1.0 Introduction

This study highlights “infectious disease and long-term conditions”. This report gives stress on two infectious diseases HIV and Epilepsy in the context of Nigeria. Infectious diseases are considered as issues, which can be caused by viruses, bacteria, as well as parasites or fungi. From this infectious disease, it can be said that is passed from one person to another and these types of the disease include “Human Immunodeficiency Virus”, “Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome”, and “Sexually Transmitted Infections”.

From the overview of the World Health Organization, it can be known that the major death in the world has been caused due to infectious diseases. The long-term condition of the infectious disease is considered a chronic disease and the impact of these diseases is high on human life.

2.0 Long-term condition of HIV and Epilepsy in the perspective of Nigeria

Nigeria is considered a developing country with a square of 926728 kilometers, and it is combined with Niger in the North, Chad and Cameroon in the East, the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean in the South and Benin in the West (Nationsonline.org, 2022). From the perspective of Epilepsy, it can be said that this disease is caused among the Yoruba women in Nigeria. Data shows that around 57.8% of people in Nigeria are well aware of the symptoms of epilepsy (Ogboi Sonny et al. 2011).

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This same scenario is related to the Igbo states, especially in the rural areas of Nigeria (Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2019). HIV has been enhanced all over Nigeria for more than thirty years and not only that but also it has affected several sectors including the economy of Nigeria as well as all over the world. These two diseases are considered public health issues, which have a strong impact on the economy, and it is related to a large number of human lives for decades.

77-702040 INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND LONG-TERM CONDITIONS 1Figure 1: Role Society in HIV (Source: Faust and Yaya, 2018)

From the perspective of HIV, it can be said that sexual intercourse is one of the main reasons for this disease, and it majorly implies heterosexual intercourse. The transmission of this disease has been happed through sexual intercourse. This scenario has come because adolescents are less careful about the disease of HIV; the adolescence has no proper knowledge regarding the effect of this disease.

In this regard, it can be said that adolescents have to be aware of this disease and gain knowledge regarding this (Faust and Yaya, 2018).  The actual knowledge of HIV can give protection to the lives of the people from the spreading of this disease.

From the perspective of Nigeria, it can be noticed that the level of the stigma of this disease like HIV has fallen in this country. It is important for gaining knowledge of young adults regarding HIV in the context of risky sexual activities. The rate of epilepsy is increasing gradually in Nigeria and the epilepsy burden in this country based on the prevalence was around 1280000 (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2021). The prevalence of epilepsy is around 8 people per 100 people in Nigeria, indicating sustainable burden for the country.

The increment of the spreading of HIV disease has happened due to the inadequacy of knowledge among young adults in Nigeria. According to the report, it has been found that around 5 million people worldwide are diagnosed each year with epilepsy (who.int, 2021). Therefore, it can be said that the rate of epilepsy is increasing gradually in Nigeria and creating a country’s burden.

It also has been noticed that the prevalence rate of epilepsy is high in the lower and middle-income countries. From this scenario, it can be said that attention, as well as adequate knowledge and understanding, is much required in the case of sexual activities among young adults so that the increment of spreading of this disease has been decreased.

3.0 Cause and condition of these two diseases in Nigeria

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There are several causes for the occurrence of HIV in Nigeria which is a chronic disease. Low-risk intercourse practices are considered the driving force of the epidemic of HIV in Nigeria and the high-risk groups of individuals who are vulnerable to the disease is sex workers. Sharing needles and syringes that are contaminated, blood transfusion,  tissue transplantation, and so on are the other significant causes of HIV (Wang & Maher, 2019).

Intravenous drug consumption and involvement in same-sex are also responsible for causing the disease. As per the results of the survey, Nigeria reports 1.4% HIV prevalence (Unaids.org, 2019). In Nigeria, there are about 1.9 million citizens living with HIV as per the evidence of UNAIDS and “National Agency for the Control Of AIDS.” There is presently no effective cure for HIV and hence, it is important for the people of Nigeria to be aware of the symptoms and of the conditions that are associated with the disease.

People infected with this disease are at a higher risk of cancer such as anus, oral, liver, lung, and also Hodgkin lymphoma. Herpes simplex virus which causes lips and mouth sores and salmonella infection which is a bacterial infection of the intestine are other forms of commonly occurring opportunistic infections (Drago et al. 2021). HIV is a public health issue and the disease has become a rising concern in this country due to inadequate knowledge among people related to the cause of the disease.

