
A study on customer’s attitude and actions towards online watches


The main aim of this research is to analyze the customer’s attitude and actions towards online watches. In respect to achieve this aim, there was a need to examine the factors encouraging the customers to purchase products/ watches online, the issues in online purchasing of the products/ watches among the customers and the ways to promote the online buying behavior of the customers in this research study. After this examination, the importance of the customer’s attitude in the online businesses mainly for watches and its impact over the organization is also determined.

In concern of the research methodology, various techniques such as interpretative philosophy, inductive approach, and literature review and survey strategies have adopted by the researcher for developing the important database in respect to resolving the determined the research issues. Apart from this, survey through questionnaire technique is conducted on 100 customers of the companies who offer the watches online, for collecting the primary data related associated with the research issue. In respect to analyzing collected data, graphical analysis method is used by researcher. It was beneficial for the researcher for presenting the findings in clear and understandable manner for generating research outcomes.

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From the data analysis, it is determined that there are several factors that influence the customers towards online purchasing of the watches for their personal use. In this manner, it is also reflected that low prices, timely delivery, perceived ease of use, easy return policy, easy comparison facility and easy payment of the online products are considered the most important factors that are responsible for influencing the customers towards online purchasing. At the same time, it is also reflected that instead of the above factors, some issues such as products quality, lack of trust, limited payment preferences, hidden costs, and unclear website policies, etc. create the negative impact over the customers in online purchasing of the products/ watches and that is why most of the customers avoid purchasing products through online websites.

The future researchers have several opportunities for conducting this research study by surveying the customers in order to attain more reliable data associated with the customer’s attitude and actions towards online watches.

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

In today’s world, online purchasing is the easiest option in a busy life. In earlier, there has been a massive change in the manner of customer’s shopping. Instead of continuous purchasing from the physical stores, it is felt very convenient by the users or customers to shop the products and service online. In this way, Srinivasan et al. (2016) mention that online shopping is one of the best options to save precious time in the present world for people who do not have much time to spend on shopping.  In this way, it has been seen that the trend of online shopping has been increasing continuously in recent years along with the development of internet services as well as easy accessibility of internet services usage. In this way, the easy accessibility of internet usage leads the consumers to purchase the required product as well as services online (Hajli et al., 2017).

In a similar manner, as per the conditions of the 21st century, it is determined that the trade has been taken a diversified role in which the place of physical stores has been taken by multichannel and the importance of online shopping has been increasing significantly in all over the world. Due to the increasing preference of online shopping, the e-commerce capture around 2.29 trillion dollar market globally that is the biggest news for the sellers as well as buyers in across the world (Rahman et al., 2018). At the same time, there is the expectation to reach it around 4 trillion dollars by 2020. Because of the worldwide growth in sales by 15% and in orders by 13%, it can be cleared that e-commerce has been done between business to business and between business to consumers.  Moreover, e-commerce has been increasing because it has a number of advantages as lower transaction and the search costs in comparison to other kinds of shopping.

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In addition, the psychological state of the customers is defined as the customer’s attitude in concern of the online shopping in the manner of making the purchase on the online sites. Furthermore, the process of online buying behavior refers to the purchasing of products through online platforms.  Usually, the process of online purchasing includes five steps that are similar to traditional shopping behavior (Yeo et al., 2017). In concern of consumers, it is determined that firstly consumers determine the need to purchase some product, then they prefer the internet to buy online as well as begins to search for important information.  In this way, they analyze every aspect and the alternatives then make a decision of purchase.

1.2 About the Project

In concern of this project, it is determined that the main focus is of this study is to critically define the important aspects that influence the customers towards the online purchasing of watches. In this project, the researcher adopted some important research methodologies such as research approaches, philosophy, research strategy, data collection method, and the research design, etc.  These all the research methodology tools are most important for the research in order to accomplish it with more effectiveness as well as accuracy (Hasbullah et al., 2016). This project also contains the literature review in respect to critically analyze the customer’s behavior and their attitude towards the online shopping that is quite necessary for the readers to understand the essential aspects of consumer’s behavior. In addition, this project also includes the analysis and findings, and discussion and evaluation chapter that make this research more valuable.

1.3 Research Questions

To identify the research problem in an effective manner, the research questions play an important role. For this study, followings are the most important research questions:

  1. What are the factors that encourage customers to purchase products/ watches online?
  2. What are the issues in online purchasing of the products/ watches among the customers?
  3. What are the ways to promote the online buying behavior of the customers?

