Best NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample


The covid19 pandemic has impacted the whole world. People have not just lost their lives due to the spread of the deadly Coronavirus (Dedoncker et al. 2021).http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Many people have lost their employment source while the business sector has suffered huge financial losses. However, one thing that goes unnoticed is the impact of the global pandemic on the mental health of human beings. The long lockdown has affected the mental health of many people all over the world which is a very serious issue (Lemay et al. 2019)http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample The aim of the study is to evaluate how the lockdown and the global pandemic have impacted the mental health of people. An assessment will be made on the case study provided which will be helpful in investigating the seriousness of mental health. Certain interventions will be suggested that will be helpful to mitigate the issue. In addition, a thorough discussion will be highlighted that will stress the effectiveness of the interventions suggested. Finally, a conclusion will be laid in the end.

Requirement of adequate mental health

Mental health issues are often ignored in the daily hustle of life (Dedoncker et al. 2021). Psychological wellness is a very significant issue. It has an impact on what people perceive, experience, and behave, as well as the way they deal with anxiety, interact with people, and influence judgments (Milner et al. 2020)http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Mental health is crucial at all stages of existence and must never be overlooked. Rage, stress, sadness, “body dysmorphic disorder”, and “borderline personality disorder” are instances of frequent psychological wellness concerns.

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Among the greatest convincing arguments for the relevance of mental wellness is the correlation between “mental health” and “relationships”. Psychological instability may affect the way people communicate with their peers, co-workers, and others. “Passive aggressiveness”, antagonism, and the inability to engage in interpersonal engagements are all common symptoms of poor psychiatric conditions. This might cause problems among our acquaintances and relatives (Khoury et al. 2021). http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) SamplePsychological disorder possesses the ability to make people want to kill their beloved members for little or absolutely no obvious cause. Consciousness regarding psychological well-being assists individuals in preserving emotional stability whilst simultaneously sustaining interpersonal connections.

According to certain research, people with improper psychological illness are more likely to conduct brutal offenses. “Self-victimisation” and maltreatment are indeed consequences. This danger is increased if the person uses narcotics or drinks too much liquor and refuses to take medicine. The majority of offenses perpetrated by psychologically ill people are targeting relatives or people in the immediate vicinity (Marazziti et al. 2020)http://NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Getting psychological healthcare advice from a doctor and knowing how psychological wellness is so essential will prevent people from getting into similar situations.

People might lack enthusiasm in activities they previously loved due to an unbalanced mentality. This could cause mood swings and overburden people to the extent that they are unable to do just the simplest fundamental chores. Undiagnosed psychological illness is frequently associated with emotions of pessimism, misery, meaninglessness, remorse, worry, dread, and a lack of responsibility (Milner et al. 2020).http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Until it is very severe, it is indeed critical to notice such indications and get psychological wellness advice through a qualified practitioner.

If people assertively promote why psychological healthcare consciousness is critical, individuals may build stronger assistance services for persons experiencing psychiatric diseases. It has the ability to create a greater compassionate caring universal community, increasing the odds of rehabilitation in psychiatric disease circumstances (Marazziti et al. 2020).http://NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Understanding emotional well-being and educating people concerning it can empower humanity to effect transformation and repair the earth.

SMART goals

SMART goals will be helpful in evaluating the seriousness of mental health and how mental issues can be mitigated. SMART goals help in achieving the objectives in a well-structured manner (Swann et al. 2022)http://NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample

Specific: Psychological wellness concerns are frequently overlooked in the everyday grind. This is why it is important to investigate the seriousness of the issue. The main aim is to suggest to Mrs. Sally and her son John, the importance of mental health and the actions that will help them to mitigate any concerns regarding their mental wellness.

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Measurable: Mental health issues are sensitive and take time to be recovered. However, with constant effort and time, it is possible to develop good mental well-being in 6 months (Dedonckeret al. 2021).http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Mental health and its seriousness must be conferred to the whole world as mental health is detrimental to an individual’s all over success. With each day of applying effort to mitigate the issue, it is possible and very sustainable to recover from the trauma of mental illnesses.

Attainable: It is very possible within 6 months to cure Mrs. Sally of the mental issues she faced owing to the global pandemic and lockdown. Certain remedies will be suggested in the later segment of this study which will be fruitful in helping Mrs. Sally to recover from the poor mental condition she has been experiencing since the fall of the global pandemic.

Relevant: The aim and the objective are relevant and cohesive to each other. The aim is to help Mrs. Sally in fighting against the mental illness she has experienced while the objective of the study is to create awareness of the importance of proper mental health. This is a serious issue and every attempt and intervention that will be suggested to mitigate the issue is responsible and relevant at the same time.