77-702040 INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND LONG-TERM CONDITIONS 2Figure 2: Epilepsy disease (Source: Ariffin et al. 2022)

Trauma and hypoxia are the commonly occurring causes of epilepsy disease in Nigeria. Poor obstetric care and acts of violence against women throughout their life are factors that are responsible for epilepsy. Several articles have suggested that socio-economic factors, quality of life and childhood epilepsy can be a good reason for developing epilepsy in future life (Huber & Weber, 2022).

Other causes include stroke, brain tumor, drug or alcohol abuse, brain infection, severe head injury, and inadequate oxygen during birth. Epilepsy also takes place as a result of seizures that trigger after having stimulants such as sugar, beverages, excess salt, spices, animal proteins, and so on (Ariffin et al. 2022). In other words, allergic reactions to some foods tend to trigger seizures among children. Idiopathic epilepsy is a common type of epilepsy among the people in Nigeria and genetic influence is a major reason for epilepsy in this country.

Around 20% of children in Nigeria are affected by genetic epilepsy that also creates a country’s burden effectively (Arinzechi et al. 2019). The infection of the nervous system, neurosyphilis, virus infection, encephalitis and tuberculosis are the major reasons for symptomatic epilepsy in Nigeria. Based on the clinical reports of different Nigerian healthcare organizations, government reports, it has been seen that trauma and hypoxia among people are one of the major reasons for epilepsy in Nigeria (Leone et al. 2021).

In Nigeria, the burden of epilepsy on the basis of prevalence was found to be 1,280,000 persons. Depression and other kinds of mood disorders are the conditions associated with epilepsy. Depression is considered the most common comorbidity which is estimated to infect a minimum of one-fourth of children with epilepsy. On the other hand, it has been found that cerebral tumors is also a major reason of epilepsy among the people of Nigeria. As per the views of Hussain et al. (2020), approximately 3% to 10% of people in this country face epilepsy due to the cerebral tumors effectively (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2021).

The condition of depression should be taken seriously as it can be life-threatening. Dysthymic and anxiety disorders as well as bipolar disorders can exist among epilepsy patients in addition to depression (Clary &Salpekar, 2019). The frequency rate of psychiatric disorders is high among patients with epilepsy which also includes anxiety and suicidal ideation along with others. The pyridoxine deficiency mainly reduced the glutamic acid and minimized the gamma aminobutyric acid that causes epilepsy disease among the people in Nigeria.

Epilepsy is a neurological and non-infectious disease that affects the central nervous system of various etiologies attributed to recurrent seizures which mainly occur because of cerebral hormone’s excessive discharge. Epilepsy is a public health concern as it leads to disability and mortality.

4.0 Why HIV and Epilepsy become public health issues

Infectious diseases like HIV or Epilepsy become a strong burden on public health. HIV is considered a public health issue due to its continuation regarding the training of economic sectors all over the world. According to the world, it can be said that HIV has affected about twenty-five million lives (Who. int, 2022). From this amount, the disease HIV affects 9% of the Nigerian people.

Nigeria is considered a developing country so the health sector is not much improved in this country. The health secrets of this country lack the sufficiency of expertise as well as the sufficiency of equipment to handle this situation through this virus. This scenario presents troubles for the practitioners of health to properly take care of the disease.

In this regard, it can be said that health practitioners are able to go to developed countries to study these types of diseases and gain knowledge about how to handle this. Studying abroad regarding the practitioner of health causes a devaluation and a shortage of value. It also includes the work they do and these all present the situation of migration for the practitioners to other countries to make the development of themselves regarding studying about this disease.

On the other hand, epilepsy has become one of the major public health problems not only in the context of Nigeria but also according to the world. One of the major reasons to make epilepsy a public health issue is due to its disabilities and mortality which encompasses the treatment gap (Meinardi et al. 2011). From the perspective of epilepsy, it can be said that it is the use of the central nervous system through which the activities of the brain of humans become abnormal.

For this disease not only does the human brain become abnormal but also the unusual behavior of humans can be seen due to this disease. The other symptoms of this disease include the lack of sensation and the lack of awareness among humans. This disease, the brain disorder can be caused due to the repetition of seizures among humans.

From this scenario, it can be said that the seizures can cause large changes in the behavior of humans, thinks as well as the feels. The uncontrolled seizures are able to interfere and through this, it can cause early death in humans (Cdc. go, 2022).

