BU7002 Business Research Methods

Assignment Sample BU7002 Business Research Methods


The report has been investigating the field of trust dynamics that affects the productivity of the human personnel associated with international human resource management. The concept of IHRM is handling the human capital effectively irrespective of external vagaries arising in the different countries. The literature review in the report will also reflect the significance of trust in the firm (Snyder, 2019).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods The organizational context of the report has been taken. The study will highlight the retail sector of the UK.

The further segment of the report is shedding light on the effect of high trust level in the organizational performance would be a factor to increase the productivity level the retail sector of UK (Almatrooshi, Singh & Farouk, 2016).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods There are recommendations for adopting activities in Human resource management practices that result in creditworthiness in the firm. Trust dynamics are affected by organizational culture and workplace ethics. The high moral and ethical approach to work would enhance the trust dimensions, and the outcome is high motivation to employees and high job satisfaction.

Research Aims and Objectives


The research investigates the dynamics of trust on international human resource management in shaping the performance on the overall retail sector of the UK.


  • To understand the concept of International Human Resource Management in the context of dimensions of trust.
  • To identify the concept of trust for the successful implementation of HRM practices.
  • To determine the way trust dynamic affects the productivity in the retail sector.
  • To evaluate trust dynamics and understand the role of trust in building sound organizational culture in the firm.
  • To recommend the retail sectors of UK to use proper tools and techniques fo overcoming there issues.

Research Questions

  • What do you mean by the concept of International Human Resource Management?
  • What is the role of trust dynamics in the implementation of international HRM practices?
  • How trust dynamics affect productivity in the retail market of UK?
  • What is the contribution of trust dynamics in maintaining effective organizational performance?

Literature Review

Analysis of International HRM Practices

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The increasing virtue of globalization has drastically increased the movement of human resources. International human resource management handles the human capital across boundaries for maintaining a competitive advantage in the firm.The retail sectors of UK are totally dependent upon the International HRM practises. They are currently the largest private sector in the UK and nearly 3 million employees are working in this sector. The retail grew 3.4% in the year 2019 amounting to a big revenue £394 billion (Mitrefinch, 2021).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods

As per Tarique, Briscoe & Schuler, (2015), numerous practices that fall under the category of IHRM are engaging the human personnel by staffing them and further conducting the training and development activities. The remuneration, performance management, or cultural differences in the human resources are to be dealt with under IHRM for standing strategically sound and meeting organizational objectives. IHRM encompasses certain special practices like expatriate management, variation in the employment terms and contracts or global succession planning, etc.This ensues the profit of the employees and brings out new activities for attracting the employees. This has also developed the employee retention within the retail sector of UK.

As Uthappa& Dash (2020) explained, IHRM is the in-depth evaluation of the human resource management of a particular firm at the global level. The three aspects of IHRM have been presented in the following manner:

Multinational enterprises: This aspect is concerned with the firms conducting their operations across two or more countries. IRHM is the conduct of activities of HRM practices in such organizations.

Comparative IHRM: According to Al Ariss&Sidani (2016), this is a comparative approach of the organization to identify and evaluate the HRM systems and practices applied in the different countries. Comparative HRM has been using HRM theories to understand the development of HR policies in various territories. TheUK retails sector has used the comparative approach to help develop the employee performance within the retail sector. It tends to bring out the valid skills of the employees with the help of the human resource managers.

Strategic IHRM: In the viewpoint of Brewster et. al. (2016), it is also referred to as the cross-cultural IHRM. It is the management of Human resource management practices by taking the basis as the global trends, culture, or talent. The international perspective of the social and cultural aspect is utilized to manage human resources effectively.Major dimensions of IHRM are analyzed in a cyclic approach of planning to management of human capital, conducting recruitment and Selection for ensuring that right personnel is selected for the right job and at the right location (Searle & Al-Sharif, 2018).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods Further, IHRM is aimed to develop the sense of working in a foreign land by providing continuous training and development. Employees in multinational enterprises require induction and orientation for building a strong bonding and raise credibility in the organizational culture. In the viewpoint of Victor &Hoole (2017), compensation and the decision of remuneration to human capital in IHRM is the most crucial issue as the norms and trends of compensation may vary according to the cost of living in different countries. Thus, it should be determined with appropriate judgment.

Concept of Employee ability

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The ability of an employee to acquire the rules and regulations of the organization can enhance their ability. In simple terms, employee ability is the skills, knowledge, and personal attributes that can help develop the company’s productivity.

It is opined by Zondo (2020) that employee ability is related to the way they are engaging within the organization. It helps to focus on their commitment towards their work and not just the quantity they are inputting. It mainly focuses on the quality of work delivered daily that can help enhance productivity. The employees are the company’s backbone, and it is said that their values are also related to employee productivity and ability. It shows the way they are able to work in teams and achieve the goals and objectives of the organization (Mohamed et. al. 2019).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods This also identifies their positive attitudes towards the work that help them to make a better improvement in their work and their skills. An engaged employee is worthy enough to make the other colleagues eager to address the customer and develop a strong customer base. It is also helpful as they are able to complete the deadline and accordingly mitigate the issues that the customer might be confronting.

