Assignment Sample on Impact of Music Therapy in Special Education Setting


The research methodology is going to discuss the impact of music therapy in a special education setting. The research methodology can help to conduct a research for starting a research and get a better structure for a methodology. The study is going to discuss the research design and onion model for conducting better research. The research approach and design helps to design the whole part of research which is based on the topic. Data collection methods and sampling are essential to collect the raw sources from the market for learning about the impact of music in a special education setting. There is going to analyse the sampling method and philosophy for the research to get a proper structure from the right source.

Research aim and objectives

The topic has several objectives which have to be achieved by the researcher for completing the work properly.

  • To explain the concept of music therapy in a special educational setting.
  • To measure the effectiveness of music therapy in special education settings.
  • To describe the benefits of a special child for adoption of music therapy.

Research methodology

The research methodology can be described in several methodologies such as surveys, mixed methods, ethnography, phenomenology, action research and grounded theory. The research methodology is a method of research to collect the data by using secondary and primary research to get proper sources. As cited by Tscholl et al. (2020), the primary research helps to collect the answer from a questionnaire which is to be asked to the customer from the market. There are several concepts of working in research to complete such as research philosophy, research design and specific tools that can be used during research work. This is a concept of the paradigm of philosophy of research for conducting research.

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The mixed methods are essential for the topic of impacts of music therapy on the education setting for a special child. The mixed method can be used by using surveys and on the other hand it can be used to collect all of the raw sources from the entire population. As cited by Ramírez et al. (2020), for mixed method can be useful for the research work and benefit of mixed method is that it mainly deals with the primary research. The project has been concerned with primary research based on interviews to get proper information about the music therapy and its usage for special education settings.

The research method can help to meet the objectives of the research work to get the proper sources of the research to work with. In the research the researchers are dealing with achieving the target and getting proper information about music therapy in the education system. As cited by Babii (2020), the research methodology consists of research philosophy, research tools and techniques and research design which create structure for the research work. The research methodology can help to restructure the research to propose a given topic which is the impact of music therapy on special educational settings.

Research method

Research methods can be described as specific procedures for data collection and data analysis. Identifying an effective research method that is suitable for particular research is crucial to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the research. As per the view of Chu and Ke (2017), research methods can be classified into two types such as qualitative research method and quantitative research method. Qualitative research methods include observations, interviews, focus groups, surveys, and secondary research. Research needs to be selected based on the setting of the research topic to conduct an effective research study.

Qualitative research helps to understand how individuals gain experience in this world. As per the view of Queirós, Faria and Almeida (2017), qualitative research provides flexibility and helps to acquire meaningful insights. Qualitative questionnaires and in-depth semi-structured interviews have been conducted to collect reliable data for this research. Semi-structured interviews focus on open-ended questions rather than structured questions to gain key insights. The semi-structured interview is selected to gain meaningful insight into the research topic. The impact of music therapy in a spherical setting can be identified through open-ended questions. The participants felt more engaged with the research and it helped the researcher to conduct a detailed analysis of the collected data.

Research Quality

Research quality decides the success or failure of research and needs to be addressed to maintain the accuracy and efficiency of the research topic. As per the view of Walther et al. (2017), quality research provides findings and evidence on the research topic that are accurate, ethical, and can be used to establish policies. Research principles such as professionalism, transparency, and accountability need to be maintained to ensure the quality of research. According to Kovacs and Moshtari (2019), the design and data collection methods need to be appropriate and selected by analysing the research topic. The evaluation of the sampling techniques is essential to obtain reliable and accurate data from a large group of population.

Quality research refers to the strategic procedures that involve all aspects of the study design. As per the view of Lukyanenko, Wiggins and Rosser (2019), a quality research paper focuses on the accountability of the data presented in the research. The databases and sources are verified to collect reliable data for the research. The written reports, photographs, and other information will be critically reflected to ensure the quality of the research study. Appropriate research design, philosophy, research approach, and data collection method are identified to maintain the efficiency of the research topic.

Plot study

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Data collection instruments are essential to collect accurate and reliable data for the research study. As per the view of Thomas, Oenning, and Goulart (2018), there are various types of data collection instruments such as questionnaires, interviews, observations, government sources, archival documents, experiments, and scales. Appropriate data collection instruments which are suitable for the research setting need to be selected to maintain the reliability of the research. According to Martínez-García et al. (2019), data collection instruments need to be chosen based on the type of data required to conduct the research study. The suggestions of the project guide are used to test the clarity and reliability of data collection instruments.

