Module code and Title: SOE11149 MBA Capstone Project Assignment Sample
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.0 Introduction
A strategic human resource management provides a connection between the human resource management of an organisation and the customers. The aim of the strategic human resource management is to incorporate advanced flexibility followed by innovation and competitive advantage (Hamadamin & Atan, 2019).
In this chapter, the effectivity of strategic development placed due to engagement of human resource department for performance management of company; Tesla is considered. The problem statements, research background, research aim and the research significance are also provided in this segment of research.
1.1 Research Background
Figure 1.1: Tesla gross revenue from 2008 to 2021 (Source: Carlier, 2022)
The research background of this entire study focuses on the functionality of the human resource department in the company of Tesla. The role of the HR department of an organisation is to make the strategic decisions to provide the company with a competitive advantage (Ferreira et al. 2018). This research targets for the identification of the effective decision management of the HRM in Tesla that are essential for their brand awareness as well as getting the competitive advantage. This research will focus on the performance management of Tesla and also their operations management. The revenue of Tesla is significantly increasing from 2008 to 2021, but their HRM issues are the main concern for this research.
1.2 Problem Statement
During this research the HR management issues of the company Tesla is considered and in this chapter a proper definition of the problem is defined. During the scenario of the COVID-19 the employees were working from home and in 2022 the work from home principle is going to end. In this instance, the HR management plays a significant role in managing the people of their company. This research is focused on the problem of performance management with respect to the human resource department.
1.3 Research Rationale
The decisions of the HR management are essential for implementing a working culture in Tesla. Hence the human resource department of Tesla is providing a training schema for their selected candidates. The organisational development and also the relationship with the stakeholders are essential for developing and that are affected by the decisions of the HR management of Tesla. According to Dundon & Rafferty (2018), the developments of the stakeholder and shareholder relationship are controlled by HRM decisions. Hence this research focuses on the impacts of the strategic development of the HRM department of Tesla.
1.4 Research Aim
The aim of this research is to gather the knowledge about the decisions that are made by the HR management due to the evaluation of the performance management in development of engineering.
1.5 Research Objectives
To comprehend the significance of effective performance management regarding the HR management decisions.
To analyse the technological development for HR decisions in Tesla.
To identify the effect of HRM decisions and issues for HR decisions regarding engineering development in Tesla.
To evaluate the HR decision process that is helpful for Tesla to stop engineering decisions in the market across the globe.
To evaluate recommendations in Tesla’s performance management.
1.6 Research Questions
What is relevance of performance management regarding the HR management decisions?
How to technological development for HR decisions in Tesla?
What is effect of HRM decisions and issues for HR decisions regarding engineering development in Tesla?
How HRM decision process can be helpful for Tesla to stop engineering decisions in the market across the globe?
How to evaluate recommendations in Tesla’s performance management?
1.7 Research Significance
Figure 1.2: Tesla market share in US (Source: Carlier, 2022)
Tesla is one of the major companies in the global market who are doing business in the automotive market or cars. The market share of Tesla in the US is near about 2.59% and this is increasing more (Carlier, 2022). It can be seen that Tesla is one of the most major car manufacturing companies in the US and in the world. This study is important with respect to understanding the impact of strategic development of the HRM department in Tesla.
1.8 Research Scope
This entire research covers the engineering development in Tesla and the issues related to this development access the market of the whole world. This study is further beneficial for understanding the effective performance management schema of Tesla for HRM decisions. These will be followed by the identification of technological development for HR decisions in Tesla.
1.9 Structure of Dissertation
Figure 1.3: Structure of research (Source: Created by Author)
1.10 Summary
During this entire research the problems regarding the issue of HRM decision in Tesla for engineering development will be identified. This chapter covers the major objectives of this entire research and multiple research questions are framed in this chapter. Therefore the significance of the research and the future further scope of this research are found subsequently.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
Performance management is a strategic process that aims at setting clear and measurable objectives for business. This process is also considered as an “important managerial and human resource management tool” that motivates and encourages employees by providing them clear objectives and responsibilities that they are required to perform during their work. Performance management includes three most essential processes that are “planning, coaching and performance review”. This chapter aims at discussing concept of performance management in human resource management and its role and significance in managing workforce of Tesla. It also identifies challenges associated with effective performance management and strategies for improving human resource management decisions.
2.1 Conceptual Framework
Challenges associated with effective Human Resource decision practices of Tesla in global market
Theoretical Perspective
· Expectancy Theory of Performance Management
· Strategic Human Resource Management Theory
Role and significance of technological for developing Human Resource decisions in Tesla
Concept of Performance Management regarding Human Resource Management decisions
Factors influencing Human Resource Management and its impact on engineering development on Tesla
Strategies for improving Performance Management and Human Resource Management decisions of Tesla
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework (Source: Created by Author)
2.2 Concept of Performance Management regarding Human Resource Management decisions
Figure 2.1: Performance Management regarding Human Resource Management (Source: As inspired by Kravariti & Johnston, 2020)
In simple terms, performance management is referred to as a process that aims at reviewing performance of an employee within a workplace during preceding a cycle. Performance management plays a crucial role in deciding and comparing position of an employee with other employees. Kravariti & Johnston (2020) studied that performance management in human resource management is a continuous process and a systematic approach that ensures achievement of organisational goals of a business by streamlining performance of employees. It also recognises effort of employees through rewarding and providing appraisals. Performance management plays a crucial role in developing strong communication between employees and management for supporting and accomplishing strategic objectives of an organisation. This strategic approach creates a work environment in which employees are motivated to provide their best performance for improving quality of work (Andriani, Kesumawati & Kristiawan, 2018). Performance management is frequently defined as an ongoing process that identifies measures and develops performance of employees working in an organisation. Primary objective of this approach is to monitor and focus on employee performance and channelize their efforts for achieving business goals of companies. Performance management includes three key factors that are planning, coaching and performance review.
Planning is referred to as the first step in performance management in which managers of an organisation define responsibilities of employees and discuss their goals and responsibilities that are based on requirement of organisations. Ismail, Iqbal & Nasr (2019) mentioned that planning is the main tool in performance management that illustrates job description of employees. In planning process communication is most important for making employees aware of their responsibilities and duties.