In the notions of Ledimo, Sabbagha& Martins (2019), employee motivations also tend to develop their abilities of them. This is the direct role of the management as accordingly they are the ones who are supposed to shape the future of the employees. This can help them enhance their ability by leading it from the other colleagues and implementing it to enhance work productivity. It is very crucial for surviving within an organization and requires a lot of demand. Communication is also a major part of the employee’s upgraded ability as this helps them sustain themselves within the organization. This also enhances their efforts within the organization which can help to build excessive productivity.

Concept of trust Dynamics and its significance

According to Bastuget. al. (2016), the presence of a trust factor in the organization is the key determinant of the performance of the firm. Doubt and suspicion among the staff members or different organizational levels will lead to failure. Organizations working globally may stumble when there is a lack of trust dynamics in the leaders, managers, and employees. It is critically important to understand the dynamics of trust development in the UK retail sector as its performance directly links with trust and harmony. An organization may face the issue of lack of trust in certain cases like:

  • Less independence to give opinions and feedback on the functions and activities.
  • Lower participation rate in the decision-making or change management process.
  • The authoritative nature of the managers and conventional style of leadership may develop an atmosphere of distrust.

Organizational trust is of utmost significance in the firm as there are varieties of aspects that may be adversely affected in the UK retail sector. As per Ozmen (2018), the importance of organizational trust in the UK retail sector lies in the fact that the distrust among the personnel would lead to lower levels of productivity and high employee turnover rates. Lack of trust would not allow an individual to perform well in teams, and a lack of dedication to the firm will adversely affect performance. Distrust would yield zero degrees of employee satisfaction, resulting from which the employees will have higher switching from the firm (Ng, 2015).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods High employee turnover in the retail sector of UK will incur repeated costs and efforts and disable its capability to excel in its functions and sustain itself within the industry.

Relationship of trust dynamics with the International HRM practices and effect on organizational performance.

IHRM practices are recruitment, planning, training, compensation, and performance assessment. Some high-end activities are expatriate management and global succession planning. As per Zhu et. al. (2018), Expatriate managers are the one who has been employees in a foreign land due to their special knowledge and skill in the relevant sector. Trust in the management and firm would allow such managers to be comfortable in the workplace and yield a high employee satisfaction level. Thus, a high degree of trust in applying various cultural models would help determine and enhance the organization’s productivity.

The practice of planning is inclusive of forming the blueprint of all the actions. Therefore, it is necessary to gain the trust of the entire employee for their effective and efficient utilization of their skill and achieve maximum results. Training and development are also a means to deepen and nourish the employer-employee relationship and bring a hike in the degree of trustworthiness.

As per Jiang & Chen (2017), providing compensation is a monetary form of developing trust. A high degree of trust would increase productivity; higher productivity would enhance task completion in a timely and better way. The trust factor would allow engagement in the functioning and decision-making, which drives productivity. This makes employees feel to be more connected and enthusiastic towards work and yields efficient and timely results.It is a proven fact that a collaborative culture is highly productive in nature. Trust dynamics would stifle individuals in the retail sector of the UK.

In the opinion of Omodan, Tsotetsi&Dube, (2020), it is said that the Human relations theory mainly focuses on the susceptible practices adopted by the management and the ways they are able to develop sustainability within the organization. It also develops the interest of the employees within the organization. The responsibilities of the employees are also highlighted in this theory that can help them to develop their abilities which can be used to attain these responsibilities.

Contribution of trust dynamics in maintaining sound organizational performance

There are various practices that will help them to gain the trust of the human resources so that they work with high commitment and dedication in the firm. International sites of operations of can involve some factors in the code of conduct for improving the workplace environment and developing trustable relations for coordinated working.

According to Nafei (2016), the series of factors that enhance organizational performance involves Co-dependency in the operational functions, which may compel the employees to rely on each other to accomplish the task. In the retail sector of the UK, the authorities should be aware of the fact that there should be higher participation of all the employees in the decision-making process. This will ensure them to be responsible and will make them feel that they are a reliable asset to the firm. This may evolve the sense of dedication in their work as the trust level is high. There should be the development of an environment that ensures each member is treated equally and with due respect. It will raise the trust factor in the firm.

In the retail sector of UK, the employees should be keen to promote open communication and discussion sessions to be clear and concise on their ideas and foster innovative idea disbursal in the communication. Delegation of responsibility gives the subordinates access to perform functions independently and be answerable for the relevant actions (Kocak, 2016).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods The staffs of the retail sectors of UKhave been provided greater autonomy for their actions, enhancing a sense of authority and forming a credible attitude towards top management. There should be an organization of activities and sessions that would focus on building harmonized and cordial relationships in all business and strategic levels allocated in the retail sector of UK.

