
Assessment Negotiated task

Part A. Demonstration of the activity as part of an overall plan for student work


The language pedagogy forms an interdisciplinary field which involves the practice of teaching and acquiring a foreign or a specialized language through use of different lesson plan and methods like books, eBooks, DVD, etc.

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The purpose of this assessment of negotiated task as a role as a TESOL professional is to demonstrate three lesson plans and to discover the way second language pedagogy is advantageously applied in Australian educational institution and in overseas educational framework.

Demonstration of the activities for three consecutive lesson plans

Lesson Plan: Building Vocabulary

Description of the students and context: This lesson plan is specifically designed for the beginner students with some or no knowledge of the English as a second/foreign language and less than 1 year of teaching experience. Each group will consist of 10 students per session of 60 minutes.

The language level is for basic for beginners and activities focus on practicing and learning vocabulary and English writing and speaking. The material includes English vocabulary book with pictures, English reader books, participant’s handouts and an English dictionary.

Aims and Objectives: The primary focus of this lesson plan is to develop cognitive knowledge skills for the English language. The main aim of this lesson plan is to make the students understand and recall the basic words and to make the learners speak and write the language gradually.

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The primary objectives of the lesson plan activities are to learn and review basic vocabulary and make the learners use the learned words in forming and write correct sentence structure with correct spellings (Moskovsky et al., 2015). The secondary objective is to assess the learner English skill level and knowledge of secondary language gained.

Description of the activities

Activity 1: This will be the introduction session. The students will introduce each other and to the instructor/teacher. The teacher will self-introduce and speak about the importance of language pedagogy in context of English as second language. This session will be of 5 minutes duration.

Activity 2: This session will initiate with warm up exercise. Writing material like notepad and pen and reading material Basic English vocabulary book with pictures and an English dictionary will be provided to each student, the students will be asked to write the name and specify the individual reason to learn English language. The students will be asked to speak up individually. This will be 10 minutes activity.

Activity 3: This activity is Vocabulary. The students will be asked to write ten common words used by them in speaking. The word will be one by one asked to the students to see if anyone knows the answer in foreign language. The activity will be continued for all the words written and added by the students.

Some words that are repetitive will be highlighted to develop recall. After few sessions this activity can be made more challenging by introducing more than 20 words to remember and recall. This activity is planned for 25 minutes.

Activity 4: Once the group seems confident with recalling common spoken words, the next activity will focus on listening and using the new English words in forming short sentence structure, to practice the new words. This will be then read loud by the individual student in the class.

Over the time, the teacher can ask student to construct long sentence structure by use new and old learnt practiced words. This session is planned for duration of 15 minutes. This will conclude the session for this lesson plan where the students will be asked to study the reading material provided to be discusses on next subsequent session.

Description of the ways to evaluate students, the course and instructor teaching

The lesson plan for the learner and instructor can be evaluated on the basis of participant recall ability for old vocabulary and learning of new and difficult words (Moskovsky et al., 2015). The students will be evaluated on the demonstration of the identification of word and its meanings in context of the vocabulary activity as fast learner, medium and slow learner.

The last 5 minutes are dedicated for evaluation, the participant are be asked to write a one page reflection on the participant handouts to reflect on what has been learned during this session and what can be done by the instructor to make it a more participative for participants learning and skill development. This will be helpful in evaluating the teaching by the instructor and the usefulness of the activities for learning, knowledge and skill development.


Lesson Plan: Reading and Narrative writing

Description of the students and context: This lesson plan is designed for students who have a prior knowledge of the English language and have more than two year of teaching experience. Each group will consist of 16 students and the session duration for the session plan is 60 minutes. The level of language will be intermediate to high level.

The activities will majorly focus on reading using appropriate pronunciation and expression and watching a watching a short videos (with English subtitles) and narrating the story/main character and review of video. Thus, the activities are based on sharpening the listening, oral and written communication skills for better dialogue related to English language feature.

The material for the session includes CD/DVD of short videos, eBook, online articles, other English books available offline and participation handouts

Aims and Objectives: The main aim of this lesson plan is to develop dialogue skills in English as foreign language and to encourage foreign language listening, speaking and writing though reading and narration of an incident or assigned situation.

