Project Risk & Commercial Management Assignment Sample
1. Introduction
Multiple competency frameworks play an effective role in the individual’s personal and professional skills improvement. In this coursework, there is a competency framework such as leadership which is used by considering the strategic, people and performance themes. Considering the self-assessment or “Personal Development Review”, the leadership competency framework is applied for performance management, recruitment and decision which are regarding career progression. The purpose of using this competency framework is to identify the actual key issues along with their current competency level for ensuring a proper development plan. This framework is mainly used by the support of the above-mentioned themes for developing my decision making, goal setting, communication, collaboration, managing and leading skills. Additionally, using this competency framework, I can understand my actual requirements to achieve career success. This leadership competency framework is capable of enhancing the direction setting for my future career by making me engaged with multiple people to ensure my high-performance level.
2. Self-assessment
Skills | Current competence level | Required competence level |
Decision-making skill | Basic | Accomplished |
Goal setting skill | Capable | Authoritative |
Communication skill | Basic | Authoritative |
Collaborating skill | Basic | Accomplished |
Managing skill | Basic | Capable |
Leading skill | Capable | Authoritative |
Table 1: Self assessment
3. Personal Development Plan
Skills | Prioritisation level | Timeline |
Communication skill | High | 1 to 2 months |
Collaboration skill | Moderate | 2 month |
Goal setting skill | Moderate | 2 months |
Decision making skill | High | 2 to 3 months |
Managing skill | High | 4 to 5 months |
Leading skill | Moderate |
6 months |
Table 2: PDP
(Source: Created by Learner)
4. Essay
The use of several aspects and frameworks such as leadership convenience has developed the in-depth knowledge regarding my internal and external issues to resolve them as soon as possible. I have understood by undertaking an self-assessment that I have basic decision making skill. Decision-making skills indicate the ability that helps to make the right choices in a short time limit by ensuring high profitable outcomes. This ability plays a significant role in a management system while it influences the management effectiveness directly. Identifying my decision-making skills helps me to understand my capacity of mine to handle critical managerial tasks. In this case, it is important to say that my lack of decision-making skills reduces my problem solving capacity which is not suitable for my career development. As per the views of Lassoued et al. (2020), problem solving and decision making skills are related to managerial empowerment as it has a great impact on these skills. In addition, I am quite a failure to make proper decisions in a critical situation that has sometimes affected my problem solving capacity.
I have also realized that a basic competence in decision making has also made me capable of setting goals. Goal setting indicates the mission of individuals who are created personally to fulfil their target. In a management system, setting an effective and transparent goal by considering the mental and physical status is important for me. According to Bursali and Öz (2018), setting a goal individually helps the individuals to ensure high self-awareness to meet their target in the right direction. Hence, it can be said that goal setting is an influential factor within a career development process that helps to understand how the set goal can be achieved with the support of high competitive advantages. Managing a transparent goal setting will inspire me to fulfil my targeted goal accordingly for ensuring my career success. In this context, it is needed to say that my goal setting skill is not as good as required for my career development that is required to improve immediately.
Developing communication according to me is the key to create higher employability opportunity. Communication skill primarily indicates the capability of one to communicate with others for developing their understanding. This skill becomes an essential factor in this current changing era while it supports the individuals to develop their understanding capability with support of high expressing capacity. My lack of communication skills is capable of affecting the collaborative environment within my future workplace while I have a little issue with my thought expression process during the communicating process with others. Communication is a two way process and I feel that I lack in effectively placing my point while I converse with others. To improve this I need to use affirmative tone as I speak and work on my pronunciation and gaps between words. This will allow the receiver to better understand my message and in turn create better and effective communication. As per the views of Rathee and Rajain (2018), communication plays an effective role in the global changing era to ensure profitable outcomes. The presence of high communication skills within me will help me to increase my capacity to express my thoughts and perspectives in front of others which is required to maintain a strong and flexible relationship with others.