1.4 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The main of this research is to analyze the customer’s attitude and actions towards online watches.  In this manner, it is determined that online shopping is one of the most important ways to make online shopping among all the ways. Moreover, for attaining the research aim, there is a need to fulfill the below-mentioned objectives:

  • To determine factors encouraging the customers to purchase products/ watches online
  • To assess the issues in online purchasing of the products/ watches among the customers
  • To suggest the ways to promote the online buying behavior of the customers

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study on the topic of customer’s attitude towards the online watches has the significance as it helps the researcher to develop the critical understanding about the customer’s behavior in the context of online purchasing through several online platforms that are generally adopted by the customers (Baber et al., 2016).  In a similar manner, with the help of the accomplishment of this research, the researcher would be capable to show his capability and the creativity by using the suitable as well as appropriate tools in the research methodology. At the same time, in concern of critical analysis of consumer’s behavior, the researcher can effectively accomplish his research study and complete his degree within the limited time duration on this quite sensitive topic reelected to the online purchasing.

1.6 Scope for the Further Organizations

In this way, continuously increasing trend of online shopping, forcing the customers to change their negative perception in the context of online purchasing into a positive attitude. In this way, this research would be quite effective to change the customer’s psychology towards online shopping.  In a similar manner, if the researcher accomplishes this research study on the customer’s behavior in the context of online purchase of watches, he would be capable to develop the understanding about it that will be effective for the further organizations that will prefer this study for their businesses (Bahtar & Muda, 2016). Along with this, the research would also be capable to make the contribution in the existing literature. In this, it will provide in-depth information in relation to consumer’s attitude that is important for the organizations in order to decide whether they to focus more which is directly related to customer satisfaction

Chapter2. Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

The main aim of the research is to analyze the customer’s attitude towards online watches. In this way, this literature review chapter helps the researcher to deal with the issues related to the research topic through adopting different key concepts and the theories which are linked with the field of research in respect to providing the in-depth knowledge of the chosen topic. Apart from the above, this chapter also considers the different articles, research books, and journals that are completed by the other researcher in the context of the same field.

2.2 Determine factors encouraging the customers to purchase products/ watches online

Nowadays, online shopping has become in trend and most of the customers adopt it because online shopping has uncountable advantages which make it efficient for the customers. In this concern, Agag & El-Masry (2016) defines that there are various factors that help organizations to encourage potential customers to purchase the products or watches online. In these factors, one of the most important factors is the low price of online products or services that influences the customers to purchase watches online.  In this way, Pansari & Kumar (2017) mentions that along with the low prices, organizations attract the customers and encourage them to prefer the online purchasing of different products and services. Due to low prices, customers find online shopping more affordable for them in comparative to store shopping.  Low prices are the major concern of the customers that is why it is considered as the foremost factor that has a greater impact over the customers while making the decision of online purchasing.

In addition to this, Wu et al. (2017) define in his research study that another factor to encourage the customers to purchase online products such as watches is the timely delivery of the products that are required by all the customers.  On time delivery make increases the effectiveness of the online purchasing of different products as well as services such as watches etc. In a similar manner, Oliveira et al. (2017) reflects that customers prefer online shopping platform as they do not have time to go at the physical store and waste time to purchase their required products so they choose online shopping in order to get the products on time so that they can use it when they required.   In similar manner, the ease of internet use is also considered as the important factor that influences the customers to purchase online products such as watches because if the customers find easy to use anything, they get motivated to adopt that thing and the same thing is applied on online purchasing (Aqsa & Kartini, 2015).

At the same time, Lwin et al. (2016) define in its research study that customers also encourage to prefer online purchases because they get an easy return and refund policy from the companies who are operating their business online.  In this manner, when the customer purchases something, there are chances of damages or inappropriate products or less suitable product so, at this time, customers require easy return and refund policy that is provided in the online shipping by the all the companies which operate their business online. By easy return and refund policy, the trust and loyalty of the customers increase as they get their refund on pre-mentioned time that helps the customers to trust on the company. At the same time, Ijaz et al. (2016) determined that because of easy comparison facility, customers prefer the online shopping comparative to the traditional way of purchasing as, by its comparison facility, customers can make the comparison between their selected products and other available products online. In this way, there is also a factor of easy payment methods that helps the customers to make online shopping more convenient for them.