Time-based: With constant effort and time, it is possible to develop good mental well-being in 6 months (Dedoncker et al. 2021).http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Mrs. Sally should be in a much better mental state by following the interventions and remedies that will be suggested in the next segment of this assignment. NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample

Evidence-based interventions

Mrs. Sally being an old lady aging 76 years will be suggested evidence-based interventions that will improve her mental health. The suggestions/interventions that will be beneficial in mitigating the issue are mentioned below.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: This is the intervention that is applied to change the way people think. People’s mental health is affected because of the way they perceive things. The way of perceiving things affects the mental space of individuals (Lindson et al. 2019).http://NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample, However, if efforts are made to change the way people perceive things, there is a high chance that the victim will recover from the mental complexities. A change in mindset can bring a positive impact on mitigating the issues of mental health.

Counselling and Motivational interviewing by a trained menthol healthcare specialist: In motivational interviewing, the victim is counseled by a trained psychologist who interviews the patient first (Dedoncker et al. 2021). The professional mental healthcare worker interacts with the victim and motivates him to see the changes. It is seen that motivation helps people in reducing mental stress (Mitchell et al. 2019)http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample This technique analyses the mental condition of the victim and provides support accordingly. With time, the victim heals from the disorder.

Functional family therapy: This is the intervention technique where the victim’s family plays a key role in reducing mental stress. It is seen that spending quality time with loved ones creates a strong impact on mitigating mental issues (Celinska et al. 2019).http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Using this technique, Mrs. Sally can be cured of her psychological concerns. Her son, John, needs to spend more time with her and motivate her to develop her mental well-being.

Meditational intervention: Meditation has been supported by many mental health specialists. Meditation makes the human mind calm. It is fruitful in relieving stress and boosting confidence. Mrs. Sally must apply meditational intervention. This will not only reduce mental stress but also improve physical health (Donaldson-Feilder et al. 2019)http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample According to Vedic literature, meditation has been regarded as a natural medicine to fight mental issues and improve confidence. Mediation is a good stress buster and Mrs. Sally will definitely be benefited.

Yoga intervention technique: Yoga is a powerful intervention that helps in improving both mental and physical health (Dedoncker et al. 2021).http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Yoga is seen as a practice to perform a certain set of exercises that helps in mitigating mental concerns (Owen-Smith et al. 2021)http://NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Yoga relaxes the mind and contributes to mental well-being. This intervention technique can be applied by Mrs. Sally as being 76 years old, yoga will not only help her to combat mental issues but also make her fit and stress-free, and physically active. Overall well-being will be achieved by this technique.

The effectiveness of the interventions suggested

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a treatment that aims to alter people’s thinking patterns. The way people see things has an impact on their mental health. Persons’ cognitive space is influenced by their perception of things. Nevertheless, if attempts are made to shift people’s perceptions of things, the perpetrator’s mental complications are likely to be resolved (Baglioni et al. 2020)http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample A shift in perspective can help to alleviate psychological problems. This technique is so relevant that many professionals have backed this. This technique ensures human beings feel confident when their way of thinking and approach toward life are changed (Dedoncker et al. 2021). The sufferer is coached by a qualified psychologist who interviews the patient first in motivational interviewing. The mental health practitioner communicates with the victim and encourages him to notice the improvements. Enthusiasm appears to assist people in lowering mental strain. This approach assesses the victim’s mental state and gives help as needed. The sufferer recovers from the illness over time (Tolchinet al. 2019)http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample

Yoga intervention is a great tool for enhancing psychological and physical wellness. Yoga is regarded as a method of performing a set of exercises that aids in the relief of mental distress. Yoga helps to calm the brain and improve mental health (Hawkins et al. 2018)http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Several psychotherapists have endorsed meditation. The human mind is calmed by meditation (Lemay et al. 2019)http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample It is effective in reducing tension and increasing optimism. Victims need to practice meditation. Not only would this lessen mental stress, but it will also enhance overall fitness (Dedoncker et al. 2021).http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample Meditation has been recognized as a natural remedy to combat mental disorders and boost confidence. Mediation is also an effective stress reliever. Functional family therapy is a type of treatment in which the perpetrator’s family performs an important part in lowering psychological anguish (Dallos et al. 2020). Spending quality time with loved ones has been shown to have a significant influence on mental health.