Managing the critical tasks accordingly with the presence of high productivity and capacity is the main purpose of managing skills. According to the explanation of Alvarez-Dionisi (2017), managing skills is strongly required in this current 21st century to implement the “Big Data Technology” with the support of high in-depth knowledge regarding technological tools and techniques. My managing skill has been reduced due to my poor communication and collaboration skills which are not suitable for my career development. Leading a large group or team requires some quality skills which are called leading skills such as integrity, confidence and responsibility. This skill is highly required in the organisational leaders to maintain their critical managerial tasks with the support of high confidence, integrity and responsibility. According to Rubens et al (2018), a leadership development plan includes the development of leading skills to ensure the ultimate success. My lack of managing skills has also affected my leadership skills that reduce my quality to be a successful leader in my future organisational career.
Collaboration skills are mainly required in the managerial workplace for ensuring a pleasant working environment with the support of high tolerance, trust and self-awareness capabilities. Since, it inspires the individuals to increase their listening and understanding capabilities. In this context, I am strongly agreeing that my collaboration skill is quite poor as I am quite afraid to express my thoughts and perspectives in front of others due to my poor communication skill. As per the views of Makarius and Srinivasan (2017), lack of collaboration is capable of reducing the relations\hip and connection level between talent suppliers and companies. This helps me to understand the requirement of improving my collaboration and communication skills as soon as possible for my brighter success. The application of self-assessment by considering three themes has helped me to understand my actual requirements after analysing my existing status.
Consideration of the PDP plan can also be mentioned as an effective tool to bring actual changes within my existing perspectives and beliefs. Since, it has helped me to understand the importance of different skills such as communication and collaboration to ensure ultimate growth in my future career. Implementation of effective PDP is also profitable for the individuals to improve their knowledge and understanding regarding the strategic professional improvement along with its influence on their career success (Rubens et al. 2018). Hence, it can be said that PDP or “Personal Development Plan” is quite essential for my interpersonal and professional skill development at the same time. I have understood that the gap between my required and current competence regarding communication skills is high as I have a basic range in the context of competency level.
This gap mainly indicates my lack of communication skills while I am not able to express my perspectives and thoughts to others during a communication process. According to Ihtiyaroglu (2019), having high communication skills inspires to have high motivational skills which are required in this current changing era of modernist organisational workplace culture. Therefore, it is important for me to develop my communication skills by taking some effective action plans. Since, lack of communication skills within individuals is harmful to their career development process while using effective communication skills they can bring creativity and innovation within their managerial tasks with the support of high productivity. As per the explanation of Löhr et al. (2017), enhancement of communication and collaboration skills is also effective for conflict prevention. Since, it supports analysing the actual issues and challenges in the workplace through using interacting processes.
At the first stage of developing my communication skill, I would like to be involved with some group discussions to enhance my listening and understanding capacity. This will be helpful for me to realise the emotions of others before saying something. I will be brief about my perspective expression with the presence of specification. Since, it will be good for my thoughts expressing capacity development. I will also try to make eye contact with others during the communication process. Since, it will be helpful for me to understand the actual requirements and expectations of others from me during an interaction process. Using this technique, I can be able to develop my understanding of the infraction process by analysing the actual target of this.
In my opinion the gap between my required and current competency level about collaboration skills is low while my competency level is basic. Due to my low communication skills, I have faced some challenging situations in group collaboration that are not compatible with my career development as a successful organisational employee. Maintaining proper collaboration within the project management system helps to ensure a high-performance level of workers with the support of high productivity (Mazzetto, 2018). Hence, it has been noticed by my self-assessment that I have to improve my collaboration skills accordingly to ensure my career growth. Since, lack of proper collaboration within the workplace is capable of reducing the interest and motivation of organisational workers to contribute their valuable hard work. Therefore, it has been noticed that a lack of maintaining proper collaboration within the workplace can reduce the performance level of the workers by affecting their involvement and working capacity. There is a high gap between my required and existing competency levels while my competency range of managing skills is basic. As per the study of Anagün (2018), this current changing era of the 21st century requires highly skilled managerial workers to handle critical technological tools and methods according to the requirements with the support of a high-performance level. In this context, it is important to say that my managing skills need to be improved with the help of effective action plans.
At first, I will be involved with a managerial workshop to enhance my practical and theoretical knowledge as well as experiences. Afterwards, I will meet with experienced organisational managers and professionals to understand their perspectives regarding managing different team members with critical managerial tasks at the same time. Realising my poor decision making skills, I will be involved with some problem solving and decision making activities on online and offline platforms. In order to develop my decision making skills, I will consult with my seniors and experienced professionals who have made some influential decisions in their managerial position. In addition, I will increase my risk analysing capabilities to understand the actual requirements for profitable outcomes.
