Assignment Sample on Leadership and Management


In the opinion of Utting, (2017), personal development can be described as developing personal skills and knowledge that helps an individual in enhancing their professional abilities. It helps an individual in identifying their abilities that make it easy for them to adopt practices that can help them in increasing their skills. Personal development is the process that helps an individual in acquiring goals and objectives. Other than that, developing a personal development plan also enables several opportunities for the person to shape their future. Using personal and professional skills an individual will be able to plan their future goals and learn new talents.

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A personal development plan also helps the person in analysing the areas of their weaknesses and strengths and also guides them the ways to resolve their weaknesses. Getting involved in testing my abilities helped me in improving the skills possessed (Jamurodovna, 2020). Temperament, personality insights, sound decision-making, assertiveness, and personal resilience are the test I gave for gaining in-depth knowledge about my abilities. Other than that, I also give global EI test results that helped me enhance my knowledge about self and social awareness. All the tests are further segregated into different components that help an individual in analysing the leadership qualities, behavioural qualities, and the test also suggests some tips to improve them.

The temperament test tool is used for accessing knowledge related to the psychological type of any individual. It is a test tool that helped me in analysing my personality type along with some tips to improve my personality type. The test is further segregated into four elements that include extraversion or introversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving. Based on this test, my personality type is of INFPs that is Introversion, intuition, feeling, and perceiving. INFPs are sensitive and creative as per Anaya and Pérez-Edgar, (2019). I love to help other people in solving through insights. Other than that, I possess great listening abilities and act great as a mediator but I don’t like to get into any conflicts.

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Furthermore, I am not good at working and managing under a tight deadline schedule and it can be a major issue related to time-management skills. Being an introvert, I like to work by myself, think twice before speaking any word, and don’t want any attention. Other than that, between sensing and intuition, I’m intuitive which means I love to be creative, enjoy gaining new experience and always take challenges as an opportunity. I got a high score in feeling in the third factor of the temperament test tool. As per my type, I don’t like to make decisions that hurt the feelings of other people and I am emotional to some extent.

It can be a threat for me to make decisions keeping emotions in mind, sometimes it is essential to take quick decisions based on the requirements that can hurt someone’s feelings as well. I got a high score in perceiving which means I prefer to be flexible and spontaneous instead of organised and planned. My type belongs to go with the flow and being late for things. Based on this test, I came to know that there is an essential requirement to enhance my time-management skills as it is a characteristic of a great leader. In this way, personal development plans help me in analysing my weaknesses and I will work to improve them.

The second test I took for improving my development skills is the personal resilience test. Personal resilience tests can help in analysing the resilient nature of an individual so they can work on that accordingly as per Walker (2019). The personal resilience test is divided into six components that include coping with change, problem-solving; working with others, support networks, self-confidence, and organisation. My resilience score is pretty high that means I possess resilient nature indicating that I am good at analysing my limitations, interest, and work. Other than that, I am good at coping with change and I took it as an opportunity and share positivity adequately.

It has been followed by problem-solving ability and my score is high in this factor also. It means I face problems effectively which I can solve. It has been suggested that I need to take adequate time before coming to any conclusion because sometimes I can give decisions too quickly and that can be harmful. I am self-confident and know about my limitations adequately. I love to take feedbacks from my colleagues and it can help me in dealing with different opinions. Other than that, I interact with different people and takes advantage of the benefits of different workers and diversity appropriately. In this way, I get to know about my resilient nature and developed my leadership qualities.

The third test is based on knowing about personality insights that help in analysing the personal behaviour that can impact our leadership qualities. It has been divided into five parts that include extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability (Wei 2017). I scored high in agreeableness and conscientiousness. On the other hand, my score was low in the factors of openness, emotional stability, and extraversion. It indicates that I am good at working by myself instead of getting involved in groups. The suggestion is to involve in a sales job so I get more time to know about others.

Furthermore, I like to work in a smooth working atmosphere, and based on emotional stability I am prone to pressure and stress. It can affect my working mood because poor emotional stability can make an individual’s mood stressful. Based on conscientiousness, my personality insight indicates that I am highly organised and feel frustrated when I am not able to complete the task on time. I scored low in openness which means I am conservative and like to use my knowledge appropriately. In this way, I get to know that I need to work on developing my emotional stability as working under pressure can ruin my work and reputation in the organisation in I will work.

