Assignment Sample on B1642 Cancer Biology


This assessment is based on the evaluation of the MYTH and FACT from “Myth Buster by Ted Koren 2012 issue 5”. The myth is about emotional stress causing cancer. On the other hand, the fact says that emotions are not just the sole cause of cancer as these have been always present in the human condition. In order to analyse, research has to be performed in which sections of the complete fact or myth argument are based on evidence and which sections are contradicted by evidence and regarding which section there remains insufficient evidence to provide a conclusion. The logical soundness is also discussed. Lastly, the whole writing has been reflected upon.

Main argument

The main argument is between a myth and a fact where the myth states that ‘emotional stress causes cancer’ and fact questions how can emotions be blamed for the sole cause of cancer when different emotions of humans such as anger, fear and anxiety have always been present in the human condition. The myth argues that emotions imprints a powerful modulating impact on the endocrine and immune systems and can perform an important role in the processes of all diseases. Several cases of spontaneous remission have been recorded after cathartic experiences of emotion. It is a critical argument and requires a logical solution.

Analysis for myth

According to Mehnert et al (2018), many studies have revealed that the diagnosis of cancer and multimodal treatments are connected with a rising risk of increasing mental comorbidity and emotional distress (Mehnert, et al 2018). The high intensity of the physical symptom and side effects of treatment burden in a negative manner and affects several aspects of the quality of patients’ life. Most patients have been reported with pain and fatigue related to cancer and an array of functional disabilities incorporating cognition and impaired mobility that impede work-life,  private and social survivors and many daily life activities.

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High rates of depression, psychological distress and anxiety have been observed by using screening measures and self-reports (Sharma, 2018). Therefore, emotional distress is general inpatients and can be observed as a part of the process of psychological adaptation to manage the cancer diagnosis as a stressful event of life (Saha, et al 2017). Nonetheless, high distress levels may still need individualised professional support and clinical attention. Increasing emotional distress has been related not just to the high burden of physical symptoms but even with considerably lower quality of life, adherence to treatment and care satisfaction.

Evidence for the fact

According to the article “Can, stress cause cancer?” emotional stress does not directly heighten the risk of cancer of an individual. Research of the best quality has involved a study on many people for many years. But no evidence has been found that individuals suffering from emotional stress are most probable to be diagnosed with cancer (McEwen, 2017). The evidence, in this case, has been quite weak. But it has been found that emotional distress can lead to many different ways that can affect an individual’s health and can cause illnesses like cancer (Ubhi and Brown, 2019). Some individuals cope with their emotional stress quite negatively like they tend to smoke, have unhealthy diets such as overeating, consuming alcohol or no physical activity at all.

Another article “Is there a connection between chronic stress and cancer?” also states a similar fact. It does not state that emotional distress causes cancer directly but it has stated that increasing emotional distress can cause stress hormones’ release that can cause physical and mental issues (Xu, et al 2021). Stress promotes the spread of cancer in the body. The body releases norepinephrine and neurotransmitters during emotional stress that causes stimulation of the cancer cells. This can contribute to the cancer cells in evading death, adjusting and expanding to the new environment in the individual’s body that allows them to develop in new places. This weakens an individual’s immune system and ultimately makes the body susceptible to infections and diseases.

Reflection and conclusion

The above evaluation has shown that both myth and fact are partially correct. The first article has stated that the risk of having cancer increases due to the high level of emotional stress but it has nowhere stated that it is directly responsible for causing cancer. Similarly, the second article has supported the fact partially and that emotions are not the single cause of cancer when anger, fear, distress and many more are in-built human conditions. The former article has analysed the myth revealing that it is not completely true and the later article as the evidence of the fact shows that cancer is not all caused by emotional distress as there is no such proof available to date. Rather emotional distress is just an element that is an indirect cause of illnesses like cancer as it releases harmful hormones that affect the immune system negatively. Therefore, both the myth and fact are related but indirectly. Both are partially correct, especially the former one. The latter has strongly indicated the weak immune system and sedentary lifestyle as the main causes of cancer.


McEwen, B.S., 2017. Neurobiological and systemic effects of chronic stress. Chronic stress, 1, p.2470547017692328.

Mehnert, A., Hartung, T.J., Friedrich, M., Vehling, S., Brähler, E., Härter, M., Keller, M., Schulz, H., Wegscheider, K., Weis, J. and Koch, U., 2018. One in two cancer patients is significantly distressed: prevalence and indicators of distress. Psycho‐oncology, 27(1), pp.75-82.

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Saha, S.K., Lee, S.B., Won, J., Choi, H.Y., Kim, K., Yang, G.M., Dayem, A.A. and Cho, S.G., 2017. Correlation between oxidative stress, nutrition, and cancer initiation. International journal of molecular sciences, 18(7), p.1544.

Sharma, D.K., 2018. Physiology of stress and its management. J Med Stud Res, 1(001).

Ubhi, T. and Brown, G.W., 2019. Exploiting DNA replication stress for cancer treatment. Cancer Research, 79(8), pp.1730-1739.

Xu, X.R., Xiao, Q., Hong, Y.C., Liu, Y.H., Liu, Y. and Tu, J., 2021. Activation of dopaminergic VTA inputs to the mPFC ameliorates chronic stress‐induced breast tumor progression. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 27(2), pp.206-219.

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