The objective of narrative is to help the students to develop communication skills both oral and written in dialogue. To teach the students how to learn to speak English language, use of adjective and other form of grammar to describe the assigned situation and to give attention to pronunciation and expression of the English language feature.

Description of the activities

Activity 1: The first activity is introduction. The introduction session will begin with a short introduction from the language instructor and students will be asked to form a group of 4 students each.  The students will introduce each other within group and one student each from the group will introduce self and other group member. This activity will be conducted for 5 to 10 minutes in classroom.

Activity 2: The second activity is reading. This activity is meant assess English reading skill levels through classroom discussion in presence of instructor (Bernstein, 2014). Here, the instructor will distribute the reading material such as books available and allow each group to read a particular paragraph for 5 minutes and understand the meaning of words with focus on speaking correctly and using correct pronunciation.

The instructor will play role as an observer. The instructor take note of grammar level and difficulty level of reading English for each group and provide strategy in understanding and remembering the meaning of difficult words. This activity will be of 20 minutes duration.

Activity 3: The final activity is narrative writing. In this activity, the instructor will play short videos can be informal discussion, theme of story or movie trailer in a classroom setting. The students will be then asked to narrating the story or main character and review of video, and to narrate the discussion among group as shown in video both oral and in written form.

The instructor take note of listening skills and use of vocabulary and grammar structure for each student and encourage students to use more English words to narrate and write the story/video observations. Time allocated for this activity session is 30 minutes. This activity would assess overall communication skill of each participant members.

Description of the ways to evaluate students, the course and instructor teaching

The students can be evaluated on the basis of reading ability and pronunciation of complex words, listening skills can be accessed during narration of dialog in video by participants. The participants are evaluated on a grade of high, medium and low through demonstration of the understanding of the reading article and oral and written demonstration of the video content by the participants.

The students will be provided a feedback form to evaluate the teaching and activities. Thus, this will provide an evaluation of the instructor and the activity course based on the participant ability to read and understand English and describe the event given with correct grammar such as use of tenses, good vocabulary during narrative writing and correct use of pronunciation in oral narration (Arshavskaya and Whitney, 2014).

Part B

Describes the work you have presented in Part A

Part A consisted of two consecutive plans which demonstrate the ways in which the activity has been developed as part of an overall unit of work.

The first activity or plan A is about building vocabulary. This lesson is exclusively designed for the beginners who are having little or no knowledge in the context of English language. For this groups are made which include 10 students and each group is allocated 60 minutes per session.

This language activity is focused only towards the beginners and the activities involved in this level focus on learning and improving the vocabulary and English speaking (Chen, et al., 2010). The material required includes English vocabulary books with attractive pictures and English dictionary.

The basic aim behind this activity is that the students adapt and learn the new language and speak the language gradually. The activities involved in plan A is that there will be an introduction session which will help to let the students get a brief introduction about each other and that of the teacher,

then a small warm-up exercise will be done in which the materials required is distributed to the students and they can start writing their name and the reason why they want to learn English language. Then vocabulary activity is been done in which the students are told to write down ten common words (Huang, et al., 2012).

Then when the group seems to be enough confident then the next activity is to focus on the new English words and forming short sentences and practice these new words. Students are expected to read out loudly what they have written.

Plan B is about Reading and Narrative writing. This plan is developed for those students who have a prior knowledge about English knowledge. In this a group of 16 students are presented and the each group is allocated 60 minutes for the session.

In this the language level is intermediate to high level. The focus is on listening skills, reading and on the pronunciation of the students and writing expression. Further, students are shown short videos and narrating them the story, main character, etc.

The material required for this session is CD/DVD of the shirt videos, eBook, online articles, etc (Nesbit and Adesope,  2011). This plan is developed so that the students develop the dialog skills in English as a foreign language. The objective of this plan is that the students should sharpen the listening skills, oral communication skills and ways of writing in describing a story, situation, and scene.

The activity of reading is to further enhance oral and written skills in participant with some knowledge of English for better dialogue in this language (Connolly, et al., 2011). Further this activity, will helps the students to express opinion and problems in speaking and listening and overall communication while practice in a friendly and safe classroom environment.

The classroom setting will give students a learning environment and it will make the overall skill development a motivating, enjoyable and memorable session.