2.3 Assess the issues in online purchasing of the products/ watches among the customers

In concern of online purchasing, Mallapragada et al. (2016) mention that along with its number of benefits, online purchasing contains various issues in it that create the negative image of the online shopping in the eyes of customers.  In the words of Aziz et al. (2017), it is determined that while making the online purchasing, most of the customers complain about the product quality as they mentioned that when they ordered a product online, they found damages or lower quality products from the dealer. These are the main causes that lead to toa reduction in the trust of the customers on online shopping.  In the same concern, Lee & Yang (2015) mentions that because of lower quality in the product and services, customers avoid placing an order online as they think that it is not reliable for them. In addition, online purchasing also has the issue of lack of trust because of many factors that decrease the customer’s trust in which product quality and payment methods are considered mainly.  When customers have no trust in online purchasing because they are not completely aware of the benefits of online purchasing that is why they are unable to take the advantages of online purchasing products or watches.

In a similar manner to above, Marbach et al. (2016) reflected in its research study it is also determined that limited payment methods also create issues while making the online purchases of products or services. Due to this, customers feel restricted to buy anything from the online websites and that is the reason, they feel more comfortable to go and purchase the required product from the physical stores.  At the same time, it is also defined by Bilgihan et al. (2016) in its findings that due to the several hidden costs related to the online products, customers avoid making the purchase online because it increases their expenses as compared to traditional way of purchasing of online watches in which customers do not need to pay any additional charges to the shopkeeper.  Apart from above, Alavi et al. (2016) also support and depicts that unclear website policies are also considered as the major issue for the customers when they are going to purchase anything by online purchasing mode.  Due to these policies, customers have to fill their many personal details that can lead the different kinds of fraud so customers try to not prefer the online way of purchasing their required products such as watches.

In the view of Haenlein (2017), some other issues such as lack of touch and feel of merchandise in online shopping, lack of interactivity in online shopping, lack of shopping experience and the lack of significance discount in online shops etc. are also found in online shopping that discourages the customers to shop the products by using online platforms because online shopping has a number of issues that demotivates the customers to purchase the products online.

2.4 Suggest the ways to promote the online buying behavior of the customers

After analyzing all the aspects related to online shopping, Cheung et al. (2015) describe that companies can overcome the above-identified issues by adopting significant ways that are beneficial for the companies to encourage the customers for purchasing the products online. In this way, customers can be aware of the several benefits of online shopping and provide them guidance that how they make their online purchasing experience more effective. In a similar manner, Song et al. (2015) elaborate that in addition to above, companies can also include the effective customer services in their online selling process that will be helpful for them to make the customers satisfied and it is also beneficial for them to resolve their various queries. Moreover, Zheng et al. (2017) also depicts that effective and efficient customer services also beneficial as these are considered a way of promoting the online buying behavior of the customers because these services help the customers to solve the problems related to the late delivery and logistics while making the online purchase from the number of websites.

In addition to this, companies should also try to provide more clear and understandable website policies so that customers can easily understand them and adopt them while making the decision of purchasing the watches online that are expensive and useful product for long term as it is described by Maslowska et al. (2016) in its research findings that are in concern of online shopping.  At the same time, it is also examined by Lo et al. (2016) that with the help of effective website policies, customers can also be motivated and attract them towards the online shopping from the number of websites available within the market. Apart from this, effective security tools are also considered as an appropriate and suitable way to make the customers more satisfy and enhance their online shopping experience with effectiveness. In the view of Qazi et al. (2016), these things lead the encouraged customer and provide them several benefits that are beneficial for the customers as compared to the traditional way of shopping of watches from the physical stores.

Apart from above, Pappas (2016) identified that customers can also be motivated to make the decision of online shopping by providing them effective services while purchasing the products through online shopping platform. With the help of efficient online purchasing services, it is more beneficial for the companies to increase their strong customer case that is important to develop more profitability and make the businesses successful. In this concern, Hill et al. (2016)examine that include as much product information as possible is more effective for the company as by doing this, the company can provide in-depth knowledge to the customers so that the transparency can be developed between the customers and the companies. Thus, these recommended ways are more effective for the companies in order to encourage the customers towards the online purchasing of watches and other products too.

Chapter3. Research methodology

3.1 Introduction

With the help of research methodology, several identified research problems are resolved in an organized manner.  Moreover, it does not only provide the research methods but it also provides the logic in the context of applied research techniques (Fletcher, 2017). Under this chapter, the researcher defines how the identified problems can be resolved and it can be possible by methodology design that should be as per the problems.

