Natural soap Business Management Assignment Sample



Natural soap

The right Promotional mix

As for the features of the soap, it has rich features in terms of brand look and feel but it lacks the plastic cover wrapper that comes with most of the soaps. It is the later feature that makes the soap environmentally sustainable and responsible at the same time that is very critical to understand (Christina, Fenni & Roselina, 2019). The product’s physical features are rich and attractive and the target market segment of the product manufactured by the organization is women and men aged twenty five to forty five years and the consumer interest that is being targeted here is also related to environmental sustainability that is critical to note. It should be pointed out that the generations nowadays and also the middle aged people are increasingly cognizant of the environmental sustianability practices and they are informed whether the choiced brands and companies are actually following the environmental protection and green sustianability  practices or not that is very important as well (Opresnik, 2018).  There are aware about the needs for the protection of the natural resources around and how the wastes of different kinds ( especially produced by the businesses) are critically leading to the development of the pollution and related problems to the human community (Irungu, 2019). For this reason, this specific company is also following the green sustainability compliances and brand feel and look strategies that will definitely help on building the brand persona to a great level and deal. Even the soap being made up of the natural ingredients, is focused to remove the wastes and problems that related to the synthetic products and chemicals and. And on the whole, the product is holistically environmental friendly in every way and the marketing campaign with the promotional mix should also be focusing on the digital methods in order to keep it green, on the overall. Thus, for this natural soap with the environmental and user friendly features, the promotional activities will be using the green features to extend the feel and perosna of the brand to the audiences and the interested customers.

Digital marketing campaign
Social media marketing and Youtube ad campaign

At first, as the people from twenty five to forty years of age are proactively using Facebook and Instagram and that is why, it is of critical importance, the social media marketing campaign is done on these paltforms that would be vital. The interactive video with the ‘green features’ of the soap and its sustainable ‘no packaging’ feature will be the most important highlight of the campaign. The video will be provided with a website link where the buying options are available online (Denis, 2018). Moreover, the videos will be running on facebook and the Instagram for a period of three months and reach limits for the target market should be set accordingly that is particularly important as well. Then, after the completion of two months of this campaign, a youtube ad campaign will be planned with True view feature enable that will provide accessibility to the ad creator and audeinces in all three forms – homepage, search results page and the watch page that is vital to be noted. In both the social media campign that will be done on the social medias as mentioned above and later on the Youtube, the conversating marketing with be used to tap on the leads from the virtual environment and target customers should be interacted with quite properly (Dost et al., 2019). The bots can be used on the social media page and adverstisement in order to develop the right practices in intant messageing to the inbox of the interested consumers. Once, the automatic message has been sent to the lead and the lead has replied, the sales development representatives can take up the practice from there which is very important as well. If the interested consumers are already commenting on the facebook, Intagram pages or directly below the ads showing their interests, it is of great help then and the sales process is already activated then. The marketing professionals should be taking it up from here and then once qualified, should be given to the sales development representative for further prospecting that is important to note and also to understand. It is to be noted that the duration of the youtube ad campaign will be three months and thus, as it can be understood, it will keep running for two months after the end of the social media marketing campaign which is critical. Thus, for the first five months, the promotional mix used by the company to market the environment friendly soap will be focused on social media marketing campaign ( for three months) and the youtube ad marketing campaign from second to the fifth month. And with this, company will be able to develop the first reach to target market of the target consumers and the initial awareness about the brand of the soap will also be created (Dahiya & Gayatri, 2018). Mostly, it is the video or rather the adverstisemnt in the social media pages and the youtube that will be telling the story of the brand and features of the soap that is very important to attract the environmentally aware consumer segments in the chosen group of age (Kaushik & Baliyan, 2018). Secondly, conversational marketing, sending invites for product demonstrations and online webinars ( in this case, how the soap will be kept, at what temperature and that should be the right place, basic lessions on hand hyegine and on the importance of using natural products) will also be helpful at the second level of the same ad campaign to educate and attract the clients from different segemnts and specially the ones that has been mentioned here.

