Digital Communication

Digital Resource Analysis for Implementing a Digital Communication Strategy


The development in field of information communication technologies, popularization and growth of internet medium has increased the amount, mass and availability of digital resources in a form utilised by means of electronic media.

In the academic world, the use of digital resources in form of databases, journals, books, magazines, newspapers, data archives, theses, research reports, conference/government papers, etc. had facilitated technology-based education and learning environments (Patino et al., 2012).

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In business landscape, the adoption of new digital technologies and digitalisation has resulted in sharing of information quickly and continuous communication.

This has resulted in effective communication with stakeholders that aid in fulfilment of organisational objectives and also develop marketing plan and web strategies to influence behaviour towards a company product, brands and corporate image in the marketplace and among stakeholders (Töllinen and Karjaluoto, 2011).

This report focuses to research, locate and analyse different digital sources from articles and academic journals towards implementation of a digital communication strategy across an organisation.

Identification and Analysis of Sources of Digital Resources

  1. A marketing communications approach for the digital era: Managerial guidelines for social media integration.

The source of digital resource is journal, Killian and McManus (2015) obtained from Microsoft Academic Search database.

This database provides scholarly publications. Ginger Killian and Kristy McManus are the authors of the journal having relevant experience in this field. This journal was published under Business Horizons by Elsevier Inc. in year 2015.

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The audience of this journal are both academic and professional. The source of information has a scholarly objective.  The journal has citation of other sources and reference list to verify the information.

The information is new as it has been written keeping in view of future brand managers in the realm of social media obtained by in-depth interview. This journal highlights the approach for marketing communications approach in this digital era.

This gives managerial guidelines for the integration of social media tool which is highly relevant for the study topic. The findings of this study provides an insight on how marketing mangers incorporated social media into existing communication strategy.

  1. Brand strategies in social media

This journal digital resource was taken from Google Scholar database. The Georgios Tsimonis and Sergios Dimitriadis are the authors of this scholarly publication. Tsimonis and Dimitriadis (2014) journal was published under Marketing Intelligence & Planning by Emerald Insight.

The journal is for professional audience. The purpose of writing is scholarly. The journal has citation of sources and reference list of 77 other documents to verify the information.

The information is presented in a new fashioned. This journal underlines the brand strategies used by 14 companies in the Greek market using the medium of social marketing.

This provides a qualitative exploratory research using personal interviews with marketing managers engaged in social media activity. This journal provides a comprehensive view in social media execution by different companies to achieve their objectives and hence, is relevant to the topic under study.

  1. Social media use in organizations: Exploring the affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association

This article is given by authors, Treem & Leonardi (2013). The article is not peer-reviewed however, there is a summary of the article at the beginning and the tone is thoughtful and serious throughout this article.

There is a list of references at the end. The audience of the article is general and written with the scholarly objective. The article is useful in understanding the how use of social media in organization affect the process of knowledge sharing, socialization, and power processes.

This article gives new information which is useful to understand the social media adoption consequences prior to its integration as digital communication strategy.

  1. Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework.

The journal article by Felix et al. (2017) is published by Elsevier Inc under journal of business research. The authors are Felix, Reto, Philipp A. Rauschnabel, and Chris Hinsch.

These authors are well experienced in the topic area and information source is peer-reviewed with an abstract in beginning, literature review, methodology, data collection and analysis, findings, citations, and reference list as per the format of a scholarly article.

The authors’ credentials are also listed in the journal. The journal is targeted at professional audience. The data comes from interviews and online qualitative survey.

Digital Communication

This article provides an insight about the governance of social media marketing and establishment of policies and regulations for its use within an organisation. It also discusses the implication for social media marketing.

This is a recent piece of work with updated information and holds relevance to prove support information for the study topic.

  1. Challenges and Outcomes of Enterprise Social Media Implementation: Insights from Cummins, Inc.

This journal is given by, Bala et al (2015). It is a scholarly publication. Bala, Hillol, Anne P. Massey, John Rajanayakam, and Christine J. Hsieh are the authors of the journal working in Indiana University and well-experienced in the field.

The journal audience is both academic and professional. The source of information has a general objective.

The journal has citation and reference list to verify the information sources. This content highlights the case of Cummins, Inc., a Fortune 500 manufacturing company using a mixed method research design.  This is a recent study thus; the information can be related to the existing times.

This journal is highly relevant to the study topic as it describes the implementation process of the social media tool. The study also underlines the challenges faced by the company during the implementation.

  1. Development of social media strategies in tourism destination.

This journal article is proposed by Kiráľová and Pavlíčeka, (2015). Kiráľová, Alžbeta, and Antonín Pavlíček are the authors for the source of information that is peer-reviewed.

The authors have expertise in this topic and the content is target at professional audience. The information comes from grounded (theoretical background) and from the secondary study of practical observations of destinations´ social media campaigns. The writing objective is in a scholarly form.

The information is not old –fashioned and thus has relevance in today’s scenario. This study holds relevance to the area under study as it presents additional information about development of strategies for an effective communication.