3.2 Research Philosophy

Under the research philosophy, the researcher develops an in-depth understanding related to the research topic. In this, there is a need for a hypothesis that is developed by observation, different assumptions, concepts, and studies.  Moreover, two types of research philosophy are determined that are positivism and interpretivism.  As per the research topic, the researcher needs to select interpretivism philosophy in against positivism philosophy because it helps the researcher to establish the knowledge in concern of research issues in the manner of hypothetically (Kumar, 2019). In this research, the researcher needs to analyze the customer behavior towards the online watches so by using the interpretivism researcher can be capable of represents the in-depth knowledge in concern of research topic associated problems.

3.3 Research Approach

In addition, the research approach is also part of the research methodology that is adopted by the researcher for presenting and achieving the reliable results of the research. By applying the appropriate research approach, the usefulness of the research tools as well as techniques can be understood by the researcher (Creswell & Poth, 2017). Under the research study, generally, two types of research approaches such as inductive and deductive approach are adopted by the researcher. According to the criticalness of the research topic, the inductive research approach is more suitable as compared to deductive approach because in this researcher wish to develop the own theories which are quite helpful for the research.

3.4 Research Design

For collecting the data and analyze it in a systematic manner, the researcher needs to select the research design that plays an important role in the research. In this way, there are three types of research design that are quantitative design, qualitative design, and mix research design, etc. As per the needs of the research topic, each research design has different use in the research study (Creswell & Poth, 2017). For collecting and analyzing the provided research topic, the quantitative research design is more appropriate for the researcher as with the help of quantitative data in a statistical manner, the researcher can analyze the topic with more effectiveness by using different graphs and table that are more understandable for the readers.

3.5 Research Strategy

Under the research strategy, it is confirmed by the researcher whether gathered information is relevant to the research topic or not. At the same time, it is also identified in this that the research strategy also provides the correct direction to the researcher to accomplish the research. Under this, literature review, experiment, focus group, case study, survey, and others are included as the research strategy (Cuervo‐Cazurra et al., 2017). Moreover, for accomplishing this research, the researcher selects the survey strategy through the questionnaire as it is quite beneficial for the researcher because it provides the real and valuable data that is essential to find suitable research outcome.

3.6 Time Horizon

In respect to accomplish the research study successfully, the time horizon is described by the researcher so that the research activities can be accomplished within the time. In this regards, two types of time horizon like longitudinal and cross-sectional time horizon are identified. In concern of this research study, there is a need to select cross-sectional cross time horizon is more appropriate in comparison to longitudinal time horizon as in this research, the researcher needs to collect the data in a single period of time instead of the different period so that the validity and reliability can be improved of the research outcomes (Cuaresma, 2017). Similarly, it is also beneficial for the researcher due to time constraints and budget limitations. It supports to complete the research under the pre-defined time as well as costs.

3.7 Data Collection Methods

While concerns about the research methodology, it is reflected by the researcher that the data collection method is the crucial part of the research methodology as it helps the researcher to collect the appropriate and suitable amount of data associated with the problem of the research topic with the help of various resources of data (McCusker & Gunaydin, 2015).  In this manner, two types of data collection methods such as primary data collection and the secondary data collection method are found that are required to support the researcher while collecting the relevant data. In this way, the primary data collection method is adopted by the researcher at the time of collecting fresh data from the different resources such as focus group, survey, observation, interview, and survey techniques. On the other side, secondary data collection method is appropriate for the researcher when the relevant data is collected from the already gathered data through various researchers (Almalki, 2016).  In this, different books, journal articles, and pdf, etc. are also considered by the researcher that is helpful to collect the secondary data in context to the research topic.

In concern of this research topic, it can be mentioned that both the data collection methods are effective for the researcher to collect the information related to the customer’s attitude and actions towards online watches (Singh, 2015). In this way, the secondary data collection method helped the researcher to support it in its research study to examine the customer’s buying behavior in concern of the online products.  At the same time, it is also determined that the richness of this research is also improved by these methods that are effective to enhance the validity as well as reliability of the research study among the stakeholder.

As complete research is based on identifying the consumer’s attitude, it is important to collect the views of the customers in concern of the significance of the customer’s buying behavior. For accomplishing this research, the questionnaire survey is chosen as the primary data collection method that is quite beneficial for collecting primary data and achieving understanding about the customer’s attitude towards online watches. In this manner, this survey is conducted over the customers of the country (McKim, 2017). And the sample size is considered 100 customers that are beneficial for the researcher for obtaining their views regarding the research problems. For this reason, a consent mail is forwarded to the customers to find their permission for carrying out the survey questionnaire. After getting their permission, the questionnaire is forwarded to the chosen participants along with the instructions to fill the questionnaire and response time.

