
Public health sector is evolving dynamically and public health leaders play a vital role to mobilize people, work efficiently and tackle all the obstacles. It has been acknowledged worldwide that leaders have the vision and they can handle all the situations as well as lead the team to the right path. Public health is a complex sector and the success of health care depends on the team. Public health leadership sets a common goal and influences the team to work accordingly for providing noble services to the community. On this note, the following essay would stress on examining the significance of the change management process with relation to service improvement as applied to delivery of public health. It would also emphasise on the concept of and application of leadership based on both personal professional development in addition to the significance of effective communication and collaboration. The essay would also be highlighting the relevance of leadership skills for effective personal and professional performance in the public health sector.

Evaluation of the concept and application of leadership from personal and professional perspective:

Effective leadership brings success to the organization. The leaders who are effective and efficient set a mission and influence the team to accomplish the work. Leadership is a process that influences the behavior of people. Leadership depicts the reciprocal relationship between leaders and followers (Arshad et al. 2017). Leadership states the ability of the leaders understanding what should be done and what is to be done by the others. Personal leadership develops from the inside out and it reflects the effective leadership qualities.

Personal Leadership:

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The personal leadership consists of various traits and positive strengths and talents of leadership are being channelized to bring success and glory to the organization. Personal leadership develops leadership qualities and it gradually develops a collective organized team.


Personal leadership develops a game plan which will set a mission and the leaders have the vision to understand what will be good for the health care sector. According to Newstead et al. (2019), virtue ethical practices render the scope of promoting good leadership expertise. Personal leadership skill gives the leaders vivid clarity about the project and they know how to lead the team in one direction dedicatedly to achieve success. There are numerous challenges in the public health sector. The leaders who have clarity and vision can lead the team accordingly.

Self -Discipline:

Glory can never be achieved if there is no self discipline in the leaders. Dhiman (2017) noted that incorporation of self discipline approach by leaders brings about the scope of sharpening will power in addition to productive decision making capability. Personal leadership develops self discipline and it will improve the life and leadership quality of the employee. The employee’s who have self discipline, they can put their strength to the team and the team will do work systematically. It enhances performances of the employees. Public healthcare is a complex sector and self discipline is needed to provide flawless services.


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The hallmark of a good leader is his firm determination and unchangeable principals based on honesty (Sun et al 2019). Trustworthy employees are the gems of the public health sector.  Public health sector needs employees who are efficient, trustworthy. If a leader has integrity, he earns respect and trust of the organization and the community. Personal leadership is an ongoing changing process and it needs self evaluation. Integrity of a leader leads the team to a composed state and eventually brings success.

Open Communication:

The success of the public health sector does not depend on the individuals. Communication between the employees is needed. Personal leadership develops the communication skill. Open, trust, and honest communication between the employees will be helpful to understand the mission of the team and they will work effectively.

Legacy building:

Personal leadership is a dynamic process that changes with the time and value and morality of the leaders remain constant, Personal leadership helps to develop essential qualities among the employees and good character is the tombstone and establishes legacy. It is the main goal of personal leadership to build legacy which will bind the whole team and work in one direction.

Professional Leadership:

Professional leadership is related with the day to day activities of the staff and it has a wide aspect to lead the team in the right direction. Professional leadership leads the team to the top of the success-mountain. Theoretical framework allows professional leadership understanding and involves different kinds of learning.


The professional leadership influences the team to work accordingly and help the team to go with one flow. Leadership reflects self efficacy and influences the team to learn by systematic action.


Professional development is associated with the occupation and development of competence which involves emotional intelligence, skills, knowledge. Professional development continues throughout life and the workers learn in the different stages of their professional life (Meri et al, 2019). Professional leadership helps the employees to attain knowledge, skills and attitude. The employees of the public health sector will come to know what kind of work they have to do, they will know what type of skills they should achieve and knowing how to be are the competence that professional leadership builds.


Professional leadership helps the employees to improve on a daily basis. Encouragement helps the employees to work positively and the ambiance of the organization brings positively. Professional leadership boosts self esteem and sets a goal to accomplish the work.

