Project Management Leadership Assignment Sample


The study introduces the hotel re-launching processes of Yang Sing while considering a new brand name. A large serving restaurant of Chinese dishes brands a boutique hotel center oriental Yang Sing. The hotel is well-located and inspired by the cultures of oriental that are designed intimately and stylishly in the region of Manchester.

A. Planning and Control

A1. Mission, objectives, and anticipated impacts


The re-launching of the Hotel Yang Sing under a new name after recently buying the building was the initial launch viable that is suitable to the economical climates. “Yang Sing Hotel Oriental” was the center boutique of the city of Manchester that was closed on the eighth of the month after opening. The mission and goals of the business solidify the position in national and local markets (, 2022). The fulfill acclaim of the financial objectives focuses on the highest quality efforts that accommodate the coupled services and amenities.

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The focused mission appropriately targeted audiences to re-launch the existing “Yang Sing Hotel Manchester, UK”. The Hotel “Yang Sing” offered luxury personalized hotel superior and accommodation services at the market-controlling rates and premium albeit. The guest feedback given from the reviews online exceeds the guests’ hotel. According to the statement of the Managing Director of this hotel, Gerry Yeung, the objective of this is to establish the best hotel in Manchester while accessing all the competitive advantages. The delivery and expectations management promised to offer the services levels that are not seen before in the city.


Impact 1: Factors related to customer management

As per the case study, it is observed that the Yang Sing is running with 60% capacity due to the economic crisis across the world. In this regard, the issues associated with customer management while using an overall capacity of organizational resources become difficult for the institution. In this regard, the organization has decided to pre-launch its potential business with a new name for resolving the concerning issues associated with the hotel.

Impact 2: Debt Funding

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According to the case study, it is identified that Yang Sing hotel has faced approximately £7 Million of business losses in the last year. Therefore, the enterprise faces huge business losses and economic crises from the perspective of debt funding. As per the statistics, it is identified that the UK has faced huge business losses associated with fundamental economic crises (Brown and Lee, 2019). Offering prices and discounts lower the marketing prices that increase the ratio of debt-to-equity and reduce the profitability of the company.

Impact 3: Staff Recruitment

“Yang Sing Hotel” established the market by offering unique services and comfort to the clients of Asia. The risk of unique staffing creates the industry hospitality is reliant highly on the experience of customer and relationship interpersonally. Gerry Yeoung operating 60% is at the moment capacity in the economic time to open globally.

A2. Stakeholder Management Plan

Stakeholder identification takes place in the analysis of the stakeholders that aims for identifying the individuals and organizations that are indirectly or directly affected by the activities of company. A business stakeholder includes customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders it is classified on the basis of external and internal group. The interest power grid matrix used for changing the project and categorize for effective and managed plotted grid. The communication plan of stakeholders is the development of the strategy for connecting better with the organizations.  The business failure of Yang Sing attributes to the environment of economics and the hotel was operated and launched. The hotel’s aim is associated with the time to achieve the fictitious market and global recession.

Additional Stakeholders
Designation Name Engagement Action Activities Influence Direction Priority
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Close management Managing the business Upward High
Steering Committee Information management Meeting conductions Upward High
Group of Executive implementation Information management Development of business Upward High
Builders Monitoring Managing the operations Outwards High
Project Sponsor Information management Management of financial activities Upward High
Project Stakeholders
Designation Name Engagement Action Activities Influence Direction Priority
Project Manager Close management Managing the project Upward High
Planner Information management Establishing an effective project plan Upward High
Financial Advisors Information management Controlling the project expenses Upward Moderate
Engineer Close management Managing the project operations Outwards Moderate
Workers Work management Project executions Outwards Moderate

Table 1: Stakeholder Management Plan

According to the table, the interested areas of the stakeholders represent the commitments of the organization such as engineer workers, Financial Advisors, Planner, and Project managers are Project Stakeholders. The additional stakeholders namely the CEO, Steering committee, Executive implementation Groups, Project Sponsors, and builders engage in the activities to influence the direction and priorities.