3.8 Data Analysis

After collecting the important and relevant data, the researcher needs to effectively and accurately analyze the collected data in order to get support from it for achieving valid and reliable outcomes. Due to the emergence of data analysis, it is considered ad the important element of the research methodology. In this way, data analysis contains a number of tools like content analysis, statistical analysis, cluster analysis, factors analysis graphical analysis, etc. that are beneficial to analyze the important information. At the same time, it is also determined that graphical analysis is more effective for this research topic as with the help of graphical analysis, the researcher is capable to represents the data in the different table and graphs that are more understandable for the readers and the future researchers. In a similar manner, these types of research reports that contain the graphical data are easily acceptable because it highlights the important factors of the report that are quite beneficial for the readers. Moreover, this graphical analysis provides a competitive analysis of the topic related factors which are also important to make an accurate comparison. After that, it is also helpful to make the decisions very quickly and efficiently that is not possible with other analysis tools.

3.9 Ethical Consideration

While conducting the research, the researcher is highly concerned about the ethical consideration through providing the suitable data to the research and these data must not affect the other’s ethics. While collecting the secondary data, the consideration of the ethics of past research has been taken by the researcher. In addition, it is also essential for the researcher to resolve the issues related to the plagiarism, copyright, and patent of the literature. In addition to this, the researcher also has a concern on the referencing and in-texting while conducting the research to eliminate the problem of plagiarism. It is due to the researcher who has sourced the data from different studies from the past researcher and the referencing and in-texting give the credit to the author. In addition, the university prescribes many roles and pentameters that are beneficial to eliminate ethical issues. It is also requested for supporting any obstacle to eliminating ethical violence.

On the basis of above discussion, it can be concluded that the adoption of interpretive philosophy, inductive approach, survey strategy, primary and secondary data collection method are more beneficial for this research study because, with the help of these different techniques, researcher is capable to collect the data and analyze it in an effective manner for accomplishing the research successfully.

Chapter4. Analysis and Findings

This chapter includes the analysis of graphs and tables that have been made on the basis of the researcher’s survey questions. Moreover, these questions were asked to the participant by the researcher in respect to collects the findings and important information in concern of several critical factors related to the customer’s buying behavior towards the online watches and other products. With the help of this chapter, it is easy for the researcher to understand the actuality related to the topic.

Table 1: Gender

Gender Respondents
Female 50
Male 50


Figure 1: Gender


From the above graph and table, it is identified that there is equal participation of female and males in respondents are in applied survey method. It shows that males and females both prefer online purchasing and share equal interest in this area.

Table 2: Demographic Age

Responses Respondents
 Below 20 16
         20-25 40
         25-50 32
        Above 50 12


Figure 2: Demographic Age


The above table and graphs represent the demographic analysis of age for the research study. it highlights that there are the majority of respondent belong to the age group of 20-25. At the same time, this age group is actively participating in purchasing online products. They find it easier and convenient process for purchasing that consist so many facilities and options for the customer. Thus, it can be stated that online purchasing more popular in comparison to other age groups.

Factor encourages the customers to purchase products/ watches online

Table 3: Low Prices of online products or services

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 40
gree 20
Neutral 16
 Disagree 14
 Strongly disagree 10

Figure 3: Low Prices of online products or services


On the basis of the above graph, it can be interpreted that there were 60 (60+40) respondents those are in agreement with the fact that low prices on online products influence the customers to purchase online products such as watches. On the other hand, there were also 24 respondents who were not agreed on this fact.

Also, there were 16 respondents who did not share their opinion and remain in a neutral position. This figure shows that low prices of online products can be considered for the increasing trend of online products. Additionally, Customers get the discounts coupons, gift voucher, and loyalty bonuses while using online shopping platform.

Table 4: Timely Delivery of Online Products

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 36
Agree 20
Neutral 8
 Disagree 20
 Strongly disagree 16


Figure 4: Timely Delivery of Online Products


On the basis of the above graph, it can be interpreted that majority 56 (36+20) of the respondents were in favor that timely delivery of the online products or services encourages the customers to purchase the watches online. On the contrary, it is found that there were 36 respondents were of opposing to this fact. However, 8 respondents were in a neutral position and did not disclose their views on this question. These findings show that customers are quite satisfied with the facility for a timely delivery.

Table 5: Perceived Ease of Use

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 15
Agree 17
Neutral 2
 Disagree 5
 Strongly disagree 11

On the basis of above graph and table, it is determined that 32% participants were in the support of researcher’s questions as the ease of use of online tools motivates the customers to purchase products online but there were some people who completely disagreed with this.

