Impact Of Democratic Leadership Assignment Sample

Impact Of Democratic Leadership Assignment Sample



Democratic leadership may be highly influential for organisational growth in the long term as it tends to engage the employees in the decision making process. In this research proposal, the basic plan of further research will be conducted along with preferred methodology for the research on the topic of democratic leadership’s impact in the organisational success in the Information Technology (IT) sector in the UK.

Research questions

The research questions are as follows:-

  1. What is the actual impact of democratic leadership in the IT companies success?
  2. Why may be be democratic leadership be effective IT companies in the UK?
  3. How the democratic leadership in IT organisations in the UK may be improved according to the business requirements?

Research aims

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The main aim of this research study may be considered as identification of the actual effectiveness of the democratic leadership in the IT companies in the UK and to find out whether this particular style of leadership may be improved as per organisational needs for the long run.

Research objectives

The research objectives of this particular study are as follows:-

  1. To find out the real time impact of democratic leadership in the organisational success in the Information Technology (IT) sector in the UK
  2. To analyse the reasons behind democratic leadership’s potential impact
  3. To identify any areas for further improvement in such leadership style as per organisational requirements

Justification of the research study

The impact of leadership styles are highly significant in complex operational procedures through which any IT organizations go through as it is the leadership only which ultimately leads the teams towards success. However, the impact of democratic leadership is extremely crucial to be analysed and examined as most of the IT companies employ this type of leadership in accomplishing tasks and client satisfaction processes. Moreover, democratic leadership involves participation of various employee groups in the decision making process which may often produce critical situations with numerous opinions (Chukwusa, 2019). The high number of opinions may sometimes slow the process of decision making which in the end may risk some complex data security processes. Furthermore, as employees from different organisational levels are involved in the decision making process, there is a high probability of reliability of opinions, clashes and conflict among the teams or individuals that may be hindering the motivation of the workforce. On the other hand, it may be argued that democratic leadership increases team participation and increases overall productivity as the employees get a chance to evaluate their own performance. Employees also have a chance to set goals for themselves which help them be on track and focused on overall organisational achievement (Fiaz et al., 2017).

Limitations of the research

One of the main limitations of the research may be classified as reliability and validity of the data collected during the data collection process as the reliability of the data will influence the outcome of the research. Additionally, the ready availability of the secondary data sources is another limitation which affects the ultimate outcome of the study. Since the research will be carried on only in the IT sector of the UK, therefore, the outcome will be limited as only a particular sector will be considered for research. Moreover, not all l;eadwership styles will be considered in the research, only democratic leadership style will be researched which adds to the limitations.

Theory area and relevant themes

Democratic leadership may be defined as one of main l;eadership styles which induces the employees to take part in the decision making process while ensuring individual performance monitoring and individual goal settings (Khajeh, 2018). Democratic leadership styles engage the employees as a team inside the organisations involving engagement, motivation and recognition in the process. However, this type of leadership consists of some challenges which make the operations in the IT organisations in the Uk much more complex.

Types of data employed

In this research, secondary data will be collected from various trusted journals, articles and authentic websites and the data collected will be further analysed with the help of thematic data analysis. Secondary data that will be collected may be considered as highly valid as these will include previously researched articles and academic journals while the time of research will be lowered drastically (Sun and Lipsitz, 2018).

Methods of data collection

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The collection of relevant secondary data will be conducted in the research study as the secondary data contains reliability and validity and those data are readability available which will make the research process trouble free. Different kinds of journals, academic articles and authentic websites such as government agencies or IT companies across the UK will be utilised and reviewed in order to collect data. The secondary data collected will be followed by thematic data analysis to reach the final research outcome. In addition to this, secondary data may be extremely beneficial for the reliability of research outcome as it provides comparative research data within a short period time and lowers costs (Mohajan, 2018).

Preliminary hypothesis

The research hypotheses are as follows:-

H0 – Democratic leadership is not effective and positively impactful in the long term success of IT organisations in the UK.

H1 – Democratic leadership is highly effective and positively impactful in the long term success of IT organisations in the UK.

Direction for further research

Additional research may be conducted in the area of other leadership styles such as transformational and authoritative leadership as this further research may indicate new set of information regarding the appropriateness of democratic leadership in the IT organisations. On the contrary, it may also be researched about the impact of democratic leadership in other sectors such as retail, service, hospitality and manufacturing so as to understand the overall impactfulness of the same from a broader perspective. Further research and analysis may be required in the area of best leadership style suitable for IT companies which may be significant for ascertaining the validity of the final outcome.


Finally, it may be concluded that this research will include secondary data collection and thematic data analysis while it may involve certain limitations which have to be addressed to the best possible extent.


Al Khajeh, E.H., 2018. Impact of leadership styles on organizational performance. Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 2018, pp.1-10.

Chukwusa, J., 2019. Perceived democratic leadership style of university librarians and library staff work attitude. Library Philosophy and Practice, pp.0_1-23.

Fiaz, M., Su, Q. and Saqib, A., 2017. Leadership styles and employees’ motivation: Perspective from an emerging economy. The Journal of Developing Areas, 51(4), pp.143-156.

Mohajan, H.K., 2018. Qualitative research methodology in social sciences and related subjects. Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People, 7(1), pp.23-48.

Sun, M. and Lipsitz, S.R., 2018, April. Comparative effectiveness research methodology using secondary data: A starting user’s guide. In Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations (Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 174-182). Elsevier.


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