Understanding my self-assessment inspired me to be involved with an effective group discussion to enhance my communication skills which are deeply related to collaboration skills. In addition, I will join some collaborative tasks or activities such as group games which are quite profitable to enhance my collaboration skills. Since, it will inspire me to handle typical responsibilities for mutual success by considering the existing status.
I would also enhance my leadership skills as the gap between my existing and required competency level is moderate while my competency level of leading skills is capable. This indicates that I need to develop my leadership skill quietly to make them authoritative. Leading skills are highly required to maintain within a modernist organisational management work to ensure a successful leadership approach rather than a failure one (Rubens et al. 2018). Managing the leading skills, I can be capable of ensuring my career success as an organisational leader in my future. Through my self-assessment, I have realised that my leading skills such as taking responsibilities for better outcomes are quite lower than the requirement.
In order to develop my leadership skills, I will join an internship or volunteering workshop. Since, it will be beneficial for my interpersonal and professional skills development process while it provides the ultimate knowledge and experience regarding the leadership role and responsibility. I will keep in mind that I need to be presentable and have good relation with team members. Implementing a democratic leadership approach will help me in establishing an effective team which will reflect on the trust of bond between me and my team. I would also practice empathy active listening to integrate the communication which is key to effective team waork. In addition, I will also be involved with some cross-cultural group discussions to develop my in-depth knowledge and understanding of different cultural perspectives, trust and beliefs. Moreover, I will meet with some professionals who have successfully led their previous group or team within their organisational workplace.
As per my understanding there is a high gap is present between my required and current competency levels as my competency level of decision making is basic. As per the views of Abubakar et al. (2019), lack of proper knowledge regarding effective decision making processes is able to reduce the performance range in the organisational workplace. Therefore, it can be said that my lack of knowledge regarding effective decision making and problem solving skills can affect my future career success as a managerial worker. Since, lack of proper decision making process within the organisational workplace is capable of reducing the effectiveness of its management to ensure high performance level in reflection. Apart from this there is a moderate gap between my existing and required competency range as my goal setting competency level is capable. This indicates that I need to improve my goal setting skills quietly to ensure Authoritativeness during my future organisational involvement. According to Dweck (2017), the identification of actual goals within the career development process helps individuals to enhance their personality development with the help of proper motivation.
In this case, it is necessary to say that my goal setting skills need to improve through using some effective actions. Since, lack of proper and transparent goal-setting reduces the individual’s capability to proceed in the right direction. As per the views of Landers et al. (2017), an experiment of goal setting is deeply connected with the targeting task performance increment. In this case, it is Important to say that my poor collaboration skills are also capable of reducing my performance and working capabilities in my future organisational involvement. Setting my goals, I will research goal-setting journals to gather some influential advice from different perspectives. In addition, I will join some digital goal setting tools such as “Coach me Goal Tracking ” to speed up my goal tracing and setting capacity. Moreover, I will keep a diary to write down my specialised targets and requirements for daily purposes. Hence, it can be said that goal setting is an influential factor within a career development process that helps to understand how the set goal can be achieved with the support of high competitive advantages. Managing a transparent goal setting will inspire me to fulfil my targeted goal accordingly for ensuring my career success.
Therefore, the use of the themes including strategy, people and performance are also capable of enhancing my eventual knowledge regarding managing as well as the decision making skills. Since, it has provided me with the ultimate knowledge about the influence of decision making and managing skills in the individual’s performance level within their organisational workplace. According to Hirschi (2018), in this current changing era of the “fourth industrial revolution”, the development of managerial and leadership skills are highly required to ensure the entire industrial performance improvement with the support of high profitable outcomes. Hence, it is important to say that the involvement of the self-assessment and PDP models with the support of the leadership competency framework has developed my perspectives regarding the role and responsibilities of the organisational leaders. Moreover, it can be said that my leadership skills have also improved my capacity to be a successful leader in my future organisation with the presence of high productivity. Since, the above discussions have increased my eventual knowledge as well as the understanding of the leading skills for ultimate career success.
Reference list
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Appendix 1
Appendix 1: Evidence supporting the above assessment
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