Evaluation of progress:

Professional leadership helps the employees to trace their own progress. They can attain betterment and it can be growing. As observed by Belrhiti et al. (2018), effective professional leadership expertise is an essential attribute with respect to complex social systems. Professional leadership will help them to learn how to improve their skill. They can learn from the mistakes and they will be able to rectify the situation. The healthcare employees will be able to correct their errors.

Significance of effective communication and collaboration:

Effective communication and coordination are the factors that bring success in the public health sector. Successful collaboration not only helps to assemble the work or finish product but it accelerates the communication. It brings a positive impact in the public health sector. Effective communication helps the team to spend time to create the right environment and it sets communication between team members. The leadership defines the goals and objectives of the team and effective team members can bring positive outcomes in the public health care sector. Collaboration and communication play a significant role in the team (Nistor et al. 2017).

Ability to get on with people:

The success of the public healthcare sector needs engagement and effective communication between the employees. Effective collaboration and open communication build capacity to work well and a natural communicator will understand the needs of the employees and communication with the community will be effective.

Able to Listen:

Collaboration and open communication helps the employees to listen to each other carefully. It is necessary to understand each other and work together as a team. Public healthcare sector needs open communication. There may arise situations when conflicts or different opinions form. Right at that moment it is important to learn from each other and listen to each other.


Success of the public health sector will never depend on individual’s performances. The whole team works hard to provide flawless services to the community. Effective collaboration clears out differences. It is obvious that sometimes there may be different opinions and conflict. The team members should respect each other’s skill, ability, experience and creativity (Ullah et al. 2017). The ideas, contribution of the team should be appreciated by the team members. Collaborative and open communication brings respect for the contribution of other team members.

Open Minded:

Open communication and effective collaboration brings new ideas and the horizon of knowledge, ideas get new dimensions. The team members might have different ideas, approaches and when they will make effective communication, they will become open minded.


Effective collaboration and communication make the best solution in the public healthcare sector. Burgener (2020) noted that ineffective communication results in adverse and sentinel events in the healthcare sector. Hence, effective communication and collaboration is an essential need for ensuring patient safety and furnishing satisfaction in the long run. This would enable the leaders in the healthcare stream to be able to compromise and make concessions accordingly, thereby attaining success and bringing positive outcomes.

Problem solving ability:

Effective communication and collaboration creates a work culture where the employees solve the problems together. Public healthcare is a complex sector and there might come various problems. When the employees will listen to each other, communicate with each other, they will find solutions together, they will accept the challenge together and they will be able to remove all the obstacles from their path.

Constructive feedback:

Public health care officers work in the complex sectors. They need abundant feedback for rectifying their mistakes and improving their skills. Effective communication and collaboration among the team members will bring togetherness and they will get feedback from each other.

Commitment and enthusiasm:

Effective collaboration and communication accelerate enthusiasm among the employees. Public health sector provides noble services to the community. There should be a work culture where healthcare staff work freely and positive energy pour their minds. Collaboration and communication makes the employees able to invest necessary energy and accomplish all the tasks. The positivity among the employees will help the public health sector to provide the community a sound health and flawless services as health is the national asset.

Robust application of the relevant leadership skill:

A leadership framework is a series of principles that defines effective leadership. The NHS leadership model enhances the performances of the leaders who work in the public health sector. Public health care leadership deals with various complications (Nawaz et al. 2016). The application of the model will help them to attain betterment.

Inspires shared purpose:

Leaders in public health care keep strong belief in the shared value. The healthcare leadership model helps the leaders to stay true to the NHS principles and values. It will help to understand how to contribute and what to do to provide essential patient care and helps them to take personal risks to stand up for the shared purpose. The leaders will be able to hold the principles and values under all the pressure.

Lead with care:

The healthcare and leadership model help the leaders to care for the team and they can recognize underlying reasons for behavior. The model helps them to provide opportunities for mutual support and they can spread a caring environment beyond all the area (Leigh et al. 2017).

Evaluate the information:

The healthcare and leadership model helps the leaders to gather data. They can collect data and  they can understand whether they can attain betterment for providing care to the patient. They will be able to think creatively. They will be able to develop new concepts. They will be able to improve all the pathways on the concepts (Treeetiakov et al.2017).

Connect with the services:

The model will be able to recognize the area of the work of leaders and the functions of the other area and depicts how it is relatable with each other. The leaders can adopt different standards and approaches outside the organization (Herd et al. 2016). They can make their strategies across the system and make decisions.