Coaching is referred to as the second stage of performance management in human resource process. Coaching mainly monitors performance of employees on an informal basis. This can be achieved by organising weekly meetings, providing adequate feedback for employee performance and conducting training and development programmes for enhancing performance of employees.
Performance review
This is probably the most important component in performance management and it is a formal approach of measuring performance of employees. Performance review is primarily based on appraisals and it is linked with rewarding and recognising superior performance of employees (Ahmad et al. 2019). This is essential in human resource as it identifies performance that is below the standard and setting goals and training employees for enhancing their performance for following year.
Performance management in human resources are based on vertices that include performance appraisals. This can range from self assessment of employees to collecting reviews from different members of organisation. Rivera et al. (2021) inferred that there are different types of performance appraisals such as general appraisal, 360 degree appraisals, self assessment of employees, project evaluation review and technological performance appraisals. For instance, Tesla organises performance appraisals annually and in every twelve months employees participate within a meeting with managers for discussing their achievements and explaining areas for further development.
2.3 Role and significance of technological development for managing Human Resource decisions in Tesla
Figure 2.2: Role of technological development for managing Human Resource (Source: As inspired by Chams & García-Blandón, 2019)
Role and significance of performance management in human resources through technological development is huge. Chams & García-Blandón (2019) clarified that performance management aims at compiling all functions of human resource of an organisation such as goal setting, performance review, implementing clear communication and organising training and development programmes for employees. This process is crucial in business of an organisation as it enables employees to enhance their performance according to business standards. Employees are required to perform almost same duties and responsibilities throughout their daily schedules which seems monotonous at times. Performance management helps employees to participate in training and development programmes and increase their motivation for executing their duties effectively. Kareem (2019) asserted that in human resource, performance management identifies knowledge and skills that are required for performing a job efficiently. It also enhances employee performance by motivating them and boosting their empowerment. Managers can improve communication channels by implementing effective performance management indicators which strengthen interrelation between employees and management.
In recent business scenarios, communication plays a major role in achieving business objectives. It is mainly after COVID-19 pandemic when maintenance of communication became tough due to extended lockdowns. Most organisations and human resource managers adopted technological advancements for smooth running of business and organising strong communication activities such as team meetings and group discussions over video calling. Veile et al. (2019) suggested that technological advancement helps in developing strong communication between employees and departments. By following effective technological advancements, human resource managers can improve their daily operations such as recruiting staff, organising training and development of employees and arranging rewards and appraisals for them. Tesla is a technologically advanced organisation and it has implemented technological advancements in all parts of their business including human resource. For instance, by using online and internet-based services platforms, Tesla has developed an “Answer Bar” where employees are allowed to greet and meet human resource managers and express their grievances and problems while executing their work (Bagchi, 2022). Primary objective behind developing this “Answer Bar” is to have an open dialogue with employees for fostering their relationships. This has helped this organisation to boost employee performance and loyalty to enhance workforce within organisation.
Performance management in human resources is crucial as it aims at developing a strong feedback mechanism that creates a pathway through which employees are aware of their efforts and contribution for enhancing performance of organisation. Feedback mechanism also conveys required changes that can increase employee effort and achieve business objectives. Whysall, Owtram & Brittain, (2019) suggested that purpose of performance management includes development concerns for recognising skills and knowledge of employees. Understanding knowledge and skills of employees help in identifying whether a training and development programme is needed for enhancing employee performance and facilitate training programmes that are appropriate according to needs of employees. Besides feedback mechanism and development concern, it aims at diagnosing organisational problems that impacts business performance negatively. Performance management creates a database for organisations to collect information of candidates while recruiting (Mahmoud et al. 2019). In this process, organisations adopt technological advancements such as machine learning in human resources for generating a proper database and store data collected from employees. This database helps in making decisions for recruiting employees by comparing and evaluating their skills and knowledge. Machine learning enables managers to store data and records for diagnosing organisational problems that can occur in internal and external situations.
2.4 Factors influencing Human Resource Management and its impact on engineering development on Tesla
There are various factors influencing effective human resource management and performance management on engineering development organisations such as Tesla. These factors include “emotional commitment, ability for leveraging strengths, developing a strong work ethic, building storing relationships and advancing self leadership activities.” These factors not only influence human resource practices of an organisation but also enhance performance of employees in engineering development organisations.
2.4.1 Emotional Commitment
Emotional commitment is considered as one of the most influential factors that enhances employee performance and efficiency of human resource management. Lee & Kusumah, (2020) mentioned that meaningful work enables employees to maximise their efforts, intellect, social and emotional intelligence. For instance, Tesla is a global automobile manufacturing brand that is focusing on maintaining a sustainable environment by introducing electric vehicles (EVs). Tesla is constantly developing ideas for achieving competitive advantages by introducing new technologies such as self driving cars (auto-pilot), quick changing and better mileage. Employees at Tesla have made an emotional commitment with their workplace where they are dedicated to deliver products and services for developing quality of life. As studied by Meng & Berger (2018) making progress towards meaningful objectives is a major cause that attracts young talents and skilled employees to deliver their best within workplace. Emotional commitment does not exist in workplace boundaries but also beyond work settings. Meaningful work in workplace encourages and motivates to enhance their performance and help organisations to achieve better results in business.
2.4.2 Leveraging Strengths
Strength of an organisation is accumulation of its aptitude, goals, values, personality traits and passion that enables employees to excel in certain areas. Strengths and values of an organisation helps in explaining what makes them unique and why they are different from other organisations that also gives them a competitive advantage. There are different electric car manufacturers but Tesla is globally recognised because of their strong values and strengths for delivering better services to consumers. In terms of strengths, Tesla is considered as a top employer company and it has a good employment rate (Rastvortseva & Shchitova, 2020). Increasing employment rate clarifies that Tesla has potential to acquire better talents and increase their workforce. Besides that it has also been considered as the most innovative company in global market in terms of research and development. Consumers of electric cars are highly interested in innovative ideas of Tesla which are increasing its popularity and competitive advantages.
2.4.3 Building strong interpersonal relationships and advancing self leadership abilities
Communication and building strong relationships is important for managing employee performance at workplace and creating an encouraging workplace culture. It has become essential for developing and demonstrating social skills. After pandemic situation, workplace culture has drastically changed due to extended lockdowns and communication within workplace was totally disrupted. Burrell (2020) inferred that performance management helps in maintaining strong inter relation between colleagues, employees and stakeholders who work across different geographical locations and time zones. It has become exceptionally helpful in “work from home” situations. For instance, Tesla being a global organisation includes employees from different geographical locations and time zones which have influenced this organisation to implement performance management and technology based human resource management that also helps in developing self leadership.
