
The case is about the diversity management of X-tech which is a Japanese organization. The purpose of this diversity management is to secure the workforce of the company as it is very essential to improve the business of the company. Japan is famous for its management efficiency and the production of business products. Both of these are able to develop the advanced workforce to support the various activities in the workplace. There are different kinds of diversity that may be found in the workforce of the X-tech organization as many changes occur in the business from one to another time according to the needs of the customers and business. The facts of this case analysis are to focus on “womenomics in Japan, the aging population of Japan and “equal opportunities for both the women and men”( Widiastuti et al 2021). These facts have the efficiency in  creating diversity in the organization. According to the corporation of th Japan, the population of this place will be reduced a lot from the previous years and the amount of this population will become 87 million from the 127 million. So, this is able to create a huge diversity in the business of the whole country. The population of this place includes the aged people, nearly 65 or more elder and the amount is nearly about 40% which is quite high. So, there is a high risk of the death of the people. So, in the future, there are the huge requirements of the employees of the organizations. Hence the organization  needs to focus on this matter from the present situation.


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Figure 1: Managing of the diversity


As the employees or the staff of the organization will be in high demand due to the decrease of the population growth, they may take extra charges from the organization and it will increase the business cost of the organization. Hence this is able to create the diversity in the business and there is the need of the management of the diversity to enhance the business growth. All the women and the men employees of the organization should get equal opportunities from the business organization otherwise it will hamper gender equality in the company which is able to create the different issues(Yoshida et al 2021). So, all the staff of the company needs to get equal wages based on their working capability. Japan wants to be “the third largest economy” of the world and for this their government already takes the steps like the “Abenomics’ ‘ which contains the three arrows. One of them indicates about the “womenomics” which were focused on the females to play the central role to get Japan out from the recession and the stagnation of the economy of the country. All of these facts are abp;e to create the diversity in the workplace so the government of Japan needs to give the proper focu on the development of the business by managing these factors which are able to create the diversity in the workforce of the company.

Mieko Szuki, who worked as the manager of the “Japanese subsidiary of the American multinational company”, X-tech organization and the womens of the of the Japan in the leadership role can be considered as the principles characters of this particular case. These are the main characters of the case as these are quite related to each other on the management of the diversity of the workplace of the organization which is very important to improve the business economy of the country. There would be the main three issues which need the most concern in this case and these are the leadership role of the women in the organization, the immigration policy of the Japanese government and the international employees at the organization. These are able to create a huge diversity at the organization(Bris et al 2021). These three need the proper concern to develop the work flow of the organization. There was an executive meeting where only one woman attended the meeting which was not good for the growth of the women. This needs to be resolved by the authority of the organization to reduce gender inequality at the workplace. Women also need to get the role of the leadership of the company to show their talent in the workplace and the famous company needs the talent and  it does not depend on any particular gender. Immigration policy is under the law of the Japanese government. In this case, employment of the womens was not considered as the area of the development so womens should be in the most priority of the government. The government needs to focu on the matter to establish women empowerment in the country. International employees can be able to increase the diversity of the workplace. The international employees reduce the work chances of the people of the country. As the percentage of the women employees is already very less at the organization, it reduces thuis amount more. This should be dissolved by the company authority to reduce gender equality and improve the economy of the country beside the business economy of the organization. The organization’s needs to give the proper focus on each and every problem of the diversity and the gender inequality to reduce the business issues and increase the management of the organization.

The balance in the work life should be maintained by all the staff to reduce these kinds of problems. The hiring process and the recruitment of the proper talent in the organizations should be in the proper focus to do the analysis of the gender equality and alo the diversity management of the organization which is able to give the understanding about the growth of the organization in a proper way.

The thesis statement of the paper is that the gender equality and the management of the diversity of the organization can be able to secure the workforce if the organization in a better way which needs to be in the proper focus of the organization through the recruitment of the proper talent in the company and give the changes to be appropriate employees for the higher responsibilities without focuses on the gender of the candidate.

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Throughout this example, the main issue is improving equality and diversity within X-Japanese Technology’s division, in which only roughly thirty percent of both the population is female and instead just 5percent of the workers are immigrants(Cansino et al 2019). So because the proportion ratio of female employees at X-Tech remained high, looking to hire, promotion opportunities, retention, outcome depictions, as well as marketing were among the working population conditions that required attention. As just a consequence, evey employee, irrespective of their distinctive style, has indeed been fully recognized, and then they’ll be reviewed by analyzing their features and functions.Its considerably lower equality and diversity within X-Japanese Technology’s subsidiary was due to both environmental forces, as well as a typical lack of workers or employees across Japan.

