Responsibilities of a Health Assignment
Direct treatment, communicating with patients and their families, and keeping correct medical records are just a few of the numerous responsibilities of health and social care employees, all of whom must act in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In the healthcare system, health and social care workers play a crucial role by providing necessary care and support to patients and their families. These experts perform a wide range of services in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and community clinics. Direct care includes things like giving medicine and doing operations, as well as talking with patients and their families to make sure everyone is on the same page about diagnosis and treatment. Health and social care providers must adhere to ethical and legal norms, such as patient confidentiality and informed consent, to deliver safe, high-quality treatment.
In the United Kingdom’s health and social care systems, a wide variety of professions play a variety of jobs. Patients and clients rely on caregivers for help with personal care and meal preparation. Nurses do health assessments, develop and implement treatment programs, and inform patients and their loved ones about their conditions. Doctors are trained to identify health problems, provide medication, and conduct diagnostic procedures. Professional social workers evaluate their patients’ mental and emotional health in order to get them the best possible care (Nyashanu, 2020). Administrators are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of a health care or social service organization run smoothly and in accordance with applicable laws and policies. Managers are responsible for overseeing all aspects of a healthcare facility, from staffing to patient care to policy compliance. Individuals with disabilities, mental health issues, or other support needs receive both physical and psychological assistance from support workers. Patients and consumers in the United Kingdom have access to top-notch care because to the teamwork of these specialists.
Working in the health and social care industries are different from personal relationships in many ways. The greatest care for a patient can only be provided when all parties involved maintain appropriate professional distance and formality, and adhere to established boundaries and rules. Personal relationships, on the other hand, are founded on deeper, more intangible factors. Second, in a collaborative arrangement, the focus is on the needs of the patient and how best to meet them (Kelliher, 2019). The goal of a personal relationship, on the other hand, is to foster and sustain a bond with the other person. Third, the power dynamics in a personal connection are often more equal, but in a business relationship, the care provider is often in a position of authority and knowledge. Ultimately, a collaborative effort should be geared at giving the patient the best possible treatment and care. In contrast, in a personal relationship, the focus is on the two persons involved and their continued interaction.
Quality and safety in health and social care services depend heavily on the work of regulators and experts. When health and social care providers fail to adhere to established guidelines, it is the responsibility of regulators to take appropriate action. They check for compliance with rules through inspections, probes, and audits (Lorne, 2019). Advisors, on the other hand, help health and social care providers improve service quality while adhering to regulations. They are knowledgeable individuals who contribute to the processes of policymaking, risk assessment, and quality enhancement. Researchers, evaluators, and advisers in the health and social care industries may be asked to do all three. To guarantee that patients receive safe, high-quality treatment, regulators and advisers work together to set and enforce standards for the health and social care industries.
Consistent adherence to established procedures is essential in health and social care environments for the sake of both patients and staff members. Clear instructions on how to carry out duties and processes are provided through working agreements, which helps reduce the likelihood of mistakes and guarantees that patients always receive the best care possible. Patients’ rights and dignity are safeguarded as a result of their efforts to educate employees on legal and ethical issues related to their profession. Keeping to established procedures also helps build credibility and trust in an organization (Bindl, 2019). Having everyone on the team on the same page helps foster responsibility and eliminates ambiguity and miscommunication. Maintaining the health and social care system’s credibility depends on professionals sticking to established procedures.
It is essential that health and social care workers adhere to established protocols for the protection of their patients, their employees, and the wider society. Infection prevention, medication management, and other aspects of patient care benefit from the codification of team efforts. By following these protocols, medical professionals may better care for their patients and lessen the likelihood of medical mistakes and mishaps. As a result of everyone working to the same standards, the quality of care provided to patients increases, and the company’s standing improves (Bindl, 2019). Care across the business may be uniform and standardized with the help of agreed-upon working procedures. In addition, organizations must adhere to mutually agreed-upon ways of operation in order to be accredited, which is essential for retaining the confidence of the public and securing future financing.
