NSG1104 Professional Studies Sample


The present study is focused on exploring the health care system of Australia with a special reference to the healthcare system of America. The healthcare systems of both of the developed countries are investigated. In a study the structure Australian healthcare system is discussed .in addition a wide range of healthcare settings are assessed. Besides, the study introduces the impact of the economic, social and political factors on the policies and services of healthcare. The study also examines the social disparity in healthcare from Australian and global perspective. The healthcare system of Australia is run by the joint initiatives of local, state federal government of Australia. The principal healthcare providers in Australian comprises of nurses, doctors general practitioners and health workers (Duan et al., 2021).

Economic impact on the health condition and healthcare system of Australia

Australian healthcare system is operated by public fund. This means, the inhabitants of Australia are entitled to get treatment from the medical professionals free of cost at the hospitals funded by public (Pgpf.org, 2021). Although, the people of Australia can avail the services of the private hospitals and healthcare providers with the help of private healthcare insurance. The structure of Australian healthcare system is a complex one. The state and federal governments are responsible for sharing the grant and liability of the health system. The disintegration model of grant and the irregularity of information have made it difficult to maintain synchronization between the patients and the health care providers. This has complicated the care of patient.

The Covid-19 pandemic has a huge impact on the economy of Australia. The fund spent on healthcare and its effect on the performance of economy is considered crucial for the economy. According to Williams (2021), improvements related to health are among the reason for the increase in GDP of a country. The quality of the human capital is dependent on the healthcare system. According to Payne, Morgan & Piquero (2020), an increase expenditure in the healthcare service contributes in the economic growth of the country.

Cost of healthcare

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According to Asahi et al. (2021), the Australian government contributed 68% and a total of the 27% was contributed by the state government of Australia. A large amount of fund has been used by the government for the betterment of services related to the services of medical. The Australian citizens are more accustomed of availing health insurance schemes in order to get health care services. The reduction of health care cost on the citizens’ part is due to the government’s investment in healthcare. A total of 16.5 percent of health care expenditure is accounted in 2017.  68% was utilized in the primary health care service; whereas, 37% of the total was used for the purpose of medication and hospital. On the other hand, USA is tend to spend the highest amount in the healthcare system (Henderson et al., 2018). In 2018, USA had spent around 3.6 trillion dollar for healthcare services. USA has increased the healthcare cost and is aiming to increase it about 20% in the next seven years.

Work capacity reduction

Due to the impact of Covid-19, there is a reduction in the human capital in Australia, which affected their economy. Many employees self-isolated themselves due to the spread of the virus. There was an increase demand of labour but the health condition prevented them to join, thereby it affected the growth of economy. On the other hand, USA faced consequences due to Covid pandemic. The impact of Covid 19 is moderate on the economy of USA (Walmsley, Rose & Wei, 2020).

Social impact of the health condition

The socio economic condition of the Australian industry is such that can be benefiting the health factors within the Australian economy. The social determinants have rapidly become the core factors that can be helpful to develop the awareness within the public (Aihw.gov.au, 2021). The sub economic development within the Australian society has tended to bring about varied changes within the social exclusion and the unemployment rate. It can be helpful to bring about the changes within the society and the determinants of the environment. The relationship between educational attainments can be effective for the health condition within the Australian society.

The 65%, 2019 has evolved with the non schooling qualifications and the increases with a total of 17%. It is also noticed that in the year 2004, 10.5% have uplifted with a population of 25-64 years of age that can be evolving with different health conditions (Aihw.gov.au, 2021). In the early childhood, it can be making certain development within the substantial risks that they might come across related to the social and the emotional well being. The family relationship also includes within the emotion; well being that can affect the growth of the society.

The social support for the health condition in the Australian society can be made similarly preservable in the varied industries (Fox et al., 2019). Also the social impact on the Australian society is such that it can get away with similar perseverance within the society.

The varied schemas that are provided for the Australian society can be comparable with the American society (Healthypeople.gov, 2021). The social determinants of the health can be focusing on the availability of the varied resources and the ways they are required to meet the daily needs of the company. They are able to access the educational services and the economic services. In the American society it can be helpful to make the varied job opportunities and thee accs the health services with the economic development within the UK society. They are also able to access the health care services as well as declare the availability of the community based resources. The Australian society on the other hand has no such availability that can be providing such healthcare facilities to the members of the society. However, the transportation services that can be affecting the public safety and the health conditions within the American society (Healthypeople.gov, 2021). It has also made evident changes related to the cultures that can be evolving within the society as apart of the healthcare system.

Political impact on health condition and healthcare system

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Politics and the authoritative bodies of a society play a major role in the development of the health care system of a country. It can be beneficial to adhere to the vareed safety rules that can be implicating for the development of society. Certain times, it is so seen that the health factor is often neglected and a mere amount is open to the development of the society (Blofield, Hoffmann & Llanos, 2020).

The financial hardship is often developed that can be raising the amount that comprises ainy 56.8% of t total dental costs (Greens.org.au, 2021). Also, it is noticed that 18% is spent on the total heat spending in the Australian society. The individuals have used safety measures to protect themselves from any kind of healthcare issues that can help them to stay fit and safe. The significant hardships within the major chronic diseases that can be making the development within the company can be developed within the Australian sieror It has also helped to make the issues of the financial  more developed and the majority have come across a  menstrual illness. A total of the 54% of people have evolved and made evident changes within the society (Courtemanche et al., 2020).

From the American society it is noticed that the main objectives of the American society is that they are trying to understand the impact of the health sectors on the people. It can affect political stability if they are unable to develop the lower quality of society. It also includes the uncertainties and the other workplaces that can be affecting the workplaces (Ajph.aphapublications.org, 2021). The mortality rate of the American population can be improving the political economy and the other factors within the society. The subsequent mortality rate within the company can be developing the social and the economic awareness in the American society. The mechanisms that are adopted by the government can be affecting to minimize certain development and improve varied technicalities for the company. It has also been helpful for the American society to make varied health outcomes within the society (Cimerman et al., 2020).


From the above study, it can be concluded that the government of USA is investing in healthcare services more than the government of Australia. In Australia, the expenditure on health is less and government is less serious about the health of public.  Both the countries are developed but when it comes to healthcare system and service USA is more serious than the later. In the USA, the emphasis is given on the public health care system more than Australia. The above study exhibits the general healthcare services provided in both the countries and analyses their costs. . The healthcare system of Australia is one of the best healthcare systems in the world in providing the most affordable and safest healthcare to the citizens of Australia.  It can be seen from the above study that the American government has always secured the first place in the healthcare system and the Australian government is yet trying to take the pace. Politically the Americans are more established in comparison to the Australian government.

Reference list


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