2.5 Challenges associated with effective Human Resource decision practices of organisations in global market
There are several challenges associated with effective human resource decision practices that are impacting performance management negatively.
Figure 2.3: Challenges associated with effective Human Resource decision practices (Source: Created by author)
2.5.1 Change Management
Some of the most notable issues in Tesla’s human resource management include change management. Change management represents a particular challenge for management professionals while organising training and development programmes for employees. As mentioned by Hanelt et al. (2021) current business situation is changing constantly due to technological advancements and increasing competition within market. Most organisations are making changes within their business for achieving better results. Changes in business processes aim at delivering effective results but it often acts negatively. Before implementing changes, companies focus on organising training and development programmes for employees and if organisations fail to deliver that, change management can cause major negative impacts on business. For instance, back in 2017, Tesla fired hundreds of staff without any prior notice or warning. This hard human resource strategy is a threat to organisation’s reputation in global market.
2.5.2 Leadership Development
Strong leadership strategies aimed at managing workforce by encouraging and motivating them to deliver their best within organisation. Zheng et al. (2021) inferred that organisations face severe issues when leaders are incompetent and unable to develop clear communication employees and fail to set clear objectives. In order to enhance efficiency of employees, leaders focus on setting clear goals that are realistic and achievable. Employees at Tesla often face issues related to unrealistic objectives that demoralise them to perform their duties and responsibilities (Toussaint, 2018). This is mainly because of tough business objectives that are presented in front of them.
2.5.3 Recruitment and availability of skilled labour
This factor is directly related with change management and leadership development and other business perspectives as human resource starts with recruiting talents. Tesla being one of the most innovative companies acquires talents from all over the world but it has severe competitors like “Google” and “Microsoft” (Dahlander, Gann & Wallin, (2021). Even in automobile industry it faces major competitions from leading car manufacturers such as Ford, BMW and Mercedes Benz. This global competition is negatively impacting Tesla by reducing availability of skilled labourers and talents and making recruitment processes more complex. Skilled labourers are opting for organisations that have an exciting human resource management process and exciting work environment.
2.5.4 Improper succession plan
Succession planning in human resource is recognised as a strategic approach that identifies critical petitioners within an organisation and develops action plans for employees to assume such position. By following an effective succession plan an organisation identifies significant business challenges that can occur within 1 to 5 years. It also identifies critical positions that are needed for supporting business continuity. Durst & Zieba (2019) opined that improper succession plan fails to identify challenges and risk mitigation strategies and faces issues while enhancing business opportunities. Considering human resource management of Tesla, it has no significant succession plan and risk assessment strategies for increasing efficiency of workplace.
2.5.5 Lack of learning and development
Learning and development is crucial especially in research and innovation organisations such as Tesla. Lack of learning and development activities impacts employee performance negatively and reduces workforce. Tohãnean et al. (2020) clarified that organisations that implement learning and development programmes achieve better competitive and financial advantages in global market. Learning and development programme in Tesla is not structured and it enables employees to participate in learning activities rather than promoting or encouraging a culture of strategic thinking and a proactive and responsible learning environment.
2.6 Strategies for improving Performance Management and Human Resource Management decisions of organisations
2.6.1 Defining and communicating performance objectives and company goals
Employees of an organisation face major difficulties when they are unable to understand expectations and objectives of business. Busari et al. (2019) suggested that primary responsibilities of management of an organisation are to clearly convey organisational goals and objectives so that employees feel motivated and encouraged towards their work. Lack of communication becomes a major challenge for employees to come up to management and ask follow up questions for better understanding of objectives. Taouab & Issor (2019) recommended that defining performance objectives and communicating company goals help in delivering better results for business enhancement and employee performance. For developing strong communication within workplace, human resource managers can develop strong team building activities and promote peer to peer learning for generating clear communication within workplace.
2.6.2 Utilising performance management software
Technology has a major positive impact on business performance and most organisations are implementing technological advancements as strategies for effectively implementing performance management. Performance management software helps human resource managers to collect new hire reviews, annual or monthly meeting reviews, time based reviews and peer and 360 degree reviews (Rivera et al. 2021). Performance feedback of employees is informed through mails or team meetings which encourage other employees to deliver their best within workplace. Following this performance management software organisations provide a traditional review on employee performance and sustain smooth running of business operations.
2.6.3 Offering frequent performance feedback
Performance feedback is the most important component of performance management as it measures improvement of employees and recognises their effort in enhancing firm performance. Harris, Martin & Diener, (2021) suggested that performance feedback is essentially the first step for any business in which communication alone does not provide adequate results. In this process managers are advised to check performance of team members and employees periodically. This process not only aims at measuring gauge progress but also provides relevant feedback that can be implemented within workplace for enhancing quality of performance. Chen et al. (2020) clarified that good performance feedback reinforces positive behaviours and strong skill set of employees while displaying areas of opportunities for improving business. Providing timely performance feedback is considered as an effective way for affirming employees and their work. Human resource managers can use technological advancements for collecting reviews through “Google Forms” and other survey conducting platforms.
2.6.4 Setting regular meetings for discussing results and outcomes
Collecting regular feedback is not alone efficient as based on those reviews both employee and management are required to take adequate measures that can improve quality of their business. Setting regular meetings and follow up of existing human resource practices help in meeting goals and objectives of an organisation. As per the views of Cohen, Bingham & Hallen (2019) regular team meetings are held weekly or monthly which makes progress feedback more attractive and allows organisations to move forward. Objectives of these regular team meetings include following up on peer reviews, discussion and praising performance of team members, discussing plans for next phase of project and discussing company data such as net profit, revenues and consumer involvement.
