Management and Organizations HI6005 Sample

Management and Organizations HI6005 Sample

Executive Summary
Activity one will discuss the views of Pankaj Ghemawat on the globalization process. The benefits
and the processes followed for the business expansions amongst different parts of the world are also
discussed on am elaborated manner. This discussion will be conducted to fid how the growth of the
business activities to different parts of the world has improved the trade practices. In the second part
of the discussion the cultural values and thinking process of the people are examined. This is an
important part of the activity, as the reason for the differences in the cultural values and factors
differentiating the views of the members are included in the discussion part.

Week 2: Activity 2 – Pankaj Ghemawat on Globalization Globalization has accelerated the growth strategies of the companies across the world. Organizations
follow an international policies, labor law policies, and strategies to operate in the international
market. Products and services manufactured and provided in a country can easily find a lucrative
international market, which assures the product sales improvement. There has been a change in the

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political factors, social aspects, and economic factors due to the organizational development. The
views presented by Thomas Friedman on the growth of the companies contradict the views presented
by Pankaj Ghemawat. As per Friedman the concept of globalization is based on hypothesis stating that
the countries have become quite dynamic operators, this process has increased the availability of the

products and offers to the clients, and the modern globalization highly concentrates on offering the
better services to the people (Vercelli, 2004).http://Management and Organizations HI6005 Sample
Products could easily reach out to different places, wherein the services are provided in the
determined prices. However Pankaj stated that the process of globalization has not completely

flattened the world, as there prevail differences in the product demands and its requirements. The
companies differ from each other in terms of the services, price, and quality and this is the deciding
factor that influences the buyer’s decision. Pankaj as discussed on the myths and reality factor
associated with globalization. He prepared a simple matrix that analyzed the facts and information

about the growth of the companies and globalization.
The companies planning to expand the operations to a different place or a new market have to
consider the client requirements and other legal requirements. This is one of the important parameters
that determine the success and the growth of the companies in the international market. Trade
practices and policies have been globalized, as the free flow of the products and services has become

quite possible. As per the “World trade organization report” there has been a steady increase in the
estimates in the trade practices, and it can be easily be associated with the GDP. However this

estimation completely depends upon the appropriate methods adopted by the multi-country supply
chain system, and its relevance for the clients (Saltarello and Figino, 2004).http://Management and Organizations HI6005 Sample
For instance, the I-phone shipped out from China to the US, has components that is being
manufactured in different countries. The sales made by different countries contribute towards the
GDP and the trade practice improvement. This has become possible due to the globalization process,

where the products are freely shipped out to different parts of the world for making sales.

Week 3: Activity 2: Definition of culture1. Why do you think people’s definition of culture may vary?
The cultural values and practices followed by the people highly vary due to many reasons. These
practices and traditions of the people differ from each other due to religious practices, cultural values,
and beliefs. Thus no two practices of different culture can be the same. People with such attitudes,

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tend to differentiate the values and practices from each other. The traditional values also differentiate
people and the process followed for thinking on different things.
Differences in opinion and the values in individuals have a major impact on the work strategies and in
stating together. Due to the differences it becomes quite challenging for the people to agree or work
together. Practices differ because of the religious practices, which is also different from each other.

People believe in practicing the views and the opinion reflected in particular cultural practices, and
preaches the same. The views of the culture differ and this makes people different from each other
(Ernest, 2004).http://Management and Organizations HI6005 Sample
Language and food habits also differ from each other due to the different cultural values and practices
followed by the people. It is not easy to understand these cultural values and practices, as there are
different reasons for people to follow a particular culture.

2. Which definition of culture do you agree with most and why?
The best definition on the cultural values and practices was made by Shola et al., (2002). As per this
definition, the cultural values and characteristics define the knowledge of the people in the group and
encompass the religious practices, language, social habits, and other activities. These practices and

habits differ from each other, due to the aged system and practices followed by the people. In order to
understand the cultural values, it is relevant to apprehend the practices and systems followed by the
majority of the people in this group. This process not only updates the knowledge about the practices,
but also provides an in-sight on the system or the practices that is being followed at a particular point
by the people.

This definition concentrates on the points that make one culture different from the others. It is relevant
to understand these practices and the reason why people believe in following the cultural values, as it

provides an in-depth knowledge on the cultural values and practices. It is one of the essential aspects
that are covered in the definition of the cultural practices.

Culture is also related with the beliefs of the
people associated with a particular group. These groups ensure to communicated the practices and
preach people about it value so as do similar things that are included in the cultural values.

The discussion on the globalization provided an in-depth knowledge on the concept, and the processes
followed by the companies to expand the trade practices.

Globalization and its benefits to the
companies and local and international people are included in the analysis part of the work. The views
of Pankaj Ghemawat have been discussed in the activity work.

The cultural values and practices
followed by the people, along with the challenges and the reason for its differences are include in the
discussion part of the activity.

This is an important part of the discussion, as the useful and relevant
points about the cultural values and its impact on the thinking process of the people in a group are



Ernest, W.B., 2004. West/East and North/South Dialogue of Cultures Interculturality and
Communication. UNESCO – Gossamer Chapters culture, Civilization And Human, UNESCO (issue
Vol. II).
Saltarello, E. and P. Figino (2004). Does Globalization Reduce Poverty? Some Empirical Evidence for
the Developing Countries, in Lee, E. and M. Vercelli (eds.), Understanding Globalization,
Employment and Poverty Reduction, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 247-303.
Shola, K.W. and C.D. Sutton, (2002). Generational Differences: Revisiting Generational Work
Values for the New Millennium. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23(4): 363-382.
Vercelli, M. (2004). Globalization, Skills and Within Country Income Inequality in Developing
Countries, in Lee, E. and M. Vercelli (eds.),Understanding Globalization, Employment and Poverty
Reduction, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 211-243.

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