Koohang, Paliszkiewicz&Goluchowski (2017) has explained that the factor that may cause distrust in the employees is the unequal distribution of the resources by the leasers. This develops a biased approach in the organization and brings personal or professional gaps.The retail sector of UK should also be keen in the performance assessment and appraisal that is the most inclined aspect for an employee to be loyal and productive. Fair remuneration and timely appraisal would be an efficient step for the management to be more trustable for the human resources. The resolution of personal and professional conflicts in the retail sector of The UKshould be an urgent task so that the employees do not lose faith in the team working and affect the group productivity as a whole.

Literature gap

The research has not been able to cover the planning aspect of the International HRM practices, and the high-end performance of global planning succession is not covered under the literature review. The planning has a methodology dynamic in nature. Also, it involves an in-depth evaluation of the forms and functions performed in the retail sector of the UK,and hence the coverage of such a wide issue is not possible.

Research Methodology


Research methodology is basically to provide sufficient knowledge that can help to identify the different techniques that will be highlighted within the study (Ørngreen and Levinsen, 2017).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods It will help the researcher to identify reliable methods that can be helpful to gain access to the information while conducting the study. The paper will highlight the research approach, research philosophy, and research design. It will be easier for the researcher to make the necessary changes within the study with the collected information. The ethical consideration along with the data collection method will also be highlighted which can be proven to be helpful for the researcher in conducting the entire research.

Research approach

Research design is a systematic overview of the total research being developed. The research design that will be used for the study is the “deductive research approach (Azungah, 2018).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods It will help investigate the organizational performance by the implications of trust dynamics in IHRM practices in the retail sector of UK. It will also highlight the qualitative theories that can help to identify the issues within the study. It will also help to calculate the concepts at the end of the research. The research approach that is used can also help you identify the logical ways of the concept and the values that are being studied.

Research design

Research design within a study is the strategy chosen that can help to identify the medieval way to complete the research. The research design that will be chosen is the “explanatory research design.” This can help the researcher access varied information and develop more information related to the issues (Mohajan, 2018).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods The benefit of the Trust dimension in the practices of IRHM will positively influence the productivity of the human resources and also build a sound organizational culture in the retail sector of the UK.

Research philosophy

The research philosophy is a method that can be used to gain information in regard to a particular topic. It can help to identify the reliability and validity values. The research approach that will be used in the study is the “positivist research approach.” It will be helpful for the researcher to develop more quantifiable research and the stress on the results that they might achieve after the completion of the researcher (Zangirolami-Raimundoet. al.  2018).http://BU7002 Business Research Methods This will also help the researcher to make the relevant changes within the study as and when required. The different variables like training the staff, recruitment, and selection, or expatriation management have been emphasized in the report.

Data collection method

Data collection is a process that is used to collect the information for the following research. There are two types of data collection methods- the primary data collection method and the secondary data collection method (Taherdoost, 2016). http://BU7002 Business Research MethodsThe Primary data included the survey processes as well as the interview process. On the other hand, the secondary data collection includes the reviewing of the various articles.

The “primary data collection method” will be used for the study as the direct investigation and questioning the degree of trustworthiness would reveal the ethical behaviour of employees in the firm.  Primary data collection would involve direct contact, and the results will be more reliable. The employees in the retail sector of the UKwould be accessed on the basis of the trust dimensions. This will also help the researcher to gain a lot of knowledge and experience while the survey is being conducted.

Data collection tools and techniques

Data collection tools and techniques focus on the way the information will be collected for the research. The primary data collection will be conducted (Zangirolami-Raimundoet. al. 2018). http://BU7002 Business Research MethodsThe primary data will be gathered by a survey of a total of 50 employees in the retail sector of UK. Graphs and charts will be used for the statistical data. This will highlight their ways of increasing their ability within the organization. It pays to focus on different types of practices like expatriation and compensation at the global level to demonstrate productivity level.

Sample size and techniques

50 employees from the retail sector of the UK are selected to investigate the degree of trust dimension in the firm.The method to extract information is the questionnaire method which will yield effective results based on their personal experience.

Plan of work

Activities Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4-6 Week 7 Week 8-9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13-15 Week 16-17 Week 18
Forming  the aims and the objectives of the research                        
Deciding the scope and the limitations of the study                        
Deciding the literature review of the project                        
Reviewing the literature review                        
Selecting the research methodology                        
Reviewing the methodology                        
Collection of primary data for the research                        
Analyzing and interpreting the data by survey                        
Forming conclusions and the recommendations                        
Drawing the final report and submitting                        


Ethical Considerations

This will ensure the proper ethics and the way of conducting the research. The data protection act will be used along with the information to be kept confidential. The data collected by the researcher during the survey will not be misinterpreted, and no personal information will be leaked out (Attia& Edge, 2017). http://BU7002 Business Research MethodsThe survey processes will be made aware to all the employees irrespective of their caste and creed, age, race, and sex. No force will be applied to the employees, and they will be provided the freedom to answer as per their will and convenience. The report has assured that the trust dynamics in the international HRM practices would lead to better performance and effective results.


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