2.7 Theoretical Perspectives
2.7.1 Expectancy Theory of Performance Management
Figure 2.4: Expectancy Theory of Performance Management (Source: As inspired by Ilmudeen, Bao, & Alharbi 2019)
Expectancy theory of performance management was first proposed by Victor Vroom in 1965. According to this theory, individuals or employees behave in a specific manner as they are encouraged and motivated by desirable outcome of this behaviour. As suggested by Ilmudeen, Bao, & Alharbi (2019) performance of an individual is required to be aligned with organisational objectives and expectations regarding achievement of future goals of that organisation. This theory has three most important components including expectancy, instrumentality and valence. Expectancy is determined by belief of an individual which explains that belief in individuals helps them to identify required skill set for execution of a task. Instrumentality is the process that is associated with rewarding of desired performance outcome. Valence is regarded as significance of rewards that employees receive by exhibiting their performance. This theory helps in measuring and identifying self-interested individuals in an organisation who are encouraged to perform their best. Following this strategy, Tesla would be able to manage their workforce by recruiting and selecting employees for execution of a particular job.
2.7.2 Strategic Human Resource Management Theory
Figure 2.5: Strategic Human Resource Management Theory (Source: Influenced by Hamadamin & Atan, 2019)
“Strategic Human Resource Management Theory” or “SHRM” is an organisational framework assisting in streamlining organisational managerial attributes according to organisational goals. As per the study by Hamadamin & Atan (2019), application of “SHRM” theory assists in identification of change management requirements for business development. It has guided businesses to understand people management requirements along with changing nature in workforce management activities. This benefits organisations like Tesla to evaluate change requirements with evolving technological advancements for generation of positive organisational culture in performance improvement. Application of this theory benefits Tesla to improve behaviour requirements for strategic human resource management attributes for maintaining positive aspects in HRM department in future.
Ineffective planning and interpretation opportunities create issues for Tesla to improve its organisational HRM attributes for performance improvement activities. In the views of Hamadamin & Atan (2019), scope of interdepartmental conflicts along with ineffective commitment from senior management team create issues for strategic HRM decision making activities. Tesla lacked focus on employee management and faced challenges in maintaining effective employee retention attributes for organisational performance improvement. This organisation attends to individual requirements of employees along with greater perspectives of organisational plan for operational improvement benefits in increasing change management effectiveness in Tesla.
2.8 Gap in Literature
Strategic human resource management in Tesla plays a significant role to assist in reaching out to its aim to become a sustainable transportation solution. This chapter has provided an overview of organisational planning, monitoring and allocation opportunities for strategic HRM and organisational performance improvement attributes. However, lack of information on existing human resource management processes along with lack of authentic information and practical implementation attributes was identified as a major gap in literature. Comparing Kravariti & Johnston (2020) and Veile et al. (2019), it was identified that insufficient information on HRM related risk mitigation or alternative strategies have created issues in gaining greater insight. This has created obstacles for businesses to manage greater opportunities for managing effective organisational practices assisting in productive performance management attributes. Further, it has limited accessibility to existing information of recommendations to improve strategic HRM and decision making opportunities for enhancing organisational capabilities.
2.9 Summary
From this chapter, it can be summarised that continuous evaluation of organisational performance benefits in increasing opportunities for strategic HRM attributes according to external environments. Development of daily scheduling along with management of employee motivation activities through coaching and monitoring was effective for improvement of organisational performance and strategic HRM in Tesla. Emphasis of better relationship management while leveraging on advanced technologies and flexibility approaches assist in increasing organisational HRM department. However, lack of skilled employees accompanied with ineffective learning and development created issues for management of greater opportunities for operational improvement. Changing business environments have further created issues for Tesla to manage strategic HRM practices in organisational performance management with change management attributes. Implementation of better communication and performance management activities while gaining feedback and regular evaluation attributes benefit in increasing decision-making attributes in Tesla.
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.0 Introduction
Research methodology has effectively helped in management of systematic processes for research conduction practices. This chapter has focused on development of systematic processes for strategic human resource department on performance management of Tesla. It would also focus on development of step by step processes for creating appropriate assumptions and plans for findings evaluation.
3.1 Research Onion
Figure 3.1: Research Onion (Source: Incited by Saunders, Thornhill & Lewis, 2019)
3.2 Research Philosophies
“Research philosophies” assists in representation of researcher view of the world along with underlying opinion and reasons for development of credible research findings. In the views of Moon et al. (2019), “research philosophy” guides to gain insight in research variables by maintaining important positioning of research assumptions. This research has used “interpretivism research philosophy” rather than “realism, positivism, and pragmatism” research philosophies. It has guided researchers of this study to maintain appropriate approaches for conducting this research while explaining greater approaches in research conclusion development attributes. On the other hand, extensive emphasis on continuance of subjective view on different aspects of research development has extensively created issues in evaluating strategic HRM attributes in Tesla.
3.3 Research Approaches
“Research approaches” help in conservation of broad assumptions in research methodological approaches for legitimate data collection activities. Woiceshyn & Daellenbach (2018) opined that smooth, manageable and effective research approaches increase sound and scientific research conduction opportunities. Amongst approaches of “inductive, deductive and abductive” practices, this research has chosen an “inductive” research approach for tracking smooth research conduction processes. It has effectively assisted in management of better understanding on strategic human resource management activities in Tesla with analysing through theoretical perspectives.
3.4 Research Strategies
“Research strategies” is defined as an action plan for maintaining step by step plans in data collection processes. Researchers commonly adapt any of “case study, experimental research, archival research, quantitative survey, qualitative interview, action research, grounded theory and ethnography” practices. This research has used “archival research” strategies for data collection processes. Jo & Gebru (2020) suggested that “archival research” strategy helps in increasing flexibility and research information gathering activities. This has effectively assisted in gathering information from existing and published sources explaining different aspects of strategic HRM practices. Further, it has decreased time and capital requirements for Tesla to improve its operational practices for attending to changing business needs.
3.5 Research Choices
“Research choices” explicitly assisted researchers in maintaining a particular type of research information for management of simplistic research conduction approaches. “Qualitative and quantitative” data management in different aspects of “mono, multi and mixed” methods assist in maintaining effective quality of research conduction activities. This researcher has optioned for “mono qualitative” research choices. As per the views of Melnikovas (2018), adaptation of “mono qualitative” research choice guided in maintaining a simplistic and credible approach in research development attributes. However, this has decreased possibilities of maintaining a wider perspective in generating greater understanding on strategic HRM practices potentially beneficial for Tesla.
