171 Critical Report Assignment Sample

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Okin’s perspective on the 1971 Theory of Justice proposed by John Rawls provides an excellent illustration of how she thinks about things when debating the theory. She asserted that this paradigm fails to consider the way families and gender norms function in contemporary culture, and she provided examples. According to Okin, Rawls’ theory should be based on the notion that citizens must be informed about it, an idea that he considers being right. Consider Okin’s findings on gender roles. Depending on the context, I believe they can be understood in at least three distinct ways. According to Okin, who believes that this is the most important principle, children should be taught to socialize based on the same rights and possibilities that everyone else in the world has.

Fundamental problems of the Question

She questioned parents to avoid gendered divisions of household chores, no matter how freely selected they may have been, to prevent children from assuming that specific roles are natural to them as they develop. According to Rawls’ “Principle of Equal Liberties,” gender norms that do not place a high emphasis on women’s rights are detrimental to women’s political liberty. The “Principle of Fair Equality of Opportunity” was not enough for Rawls, and she expressed her dissatisfaction with it when she left the meeting. No matter what your social standing, you should not be denied the same opportunities for success as someone who possesses the same level of intelligence and talent like you. In addition, Rawls has written a book on the subject.

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Critical Report Assignment

Her arguments were supported by quotations from the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill, which she utilized to clarify her point of view. She asserted that a person’s willingness to use their abilities and their ability and aspiration levels are influenced by their family and other members of the fundamental social structure in which they live. This has resulted in a close relationship between the well-being of women in the public sector and their opportunities for advancement. Many people were disturbed that young women are not subjected to “oppressive measures” simply because they are girls, as opposed to older women. Susan Okin is the most competent person to speak about women’s liberalism because she speaks and thinks about it daily. She is the most qualified person to talk about women’s liberalism because she regularly says and thinks about it. After taking the most favorable view of the liberal tradition, she concluded that it would be sufficient to sustain the beliefs and actions of feminist thinkers and other social activists. To achieve equality, Okin’s reasoning shows that the state must make every effort to ensure that men and women perform the same amount of paid and unpaid, productive, and reproductive work. The socialization of children would be harmed even if the roles and responsibilities of mothers and fathers were “freely” selected because of the large number of significant differences between them. Failure to teach our children that gender norms are natural and correct will result in them repeating the same mistakes that ancient philosophers made in the first place, and we will be repeating the same mistakes that they made.

Critical Assessment

She has been accused of being too conservative because her approach, which proposes that the state should limit parental choice to promote equal treatment, is not easily explained by “public reason” and is at odds with other reasonable beliefs about the family, according to those who disagree with her position.

 According to Okin, the alleged struggle between reason and desire is nothing more than an oversimplification of morality, and this is not the case at all. According to her(2015), the concepts of “caring” and “just institutions” do not have to be in opposition to one another. While many theories of justice begin with the idea that we all live in the same world and share a sense of obligation and concern for one another, others start with the premise that we all share a sense of responsibility and respect for one another as their starting point, as opposed to other theories of justice.

She did a study on economic gender imbalance around the world and women’s human rights during her tenure at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, where she was a visiting scholar. During this period, she was also conducting research for a book on the subject, which she completed.

As a result of the interaction, she had a personal understanding of how outside assistance may benefit those in need, and the memory of the event has remained with her for a long time. Whenever we claim that we are directly responsible for the problems in other countries, we are implying that our actions have a significant impact on their everyday lives. She was anxious about how the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund’s policies have resulted in harm to women and children in developing nations, and she expressed her concern to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.


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The wealthy can benefit from rapid economic change based on free-market values, but it is possible that the poor and unlucky would suffer greatly. It’s possible that going through this will be a terrifying event for them. Because a wide range of factors can cause poverty, we must devote more effort to discovering what causes it and how it might be alleviated if we effectively combat it. For her, women’s perspectives needed to be considered because they had the potential to have negative consequences for the way poverty and well-being were evaluated.


Okin, S.M., 2005. ‘Forty acres and a mule for women: Rawls and feminism. Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 4(2), pp.233-248.

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