7069SOH – Healthcare Assessment Sample 2023


  • UK and Brazil Healthcare funding model is focused
  • The Healthcare model of both countries compare and contrast and resource planning are focus

Funding for Healthcare is significant in providing services to the patient for early recovery processes with appropriate infrastructure and medication facilities. This study aims to analyse multiple aspects and consequences of the funding model for Healthcare by considering the UK as the home country and Brazil as an external country. Focusing on analysing the health funding model of both the countries can help in the development of understanding on how the budget and finance of different countries works. The major focus areas of the study are analysis of the Healthcare model, comparison and contrast, resource planning and implementation of critical analysis approach.



  • UK health is funded by public taxes (L’Esperance et al. 2019).
  • Brazil Healthcare is funded by federal, municipal and state governments and tax revenue (Bindman, Pronovost & Asch, 2018)

The UK Healthcare funding model is based on a public taxation process, and it can be considered publicly funded. Some percentage of the taxes provided by citizens of the United Kingdom is considered under health care development and funding to research and development by budget and policymakers of the country. Multiple Health Care insurance companies also play a significant role in funding annual expenses and treatment expenses of private and government hospitals. Therefore, it can be stated that funding and sponsorship of UK Healthcare are directly or indirectly paid by public insurance buying and taxation to the government.

Brazil Healthcare system is decentralised based on its political scenario and other environmental aspects. The Public Healthcare system of Brazil is funded by a contribution from federal, municipal and state governments and the tax revenue of citizens. Administrative bodies provide maximum attention towards the management of the Health Care infrastructure and treatment capabilities of the country. Nursing practices and transparency in funding and implementation of multiple Healthcare projects monitored and controlled by the decentralized government of Brazil.


  • Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) (Fahy et al. 2017).
  • Beveridge model (Vivas et al. 2020).

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Both UK and Brazil Healthcare funding is derived from public taxes collected from different procedures. For example, both countries collected revenue from their citizens in the form of income tax, housing tax, and others. The funds generated from taxes are being invested in the development of hospitals and nursing homes along with two required equipment installation processes. Different parts of the United Kingdom have their own system of generating funds for facilitating health care services to the people in order to reduce the disease burden. Beveridge model of health care service is implemented by the government of the United Kingdom for providing multiple Healthcare facilities through income tax payment.

The Healthcare industry of the United Kingdom is only funded by a direct tax of the people. However, Brazil Healthcare taxes are funded by people as well as the Federal government. The Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) is Brazil’s national healthcare system that deals with all the paperwork and funding activities of the country.


  • National Health Services (Trapé & Campos, 2017).
  • Implications of World Health Organisation (Alonso et al. 2017).
  • Sistema Único de Saúde

Healthcare projects and promotional activities along with budget management of the United Kingdom is managed and controlled by National Health Services. NHS is a government body that focuses on fulfilling all the requirements of a public Health organisation by facilitating Resource Management and controlling multiple activities. Human Resource Management is provided at maximum attention by maintaining the following policies and implementation of Government and World Health Organisation.

All the Healthcare projects and management activities of Brazil are controlled by its National Health Care System by following the principles and considerations of Sistema Único de Saúde. Resource planning of Brazil associated with Healthcare focuses on skills of hospital staff, the requirement of equipment and machinery for supporting treatment and surgical procedure in hospitals and supply network of drugs and medicines. An implication of World Health Organisation policies and consideration is also focused during the development of rules and regulations for the management of Health Care resources in order to provide better services to the people.


  • Government funding covers approx 85% of UK Healthcare expenditure (Harzheim et al. 2020).
  • Brazil government-funded approximately 1.4000 Brazilian reals on an individual annually (Trapé & Campos, 2017).

The government of the United Kingdom has taken innovative approaches and an initiative for improvement of the health care services. It has also provided attention to adopting Artificial Intelligence and modern technology for the improvement of treatment procedures. For example, AI has contributed to expanding the practices of minimal invasive instead of traditional maximum invasive in surgery and internal treatment process. Increasing the budget for Healthcare contributes to reducing disease burden percentage and increasing Health Promotion for maximizing physical activities of people. Approximately 85% of the medical expenses of the people are covered by the government and insurance companies based on funding management procedures of the National Healthcare system in the UK.

The Brazilian government spends between 1.3 thousand to 1.4 thousand Brazilian reals on each person in Healthcare through their funding and budget management procedure. The Brazilian government also provided maximum attention in reducing their disease burden by facilitating the increase of public Health Care organisations across the country for encouraging people to stay healthy and lead happy life. The Government of Brazil is also interested in multiple Healthcare promotional activities for encouraging their populations towards physical programs to maintain obesity and depression issues significantly. Continuous engagement of the government in the improvement of their health care services has contributed to helping medical facilities across the country.


  • Tax based funding model
  • Nursing ethics and principles

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Based on the discussion, it can be stated that the implementation of an appropriate Health Care funding model is necessary for continuing the facilitation of health services to the people of a country. The maintenance of ethical principles in budget management of Healthcare organisations including hospitals, nursing homes and old age homes are necessary for the maintenance of transparency and nursing principles associated with Healthcare. The study has identified that UK Healthcare is funded by public tax and Brazil Health Care is funded by a combination of public taxes and Federal funds.



Reference List

Alonso, N., Massenburg, B. B., Galli, R., Sobrado, L., & Birolini, D. (2017). Surgery in Brazilian Health Care: funding and physician distribution. Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões44, 202-207. https://www.scielo.br/j/rcbc/a/CNM57QVXv4f6y33wpbBvXMr/?lang=en

Bindman, A. B., Pronovost, P. J., & Asch, D. A. (2018). Funding innovation in a learning health care system. Jama319(2), 119-120. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2667095

Fahy, N., Hervey, T., Greer, S., Jarman, H., Stuckler, D., Galsworthy, M., & McKee, M. (2017). How will Brexit affect health and health services in the UK? Evaluating three possible scenarios. The Lancet390(10107), 2110-2118. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673617319268

Harzheim, E., D’Avila, O. P., Ribeiro, D. D. C., Ramos, L. G., Silva, L. E. D., Santos, C. M. J. D., … & Pedebos, L. A. (2020). New funding for a new Brazilian primary health care. Ciencia & saude coletiva25, 1361-1374. https://www.scielosp.org/article/csc/2020.v25n4/1361-1374/en/

L’Esperance, V., Gravelle, H., Schofield, P., Santos, R., & Ashworth, M. (2019). Relationship between general practice capitation funding and the quality of primary care in England: a cross-sectional, 3-year study. BMJ open9(11), e030624. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/9/11/e030624.abstract

Trapé, T. L., & Campos, R. O. (2017). The mental health care model in Brazil: analyses of the funding, governance processes, and mechanisms of assessment. Revista de saúde pública51. https://www.scielo.br/j/rsp/a/3sXhdXkTM7m47WTDHBLFPyS/?format=html&lang=en

Vivas, T., Duarte, M., Pitta, A., & Christovam, B. (2020). Funding models and expenditures with primary healthcare in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil metropolitan area. European Journal of Public Health30(Supplement_5), ckaa166-551. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article-abstract/30/Supplement_5/ckaa166.551/5914592

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