The people who are affected by this disease cannot easily be employed by the organization and due to this scenario; the affected people have to depend on their families. Epilepsy becomes a public health issue because it directly affects the economy through the shortage of labor, and reduction of income at the national level.

The scenario of the disease of epilepsy needs attention on a large scale. As epilepsy is a public health issue, the advancement of effective drugs and proper treatment is required to come out of this disease (Ilae.org, 2022). Most importantly, from the perspective of Nigeria, it can be said that the use of drugs and the detection of epilepsy have to be improved in this country.

5.0 Physical, psychological and socio-economic impact of HIV and Epilepsy

The physical impact of epilepsy

The affected people through epilepsy become confused, the affected people stare in the air and the person becomes sleepless. The physical impact of this disease includes depression of the people and huge headaches. This can create an increment in a heartbeat and the affected people have to stop facing the problem regarding their breathing. Epilepsy negatively affects the physical health of people especially for child and older age people (Nalubwama et al. 2022).

The physical health of aged people is negatively affected who have co-morbidities and other viral diseases. It affects the quality of life and people who have epilepsy, lose their weight, and are accompanied by diarrhea, fever, chronic weakness (Oyeyimika et al. 2020).  On the other hand, epilepsy also increases the neurological symptoms that create difficulties to survive.

The control of the muscle of the people can be lost due to the spreading of epilepsy among humans and through this, the affected people can fall suddenly (Meinardiet al. 2001). The movements of the affected people have been lost due to this disease. Most importantly, the reproductive system has been affected due to this disease for both males and females, it can be said that epilepsy gives a strong impact on the health system of humans.

The psychological impact of epilepsy

The affected people with epilepsy lost control of the abilities of their cognitive decision. In this regard, it can be said that the affected people lost the abilities of their thinking processes. The people suspected of this disease are not able to think constructively. Not only that but also the people feel stress regarding the central nervous system as the people lose control of this. Based on the report it has been found that patients with epilepsy in Nigeria also faced discrimination in the workplace, house, society that also negatively affects psychological well-being effectively (Ijoma et al. 2019).

Lack of support from society also creates depression, anxiety among people with this disease. People with epilepsy also face psychological disorders in their life and rapidly change their behaviors such as anxiety, depression, aggression, hyperactivity can be increased.  The psychological disorders people experience include distraction, forgetfulness, as well as a panic attack, tendencies of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and aggressiveness (Massgeneral.org, 2022). The affected human lost control of seizures and faced frustration. The dysfunction, as well as irritabilities, can be seen due to the social behavior of the individual.

Socio-economic impact of epilepsy

The patient who is attacked by epilepsy has a large rate of health-related contacts. This factor implies a higher level of the cost of socio-economy. Most importantly, this disease can create a lower rate of employment (Pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2022).  In this regard, it can be said that this disease is also related to income, which has been compared with the control of the subjects.

Female Patients with epilepsy in Nigeria are negatively affected by the poor socio-economic status of this country (Oyeyimika et al. 2020). The treatment facility is also may affected by different social factors, as there is a huge discrimination between male and females in Nigeria.

The physical impact of HIV

HIV has affected the immune system of humans. Without the control of this spreading HIV virus, it can carry the disease of AIDS and this can make other infections of the human body. The physical impact of this disease implies mouth or genital ulcers, aches in muscle, joint pain, throat issues, and night sweats. HIV hampers the physical health of people, increases anxiety, chronic weakness, and depression of people in Nigeria (Ijoma et al. 2019).

It also degrades the quality of life and the majority of patients face challenges to survive in society due to lack of support. HIV also hampers the immune system, nervous system of people and affects blood cells, brain. Not only these but also the effect of HIV can create weight loss, issues related to coughing, and diarrhea (Emletet al. 2019). This disease can make several infections as it affects the immune system of humans and the affected people are not able to fight pathogens, cells, and tissues and for that, the whole immune system has been affected.

The psychological impact of HIV

This disease can cause multi-facet health issues among the victims through the implementation of headaches and seizures. This disease has affected the central nervous system and it strongly affects the psychological state of human beings (Faucet al. 2022). This disease has caused the memory impairment; the people feel anxiety as well as depression because it makes stress on the HIV-affected people.

There is a high chance of cognitive disorders, anxiety, mental health issues of patients with HIV in Nigeria (Arinzechi et al. 2019). Based on the report of healthcare organizations in Nigeria, it has been found that a large number of patients with HIV suffer from anxiety, psychological disorders.

