FPL4026 Research Proposal Assignment Sample

Raspberry antioxidants in controlling the ageing process and its role in reducing the chance of heart disease

Aims/Objectives (mandatory)

List the main objectives of the proposed research in order of priority [up to 200 words]

The aim of this research is to identify how the antioxidants present in raspberry can help in controlling the aging process in humans as well as in the significant role it plays in minimising the chances of heart diseases. 


  • To identify if antioxidants can help in controlling the aging process
  • To identify the specific presence of different antioxidants in raspberries
  • To find out if the antioxidants in raspberry can help in minimising the chances of heart diseases
  • To observe cases and evidences linked with the use of antioxidants in the treatment of heart diseases and their relevance

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Research questions

  1. Can raspberry antioxidants help in minimising aging process?
  2. How can antioxidants present in raspberries help in minimising the chances of heart diseases?
  3. How relevant are antioxidants in the treatment of heart diseases?
  4. Can antioxidants present in raspberries minimise the risk of individuals who already have heart diseases


Summary (mandatory)

Describe the proposed research in simple terms in a way that could be publicised to a general audience [up to 300 words]

The proposed research is to be conducted with the help of secondary qualitative data that would help in identifying the relevance and use of raspberry antioxidants in minimising the ageing process. The research also aims to identify if antioxidants derived from raspberries can help in minimising the risks linked with heart diseases. The objectives of the study are linked with the identification of the specific presence of different antioxidants in raspberries which would help in determining if the is antioxidants differ from other sources of antioxidants that are commonly consumed (Dan et al. 2018). Moreover, the research has been designed in a manner that can help in observing existing evidence and cases that have been studied linking the use of antioxidants in minimising the ageing process. To follow through this process secondary data would be greatly and decided along with a range of different kinds of literature that can help in identifying their perspectives and views of other authors who have conducted research in this regard. Identification of different views and perspectives of authors would help in understanding how the use of antioxidants can be made prevalent for individuals concerned with the ageing process. There are various sources of antioxidants and each act in a different manner when consumed on a regular basis (Seeram and Burton-Freeman, 2018). Antioxidants derived from raspberries have been linked with benefits that can minimise the chances of heart diseases as well as control the ageing process which has been a major concern for various individuals. The findings of this study and analysis of previous research would and thereby help in achieving a firm position in this regard thus helping to identify if these aspects linked with antioxidants derived from raspberries are true or not.

To conduct this research a secondary qualitative research method would be choses that would help to collect the necessary data and information linked with Raspberry and the uses of its antioxidants. This would help in firmly establishing the fact that to what extent the use of Raspberry antioxidants can be used for controlling the process of ageing and treating heart diseases.


Project Plan (mandatory)

Describe the proposed research in a manner suitable for a specialist reader [up to 1000 words & Gantt chart; references should be included. References and Gantt chart are excluded from the word count]

Ageing is a complex natural process in which a live individual’s structural and functional characteristics changes happen gradually. Raspberries are a renowned fruit that has a deep red colour and a pleasant, succulent flavour. Minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants are abundant in them (Vara et al. 2020). Raspberries come in a variety of colours, from the traditional shades of red to lavender, yellowish, pink, and gold. Each berry colour offers a different mix of proteins, vitamins, and enzymes. Antioxidant-rich foods, like raspberries, may help to avoid a variety of diseases. Vitamins C as well as Vitamin E, magnesium, carotenoids, selenium, and lycopene are all antioxidants that could be found in berries (Ware, 2019).

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FPL4026 Research Proposal

Figure 1: Benefits of antioxidant rich raspberries

(Source: Healthcopia, 2022)

Raspberries even include polyphenols, which are secondary metabolites of plants with antioxidant properties. Antioxidants aid in the elimination of dangerous compounds known as harmful free radicals. Most of these compounds are produced by the body throughout metabolic reactions, while others are caused by external causes such as unhealthy meals and pollutants. Packaged foods, as well as diets heavy in carbs and calories, are unhealthy (Wells et al. 2021). When there are too many radicals in the human body, these can harm cells, leading to various medical problems. Raspberries are indeed a high-fibre food.

Furthermore, heart disease, unfortunately affects millions and millions of people worldwide each and every year, is generally triggered majorly by induced oxidative tissue and organ instability (Dring et al. 2022). The disease-fighting chemicals in red raspberries have already been documented in several studies to counteract oxidative stress, decreasing the chance of cardiovascular disease, enhancing blood vessel dilatation, and reducing the risk of complications.

