LLM Research Proposal Assignment Sample


Development of a stable and healthy society would require increasing awareness on socio demographic issues faced in real world. This research topic would be focusing on development of critical understanding on issues related to domestic violence in Bangladesh. It would assist in generating greater insights of potential causes, disadvantages and issues regarding management of reporting domestic violence challenges faced by female adolescents in Bangladesh. Evaluation of associated governmental rules and regulations for protecting females, associated challenges and potential reforming opportunities would assist in development of critical concepts on this research topic. Further, methodological consideration and knowledge development activities have significantly influenced in generation of awareness of society through this research.

Research Background

Domestic violence can be described as individuals facing violence committed by individuals associated with their domestic circle. Domestic violence included harms of injury to health, safety of life, well being, any threatening and coercion from any adult family member or individuals possessing close relationship with[1]. Domestic violence victims face challenges of short term health discrepancies with long term injuries of physical and mental suffering. Impact of domestic violence significantly challenges in management of healthy social development with increasing healthcare costs for governments for providing effective healthcare facilities on a national basis.

Victims suffering from domestic violence face issues regarding long term health effects such as heart disease, stress disorders, arthritis, and chronic pain. It was identified that US alone exceeds a budget of $12 billion yearly for providing health support to its victims of domestic violence[2]. This domestic violence challenges face issues regarding increasing number of crime in society along with its impact on hamring women, increase child abuse, endanger lives and reduces medical resources. Besides, this would have a negative influence on generation of high levels of anxiety and depression with sleeping disorders and emotional distress, eating disorders for management of emotional and physical harm to victims.

Problem Statement

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“National Coalition against Domestic Violence” has surveyed that one in every four men and one in every three women have faced issues regarding management of domestic violence issues in their lifetime. Bangladesh is ranked at 4th of facing challenges of domestic violence against women by their partners[3]. This haeas created a vivid picture of social ineffectiveness in management of domestic abuse issues for Bangladesh. Patriarchal challenges including issues regarding investigation of causes, reason effectiveness as well as negative views towards women has influenced prevalence of domestic violence issues in this country. Conventional attitude towards development of controlled society with organised nature in domestic violence management have increased issues on conceptualising society without domestic violence.

Bangladesh has actively developed laws against domestic violence from 1980’s to protect women from physical and mental challenges. Universal human rights protection has introduced “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” or UDHR for protecting every human on earth to live a healthy life. “Domestic Violence Prevention and Protection Act of 2010” has significantly faced challenges in management of domestic violence in Bangladesh[4]. Additionally, this country has “CEDAW (1979)” and “Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)” for prevention and protection of domestic violence in management of social welfare attributes in future.

Research Aim

Aim of this research will be to understand critical overview on scenario of domestic violence against women in Bangladesh. Similarly, this research will be evaluating existing laws for management of social attributes, identification of associated issues while providing recommendations for reforming needs in domestic violence management.

Research Objectives

  • To develop a critical understanding on domestic violence challenges faced by women in Bangladesh.
  • To identify factors influencing prevalence of domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh in 21st century.
  • To conceptualise laws existing in Bangladesh for addressing challenges associated with domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh in 21st century.
  • To understand challenges associated with management of domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh in 21st century with government regulations.
  • To recommend potential reforms in governmental rules and regulations for protecting women population of Bangladesh from domestic violence.

Research Questions

  1. What is the current scenario of domestic violence challenges faced by women in Bangladesh?
  2. What are the influencing factors of the prevalence of domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh in 21st century?
  3. What are the existing laws in Bangladesh for addressing challenges associated with domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh in 21st century?
  4. What are the challenges associated with management of domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh in 21st century with government regulations?
  5. What recommendations would be provided for potential reform management in governmental rules and regulations for protecting women population of Bangladesh from domestic violence?

Research Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis (H0): Law in protecting women from domestic violence in Bangladesh was successful efficiently that does not require further reforming opportunities in domestic development.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): Law in protecting women from domestic violence in Bangladesh have faced challenges in decreasing cases that require reforming opportunities in domestic development.

LLM Research Proposal Assignment Sample

Research Scope

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Development of critical understanding of social challenges such as evaluation of reasons associated with generation of domestic violence and its causes would be necessary in a rapidly changing social environment. Critical analysis of factors and challenges associated with generation of facing violence from related partners would be effective in understanding better lifestyle development attributes. Increasing awareness on domestic violence and governmental insufficey in management of violence challenges has increased issues regarding generation of high operational effectiveness in social development. Further, this research would assist governmental professionals and other non governmental organisations in generating high quality of life from younger women of this country.