It can be deduced that all the therapies mentioned will help the victim, Mrs. Sally to improve her mental health. The therapies are trusted by psychologists all over the world and scientific evidence shows that these mentioned interventions are proven to be effective in the treatment of mental illness. Therefore, these therapies are highly recommended. Additionally, the yoga and the meditational intervention techniques will also help Mrs. Sally to improve her physical health considering the fact that she is in her old age. She needs both physical and mental care to be in the best of her health and spirit (Lemay et al. 2019).http:// NUR202 Nursing (Mental Health) Sample


The covid19 epidemic has affected people all across the world. People have not only died as a result of the devastating Coronavirus spreading. Numerous employees have forfeited their jobs, and businesses have experienced significant monetary losses. Unfortunately, one aspect of the worldwide epidemic that goes unrecognized is its influence on human mental health. Many people’s mental health has been harmed as a result of the protracted lockdown, which is a severe problem. The study’s goal was to evaluate how the lockdown and the global epidemic have affected individuals’ psychological well-being. The case study provided has been evaluated, and the results were useful in determining the severity of mental illness. Certain treatments have been recommended to assist alleviate the problem. A full discussion has been addressed, emphasizing the usefulness of the recommended treatments. It was seen that by implementing cognitive behavioral therapy and other interventions there were high chances that the victim has recovered from the mental complexities. A change in mindset has brought a positive impact on mitigating the issues of mental health.


Baglioni, C., Altena, E., Bjorvatn, B., Blom, K., Bothelius, K., Devoto, A., Espie, C.A., Frase, L., Gavriloff, D., Tuuliki, H. and Hoflehner, A., 2020. The European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: An initiative of the European Insomnia Network to promote the implementation and dissemination of treatment. Journal of sleep research, 29(2), p.e12967.

Celinska, K., Sung, H.E., Kim, C. and Valdimarsdottir, M., 2019. An outcome evaluation of functional family therapy for court‐involved youth. Journal of Family Therapy, 41(2), pp.251-276.

Dallos, R., Crittenden, P.M., Landini, A., Spieker, S. and Vetere, A., 2020. Family functional formulations as guides to psychological treatment. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42(2), pp.190-201.

Dedoncker, J., Vanderhasselt, M.A., Ottaviani, C. and Slavich, G.M., 2021. Mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: The importance of the vagus nerve for biopsychosocial resilience. Neuroscience &Biobehavioral Reviews, 125, pp.1-10.

Donaldson-Feilder, E., Lewis, R. and Yarker, J., 2019. What outcomes have mindfulness and meditation interventions for managers and leaders achieved? A systematic review. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(1), pp.11-29.

Hawkins, B.L., Van Puymbroeck, M., Walter, A., Sharp, J., Woshkolup, K., Urrea-Mendoza, E., Revilla, F. and Schmid, A.A., 2018. Perceived activities and participation outcomes of a yoga intervention for individuals with Parkinson’s disease: a mixed methods study. International journal of yoga therapy, 28(1), pp.51-61.

Khoury, J.E., Atkinson, L., Bennett, T., Jack, S.M. and Gonzalez, A., 2021. COVID-19 and mental health during pregnancy: The importance of cognitive appraisal and social support. Journal of affective disorders, 282, pp.1161-1169.

Lemay, V., Hoolahan, J. and Buchanan, A., 2019. Impact of a yoga and meditation intervention on students’ stress and anxiety levels. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 83(5).

London, N., Thompson, T.P., Ferrey, A., Lambert, J.D. and Aveyard, P., 2019. Motivational interviewing for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (7).

Marazziti, D., Pozza, A., Di Giuseppe, M. and Conversano, C., 2020. The psychosocial impact of COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: A lesson for mental health prevention in the first severely hit European country. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(5), p.531.

Milner, K., Crawford, P., Edgley, A., Hare-Duke, L., and Slade, M., 2020. The experiences of spirituality among adults with mental health difficulties: a qualitative systematic review. Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences, 29.

Mitchell, L.J., Bisdounis, L., Ballesio, A., Omlin, X., and Kyle, S.D., 2019. The impact of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on objective sleep parameters: A meta-analysis and systematic review. Sleep medicine reviews, 47, pp.90-102.

Owen-Smith, A., Black, H., Emerson, D., Cotner, M., Smith, H., Jackson, D., Ford, J.D., DeBar, L., DiClemente, R. and Hayat, M.J., 2021. A Pilot Study to Adapt a Trauma-Informed, Mindfulness-Based Yoga Intervention for Justice-Involved Youth. International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 31(1), p.Article_18.

Swann, C., Jackman, P.C., Lawrence, A., Hawkins, R.M., Goddard, S.G., Williamson, O., Schweickle, M.J., Vella, S.A., Rosenbaum, S. and Ekkekakis, P., 2022. The (over) use of SMART goals for physical activity promotion: A narrative review and critique. Health Psychology Review, pp.1-16.

Tolchin, B., Baslet, G., Suzuki, J., Martino, S., Blumenfeld, H., Hirsch, L.J., Altalib, H. and Dworetzky, B.A., 2019. Randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing for psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia, 60(5), pp.986-995.



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