Academic students will be encouraged to share their insights on data collection instruments and provide suggestions on the reliability of the selected data collection instruments.  As per the view of Schobel et al. (2017), the feedback for individuals who have knowledge of data collection instruments is crucial to define and change data collection instruments. The reviews for the project guide and academic students will be addressed to change and modify the data collection instruments accordingly.


Data sampling and sampling techniques are essential to ensure the accuracy of data collected from a large group of population. As per the view of Metelli et al. (2020), sampling techniques can be classified into two categories such as probability sampling and non-probability sampling. Probability sampling can be divided into four types such as simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling. According to Rojas et al. (2017), non-probability sampling can be classified into four types such as convenience sampling, quota sampling, judgment sampling, and snowball sampling. Sampling techniques are beneficial to collect accurate data from eligible individuals. Appropriate sampling techniques which are sinkable to the research topic need to be selected to ensure the accountability of the research topic.

Sampling is essential to explain the number of respondents chosen to represent the total population. This research is conducted to identify the impact of music therapy in special education and for this research data samples from various students from schools, universities and other institutes need to be collected. Collecting data samples for all the students is not possible and for this reason, the sampling process will be utilized to conduct this research. As per the view of Wynne et al. (2019), non-probability sampling can be referred to as a sampling method that focuses on samples based on subjective judgment rather than random selection. This type of sampling is beneficial for the researches that focus on a particular phenomenon or setting.

Snowball sampling is beneficial to investigate population groups that are hard to reach. This process is suitable for sampling frames that are difficult to identify and for this reason snowball sampling has been selected to conduct this research study. This sampling technique is suitable for the research setting and beneficial to collect data samples from groups who are pursuing special education.

Ethical issues

Ethical considerations need to be followed to maintain the reliability and transparency of the research study. As per the view of Arifin (2018), ethical issues need to be considered during the formulation of the research plan. The regulatory ethical norms are considered in this research study to maintain the ethical regulations. Voluntary participation is offered to the research participants and informed consent is taken from the participants. Research participants are not harmed in any way during the research. The confidentiality of the research participants is secured by following appropriate procedures. The identities of the research participants are not disclosed in the research and the names of research participants are replaced with variables such as P1, P2, and P3 to secure their identity. The organizations and other details of the research participants are presented anonymously in the research to maintain anonymity.

The relevant components are accessed during the research topic and there will be no access to irrelevant components. Appropriate measures are taken to avoid any risks of conflict with the research participants. The research is designed and reviewed critically to ensure the regulatory standards of integrity are met. The collected data from the research participants is stored in a secured dive and will be encrypted with appropriate firewalls. The researcher and the research guide have the access to the collected data to ensure data security. The guidelines of ethical principles are followed to maintain accountability and ethical considerations.  Selected research procedures such as semi-structured interviews and questionnaires are explained clearly to avoid any ethical issues.

Analysis Methods

Data analysis methods are instrumental for the research and need to be selected by critically analysing the research setting. As per the view of Johnston (2017), the analysis method can be categorized into two types: qualitative analysis and qualitative analysis. Qualitative analysis helps to derive data through words, symbols, pictures, observation and does not utilize statistical approaches. According to Assarroudi et al. (2018), quantitative analysis utilizes statistical approaches to convert raw data to numerical information. Qualitative thematic analysis is a kind of data analysis that utilizes pre-existing research journals and articles to identify key insights and patterns about the research topic.

Thematic analysis has been selected as the analysis method because it is appropriate for the current research setting. An appropriate framework will be used to verify the collected research journals. Irrelevant and duplicate research journals will be rejected using this framework to conduct the data analysis process successfully. Various themes related to the impact of music therapy in special education settings are discussed in the data analysis section.


The research methodology chapter is prepared to explain the overall research methodology and approaches that will be followed in the research study. Research aims and research questions are described in this methodology section to provide the reasons to conduct the research. Recharge methods are explained in this chapter and the concept of quantitative and qualitative and their relevance to this research are explained. The importance of research quality and procedures to improve research quality are discussed in this chapter. The plot study section includes the relevance of data collections for this research. Sample sections include the concept of the sampling process and the sampling technique that will be used to conduct the research study. The ethical issues and the importance of ethical consideration in this research are explained in the ethical issues section. Appropriate ethical measures are taken to ensure the transparency and efficiency of the research study.


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