Assignment Sample on Role of Sustainable Synthesis in Chemical Industry 

1. Research question

In the research work, the key areas arise where sustainable synthesis has a significant role for sustainability in the chemical industry.

RQ 1: What are the key areas of sustainable synthesis that help to improve the chemical industries in the UK?

RQ 2: What are the significant roles of sustainable synthesis for adopting the greener trends in the chemical industry in the UK?

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RQ 3: What are the key factors of sustainable synthesis which are directly associated with the chemical industry?

2. Aims and objective


The aim of the research is to analyze the role of sustainable synthesis and its benefits in the Chemical Industry.


Significant objectives of the recent research are to identify the crucial areas and the roles of sustainable synthesis in the Chemical industry. The benefits and advantages of sustainable synthesis are as follows.

  • To figure out the key areas of sustainable synthesis for sustainable development for future challenges
  • To analyze the major roles of the sustainable synthesis for the improvement of chemical industries in the UK
  • To identify the key factors which are adopted associated with the sustainable synthesis for the sustainability of chemical industries

3. Literature review

3.1 Concept of sustainable synthesis

Designing sustainable synthesis is a significant section for modern chemistry as well as the setting of the chemical industry. According to the view of Sikorski et al. (2017), green chemistry with its particles is adopted by the chemical industries to transform the industry more sustainably. E factor or the atom economy, catalysts, alternate energy sources, recycling, or the reduction of materials are the main factors for sustainable synthesis. For ensuring sustainability, E factor or atom economy is significant concepts for designing the chemical reaction. As opined by Iles et al. (2021), the catalysts are recoverable as well as reusable and allow the reactions to operate in less harsh situations and reduce the energy.

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Therefore, the sustainable catalyst is taken for making the ‘more green reaction’ quickly and acts as a useful tool. As stated by Sheen (2019), alternative sources of energy are relatively significant and microwave factors are the new technique for the energy input. However, the reduction of materials and the renewed efforts or ‘recycling’ are also very beneficial for sustainability in the chemical industry.

3.2 Role in sustainable synthesis in the chemical industry for sustainable

Sustainable synthesis is very important for the safety in the chemical industry from the dimension in order to protect the environment. In the words of Iles et al. (2021), chemists are always trying to explore more sustainable methods for the adoption of chemical industries. The sustainable synthesis includes various elements for reducing environmental pollution from the chemical industry, as follows.

  1. i) Biodegradable plastics: The non-biodegradable plastics are the giant heap of wastages and make the environment more polluted. The Eco flux is used to make the biodegradable bags which are already decomposed with water, carbon dioxide, and helps to create a green environment. (Møller et al., 2017)

  1. ii) Green bleaching agents: The green bleaching agents involve the radicals that need a lower temperature with a shorter time. As opined by Møller et al. (2017), these agents are adopted in the chemical industry and result in lesser use of water.

iii) Biofuels and non-petroleum fuels: Biofuels are obtained from biomass like straw, corn, sugarcane, wood and reduces petroleum fuel consumption. According to the view of  Samudro et al. (2018), power alcohol and benzoyl are non-petroleum fuels and reduce fuel consumption and toxic pollutants. Therefore, biofuels and non-petroleum fuels help for reducing environmental pollution by reducing pollutant particles.

  1. iv) Preparation of lighter vehicles: The synthetic polyesters used in chemical industries reduce the foam quantity and decrease fuel consumption. Additionally, the polyesters decrease carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere for sustainability and purify the environment (Maglia, 2019)
  2. v) Use of organic lights: Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are the example of modern technology for producing more bright light and also consuming lower energy.

3.3 Issues of sustainable synthesis

For understanding green chemistry, it is the way to observe the industrial synthesis that is evolving for sustainability. Preventing the waste materials, designing safer products with chemicals, less hazardous synthesis, and use of renewable feedstocks are the ways of sustainability. As stated by Maglia (2019), additionally, maximizing the atom economy, the potential for accidents, safer solutions, and increasing energy efficiency also provides a sustainable environment. As opined by Mohan and Katakojwala (2020), the regulatory, political, technical, as well as economic challenges, frequently disrupt the industrial implementation of the process. Lack of awareness among the stakeholders, lack of training of the chemists, capital investments, and profit chains is the key challenges for implementing the sustainable synthesis.

3.4 Theory

Through the implementation of the ways of green chemistry, the chemical industry tries to build a sustainable environment.