  1. Social media models, technologies, and applications: an academic review and case study.

The journal by Ngai et al. (2015) is published by Emerald Insight under Industrial Management & Data Systems.

The authors are Ngai, Eric WT, Ka-leung Karen Moon, Sze Sing Lam, Eric SK Chin, and Spencer SC Tao. The professional and academic students form the target audience for this journal. The study information is based on secondary sources which involve study of refereed journal papers and a real –life case study.

The citation, use of references and refereed journals makes this information source reliable and valid.

The objective of the information presented to be scholarly. The information is relatively new and applicable in present similar cases.

This journal is relevant to provide supplementary information related to theoretical aspects of application of social media and to understand the conceptual framework for the design and development of social media strategies.

  1. Exploring the integration of social media within integrated marketing communication frameworks: Perspectives of services marketers.,

The journal by Valos et al. (2016) was published by Emerald Insight under Marketing Intelligence & Planning. The authors are Valos, Michael John, Fatemeh Haji Habibi, Riza Casidy, Carl Barrie Driesener, and Vanya Louise Maplestone having good experience in this area.

The audience is majorly professional but can also be used for academic students. This follows a qualitative approach and the information comes from depth interviews of senior services marketing executives.

The journal objective is to provide a professional view for services marketers with regards to digital marketing communications.

The information is up-to-date and holds relevance for the understanding the barrier for the implementation of social media with marketing communication.

  1. Analysis of social networking sites: A study on effective communication strategy in developing brand communication.

The research by Jothi et al. (2011) presents an academic journal. The authors are Jothi, Sri, Neelamalar, and Shakthi Prasad with experience in Media Sciences. The audience is academic students.

The information is obtained from survey method from the user of social media and content analysis of the social sites. This information source has a scholarly purpose. The citation and use of references can be used to verify information.

The information is not very new but provides an understanding of communication factors with regards to social media incorporation as a communication and marketing tool with regards to Facebook and Twitter. The study can be useful in gaining supplementary knowledge for developing communication strategy.

  1. The socially challenged: exploring obstacles to social media integration in newsrooms.

This article by is given by Ritter (2015) under the global media journal. Ritter Matt is the key author. This article is written for the general audience. The information is obtained from 25 journalists through a qualitative approach of in-depth interview. The purpose of writing is for professionals.

The information is relatively new and applicable. The citation and references list provides a means to verify the information. The article is relevant to gain an understanding of the challenges in implementation of the social media tools and their practicality in business.

This can provide fresh perspective and addition of knowledge for planning for integration the social media across an organisation for effectual communication.

Digital Communication


To sum it up, the sources of digital resources identified are useful to explore the concepts related to the implementation of social media as communication strategy in the digitalised era.

The sources have been obtained in form of article and journals form the Microsoft Academic Search database and Google scholar database.

The sources have been analysed using the criteria’s of five reliability test such as for authors, audience, information verification through references, information gathering, and objective of the information source and up to date/newness of the information sources.


Bala, H., Massey, A. P., Rajanayakam, J., & Hsieh, C. J. (2015, January). Challenges and Outcomes of Enterprise Social Media Implementation: Insights from Cummins, Inc. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 1839-1848). IEEE.

Felix, R., Rauschnabel, P. A., & Hinsch, C. (2017). Elements of strategic social media marketing: A holistic framework. Journal of Business Research, 70, 118-126.

Jothi, P. S., Neelamalar, M., & Prasad, R. S. (2011). Analysis of social networking sites: A study on effective communication strategy in developing brand communication. Journal of media and communication studies, 3(7), 234.

Killian, G., & McManus, K. (2015). A marketing communications approach for the digital era: Managerial guidelines for social media integration. Business Horizons, 58(5), 539-549.

Kiráľová, A., & Pavlíčeka, A. (2015). Development of social media strategies in tourism destination. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 175, 358-366.

Ngai, E. W., Moon, K. L. K., Lam, S. S., Chin, E. S., & Tao, S. S. (2015). Social media models, technologies, and applications: an academic review and case study. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 115(5), 769-802.

Patino, A., Pitta, D. A., & Quinones, R. (2012). Social media’s emerging importance in market research. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(3), 233-237.

Ritter, M. (2015). The socially challenged: exploring obstacles to social media integration in newsrooms. Global Media Journal, 13(24), 2-15.

Töllinen, A., & Karjaluoto, H. (2011). Marketing communication metrics for social media. International Journal of Technology Marketing 4, 6(4), 316-330.

Treem, J. W., & Leonardi, P. M. (2013). Social media use in organizations: Exploring the affordances of visibility, editability, persistence, and association. Annals of the International Communication Association, 36(1), 143-189.

Tsimonis, G., & Dimitriadis, S. (2014). Brand strategies in social media. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 32(3), 328-344.

Valos, M. J., Haji Habibi, F., Casidy, R., Driesener, C. B., & Maplestone, V. L. (2016). Exploring the integration of social media within integrated marketing communication frameworks: Perspectives of services marketers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 34(1), 19-40.


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