This same environmental factors seem to have been demographic information including such economic malaise, an aging population that was already attempting to erect many barriers throughout the neighborhood, a number of births that has since reached the lowest level ever recorded, and lower female engagement throughout the organization, as evidenced by the government’s poor performance throughout OECD statistical data (Iarygina et al 2021). Internal determinants does include a concentration on concord and placing their local subgroup (i.e. Japanese employees) foremost; as well as a propensity to just let Japanese current societal standards deeply impact circumstances of the workplace.

Work demands, for instance, discouraged female workers considering taking the position, although a level of comprehension between female staffs of something like the assistance and retraining classes available to for the employees or workers to allow them to demonstrate their capabilities within the firm resulted in decreased “female managers for X-Tech”. The very same underlying root of X-Japanese Software’s subsidiary’s very bad inclusion and fairness started because when the firm was created, as its leaders introduced concepts, mindsets, and rituals that have been deeply entrenched in Japan’s communism as well as authoritarian environment through into organization. As more than just a consequence, such worries weren’t really unique, but instead concerns that afflicted nearly every enterprise in Japan.

Additionally, the gender gap continued in not just the Japanese assistance for the firm, as well as in the worldwide assistance. Nonetheless, internationalization challenges were also not limited to the USA and other Industrialized England; instead, problems remained widespread within Japan and the Central Asian Cities and counties (Herbst et al 2021). As just a consequence, the company should’ve anticipated and responded to steps to improve variety and inclusive practice, including such lowering operating time and creating awareness around female employees more about resources and refresher courses provided to help women progress their  respective careers. However, it has n’t done so. This is because of the reality the precursors of the difficulty had been obviously the significant thing variables of the Japanese practice itself, which safeguarded parts including a male predominance in the general public, a tendency to bar people that had been interesting from them, notwithstanding an activity among young ladies to disappear their positions upon union with hoist kids and return after they have aged.


Very first thing that “X-Tech” should do is promote female employees through holding technical conferences so that they have been well-informed about future opportunities at their present state, along with contentment with the company culture, which appears to be welcoming to new parents. That might include things like creating a parenting practices neighborhood where young women should engage and help previously charged solve similar real world problems, along with bringing out periodic messages or notifications to maintain pregnant or parenting personnel engaged. The company X-Tech too can work on creating a Family’s Rooms (pleasant and secure in-house affordable childcare & breastfeeding place) inside the working place, similarly for Rakuten, to assist moms working long hours after parental leave.

These policies have two benefits: initially, they will guarantee all female workers’ professions are unaffected by stage in life transitions; but secondly, they will motivate new moms to recover fully employment quickly following extended maternity leave (EQUIPPING et al 2019). As a result, while this method will help retain present female employees, everything just will not be enough to completely eradicate the inequality between men and women (Micco et al 2020). Moreover, such a strategy will indeed be useless unless it’s been backed by a slew of other favorable organizational changes, particularly “work-life balance” legislation and advancement opportunities tailored specifically for women.

The approach is to conduct business events intended to increase employee engagement. For instance, X-Tech could host a “Diversity Weekend” similar to that which is held at Panasonic Worldwide, through which workers from different local cultures and multigenerational backgrounds deliver presentations, training, and discussion groups to represent different justice and inclusiveness issues that people encounter in the workplace. Another advantage of such procedures is that they would still hopefully bring the neighborhood around, despite different ethnicities(Senivongse et al; 2019). It will also allow workers to comprehend their coworkers’ unique values tied to specific perceptions and experiences. Workers, on the other side, may never become racially aware just by visiting such activities, preferring to maintain existing preconceptions or prejudices instead.

Another option is to start a campaign to make English the team’s corporate language. This seems to be a move in favor of managing diversity, influenced by “Rakuten’s ‘Englishnization’ project”, that wants to make it easier for professionals of many ethnicities and backgrounds to communicate with each other (BenBassat et al 2018). The above strategy always has the advantage of supporting X-Tech in dramatically expanding its number of acceptable individuals with just those that can “speak Japanese” to over one billion workers worldwide who “speak English”. As more than just an outcome, the increasing number of foreign (non-Japanese) workers into the specialized department will rapidly and stably expand. However, any such plan is unsustainable in and of itself to enhance organizational multiculturalism because it also demands cross-cultural awareness. This communication may contribute to the encouragement of enhanced communication and therefore a favorable knowledge of multicultural society amongst employees.

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