Email marketing and Google ad campaign

Secondly, from the sixth month to the ninth month, email marketing and also google ad campaigns will be run in to drive traffic to the website with more detail information about the natural product. Then, it will also help in better conversation of the leads to the prospects and turning of the audiences to the leads because the first stage of promotion with the social media marketing campaign and also the youtube ad campaign has already been done in the previous months. For the email campaign, the user specific template can be used and interactive, fun message along with educative video can be send to the lead packets. There will be features such as the message automation, ip address that is dedicated along with the automated subscriber list plus editable features for the leads to respond back with their particular needs and servces and even for feedbacks. The product emails will also contain the website link that will help the customers find the right place to buy the product. Also in addition to this, the google ad campaigns will be run by the company where content will be the highlight and specific, curiosity and excitement invoking content will be used in order to deliver the right brand feel to the consumer segments (Sharma, Bhatt & Abawa, 2021). With the search engine optimization strategy, the top results for shop searches will of the company natural soap product and this will help in direct website traffic generation. Also here, the conservsation marketing to clear the doubts of the cosnumers and also the feedback taking taking services should be integrated and this will be particularly done on the chat feature of the website. The marketing team and also the sales development and even the customer care team should be having access to the chat feature and everybody should be having the right knowledge and the skill set to market the product to the customer. In here, the content marketing will be using strong keywords such as the envrionemntal protection, environmental sustianability , future generations, saving energy and reducing waste, eliminating waste in order to educate and also inform the interested customers who have come to the website and also asking questions in the chat box (Jizdny, 2020). The chatbots can be useful for the automatic reply and form fill ups activities for the customers that is very important as well. This will save team and will also help in lead generation for the company and that is bots or rather on the broader aspect, the field of artificial intelligence is valuable to the marketing and also the business development activities that is vital to note and understand as well. The feedback taking skills of the company staffs attending the company chat feature is important and so are the problem solving feature and when, as businesses can take up such sustainable soaps for their workplaces, a business to business email campaign can also be run separately, if the marketing budget allows for the same (Du Plessis, 2017). And it is to be noted that this will have different lead packet as for the invidual customer leads. But in both the cases, the chat experts should be trained about the product, the features and the marketing campign, the brand values and promises and this is where, more one to one coaching and spporting of the clients can be done. And even with compliant handling, it is important that this same training and consumer care procedure should be followed properly that is very critical and also useful in the promotional mix.

Product 2


Promotional mix

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             Most of women and children are affected by lice. Generally, lice are transferred from one head to another head by contact. Children are mostly affected by lice. Lice is not the sign of personal hygiene and health problem. Basically, it is transferred from one head to another head. Head lice feet are holding the hair root and makes irritation for the human. Lice bite causes an allergic reaction and it feels like irritation for human. Sores are occurred by scratching as well as bacterial infection caused so, at the initial stage treatment is necessary to kill exist lice. In the market, different types of shampoo are available for the treatment of lice.  A percentage of people use natural process to remove lice from the head. Generally, different types of shampoo are used for the treatment of lice. Chemicals are used in shampoo for killing the exiting lice. Shampoo cannot prevent the lice but it can kill existing lice in the head. Some of the case, people are facing allergic reaction from the shampoo as different types of chemicals are used in shampoo. Some natural resources are used in shampoo to keep the good health of hair. Naturally, children skin is very sensitive and soft so, the producers should be aware regarding the component of the shampoo. Women choose the shampoo by economic effect and smooth smell. So, the producer should be taking care to make a low price of the product as well as enhance the smell of the shampoo. So, mint, tea, and other natural resources are used for the production of shampoo to kill lice in head (Thabit & Raewf, 2018).

The producers should be aware some factors to attract the attention of women such as the cost price of shampoo should be low, smell of shampoo should be smooth and it will be effective to kill lice. So, the producers make the low packaging process that helps to reduce the price of shampoo. The packaging process increases the price of product so, the low packaging process is helpful to reduce the price of shampoo (Qian et al., 2019). All of the customers should know that any product cannot able to kill lice instantly. It will take some of weeks to cure from lice. The strength of chemicals may be affected on the soft skin and make allergic reaction. So, for children doctor’s advice is important. The adverse chemical reaction causes different types of reaction on the skin so, some of young women use natural resources to kill lice for children. Coconut, tea tree oil, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon grass, and peppermint are used to enhance the smell of shampoo as well reduce the allergic reaction of shampoo. The low packaging process reduce the cost price of shampoo that is not embarrassing for women to purchase the product. There are different brands of shampoo for the treatment of lice such as mama earth and many others anti-lice shampoo (Poljić et al., 2018).

Online advertisement:

          In the advanced technology, most of the people use social media. Mainly at the age group between 21 to 36 years women. Production management mainly focus on women for marketing of shampoo. Mostly, women and children are affected by lice and women are searching for better product of shampoo. The young aged people use Facebook, Instagram, and twitter. So, it is the advantage to promote the product through social media. In the first month, introduce the product in social media that spread through online. From the social media, women get information regarding the product. Most of the young mother searches remedies for the treatment of lice for children. It is the advantage for industry to introduce the product through online (Hanlon, 2019). After two or three months, YouTube campaign ad creator create the online page for the promotion of shampoo. Through the webpage, all of the features and content of the products are mentioned that increases the promotion rate of the product. Through the social media, women can access the information regarding the quality, content, and price of the product. In the social media, women share their experience regarding the use of shampoo to treat lice and it promotes the product (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019).

        By the You tube advertisement, creator makes a video regarding the product features and product content. It increases the attraction of customer to purchase the product. Besides that, there are an option to send message to the lead and the lead guide the proper way to purchase the product and the way to use the product. Most of the people use YouTube to search different types products that can remove lice. There is the option to send a message and get back a reply regarding the product. So, the industry uses social media for the promotion of shampoo as well as the adverse effect of infection by lice is mentioned by advertiser. So, women are interested to purchase shampoo and they can choose the product through online. By the conversation through Facebook, and Instagram women can choose the best shampoo at the low price. The advertiser targets the particular age between 21 to 36 years and women for the promotion of shampoo. There are many industries organize the online webinar to promote shampoo as well as awareness regarding the effect of lice and effect of chemicals are organized by the producers.  So, the social media has a significant role to promote shampoo (Vos, 2021).