Table 6: Easy Return Policy of the products

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 35
Agree 20
Neutral 10
 Disagree 25
 Strongly disagree 10


After analyzing the facts regarding online shopping in above figure and table, it is identified that 55 out of 100 participants believes that due to the easy return policy of the products, most of the customers prefer the purchasing through adapting online products.

Table 7: Easy Comparison Facility

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 15
Agree 40
Neutral 15
 Disagree 20
 Strongly disagree 10

Apart from above, above graph also reflects that 55 participants were in the support to the researcher as the mentioned that easy comparative facility enhances the online shopping of watches and other different products and services but in similar concern, 30 participants disagreed and strongly disagree that it is not like that.

Table 8: Easy Payment of online products

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 38
Agree 27
Neutral 10
 Disagree 15
 Strongly disagree 10

From the representation of above graphs and table, it is analyzed that in the questionnaire, approx 65 participants out of 100 agreed and strongly agreed that the customer behavior is influenced by the advantage of online shopping like easy payment of the online products.

Issues in online purchasing of the products/ watches among the customers

Table 9: Product Quality

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 40
Agree 24
Neutral 10
 Disagree 14
 Strongly disagree 12

In addition to above graph and table, it is also determined that one more question was also asked by the researcher from its selected participants in the survey regarding the issues of online shopping that product quality is the major issue that impacts the customer buying behavior in concern of online shopping. In this manner, 64 out of 100 participants were in favor of the researcher.

Table 10: Lack of trust

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 48
Agree 17
Neutral 12
 Disagree 15
 Strongly disagree 8

At the same time, this graph also defines that lack of trust on the online companies is also considered as the issue that creates the negative impact over the customers in concern of purchasing the products by using online platform and 65 % participants shown their interest in the researcher’s view by supporting him.

Table 11: Limited Payment Preferences

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 35
Agree 25
Neutral 15
 Disagree 17
 Strongly disagree 8

In support to the above graph, this graph and table also define that 60% participants were disclosed that researcher is correct about another issue such as limited payment preferences as sue to this, most of the customers avoid purchasing their required products from the online platform.

Table 12: Hidden Costs

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 32
Agree 28
Neutral 12
 Disagree 15
 Strongly disagree 13

The above table depicts that out of 100 participants 60 participants were agreed and strongly agreed that hidden costs increase the customer’s expenses while purchasing the products by online shopping that is also the major factor that creates the impacts over the customers in a negative manner.

Table 13: Unclear Website Policies

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 55
Agree 20
Neutral 15
 Disagree 6
 Strongly disagree 4

 From the above graph, it is analyzed that all 75 participants were agreed and reflected that they are in support of the research her as they believe that unclear website policies make them in the customer’s minds that is why they avoid purchasing products online.

The ways to promote the online buying behavior of the customers

Table 14: Effective Customer Services

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 42
gree 18
Neutral 17
 Disagree 14
 Strongly disagree 9

Figure 14: Effective Customer Services

After analyzing the view in concern of the issues related to online shopping, further questions were related to the effective ways that can be adopted by the companies while offering their products online. In this manner, 60% of participants were agreed and strongly agreed with the researchers suggested ways of effective customers services that can be beneficial for the companies.

Table 15: Clear and Understandable Website Policies

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 52
gree 20
Neutral 12
 Disagree 9
 Strongly disagree 7

Figure 15: Clear and Understandable Website Policies

At the same time, one more survey question also asked by the researcher and 72 % participants in the favor of the researcher in which it is defined that with the clear and understandable website policies, companies who operating their business online can influence the customers towards the online purchasing of watches as well as other products.

Table 16: Efficient Security Tools

Responses Respondents
Strongly agree 30
Agree 24
Neutral 8
 Disagree 20
 Strongly disagree 18


Figure 16: Efficient Security Tools

At the end of this survey, the researcher asked another question that reflects that efficient security tools can also be beneficial for the companies to enhance their customers and develop the strong customer base in concern of their online business. In this way, 54 % of participants were agreed and strongly agreed with the researcher.

Chapter5. Discussion and Evaluation

5.1 Introduction

This chapter is adopted to discuss the findings gained in the fourth chapter. Under this chapter, different findings are discussed by considering the findings related to the literature review. In this, the findings related to the literature review are adapted to support the primary findings for enhancing reliability as well as the validity of the research study.

5.2 Discussion of Findings

Factor encourages the customers to purchase products/ watches online

On the basis of above findings, it can be mentioned that there are several factors that are considered important for the companies who are operating their business online in order to influence the customers towards online watches as well as other products.