Stakeholder identification Classifications Impact Communication plan
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Business operations High Email
Steering Committee Operational management Medium Email and verbal
Group of Executive implementation Execution High Face-to-face interactions and report presentation
Builders Management Medium Email
Project Sponsor Financial management High Email, report presentation, and telephonic interactions
Project Manager Project management High Email and verbal
Planner Project planning Medium Face-to-face interactions and report presentation
Financial Advisors Financial management High Email, report presentation, and telephonic interactions
Engineer Project management High Email and verbal
Workers Following instructions Medium Verbal

Table 2: Stakeholder plan

The plans of stakeholder management document and define the actionable approaches that increase or minimize the impacts. The key stakeholders identify the influence and power levels on the project. Stakeholders demonstrate the conflicting and different expectations that involve the contradicting 80% to 90% spending on communications (, 2022). Planning process theories are based on the Controlling processes and Executing processes for planning and changing. The essential fundamentals of communications possibly extend the greatest project managers to understand the needs of stakeholders. The transparency is increased with the planning of the project that exactly knows the team members and stakeholders of “Yang Sing Hotel”. . The project timelines expectations define the objectives and priorities to track the hard work.

A3. Project Activity Plan

The Product breakdown structure (PBS) is the product physical element that is different from Work breakdown Structure (WBS) is the required work of the project. OBS allows the project that is complexly represented to complete the work. The activities of project management measure and characterize the changes of the work management and the appropriate outcomes of the plans.

The essential part of “Yang Sing Hotel” and the toolkit of the project management or activity plans started tempting the tasks. Saving resources and money constantly shifts the needs of the project plans. The iterative process of the management manages the stakeholders and identifies the activities.

According to the figure, the initiation phase of the project plan duration is 180 days; the phase of the project demonstrates the business values at a high level. Resource collection and the gathering of the information are done within the time duration of 90 days each for the planning of the business project. The initiation phase of the business needs Financial Advisor, Engineer, planners, and project manager to perform the task of initiation. The second phase is the planning phase that requires financial planning and stakeholder management plans that are happening under the time duration of 150days (Ulukan, 2020).

The financial advisor duration is 60 days for the process of financing the business as well as stakeholder management is 90 days. The execution phase consists of the Hotel Re-launching and management of the business plan duration 300 days maximum for establishing the plan under the involvement of financial advisor, planners, engineers, workers, and project manager.

The monitoring phase initially indicates the CCTV installations and monitoring formation planning under the duration of 70 days the resources such as workers, planners, engineers are involved during this phase. In addition, the mentioned phase will be done while considering a detailed “Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS).” The last phase is the controlling phase during the phase the final review of the project is initiated and aligns the goals under the duration of 60 days that involves the resources namely the Project manager, Planner, Financial Advisor, Workers, and engineers.

A4. Resource Allocation and Utilization Plan

            Cost estimation and risk assessment (CERA) is associated with the turn around and capital project through highlighting the opportunities and threats of brainstorming. The utilization plan and resources allocations assigning the tasks refer to organizing, scheduling, and tasks measuring strategy. The resource performances overall desire the goal’s effectiveness to develop the aim of the plan of “Yang Sing Hotel”. The specific type of planning focuses on restraining the team capacities that are associated with a specific date (Xia et al. 2018).  The resource allocation and planning of Yang Sing are based on the identification of the availability or need.

According to figure 2, the process of resource planning schedules the activities to use the managed resources. The identification of the plan of resource management “Yang Sing Hotel “are reduces the unplanned likelihood and determines the production activities (Xia et al. 2018). The progress evaluates the plan of resource management to allocate the resources. The resources managing the implementation changes to the identified ideas are to improve the future projects. Yang Sing’s business cases were flawed and aimed to provide luxurious accommodation individually. The project definition develops the services accommodation to 24 hours customer services and room services. The needed cost absorbed the occupancy of high hotels due to the recession globally that did not fulfill the targets of cash-flow and financial.

Project tasks Project Manager Planner Financial Advisor Engineer Workers Cost estimation in $
Resource Collection R A I C A 16650
Information gathering from market R C C A I 16650
Financial planning R C A I C 9750
stakeholder management planning R C C I A 9750
Re-launching the Hotel R R A I C 27750
Business management Process R R A I R 27750
Installation of CCTV R C I C I 6475
Formation of monitoring team R R R A C 6475
Final Review of the Project R C A C I 2775
Goal alignment R C I A C 2775
R = Responsible, A = Accountable, C = Consulted, and I = Informed

Table 3: Responsibility matrix

According to figure 3, the management aimed to provide the services from re-launching initially that are suitable to the economical climatic conditions. The theories of project management are based on the planning as management, thermostat model, and dispatching model.  The competing hotels that are established are already diminishing the share of the market and implication of the cost-effectiveness. The current task pre-initiation is formed by the project depending upon the use of the resources of “Yang Sing Hotel” (Hilorme et al. 2019).