Share the vision:

Vision of effective leadership permeates the working environment and tends to manifest the actions, values, goals and beliefs in alliance with the predetermined organisational goals. Mumford et al. (2017) opined that visionary leadership fosters the range of motivating employees to engage in performance efficacy and service towards a common objective. The healthcare leadership model helps the leaders to develop communication skills for the purpose of creating credibility. Moreover, it is essential to build trust among employees and help the organisation to provide ultimate care to the patients.

Engage the team:

The model helps the leaders to involve the team and they cooperate with each other to raise the game. They can take the feedback and they can involve the employees to take active participation.  They can stretch the team for productive excellent service (Kouta et al. 2019).

Hold to account:

The model helps leaders to set clear expectations from the employees. They will be able to set SMART objectives and set the mindset of the employees.

Develop Capabilities:

The model helps the leaders to build longer-term capabilities and create systematic key roles. The systems are being created and leaders make sure that employees are being able to take responsibilities (Hernandez et al. 2018)

Influence for result:

The model helps the leaders to engage the employees to convince them in an engagement to work together. They will be able to develop various collaborative agendas and they will be able to adopt an approach to connect with various groups. Public healthcare is a complex sector and there different opinions come. The leaders will be able to counsel or take other approaches to communicate with the employees, solve the problems and get a clear idea whether they have understood the point of view of the leaders (Idelji-Tehrani and Al-Jawad, 2019).


Public health care sectors play a vital role in ensuring population control, public health and as it is a complex sector, efficient leadership is required to provide premium care to the community. The actions taken by the public healthcare leadership will shape the future of the community and healthcare leadership model helps the leaders to have clarity in their work.

Part 2- Personal and Professional Development Plan

SMART Actions required Resources /


Timescale Evidence needed to show achievement Completion


As a novice, targeting specific proficiency in the area of Public health knowledge and skill and gathering knowledge in PHSKF. Public health care management provides quality improvement training opportunities and knowledge should be gathered for improving skill. 1-3 months Knowledge on PHSKF will be increased and target proficiency will be achieved. Healthcare services are the noble services and public health is the national asset of the country. The staff should have clarity how to deal with the people and give them quality services. 3.3.2021
Having strong skill in the Covey Habit, targeting having the skill, measurable excellence in the area. Public healthcare management will give quality time to gather that skill. 3 months Healthcare is a complex sector and the employees in the sector need skill to communicate with each other. Having knowledge in Covey Habit will accelerate the skill and desired excellence skill will be achieved. 3.06.2021
Attainable objective in the development area, Knowledge in NHSLM will be increased and skill will be enhanced.


Public healthcare sector will provide NHSLM model and it will give elaborate knowledge. The proper training on NHSLM and learning on the model will enhance the performance of the employee. 5 months Healthcare needs team performances to achieve success. Leadership skill will be improved and excellence in influencing other team members will be achieved. The staff will get the training. The desired excellence skill will be achieved. Having knowledge in the proper area will enhance the performances of the staff. 3. 11.2021
Objectives should always meet the pertaining goal.

Having a strong knowledge in the UKPHRCoC is not sufficient. Hence, the target relevant objective should be achieved and excellence skill should be acquired.


Training on the Code of conduct will be provided. Public healthcare staff should have proper knowledge on the code of conduct. (law.ac.uk ,2020) 4 months Public healthcare sector serves noble service to the community. The staff should have proper knowledge on how to behave with the people. The staff should attain skill. The skill which will be relevant to the public health sectors is enhancing skill and excellence skill will be achieved. 3.3.2022
The objectives should be attained in a specific time frame. The skill on UKPHRPS will be achieved. The skill in this specific area will be enhanced from mere strong skill to exemplary knowledge.


The hospital and healthcare public management will provide quality training to enhance the skill of the employee. The time bound objective will give right direction and development in this area will enhance the performances. The UK business law will help the practitioner to have a clear idea about the code of conduct. 5 months Public health care sector deals with the complexities, emergency situations and various issues. The practitioner should have been aware of the code of conduct. The specific time bound is needed to have proper knowledge. The skill will be attained in the specific time bound and exemplary skill will be achieved. 3.08.2022


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