LD7080 Academic Language Skills Assignment Sample 2023

1. Introduction

Video games are often considered to be one of the worst aspects of technology especially when the use of these games becomes an addiction to people of all ages. These games are often considered to be one of the main reasons for individuals suffering from health-related issues. The following section will outline the advantages and disadvantages to health which arose as a result of the intense use of video games.

2. “Reasons why heavy video gaming may be a health risk”

Several reasons are there that present that use of video games cause severe health risk for individuals. The repeated use of these games leads to the development of aggressive behaviour, seizures, insomnia, obesity, muscle pain to name a few of them. This causes the physical state of individuals to deteriorate making it difficult for them to acclimate to normal life (Halbrook et al. 2019). Another severe effect of the use of video games is that it alters the perception of individuals and takes them away from real life. In such cases, these individuals find it very difficult to acclimate themselves to normal lives and may take drastic measures to cause harm.

3. “Reasons why heavy video gaming may not be a health risk”

Despite the risks it poses, it should be noted that there also lies a lot of benefits if it can be utilized effectively. As opined by Villani et al. (2018), video games help children in improving hand and eye coordination and make them more observant. It also helps in boosting self-confidence and self-esteem and makes them more confident about themselves. Another important benefit which it provides is that it helps individuals become more social and helps them develop problem-solving skills. Hence, there also exist a few benefits associated with the use of video games.

4. Conclusion

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It can be concluded that video games are filled with both advantages and disadvantages. However, on closer look, it has been found that the disadvantages present with the use of video games far outweigh the disadvantages. The repeated use of these games can lead to impairment in the eyes and hands, along with other health issues such as insomnia and obesity. Despite the disadvantages, it also has positives where through the playing of these games it makes the individuals more active of their surroundings. It also helps in the development of good hand-eye coordination and also makes individuals more social. Therefore, it can be concluded that seldom use of video games is a better alternative than regular use.


Halbrook, Y.J., O’Donnell, A.T. and Msetfi, R.M., 2019. When and how video games can be good: A review of the positive effects of video games on well-being. Perspectives on Psychological Science14(6), pp.1096-1104. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1745691619863807

Quwaider, M., Alabed, A. and Duwairi, R., 2019. The impact of video games on the players behaviors: A survey. Procedia Computer Science151, pp.575-582. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050919305393/pdf?md5=cf17fd38d8a3c218ecf00efbfe38bc0f&pid=1-s2.0-S1877050919305393-main.pdf

Villani, D., Carissoli, C., Triberti, S., Marchetti, A., Gilli, G. and Riva, G., 2018. Videogames for emotion regulation: a systematic review. Games for health journal7(2), pp.85-99. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1089/g4h.2017.0108

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