Assignment Sample on The Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Dance Choreography



The usage of technology and artificial intelligence in dance has increased at a huge rate and that has seen this growth in case of the usage of artificial intelligence and machine learning to aid in choreography. Art has always been an equal partner with technology in order to make things possible and easy. An AI technology not only helps a dancer to learn new and different styles, but it helps to create a very own choreography in providing innovative movements .The technology is always already set in order to deliver a dance sequence which is able to provide a mixture of the style of two dancers. In this technology, the dancer will have their own screen where they will reproduce the performance on stage which the software offers. AI maintains the art of dancing alive though this software lacks the existence of an artist or partner.This is used for creating a new style of choreography which is based on fed data.Now many are dancers and are using various institutions especially universities in order  to improve deep learning which helps to create different dance styles and moves.

Paper-1.The Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Dance Choreography

Aims: In this paper, the author discussed the influence of AI in dance.  AI was first introduced to make the notation process easier for choreographers and dancers, but has recently expanded to creating its own choreography based on data it is given.  The paper discussed three recent projects which discuss this technology which is used in choreography like- The Merce Cunningham’s use of Lifeforms, the next one is Wayne McGregor which is in collaboration with the Google Arts and Culture Lab, and the last one is the Georgia Institute of Technology use of Lumin AI project. How these three projects are used in different manners so that to achieve becoming a new tool to be used by choreographers.

Reference: Plone, A. (2019). The Influence of Artificial Intelligence in Dance Choreography.

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Methods: The author used examples in this paper in order to explain the three different examples like the collaboration with Wayne McGregor, and the Google Arts and Culture Lab and the project of the Georgia Institute of Technology and the name of the project LuminAI, in which  involves it consist a  dancer which is controlled by a computer  who will watch the dancer and helps to create dancing styles and moves. In the previous one, the software will check the steps of the dancers through a  video, then on the basis of the pose, it will provide different options for to practice and after that it will display on screen  The dancer’s skeleton sketch while doing pose,

Outcome: The author indicates about the mixed feeling in the usage of AI with examples like the reference of the Duke University’s,especially the dance program director and dancer,  Another reference was used in this paper and that is Michael Klien, who was a user of a program called The ChoreoGraph where a tool will allow the dancer in order to setup set up digital scream.  But he decided to discontinue to use the program because he said it is better  to work with the dancers in person.On the other hand, many people believed that this AI increases creativity on a different level. The author used the example of Damien Henry, who was the technical program manager at Google Arts and Culture Lab. He says the creativity will come after the usage of the program and how the dancer will make use of the technology based on the given options of the software.

Reflection: In this paper,the author explored the three  projects that discussed the usage of applications of AI in dancing. The paper points out the track of using AI in the systems for choreography.  The aftermath ethics questioned by the dancers  are correct  where the point the current trend of technology is now getting more prevalent among people and  it is not apt to say about that the usage of in arts and especially in dance.One point was missed in this paper regarding the idea of creation in terms of working in providing the artificial intelligence which helps to promote art. Besides, the paper also discussed the discernment, especially the common one which says that science is not creative and boring. But the thing is art is created on the basis of any scientific methods which includes invention and discovery as well which was discussed here.

Paper-2.Kinetic Imaginations: Exploring thePossibilities of Combining AI and Dance

 Aims: In this  paper, the author discusses a project which defines and talks about the cross-fertilizing dance with collaboration to AI. This paper states that  AI  is a way to explore and disclose and discuss the different dance moves.

Reference:Berman, A., & James, V. Kinetic Imaginations: Exploring the Possibilities of Combining AI and Dance.

 Methods:The paper did experiments which was termed as improvisation experiment, where method was developed in collaboration with dancers.The experiment was divided into two section where in the first stage the author took an interview with a dancer and in the next stage the experiment focused on various strategies which includes choreogravatar, free association, and spatial blueprint.

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Outcome:While doing the experiment the author discussed the interaction with the lead dancer who said that how she freely used her movement ideas because of the stimulus.She said that she took video  recordings in order to improvise. In the second step the author discussed the  various strategies which include choreogravatar, free association, and spatial blueprint.