Information on collaborative practices in health and social care in the United Kingdom is widely disseminated. The company’s policies and procedures handbook is an important resource, and all workers should have access to it in print and digital formats. Procedures, duties, and legal and ethical issues are all spelled out in great depth in these guides. Other means through which workers may have access to agreed-upon working details include training programs (where new rules and procedures can be learned) and regular staff meetings (where workers can raise questions and get answers to any concerns they may have) (Schot, 2020). Additionally, in most settings, the policies and procedures manual will be maintained and updated by designated personnel who can provide additional guidance and support. Care workers in England can refer to the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) regulations, as well as those of the Care Inspectorate (Scotland), the Healthcare Inspectorate (Wales), and the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (Northern Ireland).
There are a number of things that workers may do to aid in quality assurance procedures and improve patients’ and clients’ experiences in health and social care facilities. One strategy involves actively asking for and using input from patients and their loved ones to improve treatment. This can be done formally through surveys and focus groups, or informally through conversations with patients while caring for them. Workers have the opportunity to monitor the organization’s operations for compliance with established rules and procedures and to voice concerns about any discrepancies they may observe (Skivington, 2021). Additionally, staff members are encouraged to take advantage of training and education opportunities to keep abreast of industry trends and developments. Staff members can collaborate with other members of the care team to meet patients’ requirements in a timely and efficient way and to ensure that treatment is coordinated. Staff members can also take part in quality improvement projects to help pinpoint problem areas and implement fixes that enhance patient care.
For patients and clients to have satisfying experiences in healthcare and social service settings, quality assurance is essential. Taking part in frequent meetings or assessments and offering feedback and proposals for change is one approach. Another choice is vigilance, in which any problems or events are reported to a supervisor or quality assurance office. In addition, it is possible to better accommodate the requirements and preferences of those receiving care by maintaining open and effective communication with patients, families, and other members of the care team (Skivington, 2021). Employees may stay abreast of industry best practices and standards by taking advantage of continuing education and professional development opportunities, and patients can benefit from a good care experience when employees promote a culture of safety, respect, and cooperation.
To sum up, a health and social care professional has several crucial tasks to ensure the safety, well-being, and good experiences of patients and their families. These include the duties of adhering to established procedures, providing care that is consistent and appropriate, being mindful of legal and ethical considerations, safeguarding the organization’s good name and public confidence, engaging in ongoing education and training, working in tandem with other members of the care team, offering constructive criticism, and contributing to quality improvement efforts. Workers in the health and social care industries have a responsibility to safeguard their patients’ confidentiality, autonomy, and rights. In addition, they need to stay within the bounds of their trade and follow the rules set out by their board of oversight. They should also be familiar with the company’s protocols and abide by them at all times.
Bindl, U. K., Unsworth, K. L., Gibson, C. B., & Stride, C. B. (2019). Job crafting revisited: Implications of an extended framework for active changes at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(5), 605.
Kelliher, C., Richardson, J., & Boiarintseva, G. (2019). All of work? All of life?
Reconceptualising work‐life balance for the 21st century. Human Resource Management Journal, 29(2), 97-112.
Lorne, C., McDonald, R., Walshe, K., & Coleman, A. (2019). Regional assemblage and the spatial reorganisation of health and care: the case of devolution in Greater Manchester, England. Sociology of health & illness, 41(7), 1236-1250.
Nyashanu, M., Pfende, F., & Ekpenyong, M. (2020). Exploring the challenges faced by frontline workers in health and social care amid the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences of frontline workers in the English Midlands region, UK. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(5), 655-661.
Schot, E., Tummers, L., & Noordegraaf, M. (2020). Working on working together. A systematic review on how healthcare professionals contribute to interprofessional collaboration. Journal of interprofessional care, 34(3), 332-342.
Skivington, K., Matthews, L., Simpson, S. A., Craig, P., Baird, J., Blazeby, J. M., … & Moore, L. (2021). A new framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions: update of Medical Research Council guidance. bmj, 374.
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