Industrial theory: Industrial theory is developed by Alfred Weber to represent the theoretical perspective regarding locations of industries. Consideration of this theory will help in understanding multiple dimensions of chemical industry business operations and locations.

4. Methodology

The research program is linked with various deductive and inductive key approaches and the deductive approaches are started with hypotheses. Additionally, the inductive approaches stand on a number of research questions.

4.1 Research philosophy

In the research program, the process is being held with certain key activities with several key steps. It can also be concluded that this research work stands on the two significant variables linked with this work. Additionally, it becomes easier to identify the benefits and significance of the role of sustainable synthesis in the chemical industry. Positivism philosophy will be taken in the case and assists in gathering various information from the chemical industries. In the words of Kim et al. (2017), a French philosopher has developed this with three stages to understanding the empirical data.

Positivism philosophy defines the scientific process of the system and considers the brief benefits and roles. According to the view of Zhang (2017), the industry knows the environmental benefits for the concept of synthesis sustainability in the chemical industry. Positivism philosophy also prompts the organizational technique and implements the financial procedures through the activity.

4.2 Research approach

The philosophy behind the positivism research has also developed in this research for evaluating the role of synthetic sustainability in the chemical industry. However, there is a reason behind choosing the positivism philosophy as the philosophy is well structured and reliable. The deductive research approach will be used by the researchers to gain information about the chemical industry. In the words of Wanasinghe et al. (2020), a deductive research approach has also been taken to manage the social theories, based on scientific investigations.

This deductive research approach stands on the hypothetical data and the researchers can utilize this for gathering the direct information. As stated by Cannatelli and Ragauskas (2017), starting with the social theory, the researchers formulate the hypothesis with the assistance of the social theories. Moreover, the deductive research approach has elaborated the special factors for economic activities.

4.3 Data collection method

The secondary data collection method wills be considered for taking the multiple data, based on the analysis of synthetic sustainability. The most crucial part of the research process is the data collection which is taken by the researchers. Secondary data analysis the different types of unpublished published and observed data and data collected from others. For completing the research, the research is taken into various types of websites and academic journals as a secondary data collection tool. Secondary data has also been collected with the assistance of the government and categorized into three sections. As opined by Cannatelli and Ragauskas (2017), regarding the economic sector, trade journals, business banks, and public records are used for gathering information.

4.4 Data analysis

Qualitative data analysis methods will be used by developing multiple themes in the study for analysis chemical synthesis. Therefore, different strategies are adopted based on the data collected from different sources. As stated by Fanelli et al. (2017), the researchers have conducted this qualitative approach to analyze the concept, experiences, and opinions of various respondents. The method is applied for gathering insight of information about the chemical industry to improve the research process. Additionally, the qualitative data more easily determine the numerical data and depends on the ground theory. The qualitative approach also implements different perspectives and aims based on synthetic sustainability in the chemical industry.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

From the above discussion of the study, it can be concluded that more manufactured products are linked with the chemical industry. However, the chemical industry is always trying to adopt the sustainability synthesis factors for developing the future. The use of greener solvents such as ionic fluids, non-toxic liquids, water, and supercritical fluids is beneficial to create an eco-friendly environment. Greener catalysts, use of renewable, green feedstocks, safer chemicals with safe solvents are used by the industries with adopting some techniques. Maximizing the atom economy, energy efficiency, avoiding the chemical derivatives, and analyzing the real-time for preventing the solution, the industry is developing. The major approach of the chemical industry is to implement sustainable synthesis to develop the future of the industry in the current environmental scenario.

5.2 Recommendation

Maintenances of transparency: Maintenance of transparency is highly recommended for the current research work and high transparency is the core necessity. The researcher should be more careful about the work and the data supplied in the research work should be more objective. Maintenance of transparency is the key performance of the researcher and the researcher should focus on the subject. As opined by Fanelli et al. (2017), through analyzing the different factors of sustainability, the researcher can elaborate the different processes for sustainable synthesis in the industry.

Development of chemical synthesis strategy: There are several strategies behind chemical synthesis and the researcher should also develop the chemical strategies. For developing the chemical strategies, the researcher can adopt different steps and applications and search about the chemical compounds. Developing methods can only enable the synthesis of all important sustainable strategies and new strategies can also develop the chemical reactions. Through the aim of converting the materials into multiple products, the researcher should also describe the chemical synthetic process. In the words of Clarke et al. (2018), the researcher can also define the different processes related to the sustainable synthesis of the chemical products of the industry.


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