Influence Direction Role Project Resources

(P = Primary Responsibility, S = Secondary Responsibility, and A = Approval)

Project Manager Planner Financial Advisors Engineer Workers
Upward Managing the project P S S P S
Upward Establishing an effective project plan  S P S S S
Upward Controlling the project expenses  S S P S S
Outwards Managing the project operations A A S P S
Outwards Project executions  S S A S S

Table 4: Resource Utilization Plan

According to the table, the project resources responsibilities are illustrated as well as the role and the influence direction to manage the project. The investments of high-priced firms cause market volatility constraints that are skilled resources and undergo imperatives utilization and planning resources. The potential workforce’s efficient management of the resources includes the planning resources that are appropriate efficiency ensuring and scheduling the business environment at healthy levels. The managers of the resources follow planning practices and resources management that enhance the profitability and performance of the project.

A5. Cost Estimation and Allocation

The project management cost estimations are the detailed level of decomposing the considerable tasks and enhancing the productivity of the resources and financial forecasting. The cost estimations project determines the amount and alternatives of the resources to perform, plan, and accomplish the activities of the project. Allocation and cost estimation of the project plans “Yang Sing Hotel” right cost and time of the project that involves development and approximation. The process of cost estimation methods focuses on allocating and finding job optimal expenses. The commensurate cost allocation in the workable system is benefitted for the new investments transmission.

Stage Name Estimate Class Maturity Levels Expected Accuracy Range Allocated Resources Expenses

(In $)

Initiation Class 5 0% – 2% -20% to +100% All project stakeholders 33300
Planning Class 4 1% – 15% -15% to +50% Financial advisors, planner, and project manager 19500
Execution Class 3 10% – 40% -10% to +30% All project stakeholders 55500
Monitoring Class 4 1% – 15% -15% to +50% All project stakeholders 12950
Control Class 5 0% – 2% -20% to +100% All project stakeholders 5550
Total Human Resource Cost = $126800 $130000

In addition, assuming, material, equipment, and miscellaneous cost are = $100000

Therefore, total lump-sum cost = $230000

Table 5: Cost Estimation and Allocation

According to the table, the available tools of analysis follow the information directly for the benefits distribution of “Yang Sing Hotel” that is produced by the investment evaluation and produced part (Panfilova et al. 2020). The transmission is inherently about the electric power moving between the locations and the value analysis of the required location impacts calculation. Load and generation parsing consistent the benefits that are cost allocation and benefits and shares the beneficiaries.  The dispatched benefits expected for the generator remain the same transmission connector and new generators having no effects on the materials.

A6. Schedule with key milestone

Yang Sing Hotel ” business needs and details key stakeholders and participants, objectives, and scope are the overall goals (Silva et al. 2019). The essential part of the project plans provides and defines the foundations to ensure the goals of the hotel. The lifecycle of the project consists of the distinct phase to turn the working product ideas.

According to figure 4, the benefits of the project plans outline the improvement of the communications and provide earlier feedback for everyone to go in the right direction. The management facilitates the expectations by updating the project progress timelines and milestones of “Yang Sing Hotel.”

According to figure 5, the usefulness of the Gantt chart scheduling and planning the project to determine the needs of the project. The duties visualize the motivated project and oversee the tracking and project planning schedule.

A7. Risk Management Assessment

The common project risks that are associated with the project are the risk of technology, risk of communication, risk of scope creep, risk of costing, risk of operational, risk of skills resources (Kasim et al. 2019). Risk of performances and risk of resources skills, the common hazards of the projects presents the activities such as data migration, integration, migration, unproven team technologies.

Risk Brief Impact Likelihood Risk Mitigation Strategy
Resource Allocation The risk of resource allocation fixes the amount of the resources to minimizes the activities Medium Medium Implementation of resource planning software
Financial Risk Increases the investments risks Potential Impacts to achieve the particular goals High High The higher risks such as cash, bonds, and stocks
Execution Risk Requires the regulates the financial and regulatory risks High High Specific actions that are adapted appropriately
Planning Risk The risk of planning project causes the project failure High High Needs to be typically documented and altered as per instructions
Material allocation The risk associated with the material determines and identifies the risk inherent part Medium Medium Assign responsibilities and conduct after recognizing the progress

Table 6: Risk Assessment

B. People Management

B1. Conflict

            The conflicts arise during the cooperative and assertive combination of collaborating style that improves the environment of working. Collaborate work attempt identifies the solutions that satisfy the full concerns and opposite avoiding. The minimized negative feelings collaborate with the best work outcomes and relationships in the long term.


