.

Action plan      

I should concentrate on listening to other people’s perspectives in order to gain a better grasp of what methods should be applied in order to improve my decision-making abilities. It requires good collaboration, involvement, and participation from the members of the associated team.

Active listening is one of the most effective strategies for me to improve my listening abilities. In this regard, I must make a conscious effort to listen to what those around me are saying, recommending, or suggesting. In order to reflect on my team’s decision-making perspective, I must consider the opinions of each team member.

Personal development

In the first phase, I should include opportunities for describing the issue in its most complete form. The most important details to state here are primarily related to what has occurred.

My views, ideas, and conclusions will eventually follow. In the next phase, I’ll analyse any feelings or ideas I had throughout the incident, as well as how the surrounding factors may have influenced it. In addition, I will emphasise the importance of having opportunities to analyse what went well and what did not in the current scenario. I should make every effort to be as objective and truthful as possible.

To get the most out of the personal reflection, it must contain an emphasis on both the positive and negative aspects of the event, even if it was overwhelmingly one or the other. I need to find a way to make sense of what has happened throughout the analytical process. I’ve been concentrating on the specifics of what has happened in the situation, taking into account the several layers that have led up to this point.

I now have the tools I need to make sense of the situation. I must emphasise the various components that have performed effectively or poorly, and I must enquire as to why. If I need to engage in scholarly administration, it is thought to be a reasonable sphere to do so.


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that analyzing the personal effectiveness of the CEO of Google Sundar Pichai can be very much appropriate for personal growth and development. The overall study has helped me to identify my weak point and the strong zone in regard to my personality effectiveness. Innovation and talent together can help in achieving success yet deciding that appropriate personal and professional development can also ensure potential in the future.

As per my ideas and knowledge, I found that strategically dealing with challenging situations in regard to self-development can help an individual to evaluate practicing extraordinary personal development and effectiveness at a given point in time. The leadership of quality is in individual or leaders ensure proper work of force employee contribution and effective management in product and service development.

In order to achieve the objectives of personnel development personality development and communication skill having effective industrial experience is also required as it is a crucial aspect of achieving the culture implementation of the organization.

As per my opinion and views from my studying I have the ability to manage myself as a good leader in the future. It is evident from different situations that I can effectively evaluate plans for professional development and personal growth in regard to organization management. Maintaining self-confidence and remaining positive in different situations can essentially work to achieve the objectives and goals of personal development.


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