Literature Review

Current scenario of domestic violence challenges faced by women in Bangladesh

Joint survey by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and United Nations Population Fund has initiated understanding statistics of domestic violence against women. It was identified that 70% of married women and girls in Bangladesh have faced issues of abuse by their intimate partners[5]. 50% of women have also asserted that they were physically abused and assaulted by their intimate partners. This has provided a critical understanding in management of challenges associated with development of an ineffective as well as dysfunctional society development in Bangladesh. It has indicated that Bangladesh has failed to manage protecting women from getting assaulted or abused by close family members.

Factors influencing prevalence of domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh

Domestic violence can be influenced by factors associated with different levels of individual, community and social level. Everlasting discrimination against women, with dircrepancies at education, employment and finanacial development has essentially contributed in domestic violence develoement[6]. Other than this, low self esteem, childhood trauma, patriarchal belief systems with interest in domination and hierarchy have assisted in increasing violence against population. Psychologically socialising attributes along with cognitive and situational factors with biological balance would be considered as other factors influencing domestic violence. Besides, drug and alcohol uses, high personal stress and lack of social and financial support have significantly influenced increasing challenges of domestic violence against women in Bangaldesh.

Existing laws in Bangladesh for management of domestic violence issues against women

Bangladesh has actively developed strict rules and regulations for maintenance of protection on women against domestic violence. “Republic Act No 9262” has acknowledged that “women who have retaliated against their partner or who commit violence as a form of self-defence may have suffered from Battered Woman Syndrome”[7]. This has assisted victims suffering from domestic violence challenges for management of better psychological support. “Republic 11313” or “Safe Spaces Act” has focused on controlling harassment challenges in public places. Similarly, “Domestic Violence Prevention and Protection Act of 2010”, “CEDAW (1979)” and “Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)” have assisted in generation of better protection of women in Bangladesh.

Challenges associated with domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh and associated government regulations

Despite the development of effective regulations in domestic violence have faced challenges in management of practical implementation of governmental regulations. This has significantly challenged in development of lawful nature in addressing domestic violence issues against women in Bangladesh. “Patriarchal social structure, the culture of acceptance and the wide practice of community violence” can be evaluated as challenges associated with addressing domestic violence issues[8]. Conflicts between family, lack of awareness of different types of psychological, emotional, sexual and physical abuse would be also considered as challenges associated in managment of domestic abuse in Bangaladesh.

Recommendations for potential reform management in governmental rules and regulations

Government focusing on generation of better protection for women would be beneficial by active participation of stakeholders in maintaining domestic violence challenges. Legislation of Bangladesh focusing on maintaining control on practical implementation of laws would be recommended[9]. This would be beneficial for Bangladesh in increasing challenges associated with high level of domestic violence prevalent in society. Additionally, more economic support in increasing public awareness and encouraging others to effectively participate in domestic violence management would be beneficial for decreasing challenges associated with 70% of women facing domestic violence in this country.


Research methodology in this research will be focusing on generation of straightforward nature in research conduction activities. Use of frameworks such as “Saunders research onion” will be beneficial in generation of consecutive processes of methodological considerations in research finding generation. This research will use “interpretivism research philosophy” for development of true nature in evaluation of current scenario of domestic violence in Bangladesh. “Inductive research approach” will be beneficial for generation of theoretical views on prevalent domestic violence attributes in Bangladesh. “Archival research” strategy will assist in gathering information and data in understanding domestic violence challenges in Bangladesh.

Maintenance of “mono qualitative” research choice will be assisting in maintaining specific nature in collected information on research variables of domestic violence against women in Bangladesh. Incorporation of “secondary data collection method” will be assisting in collecting relevant information of this research title without facing complexities of collecting data from individuals in COVID-19 situation. In this context, “thematic explanation” will be helpful in generation of trends and perspectives in development of reliable research findings in this research. Further, “Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48)” and “Data Protection Act 2018 (c.12)” will be assisting in maintenance of regulations for development of critical understanding on this research topic.

“Secondary data collection method” will be focusing on maintenance of effective search strategy and exclusion, inclusion criteria for development of research findings. Search strategy will include data collection activities by primary keywords of research. Additionally, inclusion criteria of gathering information from journal articles published after 2018 from reliable and authorised sources as well as free accessibility of full text PDF will be included. Other information will be excluded from this research for maintenance of reliability and validity in research conclusion generation activities in this research on domestic violence in Bangladesh, its existing challenges, effectiveness of laws and related reforms.