3.6 Time Horizon
(Refers to Appendix 1)
3.7 Techniques and Procedures
3.7.1 Data Collection
“Data collection” focuses on storing as well as analysing important information for development of effective research conclusions on strategies associated with strategic HRM practices. This research has used “secondary” data collection practices rather than “primary” data collection attributes for maintaining simple processes for data gathering. As narrated by Marinica (2021), incorporation of “secondary” data collection methods have extensively assisted in management of simplistic and quality information management attributes. This has further assisted in management of highly credible research development in strategic HRM practices assisting in development of better approaches for human resource development in favour of Tesla’s operational improvement. Search Strategy
“Search strategy” guided in maintaining quality on information while gathering it through “secondary data collection” practices. This research have used “Concept of Performance Management”, “Role and significance of technological for developing Human Resource decisions in Tesla “ keywords for information collection, Besides, it have included “Factors”, “Challenges” and “Strategies” in HRM department in Tesla for developing greater insight in research development attributes. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
“Inclusion and exclusion” criteria have effectively assisted this research in maintaining quality information inclusion for research quality improvement. This research has used inclusion criteria of including information that were published after 2018 from authorised and reputed organisations and websites. Information that was represented by searching of mentioned keywords along with free accessibility to its full text information were included. Any other information that has not fulfilled all of the above mentioned inclusion criteria were automatically drawn as exclusion criteria.
3.7.2 Data Analysis
“Data analysis” practices in this research have guided in maintaining effective interpretation attributes for generation of greater understanding on importance of strategic HRM in recent times. In order to explicitly analyse and gather “secondary qualitative” research data, this has used “thematic explanation” techniques which assisted in underlying importance of strategic HRM practices in Tesla. “Thematic explanation” activities have assisted in maintaining flexibility in deriving data sets while requiring less effort and time in identification of patterns in information (Chen et al. 2021). This has extensively created opportunities for maintaining better opportunities in qualitative research development activities on strategic development of human resource development in Tesla.
3.8 Analysis of Capital Resources
3.8.1 Ethical Considerations
“Ethical considerations” have assisted in maintaining a high level of quality, credibility, and authenticity on conduction of this research on strategic development of HRM practices in Tesla. This has effectively followed “Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48)” and “Data Protection Act 2018 (c.12)” for improving authenticity in research. This has provided credit to original authors as well as restricted possibilities of misinterpretation of information.
3.9 Summary
From this chapter, it can be summarised that “Saunders research onion” have helped in systematic development of research processes. Maintaining effective approaches in data collection, analysing activities along with “interpretivism”, “inductive” research techniques have helped in quality interpretation of collected information of strategic HRM. Further, use of “Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48)” and “Data Protection Act 2018 (c.12)” have assisted in increasing quality of research.
Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Findings
4.0 Introduction
Data analysis and findings have effectively assisted in interpretation of information on strategic development of human resource development in Tesla. This chapter has included effective approaches for theme development on different aspects of HRM and technological improvement in increasing operational effectiveness of Tesla. It has developed a total of five themes supported by one article with a total of five journal articles for strategic HRM development in Tesla.
4.1 Data Analysis
4.1.1 Secondary Data Analysis
Theme 1: Organisational culture and project senior managers creates issues for performance management regarding HR management decisions
Figure 4.1: Organisational culture in performance management (Source: Influenced by Franco Santos & Otley, 2018)
Business managers have included aspects of strategic alignment, accounting performance attributes as well as communication activities assisting increasing importance of performance management. As observed by Franco Santos & Otley (2018), project managers intending to maintain a theoretical perspective in operational effectiveness helps in accessing better effectiveness management in business performance. This has also guided in minimisation of impaired functionality for improvement of decision making processes with sharing relevant information on business performance management. However, overreliance on senior professionals and organisational structure has created issues for managing performance effectively (Franco Santos & Otley, 2018). It has created challenges for decreasing overall quality of performance as well as creating issues regarding generation of greater opportunities for increasing organisational effectiveness. Additionally, “performance planning, measures, targets, incentive” have effectively assisted project managers to improve strategic alignment attributes for maintaining better communication and performance accountability management in organisations like Tesla. Project managers at Tesla would be benefitted by taking control over information management, attention providing to employees and social relationship development decisions for organisational performance management.
Theme 2: Incorporation of artificial intelligence have helped technological development for HR decisions in Tesla
Artificial intelligence can be identified as an emerging technology assisting in advancement of human endeavour in improvement of organisational performance. Incorporation of AI intelligence has effectively assisted business to improve promotion attributes with changing business environment assisting in increasing sales opportunities (Ajitha & Nagra, 2021). This has effectively assisted businesses to improve its operational improvement attributes including better team planning activities in HRM. Tesla focusing on technological development in HRM have emphasised on identification of human behavioural aspects in strategic human resource development by incorporation of AI. Tesla motors have adapted natural language processing activities for management of effective information system portals in organisational performance management (Ajitha & Nagra, 2021). This has effectively assisted in identification of Tesla’s issues in strategic human resource management attributes while integrating advanced technologies in human resource effectiveness. Further, it has decreased opportunities for elimination of human error or any biased data influencing performance management and decision making challenges in organisational development.
Theme 3: Extensive dependence on Elon Musk leadership in decision making attributes in research development have created issues for maintaining effective decision making activities
Figure 4.3: Elon Musk leadership traits (Source: Khan, 2021)
Elon Musk has been extensively associated with management of human resource as well as technological development attributes for improvement of organisational operational attributes. As stated by Khan (2021), Elon Musk in Tesla motors was identified as comprising change management and transformational leadership attributes for improvement of organisational practices. His concern on employee’s management attributes have helped in attending to organisational vision for maintaining an ethical and sustainable approach for human resource management. In the views of Khan (2021), challenges associated with demographic management of employees have been critically challenged in maintaining flexibility in decision making activities in operational management. This has increased issues regarding maintaining a combination of servant, charismatic and autocratic nature in leadership attributes for Elon Musk in strategic development of human resource attributes. Further, focusing on improvement of quality in relationship management between Elon Musk, senior managers and employees would be effective for strategic HRM in Tesla Motors.