Experimental methodology 

Methodology is accounted to be the most important part for the research study, as it is the one through which it allows the researcher to conduct the research effectively and successfully (Sakurahara et al. 2020). When creating a research project, there is a mandatory need of methodology to describe why the research will be done in a particular way. An evaluation of the methods, approaches and philosophies will satisfy your curiosity or tackle the assumption, and therefore that whether with the considered methods will provide the conclusions that have been desired. Revealing the approach allows people to understand why the research worker had chosen to conduct the investigation in a specific manner (Horváthová et al. 2019).

Understanding research philosophy is crucial because social scientific studies could only be comprehended in a substantial manner if the main factors that influence the research results are clear (Alharahsheh and Pius, 2020). Philosophy provides basic guidelines based on existing theory, a methodology of reasoning, viewpoint, and consciousness, some of which are utilised to gain experience of reality as well as to develop, perform, interpret, and explain the differences and its results. In context to the present research study, the analysis will be done through a secondary qualitative method.

Therefore, Interpretivism research philosophy has been selected by the research worker as it is the foremost part of the methodology that helps researchers to understand the nature of the study. Interpretivism research has a number of distinct benefits. Through this, it becomes ideal for researchers to delve into the underlying causes of complicated, interconnected, or multidimensional natural interaction where strong evidence is skewed, erroneous, and otherwise tough to obtain (Pham, 2018). Furthermore, research workers will be able to examine context-specific, distinctive, or unique events or phenomena, and they can help to come up with fascinating decision concerns and problems for future studies.

Research approach and design also play an insignificant role in structuring the roadways of the research worker to have a fruitful outcome at the end. Through the help of approaches and design, the search is able to collect the data and interpreter effectively without reflecting any biases in the assumptions (Wardani and Kusuma, 2020). In relation to this, Inductive research approach and descriptive research design will be undertaken by the researcher. All the approaches and designs are being considered based on the knowledge that is being attained in the literature review section. Inductive research approach has advantages as it is a theoretical framework, and it permits the research worker for freedom and fluidity along with paying great attention to background, and encourages the generation of different principles. Furthermore, inductive reasoning carefully develops from those first assumptions, considering the vast large body of literature previously obtained (Ligurgo et al. 2017).

In the case of descriptive research design, the researcher can conduct the study due to the variety of information that can be attained through secondary methods of data collection. The research worker will be able to provide in-depth thorough information and interpretation by providing high quality analysis and evaluation (Pradipta et al. 2018). Furthermore, one of the greatest benefits of their design is it is reliably cheaper and can be done quicker as well which will allow the research worker to conclude the study in each time span. Moreover, as the research is being done through a secondary method, there will be no survey or sample; however, the information will be collected through authentic newspapers, journals, articles, and books. Adding to this, the data analysis will be conducted through thematic analysis where numerous themes will be generated as per the research objectives which will be embraced by statistics, graphs, and figures (Belotto, 2018).


FPL4026 Research Proposal

FPL4026 Research Proposal

Figure 1: Project plan timeline

The above timeline reflects the four stages of the project plan, in this regard, the initiation phase of the project would be completed in the first-month leading to the planning stage where the tutor’s approval would head start the execution stage. The execution stage of the project is one of the most important stages as this included the collection of secondary data, developing a clear and cornice methodology and a literature review. This stage of the project would also lead to the lead to data analysis process which would lead to the development of the research conclusion. Once these tasks are completed the closure stage of the project plan require final formatting and submission of the research.

Impact Summary (mandatory)

The Impact Summary should consider the impact of the work on non-academic stakeholders and, where appropriate, the potential for the work to be commercialised [up to 300 words]

In the present generation, individuals have become quite conscious regarding the ageing process and the use of antioxidants and their benefits have become quite prevalent among the common people. The findings of this research would help in identifying if the antioxidants present in cranberry can help in minimising the chances of heart-related diseases and controlling the ageing process. The findings of this research would also help in identifying how relevant is the use of antioxidants in terms of minimising the ageing process which has been speculated for a long time now (Hair et al. 2021).

Moreover, suggested by physicians and clinic change it has been seen that a balanced diet is important for individuals associated with old age and in this regard the findings of the study would help in identifying the rule of raspberry antioxidants in minimising the risks individuals face. Apart from that, the findings of this study can help in developing solutions for the use of antioxidants in controlling the ageing process if such evidence is identified moreover the objectives of this research are designed in a manner that can help in reflecting the relevance of antioxidants in the treatment of heart diseases which would for the benefit the development of solutions in this regard (Song et al. 2020). Adding to that the various antioxidants that are all present in raspberries would also be evaluated helping to understand how raspberry antioxidants vary from other sources of similar antioxidants. The research would also help in linking how the antioxidants present in raspberries are different from others and their effectiveness in this present context of treating heart diseases and minimising its impact on an individual.