Marketing through E mail:

      Initially, advertisers use social media for the promotion of shampoo. As a result, some of the percentage are interested to purchase product. At the sixth and ninth month, the lead of the production use E mail marketing to develop the promotion of the product. In the advanced technology, most of the people use google for collecting information. During the searching of google, automatic advertisements are coming and it promotes the use and features of the product. The artificial intelligence has a significant role to promote the product. During the search of any information through google, artificial intelligence helps to customers by providing the proper information regarding the product. The interested customer directly sends the mail to the company lead and the lead replied the mail by helping to provide the information of features and content of the product. As well as the process of use the product is informed to customers. Through the google ad small videos are shared to promote the product (Gunelius, 2018). The interesting video increase attraction of customer to purchase the product. There is the automatic option to send message and instantly get back the reply regarding the features of the product. Through the google ad the awareness regarding the adverse effect of chemicals of shampoo is performed so, customers can choose the product as per requirement. For the marketing, the management should train the marketing team about the features of the product and marketing campaign as well as trained to handle difficulties complains and promise about the function of product to customers.  The process to handle of customer is essential to promote the product. Training to marketing team is useful for the promotional mix to promote the product (Islam, 2018).

Content marketing

            As for the content marketing part which will be integral to all of the promotional marketing mix activities for the natural shampoo with low profile packaging made and health benefits – it is also very important to note some features and point that will be imepartive and cardinal for the same as well. There will be concept maps, user stories as well as the testomonials in additional to the educational think box that will be used in the content that are used in the Google, Facebook, website, video, instagram contents that will be used here, for the promotion of the shampoo as the product (Reza, 2020). The right mix of the video, written and the audio content will be used in order to the develop the right business practices in terms of educating the audiences and also the readers while promoting the promting the product and marketing the brand across various online platforms. And as mentioned earlier as well, the use of the keywords will be particular vital and ncesary to find the right target market and content marketing experts will be hired for this purpose (Balio & Casais, 2021). As for other inclusions, the data sheets, scientific reports and other resources can also be added to the content in the form of links to be followed, in order to make the product look more scientific and authentic, in every way possible that is vital. Content marketing can help the devlopment of the shampoo brand and as there are health benefits, it can be mentioned and informed rightly through scientific content.

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Thus, it can be understood that in the digital marketing campaign for the company, the search engine optimization experts and the social media marketing experts, the content marketing experts will be the main members of the digital marketing team that is particularly to be noted. And the digital marketing marketing, as usual will be overseeing the operations and also their performances that is extremely vital to understand as well.


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Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). Digital marketing. Pearson uk.

Christina, I. D., Fenni, F., & Roselina, D. (2019). Digital marketing strategy in promoting product. Management And Entrepreneurship: Trends Of Development4(10), 58-66.

Dahiya, R., & Gayatri. (2018). A research paper on digital marketing communication and consumer buying decision process: an empirical study in the Indian passenger car market. Journal of Global Marketing31(2), 73-95.

Denis, T. (2018). Digital marketing strategies of companies in FMCG market (Doctoral dissertation, St. Petersburg University).

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Du Plessis, C. (2017). The role of content marketing in social media content communities. South African Journal of Information Management19(1), 1-7.

Gunelius, S. (2018). Ultimate guide to email marketing for business. Entrepreneur Press.

Hanlon, A. (2019). Digital marketing: strategic planning & integration. Sage.

Irungu, D. W. (2019). Influence of Promotional Mix Strategies on Sales Performance among Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Nairobi County (Doctoral dissertation, United States International University-Africa).

Islam, K. J. (2018). Digital Marketing Mix.

Jizdny, J. (2020). The role of marketing communication in social media on conversion of customers in FMCG e-commerce (Doctoral dissertation, Webster University).

Kaushik, T., & Baliyan, R. (2018). The impact of advertising media strategy on consumer buying behaviour with special reference to FMCG products. South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research8(7), 29-44.

Opresnik, M. O. (2018, July). Effective Social Media Marketing Planning–How to Develop a Digital Marketing Plan. In International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media (pp. 333-341). Springer, Cham.

Poljić, M., Tešić, D., & Košutić, N. (2018). Participation of digital promotion in the promotional mix of small enterprises. Strategic Management23(4), 32-39.

Qian, C., Wu, C. F., Zhang, Z., & Huang, H. Y. (2019). A study on the promotional mix of pre-service in the view of service design. Industrial Management & Data Systems.

Reza, M. H. (2020). Marketing Strategy and Sustainable Plan of Unilever.

Sharma, T., Bhatt, A.K. & Abawa, A., (2021). Modern Technology on Building Marketing 4.0: Impact on Customer Engagement. In Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Industry 4.0 (pp. 139-151). Springer, Cham.

Thabit, T., & Raewf, M. (2018). The evaluation of marketing mix elements: A case study. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies4(4).

Vos, L. (2021). The power of uniqueness: a study about the influence of shampoo packaging on consumers’ product evaluation (Master’s thesis, University of Twente).


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