Theme 4: “Stock Trading Simulations” helps HRM decision process for Tesla to improve decisions making activities in resource improvement market across globe
Employees at Tesla have effectively faced issues regarding maintenance of employee well being and safety management attributes for improvement of performance management. Tesla has faced issues such as safety violations in employee management, suppression and overworking employees facilitating issues in organisational performance improvement (Pierce, 2021). This has negatively affected increasing negativity in organisational environment, structure and culture for decreasing effectiveness in organisational performance. It has led to incorporation of “Stock Trading Simulations” (STS) in businesses to improve its human resource management attributes for operational improvement. In the words of Pierce (2021), incorporation of effective STS activities assist in identification of strategic initiatives required for improving organisational corporate governance. These activities helping businesses to track, create and evaluate HRM portfolios would be effective for increasing operational effectiveness in organisational performance improvement. Similarly, it would provide greater opportunities for decreasing cost as well as improve change management attributes according to micro and macro environmental simulations.
Theme 5: Strategic innovation and opens source management along with infrastructural development are recommendations in Tesla’s performance improvement.
Tesla faces issues in management of strategic infrastructure and human resource management effectively for increasing effectiveness in operational improvement. Strict administrative challenges in construction of charging stations as well as land planning in organisational performance improvement helped Tesla (Wang, Duan & Liu, 2021). This has increased challenges for maintaining green and appropriate approaches for supporting effective organisational performance. In terms of HRM, Tesla focusing on management of better coordination and communication activities would be effective for maintenance of greater human resource opportunities in this automobile manufacturing organisation (Wang, Duan & Liu, 2021). It would require incorporation of innovation and open source acquisition attributes for improvement of organisational performance. Maintaining organisational policies according to changing macro and micro environmental elements would be effective for improving strategic HRM attributes in Tesla. This would be effective for Tesla to improve its organisational activities assisting in generation of positive influence in organisational HRM management for organisational performance improvement.
4.2 Key Findings and Discussion
Tesla has focused on streamlining organisational resources along with generation of better accountability in information and communication sharing attributes for improving better operational improvement attributes. Project managers focusing on incorporation of effective communication and collaborative approaches for organisational management have assisted in increasing opportunities for strategic HRM. This organisation has focused on incorporation of advanced technologies along with Artificial Intelligence attributes that have significantly increased benefits in increasing organisational innovation in HRM management. Natural language processing including information system portal attributes has significantly increased challenges associated with maintenance of greater operational improvement requirements in HRM decision making attributes evaluating human behaviour. This information sharing activities including better organisational improvement attributes have effectively assisted businesses to improve decision making activities in organisational performance management.
Extensive dependence on Elon Musk and senior administration have created issues in Tesla for improvement of decision making attributes in strategic development of HRM department. He has effectively represented hard working attributes in management of better operational attributes in organisational performance improvement. This has created issues for employees in Tesla to manage extensive workload including challenges associated with their safety, security and work life balance. Further, it has provided opportunities for Tesla to emphasise on servant centric leadership and managerial attributes assisting in employee centric management opportunities for maintenance of strategic development scope in HRM. This would have a positive influence in creating better relationships between senior administration and employees at Tesla for organisational performance improvement.
Tesla focusing on maintenance of greater financial improvement opportunities has effectively assisted in generation of better stability in strategic HRM management in Tesla. Improvement of financial supporting attributes including “Stock Trading Simulations” has effectively assisted this business to improve better operational opportunities in organisational performance improvement. This would be beneficial for maintaining greater opportunities in maintaining change management attributes along with strategic decision making activities for HRM management in Tesla. However, focusing on better infrastructure improvement along with coordination and communication would be beneficial recommendations. Following strict regulations accompanied with open resourcing and innovation would be beneficial for increasing decision making and strategic development attributes in HRM management in Tesla. However, challenges associated with depending on active participation from external professionals to improve organisational performance management would create obstacles for maintaining optimal strategic HRM department in Tesla.
4.3 Summary
From this chapter, it can be summarised that Tesla has extensively focused on maintaining advancement of technology for information sharing and human resource management attributes including artificial intelligence. On the other hand, extensively dependent on leadership attributes of Elon Musk have created issues for management of overworking issues in Tesla. This has led to employees facing issues of lack of safety, suppression. Tesla focusing on development of effective organisational management attributes including “Stock Trading Simulations” practices would be effective for financial improvement. Similarly, focusing on improvement of better infrastructure development and change management in organisational performance improvement would have extensively assisted Tesla to enhance its strategies in HRM development.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation
5.0 Conclusion
Human resource (HR) departments are a crucial part of an organisation and without accurate management of human resource departments it is not possible for a firm to conduct recruitment and selection. In this study, it is learned that it is utterly important that necessary strategic developments are made so that a firm is able to accurately manage its HR department. Performance management of an organisation is largely dependent on HR department as it is reflected in this study. This is because employees are a crucial aspect of achieving performance, therefore HR department are responsible to manage employees and also to select right pair of employees for the organisation’s betterment. Hence, it is learned that HR largely influences overall performance rate of an organisation.
In this study, it is found that employees of a firm need to be satisfied. The HR department needs to look after requirements of employees so that only they could provide their best potential and improve overall organisational performance. From this study, it is observed that Tesla is a renowned automobile company and it has a global presence. Based on such a massive global presence, it is important that Tesla looks after performance that they are putting forward in business environment.
Incorporating strategic “human resource management (HRM)” helps firms like Tesla to establish a better connection with employees and customers. This study has already shed light on a factor that strategic HR management assists in reaching advanced flexibility, it helps in attaining innovation and improves its overall competitive advantage. This research has forecasted that Tesla’s revenue income may be increasing since 2008 to 2021 yet this company has been facing several HR department issues. Research rationale section has highlighted that this lack of strategic HR management within Tesla has been degrading employee satisfaction. It is also diminishing the relationship status of stakeholders with the company.
It has been observed that incorporation of technology has been made so that HR departments of Tesla are managed. Technology has helped to analyse employee performance and help the HR department to take active decisions regarding employee performance improvement. Managing the HR department has helped Tesla to make effective decisions for development of company. Availability of good talent, implementation of technology, training and development, a good working environment are considered as some essential factors. These factors are influencing working capabilities and environment of the HR department of companies like Tesla. Certain challenges had also been faced by company Tesla that are associated with taking decisions related to HR management. Issues like instant change in management, lack of skilled employees for recruitment, succession plan, lack of learning and development are faced by company Tesla within human resources. Strategies are imposed so that necessary challenges are mitigated within the HR department of Tesla and developments take place within the sector. Similarly, it is found that secondary data has been collected by incorporating research methods like inductive research approach so that necessary information has been gained regarding the HR department. Thus, it can be concluded that necessary development within Tesla’s human resource department is mandatory as based on that performance of the organisation is dependent.
