Written Management Report Assignment Sample

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 Executive Summary

Strategic leadership management has been understood as one of the most important factors within organisational leadership that helps an individual to handle a large workforce altogether. Analysis of self-assessment in leadership traits has been evaluated through this report. Furthermore, accumulation of leadership theories such as contingency theory, situational leadership theory and transformational theory of leadership has been evaluated within this study.


Leadership has been identified to be one of the most important factors in influencing people around the workplace to increase work productivity. Moreover, leadership traits help an individual to streamline flexibility, time management well as helps in initiating organisational change management. In this report discussion regarding how leadership would affect change management within an organisation would be evaluated. Furthermore, my self-assessment leadership traits would be analysed through this study along with explaining the importance of leadership within the 21st century’s organisation

Critical Reflection of Current Leadership Effectiveness

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Leadership has been identified to be one of the crucial factors that help functional management of an organisation to handle its employee workflow to be sufficient in their organisational responsibility. In relation to this, I have passed my personal assessment in the attribute of leadership that has helped me to understand I have significant capability of being a leader. As opined by Muzira, Muzira and Min (2020) the major attributes of being a leader are “active listening skill, empathising skills, creativity, and strategic management. Moreover, the skill of flexibility, self-development, team development, and innovation are other effective leadership skills that help an individual to accumulate effective team working skills within organisational setting. In relation to them, I understand that I have strategic management skills that would be helping me in managing critical situations of organisational settings. According to Paulienė (2017), active listening skill is one of the most important attributes required for a leader that helps in analysing issues of organisation and to take tactical decisions in relation to this. As I have analysed my attributes and adjectives within leadership, I would be effective in understanding which style of leadership would be effective for me. In relation to the context of leadership I understood that the significant leadership styles are “Transactional leadership, Transformational leadership, Authoritarian leadership, and Participative leadership. As opined by Nwachukwu and Vu (2020) transformational leadership helps in adjusting leadership activity as per criticality of the situation. According to my knowledge of leadership I understood that Transformational leadership would be one of the significant leaderships for my characteristics. Transformational leadership and its attributes would be more enhanced through application of contingency theory of leadership. According to Pruzan et al. (2017), the contingency theory of leadership for an individual would be beneficial overcoming any risk and its issues in leadership through changing leadership style as per situation. Moreover, I consider situational theory of leadership would also be helpful for me to be flexible. Through assessing my leadership attributes, I understood that I lack flexibility, through application of situational theory of leadership I would succeed in becoming a transformational leader.

Through understanding the concept of active listening skill, I understood that I am sufficient in using my active listening skill that would be helping me in my future to be an effective leader in an organisational business management. I have understood that I lack creativity that would be creating issues for me in analysing strategic operations that would be helping in mitigating organisational operational issues. I have gained crucial insight into the concepts of team management as well as leadership that would be helping me when I work as a business manager in the future. In my future, working as a business manager, I would be accumulating effective and strategic leadership attributes. These would be helping me in my career as a successful leader.

Critical Evaluation of Leadership Theories

The Contingency Theory

Contingency theory and its Leadership Style Element010 Written Management Report Assignment Sample

Figure 1: Contingency theory and its Leadership Style

(Source: Inspired by Wright, 2017)

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The contingency theory of leadership indicates that there is a requirement of an optimal course of action that is contingent to handle internal and external situations of an organisational management operation. According to Wright (2017) the Situational Theory of Leadership helps leaders to change their leadership style as per the criticality of the situation. In relation to this, I understood that this theory would be helping me in changing my leadership style if I feel issues in managing a particular situation or decision-making skill. Assessing the theory of contingent I accumulated that the theory does not include a holistic approach that would be a significant issue as the leadership style would be dependent upon the situation and its importance and criticality. Thus, I would be successful in adhering to situational leadership and its protocols within my traits by using the contingency theory of leadership.

