CN7026 Cloud Computing Assignment Sample


This project Healthcare management system for hospital based on cloud based services helps the hospitals to manage the patient data. As the patient data is more sensitive information of an individual, the data gathered from the patient should be more secure.

In the traditional form of getting patient details, the patient has to write too many details which can lead to errors in some cases. After getting the patient form, an admin staff has to enter the details into the system. The current system will have dropdown boxes and check boxes for selecting the patient details. The doctor can also add the patient medical details and prescriptions into the system. This can be viewed anywhere for future references.

B. Project Planning

The project planning is the important phase in the project development life cycle. After getting the requirements from the stakeholders, the project planning starts with analysing and designing the project requirements, cost estimation and project scheduling. The project scheduling is very much important to complete each task within some specified time duration. The project deliverables and the milestones for the project are defined.

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The project milestones for the Healthcare management system are given as follows:

  1. The project requirement specification

This step involves gathering of system requirements and documenting the requirements as SRS document

  1. System Analysis

Then the system requirements are analyzed whether it is feasible to implement with the allocated budget and time duration. The set of processes which defines this system also identified.

  1. System Design

Based on the analysis, the system is designed using various tools. The design represents the entire view of the system using various diagrams like data flow diagram, Entity relationship diagram and architecture diagram

  1. System Implementation

Then the system implemented using suitable frameworks and programming languages. The frontend and backend of the system are implemented. After all the modules of the system are implemented, the next phase started.

  1. System Testing

The last step is testing of the system implementation for various inputs. The performance of the system is tested with various scenarios (Marier-Bienvenuea, Pellerina, & Cassivi, 2017).

C. Cloud Architecture solution and Implementation

Requirements Gathering

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The requirement gathering plays a important part in the project success. The lacks of setting priorities to the requirements are also affect the project (Alla & Pazos, 2017).

The functional requirements of this project are given as follows:

  1. User Account creation

This module is used to create different user accounts of the system. The users of this system are patients, doctors, nurses, billing staff and administrative staff of the hospital.

  1. Patient Module

In this module, the patient will create an account and enter the personal details and the medical details.

  1. Nurse module

The nurse will enter the additional medical details like weight, temperature, etc.

  1. Doctor module

The doctor will enter the details of patient’s medical condition and prescriptions for getting the medicine.

  1. Billing staff module

The billing staff will get the details of the consultation fee and other diagnosis expenditure from the system to get the bill amount from the patient.

  1. Admin staff module

The admin staff will maintain the system and get the report of the patient information if needed.

The non-functional requirements of the project are given as follows:

  1. Availability – The system should be checked if it is available for services at any time and under any situations
  2. Scalability- The system should handle more number of workloads.
  3. Security- The system should be secured against the security attacks.
  4. Performance- The performance measured whether it perform the intended operations correctly.
  5. Response time- the system should be accessed with less time.
  6. Fault tolerance- the system should resilient to errors.

The key characteristic needed in this project is security. As this system handles the personal details and medical details of the individual, the security of data is very much important. It is right of the individual to protect his personal details from disclosure. The hospital should also follow this ethics to safeguard the personal data. The suitable security techniques should be implemented to protect the patient data.

Choice of type of cloud platform

This project healthcare management system needs a cloud service which provides secure applications and database. Based on the type of service and architecture, the cloud platform is categorized into three platforms.

IaaS is a cloud service where we can use the infrastructure such as servers for rent. PaaS is a cloud service where we can use the technology and infrastructure for rent. SaaS is a cloud service where we can use the technology to run the applications for rent (Veres & Kozak, 2017).

The health care management system needs private data storage and the web services for running the application. The type of cloud platform suitable for this project is SaaS where it needs a web service for implementing and using the functions of the project.

Choice of data centre and standards

There are three types of data centre. They are public, private and hybrid cloud. Based on the requirements of the healthcare management system, the private data centre has been chosen for storing the patient details. The public clouds will be accessed by anyone. The private clouds are accessed only the cloud customer who rented for service.

The hybrid cloud is the combination of both public and private cloud in which some use cases in the public cloud and remaining are in the private cloud. The private cloud will be inside the organization of the business. The stored details are accessed only through the users of the private cloud. The database of the personal information has been protected from unauthorized access. The data accessed and processed in web applications also done in the private cloud.

Cloud System Architecture developed to solve the problem


The cloud architecture of the healthcare management system has been given above. The cloud platform chosen is SaaS cloud service where the customer can use the technology or programming environment which is used to run the system services. The load balancer is used to handle the peak workload that is to handle more number of user requests for using this service.

The auto scaler can be used to increase the amount of resources needed to process the user request. The web server and the application server are used to implement the system and run the applications. The data centre will be on-premise accessed only by internal network of the hospital. This has been performed to secure the patient medical data.

Cloud Pricing

The pricing of each component is based on the usage of resources. The cost of the project may be estimated with maximum limit. Then we can increase or decrease the resources as per requirement. Following is the pricing of the given project.

Implementation using Google cloud platform

  1. Instance
CN7026 Cloud Computing
CN7026 Cloud Computing
  1. Database
  1. Google app engine

  1. Screen shot

Analysis and Reflection

This system should be maintained by periodic update of the services to ensure the security of the patient data. The service level agreement should be monitored by using remote administration system which allows the cloud customer to monitor the cloud resources based on the contract.

The government rules and regulations should be followed while handling the patient medical data. If there is any data leakage proper counter measures have been taken to mitigate the risks involved with this unauthorized access. The user should be informed about the data leakage for being cautious by modifying the payment card details. Etc.

D. Conclusion

Thus the healthcare management system for hospital has been analyzed and designed. Then a part of the implementation has been made. This system is useful nurses to record the patient details and the prescription details. The patient can also directly enter the personal details.

All the patient record will be verified and approved by the corresponding doctor. Then the billing staff can get the bill report for the patients. This project will help to reduce many manual works. By this, a medical survey report can also be taken with some high privilege access where it can be used for research purpose.


Alla, S., & Pazos, P. (2017). The Impact of Requirements Management Documentation on Software Project Outcomes in Health Care. Proceedings of the 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference , 1-8.

Marier-Bienvenuea, T., Pellerina, R., & Cassivi, L. (2017). Project Planning and Control in Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations: A Literature Review. Elsevier , 692-698.

Veres, O., & Kozak, N. (2017). The choice of cloud technology for big data. ECONTECHMOD. AN INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY JOURNAL , 59-66.

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