5.1 Linking with Objectives
Objective 1- “To comprehend the significance of effective performance management regarding the HR management decisions”
This objective has been framed to reflect information regarding effectivity of performance management based on decisions that are taken by human resource department. It has been observed that this objective has been discussed in both literature review section and data analysis section.
Objective 2- “To analyse the technological development for HR decisions in Tesla”
Objective has been framed to describe and analyse technological developments that are made in Tesla for better HR decision making. This is also observed that this objective has been met in literature review section.
Objective 3- “To identify the effect of HRM decisions and issues for HR decisions regarding engineering development in Tesla”
This objective has been developed to reflect on effect on HRM decisions and issues that are made based on HR decisions regarding engineering development. It has been observed, this objective has been met within literature review section of this study.
Objective 4- “To evaluate the HR decision process that is helpful for Tesla to stop engineering decisions in the market across the globe.”
Evaluation of decisions process of HR management has been done through this objective. This objective has been discussed within literature review section so that necessary understanding is created regarding this objective.
5.2 Recommendations
Implementation of constant training for achieving better development and learning
Human resource department of an organisation has to constantly learn about present market situations as without gaining accurate knowledge regarding current market condition it is not possible to conduct necessary development. Human resource departments through constant learning can come up with effective decisions that suffice market needs and also improves overall business conditions. In Tesla, it is important that constant training has to be provided to human resource department so that they are able to analyse and learn new business needs. Based on that they are able to formulate necessary decisions that assists in effective employee management and operations management. An effective employees and operations management assists in improving overall performance development of Tesla.
Implementation of Employee Value Proposition and examination for achieving better recruitment process
Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is reflected as a package of incentives that are used by organisations to attract candidates. Selection of candidates is possible only when fresh and skilled talents are eager to work with company. Therefore, through imposing EVP Tesla’s human resource department can easily attract fresh and new talents. However, after attracting new talents towards Tesla, human resource department needs to impose a tough examination procedure so that necessary exams are taken. Taking necessary exams helps the human resource department to select the right skilled people that are a perfect fit for this organisation to grow and develop. Selection of skilled people through this process of examination is going to improve overall performance management of Tesla.
5.3 Research Limitations
Research limitations are faced by this study while conducting process of collection of information through a data collection process. A time limitation has been faced by this research; due to restricted time limitation this study has not been able to incorporate certain important data within this study. This lack of incorporation of information due to a restricted timeline restricted this study from providing in depth information. It has been observed that another major limitation that has been faced by this study is financial limitations. Finance was limited while conducting this study, therefore author has not been able to collect information from paid books, journals. Thus, as a result this study has not been able to provide more information that provides an in-depth knowledge regarding human resource management within an organisation.
5.4 Future Scope
Further studies can be conducted based on this topic, it is observed that human resource management is a big subject and more studies can be done to further enhance knowledge within this topic. More information can be included in future studies to define relationship that human resource department has with consumers. Furthermore, more information can be provided regarding current recruitment and selection trends within the business market and role of human resource department in this aspect. Along with that, future studies can also focus on future developments and trends that are associated with human resource department within a country. Therefore, conducting on all such topics in future studies is going to enhance the overall information related to human resource management.
Part 2
Reflective Log Report
The HR department is a crucial part of an organisation as this department is responsible for conducting the selection and recruitment process. As stated by Abbasi et al. (2022), recruitment and selection processes are a major influencer in performance management of an organisation. Therefore, any issues in selection and recruitment process by the HR department is going to impact overall performance management of an organisation. Hence, while conducting this study I have learned a lot of information regarding the HR department. Learning regarding the HR department has helped me to develop an effective knowledge reading working process of the HR department. While doing this study, a group work has to be conducted. While conducting group work, I have faced certain issues that are associated with this study. A lot of conflict of statements took place while choosing topics and various aspects that are going to be included within this study. This clash of information may have impacted the overall quality of this study to some extent. According to Prusik & Szulawski, (2019), conflicts within teamwork reduces the effectiveness of teamwork, therefore necessary actions have to be undertaken so that no issues take place within the work. It has been observed that while incorporating information regarding issues , concept and role of HR department within an organisation clashes of statements took place between members. Information related to concept of HR department has been provided and it is observed that the HR department is one of the important aspect. This department is completely responsible to establish a productive bond with employees. I have learned that without maintaining a healthy relationship with employees it is not possible to maintain overall performance quality of an organisation.
This study has also helped to gain an insight regarding concept regarding performance management. In opinion of Thawrani (2021), performance management is the process that aims at reviewing the performance of an employee within its workplace. It is witnessed that an employee’s knowledge and performance within an organisation is responsible for development of performance within an organisation. While including this information, a conflict of statement took place between team members as each individual has their individual opinions regarding concept of performance management. Hence, difficulty was faced to include the accurate information. However, I have learned that from next time, before conducting such studies everyone’s opinion is going to be taken and the best one would be included so that no such confusions take place while conducting a study. However, I have gained an overview regarding performance management. I have learned that performance management in HR department is a continuous process and it is a systematic approach that ensures that goals of an organisation are achieved by streamlining performance of employees. As stated by Berson et al. (2020), streaming employee’s potential towards achieving organisational aim and goals helps in bringing overall improvement of an organisation. I have further learned that without incorporation of performance management it is not possible to improve communication between employees and management of firms like Tesla. This communication assists in creating an effective work environment that aids in overall performance improvement of employees that facilitates to bring improvement in entire firm’s performance.
I have also gathered an insight that there are three crucial factors related to performance management that are “planning, coaching and performance review”. According to Köchling & Wehner (2020), similarly, technological development plays a key role and has a significance for managing HR department decisions within organisations like Tesla. It is learned by me that communication is currently playing a crucial role after emergence of COVID-19. HR departments are responsible to establish and maintain that connection between management and organisation. Incorporation of communication technologies like video calling has been installed within organisations so that smooth and effective communication has been built. I have gathered knowledge that this technological development also assists to connect with employees those are working for Tesla from overseas. All the learnings that I have gathered from this study has helped to me gather a better and effective idea regarding HR departments and its role. This learning is going to help me to secure a productive place in an organisation as I have been able to earn knowledge related to HR functions.