Explains why you have planned the lessons in this way

The main reason behind planning the sessions in this way is that the students are the beginners who are having little or no knowledge regarding this new language English. The first lesson is of building the vocabulary of the students.

So it was necessary that an introduction session is organized that will help to give a brief introduction about the language, about each other, their tutor/teacher. The time period of the session was also organized accordingly. A warm up exercise is done in which they all were given notepad on which they write their name and the reason why they want to learn new language (Elgort, 2011).

Further, vocabulary activity is done so that it can be found that what English foreign words are the students aware of.  This vocabulary building activity is planned for its capacity to teach student the target words of second language and to teach the students a wide array of foreign words and word recalling strategies.

The planning of the reading activity is also emphasized to the students to further expand the vocabulary and to improve the understanding of grammar basics for tenses, adjectives along with correct pronunciation.

Then, the next plan is planned for the students having prior knowledge of the language and to assess the level of reading skill and to correct pronunciation, expressions of writing of the foreign language.

For this purpose, the students are shown some short videos with English subtitles, dialog scenes, movie trailers and were asked to listen careful to narrating the video scenario about the story, situation or the characters; this will allow the students to practice the sentence formulation while speaking and writing (Cohen, 2014).

The use of English subtitles in videos will further motivate the students to provide as feeling of achievement in understanding the complete foreign word (Gartmeier et al., 2015).


These lesson plans are the best practice for the execution of language pedagogy in the education context of Australia. It is because these lessons are effective to incorporate different types of activities to enhance intellectual and communicative abilities of the students and learners.

These lessons include wide range of activities such as vocabulary enhancement, reading and narrative writing that may provide in-depth understanding of the English language as secondary language in overseas. In my context, these lessons are effective to increase my vocabulary and overall communication skills and sentence formulation and structuring ability as I am weak in these areas.

I am not able to speak with fluency as these lessons will be useful for me to improve vocabulary and speak English with fluency. Apart from this, these lessons are effective to provide the comprehensive study materials that provide better understanding of the language to the learners significantly.

These lesson plans can also be serve as useful activities for participants planning to teach in secondary or foreign language. for In addition, these lesson plans are also effective in relation to class discussion because these are designed in the way that these activities could be discussed in the class effectively after distribution of materials to the students.


Arshavskaya, E., & Whitney, A. E. (2014). Promoting Pre-service Second Language (L2) Teacher Learning via Narrative: A Sociocultural Perspective. Journal of Language Teaching & Research, 5(4).

Bernstein, M. (2014). Three Planes of Practice: Examining Intersections of Reading Identity and Pedagogy. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 13(3), 110-129.

Chen, C. M., & Li, Y. L. (2010). Personalised context-aware ubiquitous learning system for supporting effective English vocabulary learning. Interactive Learning Environments18(4), 341-364.

Cohen, A. D. (2014). Strategies in learning and using a second language. USA: Routledge.

Connolly, T. M., Stansfield, M., & Hainey, T. (2011). An alternate reality game for language learning: ARGuing for multilingual motivation. Computers & Education57(1), 1389-1415.

Elgort, I. (2011). Deliberate learning and vocabulary acquisition in a second language. Language Learning61(2), 367-413.

Gartmeier, M., Bauer, J., Fischer, M. R., Hoppe-Seyler, T., Karsten, G., Kiessling, C., & Prenzel, M. (2015). Fostering professional communication skills of future physicians and teachers: effects of e-learning with video cases and role-play. Instructional Science, 43(4), 443-462.

Huang, Y. M., Huang, Y. M., Huang, S. H., & Lin, Y. T. (2012). A ubiquitous English vocabulary learning system: Evidence of active/passive attitudes vs. usefulness/ease-of-use. Computers & Education58(1), 273-282.

Moskovsky, C., Jiang, G., Libert, A., & Fagan, S. (2015).  Bottom‐Up or Top‐Down: English as a Foreign Language Vocabulary Instruction for Chinese University Students. Tesol Quarterly, 49(2), 256-277.

Nesbit, J. C., & Adesope, O. O. (2011). Learning from animated concept maps with concurrent audio narration. The journal of experimental education79(2), 209-230

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