In this way, after conducting the survey, it is finalized that the lower prices and timely delivery of the online products are beneficial for the companies to increase the customer’s interest towards the online purchasing of the products.

In this, it is also determined that along with the low prices and timely delivery, companies can develop their strong customers base that is beneficial for them to earn more profits.

Apart from this, these findings are more consistent with the findings of Agag & El-Masry (2016) and Oliveira et al. (2017) as they support that low prices and timely delivery concept is the major concern area in the views of customers and without considering this factor, it is quite difficult for the companies to influence the customers.

At the same time, from the primary findings of above, it is also determined that perceived ease of use, and easy return policies are also important aspects that can be linked to the factors that are essential for encouraging the customers to purchase the products as well as watches online.

These findings are supported by Pansari & Kumar (2017) and it is also reflected by them that most of the people beliefs that these factors are also essential for the companies because these also provide the benefits to the customers and motivate them to come online sites and make a decision to purchase the products as well as watches online that are comparatively easy to purchase

the products from the physical store. In this way, Wu et al. (2017) also defined in his findings above that to go on physical stores and purchase the products is more time consuming for the customers. At the same time, it can be also discussed in the research study of Ijaz et al. (2016)

that easy comparison facility and payment are also the major factors for the customers who consider them while making the decision of purchasing the products through online tools as they believe that with these facilities, they are capable to make the right decision of purchasing the quality and lower price products in an easy manner.

Issues in online purchasing of the products/ watches among the customers

Along with this, it can also be interpreted that there are several issues in purchasing the watches or products among the customers. In this concern, the products quality and the trust of the customers on the brands are considered as the major issues for the companies as well as the customer because due to these issues,

the perception of the customers changes towards the online products. In addition to above, Marbach et al. (2016) defines in their above findings that the limited payment preferences and the hidden costs are also determined as the issues for the companies who are selling their products through online platforms so that they can attract more customers towards their products of watches such as Rolex, Omega SA, Patek Philippe & Co, Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Constantin, etc.  In this concern, Marbach et al. (2016) also support by its research findings that companies provide few payment options to its customers and at the same time, companies do not provide sufficient offers and discounts to the customers that is why they avoid purchasing products online. Similarly, along with the product’s costs, company add some additional charges such as conveyance changes, packing charges, bank charges, additional taxes, delivery charges, etc. These additional charges are added in the product’s costs and are increasingly the value of the product that is quite expensive for the customers who can afford only the cheapest watches for their use.

In the favor of this statement, from the research of Alavi et al. (2016), it is also mentioned that the unclear website policies are also declared as the major issue for the companies that impact the consumer buying behavior in concern of the online purchasing. In this concern, around 75 participants were in favor of the researcher because he mentioned that unclear website policies are the issue in online purchasing.

The ways to promote the online buying behavior of the customers

Besides from above, it can also be interpreted from the study of Cheung et al. (2015) that for the identified issues in relation of online purchasing, there are several ways that can be adopted by the companies in order to overcome as well as eliminate these issues so that the online buying behavior of the customers can be promoted in concern of the watches. In support of these several findings, Song et al. (2015) describe in its research study that effective customer services can be helpful with respect to enhance the online buying behavior of the customers. In this way, it is also determined that with the help of these kinds of customer services, the issues related to the delivery and logistics that are the major issue determined under online purchasing. From the same findings, in the research study of Maslowska et al. (2016), it is also determined that clear and understandable website policies can also be considered as the way that can also be used by the companies to promote the online buying behavior of the customers so that they can develop more loyalty between them and their customers. Apart from this, in the research findings of Pappas (2016), efficient security tools are also determined as the effective way that can be beneficial for the companies to develop the more security and the privacy for the customers.  In support of this, Zheng et al. (2017) reflect in his research that in-depth-knowledge and understanding regarding online purchasing are crucial to managing the online business challenges.

5.3 Summary

On the basis of above findings of the survey questionnaire, the discussion has been done which helps to develop the understanding about the several ways that can be adopted by the companies in order t promote the online buying behavior of the customers in concern of the watches.