Alharahsheh, H.H. and Pius, A., 2020. A review of key paradigms: Positivism VS interpretivism. Global Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences2(3), pp.39-43.

Belotto, M.J., 2018. Data analysis methods for qualitative research: Managing the challenges of coding, interrater reliability, and thematic analysis. Qualitative Report23(11).

Dan, K., Takada, A., Kanaho, Y., Kusumi, Y. and Banno, H., 2018. Anti-aging effects of black raspberry extract on cataract, alopecia, skin whitening, and weight loss. Functional Foods in health and Disease8(1), pp.17-34.

Dring, J.C., Forma, A., Chilimoniuk, Z., Dobosz, M., Teresiński, G., Buszewicz, G., Flieger, J., Cywka, T., Januszewski, J. and Baj, J., 2022. Essentiality of Trace Elements in Pregnancy, Fertility, and Gynecologic Cancers—A State-of-the-Art Review. Nutrients, 14(1), p.185.

Hair, R., Sakaki, J.R. and Chun, O.K., 2021. Anthocyanins, microbiome and health benefits in aging. Molecules26(3), p.537.

Healthcopia, 2022. Include Top 10 Antioxidant-Rich Foods in Your Daily Diet. [Online] Available at: <https://www.healthcopia.in/2021/04/include-top-antioxidant-rich-foods-daily-diet.html?m=1> [Accessed on 3 January 2022]

Horváthová, P., Mikušová, M. and Kashi, K., 2019. Evaluation of the employees’ engagement factors importance methodology including generation Y. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), pp.3895-3917.

Ligurgo, V., Philippette, T., Fastrez, P., Collard, A.S. and Jacques, J., 2017, September. A method combining deductive and inductive principles to define work-related digital media literacy competences. In European Conference on Information Literacy (pp. 245-254). Springer, Cham.

Pham, L.T.M., 2018. Qualitative approach to research a review of advantages and disadvantages of three paradigms: Positivism, interpretivism and critical inquiry. University of Adelaide.

Pradipta, R.F., Ummah, U.S. and Dewantoro, D.A., 2018, September. Social Environment of Special Needs in Inclusive Primary School: A Descriptive Research with Phenomenology Approach. In 1st International Conference on Early Childhood and Primary Education (ECPE 2018) (pp. 181-184). Atlantis Press.

Sakurahara, T., Reihani, S., Kee, E. and Mohaghegh, Z., 2020. Global importance measure methodology for integrated probabilistic risk assessment. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 234(2), pp.377-396.

Seeram, N.P. and Burton-Freeman, B., 2018. The seventh biennial berry health benefits symposium. Food & function9(1), pp.20-21.

Song, B., Zheng, B., Li, T. and Liu, R.H., 2020. Raspberry extract promoted longevity and stress tolerance via the insulin/IGF signaling pathway and DAF-16 in Caenorhabditis elegans. Food & function11(4), pp.3598-3609.

Vara, A.L., Pinela, J., Dias, M.I., Petrović, J., Nogueira, A., Soković, M., Ferreira, I.C. and Barros, L., 2020. Compositional features of the “Kweli” red raspberry and its antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Foods, 9(11), p.1522.

Wardani, S. and Kusuma, I.W., 2020. Comparison of Learning in Inductive and Deductive Approach to Increase Student’s Conceptual Understanding based on International Standard Curriculum. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia9(1), pp.70-78.

Ware, M., 2019. Health benefits of raspberries. [Online] Available at: <https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/283018> [Accessed on 3 January 2022]

Wells, J.C., Marphatia, A.A., Amable, G., Siervo, M., Friis, H., Miranda, J.J., Haisma, H.H. and Raubenheimer, D., 2021. The future of human malnutrition: rebalancing agency for better nutritional health. Globalization and health, 17(1), pp.1-25.


Equipment Description
Journals and Articles The journals and articles would help in finding majority of the data and information where researchers have already conducted research on raspberry antioxidants, its properties and uses. This would allow to compare the various findings of the research
Books The books would help in dandifying relative concepts and would also help in revealing a much wider range of information
Internet sources Internet sources that are peer reviewed and authentic would also provide more recent information linked with similar researches.
News Articles New articles can help in identifying new findings and medical research breakthroughs that have occurred regarding raspberry antioxidants
Case studies Case studies would help in identifying specific information linked with various cases where researchers have revealed information and data linked with raspberry antioxidants.



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