Socio-economic impact of HIV

Due to the insufficiency of food, poverty can be raised and this scenario has come due to the regulation of the government regarding the amount of population. Most importantly, the income at the national level has decreased (Shiri et al. 2021). Due to this, the education of a child can be disrupted, which reduces economic production.

On the other hand, others neglect the affected people with this disease. Direct healthcare cost and income loss is increasing gradually in NIgeria for the patient with HIV. It has been seen that the net income loss of HIV positive people was 36065, where the net income loss is around 56% of annual income in Nigeria per capita.

6.0 Implications of HIV and Epilepsy

From the perspective of these two diseases, it can be said that both diseases have long-term conditions and have an effect on the economy of countries like Nigeria. The two diseases give an impact on the economic performance; it also gives an impact on the health sectors, supply as well as demand, and strain on the health system.

In the case of education, the students are not able to go to school due to the epidemic (Li and Dong, 2019). This can disrupt the academic calendar and give a negative impact on the students. In this scenario, it can be said that if suspected, all of the students have to be tested due to their status and health and have to take precautions to get rid of this condition.

On the other hand, agricultural production mainly helps the household. The epidemic situation can cause scarcity of food due to the ensuring of planting and the harvest of food. The children who are vulnerable can be suffering from one ailment and the other family members care for these types of children. The psychological state of mind of the children has been affected by the parent’s condition.

From the perspective of the countries, it can be said that the attention of the country has been shifted regarding the management of the disease and through this process; the performance of the economy of a country like Nigeria has been affected on a large scale. From this perspective, it can be said that this can affect the growth of the economy of the country (Bai et al. 2021). The growth of the economy has decreased through the number of products and services that have been produced by the citizens at the time of the spreading of the infection.

At the time, when the disease had spread rapidly, it directly hit the well-being of a country like Nigeria. It is important to bring development for the resources which have been spent on the citizens of the countries. From this perspective, it can be suggested that the development of ideas or concepts can manage the spreading of diseases inside the countries.

Through the spreading of infectious diseases, poverty can come inside the countries. Regarding infectious diseases, it can be observed that in long-term conditions, the affected people go to hospitals to take care of them (Zeng et al. 2020). This can put huge pressure on the staff and the authorities of the hospitals. In spite of these, hospitals can take a major role to stop the spreading of these diseases among the people.

7.0 How public health organization addresses these two diseases

For the positive cases of HIV, the ministry of health provided mandatory notification in 2014. This notification majorly increased with the lack of awareness, therefore, increment of awareness regarding the positive cases of HIV viruses among people is necessary (Hussain et al. 2020). Not only that but also the treatment for this disease has been mentioned in this notification. In this scenario, it can be said that the government adopts the emergency plan of presidents in the USA regarding AIDS relief from the perspective of global HIV or AIDS.

This can represent the huge commitment of the nation to detect the risks of this disease (Avonget al. 2018). This process is best for the capacity to prevent infectious diseases from a global perspective. From this perspective, it can be said that the national institute of health is strongly involved with this regarding the diagnosis, treatment as well as prevention of this disease and the core of the infection of this disease.

From the perspective of epilepsy, it can be said that 4 million people in the US are affected by epilepsy. On the other hand, 3 million adults and 470000 children in this country have been affected by epilepsy. Health organizations rather it can be said that the public health organization detects the number of affected people and children in this country. People who have epilepsy have to take medicine each day to get rid of this disease. AHF Nigeria is a healthcare organization in Nigeria that has the national commitment to give proper treatments for HIV patients (aidshealth.org, 2021).

The organization also plays an important role to provide antiretroviral therapy, and gives HIV testing facilities for the people in Nigeria. As argued by Leone et al. (2021), healthcare organizations play an important role in Nigeria to give proper health support for the people with epilepsy in this country (Nalubwama et al. 2022). The AHF Nigeria provides completely free treatment facilities so that people who have a low income background also get proper clinical support in this country.

According to the public health organization, it can be suggested that the affected people have to know the management of the skills regarding their condition. Not only that but also it is important for the affected people to take special care to get rid of this disease (Cdc. go, 2022). Most importantly, the actual awareness, as well as proper understanding, is indeed driving the disease regarding epilepsy. On the other hand in this regard, it can be said that the CDC has become an integral part of the management of diseases due to epilepsy.