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The fourth test is all about measuring the assertiveness that indicates my capability of being social and stand up for personal and other people’s rights. It has been segregated into three parts that include assertive, passive, and aggressive as per Allen and Anderson, (2017). I scored high on the passive and assertive scoreboard and low on the aggressive scoreboard. Being assertive means I like to aim for a win-win approach that means I don’t want to complete my task by hurting someone’s feelings. Other than that, being assertive means I need to be more aware of the communication skills used by others because anyone can trap me in their perspectives.

Moreover, being passive I care for other people’s needs more than I care for my needs. My type is to avoid conflicts and others may take advantage of this situation. It can be a major threat for me as my confidence and self-esteem will start to suffer. I scored low in aggression it means I listen very patiently and don’t get aggressive so frequently. In this way, I completed my assertiveness test and it suggested to me that I need to start thinking about my ideas instead of focusing on other people’s perspectives. Finally, there is an essential requirement to get involved in conflicts fearlessly I can take a stand for my opinion.

I scored 81 on the sound-decision-making test; it means I need to improve my decision-making skills as it can help me in making decisions confidently. It can be completed by accessing more information to collect real-life data. Other than that, I need to take suggestions from other people as it will help me in solving issues adequately. A smooth decision can be made if an individual has a variety of options elaborated by Pieterse (2019). It can help them in selecting the best option that can be highly beneficial for them. In this way, I need constant improvement so my decision-making ability can be improved and it can also help in building my leadership abilities effectively.

I also took a personal value and awareness test using the Barrett Seven Level of consciousness model (Hoemann 2019). The results conclude that I am good at maintaining relationships with others as I want to work with a sense of belonging and love. Other than that, I inspire other people by adopting creative ideas and bringing innovation to the work. It is my nature to stay calm in the period of frustration and wait for time to change. I motivate myself to achieve future growth and success and not reliant on other people. Finally, I also like to share my personal opinions and views with others as it helps in getting feedback and improving my knowledge.

Furthermore, I took part in the Global EI test that helped me in knowing about self-awareness, management, social awareness, and relationship management. I got the highest marks in social awareness followed by self-awareness then relationship management and the lowest marks in self-management. Social awareness means I frequently get involved in understanding the opinions of others and help others in solving their concerns. Other than that, I know about my limitations and able to manage my emotions effectively.


The personal development test helped me in recognising my personality type and based on the suggestions provided I started to work on improving my leadership abilities. It also enables a great sense of my strengths and weaknesses that can help me in choosing the future goals keeping my abilities in mind. As per my concern, I need to work on time-management skills and need improvement in my decision-making ability.


Books and Journals

Allen, J.J. and Anderson, C.A., 2017. Aggression and violence: Definitions and distinctions. The Wiley handbook of violence and aggression, pp.1-14.

Anaya, B. and Pérez-Edgar, K., 2019. Personality development in the context of individual traits and parenting dynamics. New ideas in psychology53, pp.37-46.

Hoemann, K., Xu, F. and Barrett, L.F., 2019. Emotion words, emotion concepts, and emotional development in children: A constructionist hypothesis. Developmental psychology55(9), p.1830.

Jamurodovna, J.D., 2020. The importance of extracurricular and external activities in students’ personal development. Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)9(4), pp.209-213.

Pieterse, A.H., Stiggelbout, A.M. and Montori, V.M., 2019. Shared decision making and the importance of time. Jama322(1), pp.25-26.

Utting, H., 2017. A case for a personal development plan. Planning News43(2), p.26.

Walker, L., Luechtefeld, R. and Long Walker, J.A., 2019. Creating pathways to personal resilience through classroom simulations. Simulation & Gaming50(2), pp.214-242.

Wei, H., Zhang, F., Yuan, N.J., Cao, C., Fu, H., Xie, X., Rui, Y. and Ma, W.Y., 2017, February. Beyond the words: Predicting user personality from heterogeneous information. In Proceedings of the tenth ACM international conference on web search and data mining (pp. 305-314).

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