Transformational Leadership Theory

 Transformational leadership style Element010 Written Management Report Assignment Sample

Figure 2: Transformational leadership style

(Source: Inspired by Harbi et al, 2019)

The leader style within transformational leadership lies within changes that needed to initiate within an organisational setting to enhance productivity of employees. As opined Harbi et al. (2019) Transformational theory of leadership focuses on transforming the working style of employees through effective leadership style and management that would be helping organisational employees to be flexible and productive. Through the application of transformational theory, organisational change management would be done in an effective way as it would enable me motivating factors in managing organisational employees. Thus, I accumulated that application of change management with organisational setting would be helpful for me to transform required leadership management traits with respect to a particular situation of change management. Through analysing the importance of this theory, I obtained that, “Trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect” are the major attributes that need to be contacted within the leadership and employee management of an organisation to make application of transformational leadership theory and its application successful.

Recommendations for Future Leadership Development

In the era of 21st century, organisational management has become potentially complex rather than the organisational management techniques in the past years. Application of business communication, technological application and model of leadership style have been helping organisational change management plans to ensure the most effective leadership attributes and their applications within organisational settings. In relation to this, recommendations would be given to future leadership development processes that would lean on the attributes of technological advancement, application of modern leadership models and application of effective leadership management theories.

Areas of Development Objectives Measures Outcome Time
Participative leadership style To apply participative theory of leadership theory


 Through analysing the evaluation of organisational management, I understood that in the changing pattern of business environment it is crucial to include a participative leadership style that would provide input into organisational account. As per the views of Grenville et al. (2017), participative leadership would be helping organisational management to provide encouragement to co-workers that would boost their morale in change management plan. Applying participative theory, I would be able to enhance my ability to be familiar with the holistic concept of business issues. Moreover, in the 21st century application of participative leadership within organisational settings would help me to accumulate familiarity with the nature of business within an organisation. 1 month
Accumulation of skill to resolve leadership issues To identify issues in leadership developments I accumulated that the most important factor before application of leadership is identification of issues within an organisational operation that would be helping in establishing a solution. Through the application of internal analysis within an organisational setting organisational management would understand the issues that need to be mitigated with application of a participatory and contingent leadership style. Using situational leadership and contingency theory of leadership I would be effective in helping my colleagues in overcoming issues within organisational management and to take measures to mitigate the issues (Kreutzer et al, 2017). Moreover, identification of issues in organisational leadership developments would also be helpful in initiating organisational change management plan within choosing effective leadership management.


4 months
Flexible leadership styles To apply modern and flexible models of leadership


 I have obtained that in the future or in 21st century’s organisational management, I would be using a flexible leadership model such as contingency model of leadership, situational theory of leadership, transformational theory of leadership to mitigate issues within organisational settings. Through observing this, I understood the application of flexible leadership models such as contingency model of leadership, a situational theory of leadership, a transformational theory of leadership would be helping me in choosing appropriate leadership style. Flexible models of leadership help in managing situations with criticality and ensure assessments of precautions through the application of effective leadership management. Sharafizad et al. (2019) indicated that with an application of situational through flexible leadership, organisational leaders accumulate particular leadership techniques that would be mitigating the issues within organisational management that has arisen in the recent level. 3 months

Table 1: Personal development plan

(Source: Created by Author)


Effective leadership management has been evaluated as one of the most important factors within an organisational setting that helps an individual to handle a large workforce altogether. In this study analysis of self-assessment in leadership traits have been evaluated. In this study evaluation of leadership theories such as contingency theory, situational leadership theory and transformational theory of leadership have been evaluated. Furthermore, I analysed my traits as a leader and have evaluated my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Moreover, from this study, I accumulated that I lack flexibility in leadership traits and time management skills that I need to work on for my career growth and as an effective organisational leader or manager. Thus, it can be concluded that the issues of leadership within organisational management would be mitigated through application of effective and flexible leadership model and its application and through application of participative theory of leadership theory.

Reference List

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