Tesla is a technologically advanced organisation and this firm has imposed technologies in online platforms so that work is conducted effectively. I have found that Tesla has imposed “Answer Bar” and in this online place employees are able to connect with HR department and share their grievances directly with HR department. As opined by Pessach et al. (2020), creating a database while recruiting and selecting processes within an organisation also helps in keeping track of all information regarding employees and candidates. I have learned that keeping track of employees has helped Tesla in better and effective management of performance. There are certain factors that are also constantly influencing human resource development. The factors like “emotional commitment , ability for leveraging others, developing a strong work ethic” have been considered as prime factors that are constantly influencing the overall HR department (Dokey & Abunar, 2021). I have learned that emotional commitment acts as a great factor as this largely influences employee performance. Furthermore, efficiency of human resource management also increases drastically as this management is able to understand employee preferences better and are able to impose required measures to improve overall performance. It has also been found that Tesla’s employees are largely emotionally connected with this company and for this reason they are able to provide necessary services to its company. They are able to come up with such innovative ideas because of emotional commitment that they have built with their firm. Hence, I have learned that emotional commitment is an influential factor that drives employees to bring out best potential for themselves. HR department of Tesla invests their crucial time in developing such bonds as it assists in developing overall performance.
It is learned by me from this factor that a proper emotional commitment develops a productive workplace environment that enhances entire performance rate of an organisation. Leveraging strengths is also another influential factor that I have learned from this study. Amplifying strengths of employees helps employees to excel in certain areas and this excelling brings improvements in overall working performance of an organisation (Hamza et al. 2021). It is also observed by me that the HR department is responsible for bringing necessary developments within employees. HR department of Tesla focuses on analysing strengths of employees and providing them necessary training so that they are able to excel in field. Hence, I learned that to develop a productive performance within an organisation, HR department has to invest time and has to polish the strengths of employees so that they are able to bring improvement on overall performance of an organisation. Polishing strengths of employee’s assists has helped employees to meet aims, objectives of organisations at a faster pace.
I have further learned that building strong interpersonal relationships enhances self-leadership skills. After the emergence of pandemic, I have learned that without building strong relationships and bonds it has not been possible to manage employees. Therefore, I have concluded that without necessary commitment and development of relationships by HR department overall performance cannot be managed. Along with some factors, I have also identified some key challenges that are constantly overpowering the working process of HR department in a negative way. As commented by Malik & Mujtaba (2018), challenges within HR department reduce the overall performance rate of an organisation as HR are responsible to manage floor and overall employee performance. Constant changes within management systems of a company creates issues for HR department of a firm. This happens because, HR department has to constantly bring changes within its working process to adjust to change. Along with change within internal management process, changes in external environment also bring issues for HR department. I have analysed the fact that constant changes restricts HR department to choose a proper training method so that they are able to update the skills of employees. It is also observed by me while conducting this study that sometimes selection and recruitment of skilled labour also becomes an issue. HR is responsible for conducting the examination process and imposing measures to attract talents so that it is able to recruit and select people properly. I have learned that without a valid examination method it is not possible to select employees that are right for an organisation.
Tesla’s human resource management process is not up to the mark and for this reason talents are opting to choose companies that do have a proper HR management department. Therefore, it is also further observed that HR often finds it difficult to attract employees towards organisation when they do not have accurate strategies to attract talents. As stated by Pandey (2020), learning and development within an HR department is also equally important as without learning it is not possible to bring improvements within the HR strategic process. It is further learned that application of strategies helps in better learning and adoption of new things by HR department so that necessary developments are made. Therefore, strategies are needed to be imposed within organisations like Tesla so that necessary developments are incorporated. I have understood that HR department needs to be furnished and developed so that an organisation is able to improve its overall performance.
Along with challenges, while working in this study, I have also gathered information related to strategies that can be incorporated to improve current conditions. Incorporation of performance-based objectives and improving overall communication assists in managing change. I have learned that primary goal of an organisation has always been to convey information so that they are able to attain success. A firm like Tesla has to be clearly related to goals and objectives so that employees are able to keep their focus clear to attain those goals, HR department of Tesla has been responsible to convey all changes so that the employees of Tesla are able to attain them. It is also learned by me that HR department has to build up strong team building activities so that they are able to establish effective communication between team members.
Utilisation of performance management software is also important as its assists in better analysis of performance and based on analysis developments can be made. I have concluded that through imposing this technology, the HR department can easily collect new review, annual or monthly meeting reviews by using this technology. Feedback related to performance of employees are informed to them through mails that are sent through this software that are used by HR department. It has also been observed that through offering of frequent performance feedback also assists in improving overall performance level of employees. I have learned that by providing feedback it alarms the employees regarding their current places of achievement. Furthermore, this feedback also opens up scope for them to understand places that employees still net to develop. Based on such feedback, the HR department has to impose necessary measures to bring further improvements within employee performances. I have further learned that the setting of regular meetings also assists in bringing effective improvements within employees. HR through conducting regular meetings discusses the gaps in performances of employees. This gap in performances of employees restricts them from providing best performances. Thus, I have observed that through these meetings they also provide necessary strategies so that employees are able to improve overall performance.
I have also gathered knowledge related to theories that assists in better and effective management of employee performances by the HR department of an organisation. Expectancy theory of performance management is an excellent theory as this theory is mentioned that a company has to align its goals and objectives along with an individual performance. This has to be done so that they are able to expect required outcomes from an employee. Hence, I have learned that theory related to the HR department also imparts an impact on the overall performance rate of an organisation. Therefore, these are some prime learnings that I have gathered from this study.
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Appendix 1: Time Horizon
Main Operations
Week 2
Week 3 to 4
Week 5 to 8
Week 9 to 13
Week 14 to 17
Week 18 to 21
Week 20
Topic Confirmation
Creating Research Outline
Reviewing Literature
Selecting Research Technique
Gathering Secondary Data
Data Analysis
Interpretation of Findings
Preparation of Conclusion
Rough Project Overdraft
Final Submission
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