8.0 Challenges of HIV and Epilepsy

Nigeria faces several challenges in the treatment of HIV as it is the most populous country in Africa associated with poverty, discrimination, poorly structured health systems, and stigma. An increased number of people are living with HIV in Nigeria and the cases are mostly found in impoverished communities and in places where people are not educated enough (Olufadewaet al. 2021).

People with a lower level of education are not aware of the causes that lead to the occurrence of HIV due to which they are the ones who are more prone to doing activities that cause the disease. The country faces unemployment challenges which are another key barrier to the treatment of this disease.  Unemployed and poor people cannot afford the treatment cost which increases the risk of death.

Epilepsy is more commonly found in developing countries where etiological factors are mainly responsible for the cause of this disease (Beghi, 2020). Parasitic infections, especially neurocysticercosis occur in these countries including Nigeria. The main reason for the high prevalence of these infections is the poor infrastructure of health institutes and the lack of awareness among people regarding the disease. Some people have hardly any knowledge of seizures and their connection with epilepsy.

There are various stigmas associated with epilepsy and this discourages people from going for treatment and this impacts the quality of life along with social inclusion. As per the viewpoint of Braga et al. (2020), different misconceptions regarding epilepsy drive the stigma. For instance, people affected by this disease may be looked at as contagious, insane, cursed by witches, or possessed by demons. Because of these stigmas, people living in low-income or any middle-income country such as Nigeria are less likely to receive treatment despite the accessibility of inexpensive medications.

9.0 Recommendation

The main cause of the spread of HIV and epilepsy is the lack of education among people. Hence, it is the responsibility of the country to make people aware of both diseases. This would help in the effective prevention of the diseases. The government of Nigeria should take proper initiative to deal with the diseases and this will help in lowering the total cases in the country. The government needs to make a long-term plan that can effectively help in combating HIV and epilepsy. It is also required to encourage people to take care of their health.

The Nigerian government should also look into the fact that people are not stigmatizing the diseases as this leads to a lack of treatment. Spreading awareness and knowledge would help young adults to know about the negative impacts of HIV which as a result would prevent them from conducting practices that cause the disease (Owolabi et al. 2014). It is also important to implement several policies and measures to ensure that health practitioners follow the same while providing treatment to patients infected with HIV or epilepsy. The health sectors of the country should also find effective ways of reaching the citizens through proper communication channels and make them aware of these diseases.

10.0 Conclusion

Throughout this discussion, it can be said that infectious disease becomes more problematic for the affected people when it has not been treated in a good manner. It is important to take the proper treatment regarding the infectious disease. Through this discussion, it is clear that epilepsy has become too vital in the perspective of Nigeria, as the healthcare system of this country is not much developed.

As Nigeria is a developing country, it is important to bring advancement in the healthcare sectors so that the people can get proper treatment for this. On the other hand, in the case of the infectious disease HIV, it can be said that awareness becomes important for the adult as well as young adults of the consequences of this disease regarding sexual intercourse.


I got an opportunity to learn a lot of essential facts regarding infectious diseases and their long-term implications on the health of individuals. HIV and epilepsy are the two contagious diseases common in Nigeria and have affected different sectors of the country (Okedo‐Alex et al. 2019). Before doing this assignment, I had little knowledge regarding the symptoms and causes of the diseases. While doing the assignment, I gained knowledge while maintaining feedback for me with applying knowledge for understanding the causes of the two diseases and possible symptoms that can occur.

I came to know about the specific group of the population who are highly vulnerable to these diseases and the precautions people should take to prevent the occurrence of the disease. I understood that lack of awareness among people and increasing stigma are responsible for the spread of these diseases. HIV and epilepsy are more common in developing countries as in such countries rates of unemployment and illiteracy are high compared to developed countries (Mwangalaet al. 2018).

I also got to know that countries having high rates of infected people strive economically as the people who are infected cannot perform their work with the same productivity and this acts as a barrier to the country’s economic development. I realized from managing feedback that spreading awareness among people would enable parents to know about the possible causes and factors that lead to the occurrence of epilepsy based on which they can opt for preventive measures and apply them to their children.

Moreover, the knowledge that I have gained would help me to prosper in my career. I have used APA referencing style to do this assignment and also the format with which the report is written. In my opinion, the barriers that exist to the treatment of these diseases need to be considered by the government of the country to reduce the number of cases.


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