Chapter6. Conclusion and Recommendations

On the basis of research report from the above findings and discussion, it can be concluded that under this research study, the main aims and objectives have been achieved moderately and it is because the responses obtained from this objective were mixed as some of the respondents presented the positive responses whereas some of them given negative responses towards the online buying behavior of the customer. It means the companies which offer their products online in regards to online purchasing had various issues while adopting the online platform to offer their products/watches to their customers. In similar manner, it is also reflected that for influencing the customers to purchase products/ watches online, there are several factors in which low prices, timely delivery, ease of use, easy return policy, easy comparison facility of the products, and easy payment of the online products are considered that are the main aspects that motivate and encourage the customers to purchase online products or watches. With the help of these factors, customer’s perception regarding online purchasing can be changed in both the manner such as a positive manner as well as in a negative manner.

In this manner, it is also reflected that these factors are quite beneficial for the companies as well as the customers as these factors provide the benefits to both equally. In the concern of the companies, these factors influence the sale of their online products because these factors help to build the customers’ trust on them by satisfying them with the quality products as well as on-time delivery. In a similar manner, it is also concluded in concern of the online purchasing that apart from the influencing factors, there are several issues are also found that create the negative impact over the organization as these issues create a negative impact over the customer’s buying behavior and due to this, several companies which are operating their business online lose their profitability and their brand image. At the same time, in context of these issues, it is mentioned that product quality, lack of trust, limited payment preferences, hidden costs, and unclear websites policies are the major concern area for the customers and due to these main issues, customers get demotivated to purchase the several products or watches by online purchasing.

In this manner, because of these different issues, customers have to face several issues as when they place an order, many times they get lower quality products or late delivery. These activities reduce the customer’s trust in the online companies in the manner of purchasing the products through online sites.  At the same concern, many times, it is also realized by the customers that while purchasing the watches online, companies add many various hidden costs that increase the price of products and customers have to pay an additional amount of online purchasing. Due to having this issue, customers avoid purchasing products from online sites.  In a similar manner, some customers avoid adopting an online purchasing option because of limited payment preferences and the unclear website policies. Moreover, around 60 participants out of 100 declared that under the research survey that they have to face the problem due to limited payment preferences and they had to lose the various discount offers because of limited payment preferences that restrict them that not to take any discount and offer vouchers.

In addition to above, it is also concluded that companies adopt several ways to overcome the above-identified issues so that they can increase their brand loyalty among the customers and promote them towards the online purchasing that is essential to increase their revenue and the profitability within the competitive market. At the same time, it is also determined that under these ways, several important aspects are included and these aspects are effective customer services, clear and understandable website policies and efficient security tools, etc.  With these recommended ways, companies can satisfy their customer in an effective manner and motivate them towards the online purchasing of watches ona regular basis. In these identified tools, effective customer services are one of the major and reliable way that is adopted by the companies because they know very well that the satisfy customer leads the brand awareness as well as more profitability.  Furthermore, by providing clear and understandable website policies, companies can also overcome the above mentioned issues that are responsible for the de-motivation of the customers in concern of the online purchasing of the products and watches.

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Survey Questionnaire Form

Demographic Questions

  1. Age
  • Below 20
  • 20-25
  • 25-50
  • Above 50
  1. Gender
  • Male
  • Female

Factorencourages the customers to purchase products/ watches online

  1. Do you think that Low Prices of online products or services influences the customers to purchase watches online?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you agree that “Timely Delivery of the online products or services encourages the customers to purchase the watches online”?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. As per your point of view, does the Perceived Ease of Use influences the customers to purchase online products such as watches?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you agree that Easy Return Policy of the products as well as services influences the customers to purchase online products?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you agree that Easy Comparison Facility of the products as well as services influences the customers to purchase online products?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you agree that Easy Payment of the online products as well as services is helpful to influence the customers to purchase the products online?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

Issues in online purchasing of the products/ watches among the customers

  1. Do you think that Product Quality is considered as the issue in purchasing of online products/ watches among the customers?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you think that lack of trust is the major issue in purchasing online products or watches among the customers?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you agree that Limited Payment Preferences are also defined as the issue for the customers as it limits them to purchase online products or watches?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. As per your point of view, have Hidden Costs identified as the issue in purchasing the online products/ watches among the customers as these increases the prices of the online product comparative to offline products?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you think that Unclear Website Policies are also determined as the issue in purchasing the online watches as these policies create confusion among the customers?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree

The ways to promote the online buying behavior of the customers

  1. Do you think that Effective Customer Services are identified as the way to promote the online buying behavior of the customers through overcoming the issues of delivery and logistics?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you think that Clear and Understandable Website Policies can be used as the way to promote the online buying behavior of the customers?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree
  1. Do you agree that the Efficient Security Tools are also adopted by the companies to make the online purchasing secure and maintain privacy?
  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neutral
  • Agree
  • Strongly agree



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