Reflection:after the experiment,it shows that the dancer was startled due to the complication of the avatar’s movements in comparison to the simple procedure of dataset and she said that she will use it in her dance studio.  She said  that the avatar performed movements which was able to recognize within  low novelty parameters and she said that she never experienced such thing before.

Paper-3.CHOREOGRAPHING THE EXTENDED AGENT:performance graphics for dance theater

Aims: In this paper, the author will address certain research problems and discuss the techniques for the practical theory by referring artworks in collaborating different resources and different people who are unable to join together in theaters in front of the audiences  and this paper will be doing this work this due to its orderly approach which is  inspired biologically,and artificial  intelligence which is agent-based .

Reference: Downie, M. N. (2005). Choreographing the Extended Agent: performance graphics for dance theater (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences).

Methods: The paper is divided into sections which talks about the mechanics of generality and distraction, dance as representation, dance as computation with collaboration to AI and dance video in relation to dance performance with interaction and the paper also discussed about the problems of digital when they become AI after reaching the level of complexities and tools and crafts and techniques.

Outcome: The paper discussed the danger and that is the fear of projections when it  becomes  authoritative, and after that compress  into  a  single reading the play of relationships. The other pole is actually the oblivion of the projections that will erase the link between the dancers and any dance forms. So these dangers are faced by every person which is known as interactive.

Reflection: in order to stop this  shocking  alchemy from taking place  would  be  a  loss.  In this paper the author also discussed the techniques  in order to utilize in  the creation  of  the  systems  which helps to create  the  work which is discussed in the paper in order  to stop to take place to link between media  from decaying  or  blended solid. The formulation of the master plan will become a link between the technical discourse and the artistic aspirations of the paper.


Aims:The author will talk about the historical link between computer science and technology, along with the idea of art of dance. The paper says that In the past days of computer dancing, scientists predicted the growth of visuals and software devices to help in promoting dancing styles.

Reference:Sagasti, F. (2019). Information technology and the arts: The evolution of computer choreography during the last half century. Dance Chronicle, 42(1), 1-52.

Methods: The paper did an experiment where the main purpose was to prove that how  computers can help to frame the movement of dance in a better manner and also to find out how modern a computer program can be, but  never going to take the place of the dancer. The point is to find out fear of dancers who are technophobic who suspiciously saw technology with a low enthusiasm. The computer scientists who think  that the artistic device  should be developed with a program which is complicated.

Outcome:At the end, the author brings out the question: What should people will expect from the interaction between scientific development and artistic process in the next next half-century? and the answer is that the information and communication will improve and rise and lead to innovate the field of art and dance with collaboration to video and holographic display, devices which capture motion, and usage of artificial intelligence.

Reflection:The Dance and performance are known by a contradiction between physical movement and mental aesthetic appreciation. The author referred to Peggy Phelan who  says that Performance art will appear between the postponement of actual physicality of  performing and  the psychological experience which is personified.

Paper-5.Artificial Intelligence in Music and Performance: A Subjective Art-Research Inquiry

Aims: The paper five-year collaboration which is based on the combination of art practice and Scientific study with reference to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). and will talk about the thoughts on a combination of art, science, style.

Reference: Caramiaux, B., & Donnarumma, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence in music and performance: A subjective art-research inquiry. In Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for Music (pp. 75-95). Springer, Cham.

Methods: The ML acts as a device in order to improve, develop and point out musical  performance as physical.However,the idea  takes a turn in order to use it  and  shifting it  on AI which is termed as a performer.  Since the research was done as a team work the team combined the approach which says that how the research meets the artistic approach  where the first one talks about the usage of artistic practice as a medium to do the research whereas the second one says that creativity leads to a scientific research.

Outcome:The main purpose was to discuss  the  process  into an accessible way  of  combining both  art  and  science in collaboration with  application  of  AI  and  ML.  At the end of this  paper, the author discusses  three  important  factors of the  research like in the first  factor  where the author says how a person should use the  AI  and  ML  in  with music and dance and the  second  one shows   a  switch  from the terminology  which helped to use in this research and the last one talks about the  the  hybrid methodological perspective the grew with artwork.

Reflection: the conversation between science and art helps to produce a different, sometimes different outlook, instead of showing a record. The paper also says that Art, in the practice forms, will not provide any real truth with proof but will promote a vision and, it is known to view without showing any positive result.

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