Strategy 1: Project outcomes and interpersonal relation strategy

The indication of findings includes the strategic role project outcomes within budget on the patterns of behavior. The influence of the investigation of contractual flexibility enhances the conflict differently that is correlated significantly and determines the contractual flexibility to succeed the project (Wu et al. 2018).  The project conflicts mediating effects on verifies the relationship examine and project success as well as megaproject success. The defined scope accounts for the cost estimations that are required by the project element to calculate the total amounts of the project budgets.

Strategy 2: Negotiation dispute of behavioral strategy

The process of negotiation is managed proactively and defines the set of behavior.  The cost socialization transmission providing the workable approximation to respect the principle demonstrates illustrations to estimate the easier benefits. The development of the theoretical model structured the survey questionnaire that is conducted with the professionals. The equation of structural model used for data analyzing modeling that shown in the result.

Strategy 3: Accommodating strategy

            The strategy of accommodating demands or wishes for another is to resolve the essential conflicts. The natural and normal conflict within the workplace leads to loss of productivity, absenteeism, and issues of mental health (Kasim et al. 2020). The motivator conflicts generator standardized the coefficient path with variable significances.

Strategy 4: Compromising strategy

            The acceptable resolution findings that is satisfied and entirely concern is to the involved parties. The critical competency working today with the professional to understand the dealing ideas those lead to flexibility increasing (Wu et al. 2018).  The coupled of the contractual arrangements with equitable and clear terms is to address the megaprojects conflicts.

Strategy 5: Collaborating strategy

The teamwork approach of the business within the organization to promotes the required goals of the project for completing project. The professional working understands the ways of dealing with the conflicts, the conflict management major styles such as accommodating, avoiding, compromising, competing and collaborating.

B2. Five Reasons Sponsor Necessary in the Project

Reason 1: Planning pitch

            The project sponsor is a critical characteristic to execute the project sponsor for the success of the project (Steffen, 2018). The matter of executive project ensures day-to-day project management with the right resources such as designing the architecture of the project, engaging communities and instructions, bridging up the manufacturing gap “Yang Sing Hotel”. The performance of the projects meets the criteria of the success for the project fair treatments that are allocated fairly with the interaction of the individual.

Reason 2: Analysis of stakeholder

            The supply chain integrates and decomposes for the improvements to ensure the tackling challenges. Authoritative and formal sponsorship of the project is worth the effort and time of the project. The improved performances of “Yang Sing Hotel” those under the pressure constantly understand the needs and characteristics for high performing projects. The analysis of the structural equations supports the proposition of the discovered relationships’ valuable nuances.

Reason 3: Short listing the Candidates

            The project can be failed because not well-choosing the sponsor or navigating the stumbling guide and blocks safely is ineffective and unclear (Unterhitzenberger & Bryde, 2019).  Executive sponsor or project sponsor is the group or person that provides the resources and guidance that is necessary for the “Yang Sing Hotel” for the manager and project team.

Reason 4: Managing the Team

            The delivery model of the mega project is used for producing the complex, large-scale, capital investments one-off, the total costs of the capital are the extreme ventures of risks. The availability of the crucial capital cost is successful “Yang Sing Hotel” for increasing the balance sheets of the project sponsors.

Reason 5: Advocating the Project

            The contamination of the risks is prevented by the classical motivation of the economics for finance projects and conflicts agencies (Unterhitzenberger & Bryde, 2019). The small project is comparable to low risk than high project and therefore assessing the underlying drivers of the finance.

B3. Management Style

            Participative and visionary are the effective management styles in the community of project management (Kasim et al. 2020). The directive style of leadership often most styles the individual mindset for managing the project management team. The different style of management of the “Yang Sing Hotel” project controls is the situations for coercive style management. The manager style of consultative-autocracy solicits inputs from the managers that retain the authority of decision-making. The project management is chosen by the team’s skills, stakeholders, and client’s expectations.  The effective styles of the management of the project majorly are Style of Democratic management, style of coaching management, style of affiliative management, style of coercive management. The team members and business leaders needs to consider various types of specific and effective management styles such as transformative management styles or motivating management styles for appropriate management of “Yang Sing Hotel.”


          The study concludes “Yang Sing Hotel” that closes its doors after eight months is the saddest outcome of the redundant teams. The luxury hotel re-launched that is together created that achieved the success by the potential project that is offered by popular amenities. The possible causes in order identify the optimized marketing strategy that wishes to re-launches.

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