Business communication skills

Business communication skills assignment 2020


The role of the business communication in the modern era cannot be overlooked at all. Verbal and non-verbal communication in the personal life is equally important, as the communicator needs to choose a reliable mode to communicate about the contents in a clear and precise manner.

AN individual constantly communicates with others for various reasons. In order to communicate positively it is recommended to an acceptable body language that creates a right impression in the minds of the listeners.

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A body language could be easily read and apprehended by the people.

A negative body language affects the willingness of an individual to listen and to take the necessary action on the recommended strategy. Communication process has to be simple, effective, and reliable.

It assists increasing the right impression in the minds of the listeners which is an important aspect.

A positive two way communication process is also used to create a positive learning environment which is useful in the personal and professional environment.

Apart from the positive communication method, a good and acceptable body language makes the interaction process simpler and effective (Jacks & Lancaster, 2015).

Positive communication process

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An individual can influence the others by adopting a positive and feasible communication strategy.

In the communication process, trust is one of the major factors that create an impression on the others. Mandal (2014) stated that a good communication method needs to have a channel and a medium to convey the message.

This also assists in implementing the Acton plan needed for the company. Business communication process has a transmission mode where the ideas are conveyed accurately to the other groups of people.

This triggers the further action plan associated with the organisational goals and accomplishments.

A leader with a positive body language and a professional communication tone can create a favourable impression on the followers.

Moreover communication is used by the leaders to influence the co-workers, group members, and/or the stakeholders. Gabor et al., (2015) stated that a skill full communicative leader with a positive body language can engage the staff in operational diagnose and actively involve people in the decision-making process.

In this process, the managers or the leaders create a trust factor by communicating the actual information and set real expectations with the members.

The challenges arise when the communicator adopts a mode that is not trustworthy or doesn’t investigate on the quality of information shared with the other members.

This factor affects the trust and impact the purpose of the communication process. Body language of an individual determines the competency level, outlines the objective to indulge into a communication process, and clear apprehend the challenges faced while communicating with the other members.

Morgan & King (2012) closely examined the relationship between a positive body language and improper communication channel or tone adopted by the leader.

In this situation, the leader fails to create the trust factor that is needed to create an authenticity needed to execute the action plan. As stated in the game theory, the efficiency of the reader to gain more information and facts through the communication process is examined.

With a clear communication process, it is possible to collect and analyse the relevant facts that is being used for improving the quality of the communication process.

However this theory fails to highlight the challenges with the trust that is necessary to be created between the staffs and the managers or between the communicators.

There are different factors needed to create a positive relationship amongst the group members through a communication channel.

The relevance of the topic, the reason for its discussion, and the contribution expected from the participants are clearly outlined as it helps to build the required trust factor.

Involvement of the members in the discussion process is relevant as it helps in valuing the importance of the innovative ideas developed by the members.

The channels used for the communication process is examined as it increases the involvement of the members into the discussion process.

A positive body language is a process to engage the group members in the generation of the creative ideas.

Every individual have a thinking process, and its importance and usefulness is determined through the communication process (Hertenstein & Keltner, 2011).

Staffs are encouraged to get involved in the team discussion which requires a brainstorming process.

An acceptable communication process is needed to evaluate the importance of the ideas created by the members and to examine its implication process to increase the quality of the operational works.

A challenge exists when one of the members or the group all together are not willing to talk or interact about a process.

This affects the overall operational strategies and policies that are planned by the management.

In a business communication process, the leaders play an immense role in defining the works and in executing the tasks.

Through discussions, the managers examine the value of the discussion and propose plans to implement the same. This needs a proper communication process, which is supported by a positive body language.

An open communication process encourages the members to positively get involved in the discussion process.

This is also important to streamline the better options to improve the individual or team work.

The challenge also exists when one of the members doesn’t have confidence in interaction and unintentional provide an improper solution to deal with the issue.

In a business environment, time is the major factor that needs to be taken care of. It is not easy to conclude a discussion within a given point in time.

Some of the members might agree to the discussions while others might not.

In this case, the leaders play an important role in improving the confidence of the members to get involved in the discussion (Hargestam, 2015).


The below mentioned recommendations are proposed –

  1. Create a trust – This can be done by allowing the members to discuss and explain the reason why the suggestion is not acceptable. The trust creating factor is important as it help in improving the quality of the communication process. It is relevant for the members to share the information and increase the value of the services.
  2. Indulge into the proper discussion process – The members indulge into positive discussion where the participants learn to respect the other participants.  In this process, the members have to get involved into positive discussion, were the points and views of the other members are heard and respected. This is an important aspect needed in the discussion process, where the members learn to examine the importance of the views presented by the other members.
  3. Positive communication – This is one of the essential aspects, where the members are motivated to use positive and simple words while communicating with each other. This process allows conveying the message properly, and improves the apprehension process. It is a relevant process, where the listener and the interacted work together to find the importance of the idea or the concept that are being discussed.
  4. Good body language – One of the biggest barriers to the positive communication process is the body language. An improper body language affects the quality of the works, and the discussion process that is being intended to be carried out between the members.

Business communication is an important aspect, and needs the communicator or to choose the right medium and method to discuss about the contents.

This process requires the members to outline the features or the topics that is being intended to be discussed.

AN organised process improves the outcome quality of the discussion, and the relevance of the discussion along with the fact analysis is conducted in the professional manner.



Gabor, D., Baritz, M., & Repanovici, A. (2015). The study of stimulated visual behavior related to nonverbal communication. Procedia Technology, 19,1102-1108, doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2015.02.157

Hargestam, M. (2015). Negotiated knowledge positions – Communication in trauma teams. UMEA University Medical Dissertation, New Series No.1733, ISSN: 0346-6612, ISBN: 978-91-7601-298-7.

Hertenstein, M. J., & Keltner, D. (2011). Gender and the communication of emotion via touch. Spring Science + Business Media New York, 64, 70-80. doi: 10.1007/s11199-010-9842-y

Jacks, J. Z., & Lancaster, L. C. (2015). Fit for persuasion: The effects of nonverbal delivery style, message framing, and gender on message effectiveness. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45, 203-213. doi: 10.1111/jasp:12288

Mandal, F. B. (2014). Nonverbal communication in humans. Journal of Human behavior in the Social Environment, 24, 417-421. doi: 10.1080.10911359.2013.831288

Morgan, W. B., & King, E.B. (2012). An activity for teaching the effects of nonverbal communication. Journal of Effective Teaching, 12(1), 20-31. Retrieved from: r?vid=1&sid=6507594e-ddd1-414d-87c1-d02c09189e94@sessionmgr4008

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