Define the identity

Define the identity, image and reputation in context to an organization 2020


The main purpose of this study is to define the identity, image and reputation in context to an organization. The impact of these values can have the great impact on the organization business.

At the same time, the effective participation of the organization in building the identity, image and reputation can lead to the wide range of benefits such as employee loyalty, good impression among the existing and potential employees and catch the attention of job applications (Grandy, Mavin, 2012). Moreover, positive impression of organizational identity, image and reputation creates the various opportunities for further growth.

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According to psychology, identity is the combination of qualities, beliefs, personality, looks, expression that builds a person or group. Similarly, identity of an organization is the product of the purpose and the philosophy of the business (Fina, 2012) .

These two values are main attributes of the organizational identity that defined the character of the business. In regards to this, the organizational individual and brand identity are closely interlinked. As identity of the business separates it from the other similar businesses and brand is the outcome of how business present itself in the market and want to be recognized by the customers.

Apparently, identity of the business turns into the brand with the recognition of company logo when company provides the quality products and services and become popular in the customer.


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Generally, image means that perception and opinion about the individual or a group. At the same time, organizational image defines the creation of the people impression for the organization and their reaction.

Also, it refers the belief and knowledge about the organization of customer, investors and employees. Organization image plays significant role for the customers and stakeholders to know about the organization (Van et al., 2013).

On the other hand, the organization image can be differ at the same point of time depending on the factors or group associated with it such as, investors, stakeholders an board of directors etc. it is also indentified that organizational image take time to build up and create to the good impression among different stakeholders of the company.

It depends on them media coverage, advertisement, sponsorship and publicity of the organization. Therefore, it can be stated that good image of the organization is helpful for reaping the competitive advantage in the market and investment decision of the stakeholders.

Difference between Organizational Identity and Image

Organizational Identity and image are two different concepts in terms of public perception and company’s own views about itself. In other words, organizational Identity is the idea that how company wants to be recognized that by the people whereas organizational image is the public view, opinion, perception and observation about the organization.

Although, both the concepts are used as marketing tools by the organizations to build good image and thinking of the organization in the customer’s mind and market (He et al., 2013). Hence it can be stated that organizational Identity and image are related to the building of organization perception but different in terms of their impact area.

Shaping Identity

Every successful organization has the strong organizational identity that develops over the period of time by its working culture, values, beliefs and vision.

At the same time, shaping the organizational identity is the process in which perception and observation of the organization gets better day by day in public domain and it can be through maintaining good customer relationship or providing excellent services to the customers etc (Akesson, 2015). Apparently, organizations shape their identity through corporate brand and company logo.

Corporate Brands: Corporate brands are developed to present the origination as whole rather than presenting the offering of the brand. Moreover, corporate branding is the marketing tool to establish the organization as brand and shape the organization indentify.

Logos: Logos are the visual image or graphical symbols that are used by the brands to be recognized easily the customers. Additionally, company logo itself presents the brand as whole and people indentify the brand through its logo (Park et al., 2013. Also, it distinguishes the organization from their other brand identity.

Management in Action

Management in action refers to manage to the operation activities in order to improve the organization performance and to achieve the excellence of business. In regards to this, management requires the staff to move in this direction and take up business to the next level.

At the same time, it helps in defining the role of management and leadership in order to face the various challenges in the business (Shah et al., 2012). Hence, it can be stated that management in action is useful to get the team in their form to work in the business.

Definition of Reputation

Reputation is referred as process of estimating the quality or character of an individual or organization which is generally held to determine the business value in the market in terms of image among the people.

According to Anholt (2016), it is defined that reputation is related to belief and opinion which other people have their reputation. In an organization, reputation is related to the collective judgments of the business on the basis of different factors such as environmental, social and financial which impacts directly or indirectly.

The reputation of the organization makes it identify and predicts safety & survival condition based on overall use of necessary factors such as network and engagement with the individuals.

Reputation matter

For an organization, reputation matter a lot for the future growth and development as well as for their survival too. The consumer trust and confidence towards company reputation creates a direct effect on the company’s bottom line respectively.

At the same time, Warshaw et al. (2017) also explained that reputation of an organization matters highly for the key stakeholders who are somewhere involved with the business in form of investment or employee. For every stakeholder, reputation of an organization matter more than profitability or innovative idea because reputation among public is more profitable than new business idea.

Measuring and managing reputation

For measuring the reputation of an organization, the key stakeholders focus on the company productivity and profitability respectively. The organization maintain its reputation in high competition by using the social media as a best advantage for reaching to large numbers of target audience and make them know about the company offerings.

While studying, it is also determined that reputation of the company is always scrutinized and it is measured for the only for an individuals who are targeted audiences (Fombrun et al., 2015).

There are different ways for measuring and managing the reputation among the globalized competitive environment such as purchase indent, sentiment analysis, net promoter score, opinion polls, etc which influences indirectly and reflect the impact in positive or negative manner.

The net promoter score is new way to measure the reputation which is frequently getting used by the organizations among the key groups in which scoring is done on the score 6-10 basis i.e., 6- very poor and 10 most likely (Zaki et al., 2016).

In like manner, opinion poll is also regularly conducted for determining the actual feeling of the public for the brand respectively. The measurement of reputation help the organizational manager to identify the areas or factors which are t be managed or improved for the better organization growth.

Creating a stronger reputation

For creating a good reputation, it is challenge for the company for that there is high need of proper time & effort for achieving the development & growth. It is very important to create a strong reputation for which consistency and integrity should be maintained by the organization respectively.

In oppose to this, Gazzola (2018) also stated that for an organization, it is huge challenge to develop a strong reputation because there are some competitors who focuses on affecting their competitor image in the market in a negative manner.

When an organization enters to a new market, it is important to use its existing reputation in better manner and for that strong reputation is created through conducting regular research and encouraging corporate social responsibility respectively.

The role of employees

For maintaining the reputation of an organization, employees play a significant role in increasing the productivity and efficiency so that better company image is created in the developing competitive environment. At a workplace, companies required to build a new appreciation for attracting a quality of top talent (Men and Stacks, 2013).

The employees are treated as an asset within an organization and they are also asked to become a loyal ambassador for their respective corporate brand. This employee loyalty towards the company creates a huge influence on the reputation in a positive manner (Fu et al., 2014). Moreover, the communication of an employee with the customer also creates significant impact positively on the company reputation.


From the above study, it can be easily concluded that identity, image and reputation are interlinked who each other and also related to the opinion and perception of the people have towards the organization. In addition, this study also determines that identity is created on the basis of qualities and corporate brand & logo whereas image is created with the perception of people and reputation of the company is related to people experience.


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