Contribution to Knowledge

Bangladesh has faced challenges in management of overall domestic challenges for generation of high level of understanding on practically omitting domestic violence issues in this country. Critical concept development of existing challenges of domestic violence along with deconstructive understanding on social, political and economic challenges would be increasing knowledge on research variables. Evaluation of different ways of increasing public awareness along with addressing challenges of social and cultural elements will be adding value to organisational development. Further, increasing understanding on framework development for participation between governmental and non-governmental organisations will be guiding in implementing better governmental reforms in addressing domestic violence issues.

Expected Outcomes

Critical analysis of domestic violence and associated factors, challenges and effectiveness of existing laws would be providing better insight on prevalent issues of abuse and exploitation. Understanding core competencies in abuse, violence against women have significantly assisted in generation of better knowledge on productive social development. This research investigating issues of existing legislation and its ineffectiveness in addressing social and cultural challenges would be beneficial for research development. Challenges associated with government and its stakeholders would be helping in understanding better processes for legislative development. Further, this research would be assisting in generation of high level of effectiveness of government for developing better rules and regulations in decreasing domestic violence against women in Bangladesh.

Reference List

Afrin, Z., (2017). Combating domestic violence in Bangladesh: Law, policy and other relevant considerations. Ann. Surv. Int’l & Comp. L., 22, p.161.

Bmjopen.bmj.com (2022). Evidence of sociocultural factors influencing intimate partner violence among young women in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review | BMJ Open. Available at: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/10/12/e040641#:~:text=It%20is%20mainly%20influenced%20by,partner%2C%20history%20of%20violence%20including. [Accessed on: 18 May 2022]

Hrw.org (2022). “I Sleep in My Own Deathbed”: Violence against Women and Girls in Bangladesh: Barriers to Legal Recourse and Support | HRW. Available at: https://www.hrw.org/report/2020/10/29/i-sleep-my-own-deathbed/violence-against-women-and-girls-bangladesh-barriers#:~:text=According%20to%20a%202015%20survey,partners%20have%20physically%20assaulted%20them. [Accessed on: 18 May 2022]

Katz, E., Nikupeteri, A. and Laitinen, M., (2020). When coercive control continues to harm children: Post‐separation fathering, stalking and domestic violence. Child abuse review, 29(4), pp.310-324.

Pcw.gov.ph (2022). RA 9262: the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004. Available at: https://pcw.gov.ph/vaw-faqs/. [Accessed on: 18 May 2022]

Prothomalo.com (2022). Bangladesh ranks 4th in violence against women by intimate partner | Prothom Alo. Available at: https://en.prothomalo.com/bangladesh/bangladesh-ranks-4th-in-violence-against-women-by-intimate-partner#:~:text=Bangladesh%20ranks%204th%20in%20violence%20against%20women%20by%20intimate%20partner,-Staff%20Correspondent&text=Bangladesh%20has%20become%20one%20of,(VAW)%20by%20intimate%20partner. [Accessed on: 17 May 2022]

Pun, K.D., Tjomsland, T.R., Infanti, J.J. and Darj, E., (2020). ‘Violence exists to show manhood’: Nepali men’s views on domestic violence–a qualitative study. Global health action, 13(1), p.1788260.

Rahman, M.M. and Alam, M.A., (2020). Regulatory and Institutional framework for the conservation of coral reefs in Bangladesh: A Critical Review. Knowledge management, governance and sustainable development: lessons and insights from developing countries. India: Routledge, pp.231-244.

Tnpsocal.org (2022). The Impact of Domestic Violence on Our Community. Available at: https://www.tnpsocal.org/the-impact-of-domestic-violence-on-our-community/. [Accessed on: 17 May 2022]

[1] Katz, E., Nikupeteri, A. and Laitinen, M., (2020). When coercive control continues to harm children: Post‐separation fathering, stalking and domestic violence.

[2] Tnpsocal.org (2022). The Impact of Domestic Violence on Our Community.

[3] Prothomalo.com (2022). Bangladesh ranks 4th in violence against women by intimate partner | Prothom Alo.

[4] Afrin, Z., (2017). Combating domestic violence in Bangladesh: Law, policy and other relevant considerations.

[5] Hrw.org (2022). “I Sleep in My Own Deathbed”: Violence against Women and Girls in Bangladesh: Barriers to Legal Recourse and Support | HRW.

[6] Bmjopen.bmj.com (2022). Evidence of sociocultural factors influencing intimate partner violence among young women in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review | BMJ Open.

[7] Pcw.gov.ph (2022). RA 9262: the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004.

[8] Pun, K.D., Tjomsland, T.R., Infanti, J.J. and Darj, E., (2020). ‘Violence exists to show manhood’: Nepali men’s views on domestic violence–a qualitative study.

[9] Rahman, M.M. and Alam, M.A., (2020). Regulatory and Institutional framework for the conservation of coral reefs in Bangladesh: A Critical Review.


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