Management Report Assignment Sample

Management Report Assignment Sample

(Improving the management of dengue in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)

 Title- “Improving the management of dengue in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil”


Dengue is a kind of acute infectious disease caused by the flavi-virus which can easily transmitted by aedes mosquitoes. Dengue is the most common public health concern within sub-tropical as well as tropical regions (Begam et. al. 2021). As per considering a common issue which is needed to be implementing innovative idea in context of prevention and control. Epidemics of dengue exist in the human suffering, massive economic losses. In some nations, it have increased the burden of dengue, which is comparable to other viral diseases.

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The purpose of the report is to focus on identify the specific need and requirement in the improvement of dengue management. Therefore, it should be concern about the current dengue diagnostics, clinical based monitoring. This can possible through new innovative technologies, helping to improve dengue management and also impact on the surveillance, patient’s result or outcome.

In this report, it is mainly focused on improving the management of dengue in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. It will be proposed the prevention and control innovation. The mobility of Dengue will be reduced by implementing an effective management and early detected technique. This will help to improve and manage the risk of disease. In this report, it will reduce morbidity of dengue and management systems by implementing an appropriate outbreak prediction and detection with the help of epidemiological or entomological surveillance. Moreover, it is also promoting the principle of management systems and control the major consequences.

The proposed innovation

It has proposed the innovation of global strategy related to the point-of-care diagnostic and modern technologies such as wearable sensor and clinical monitoring (Coronel-Ruiz et. al. 2021). These kind of innovation are helping the dengue management system to protect or secure patients. It helps to improve the management of dengue.

The innovation promote the collaboration as well as coordination between different multi-sectorial partners. It is also integrated with the vector management approach to control measures at different level. The proposed innovation is always supporting to improve and enhance the national or regional capabilities.

A successful clinical result or outcome requires an efficient technologies such as clinical monitoring system. This will help to determine or estimate the accurate differential diagnosis. Based on the clinical incidence, it is important to mobilize the dengue outbreak control. In Brazil, dengue infection has been rapidly spreading across different areas (Hatta et. al. 2020). For this disease, it is the most complex thing that need to be eliminate from large population. That’s why, enhancing or improving dengue management through innovation technologies. As leading the approach to understand the dengue management and a good to handle clinical result or outcome.

Wearable senor and clinical monitoring

Nowadays, the use of modern technologies is increasing in term of medical field. Sensors that are measured the entire body signs such as blood oxygen level, temperature and heart rate. This is the best way to measure current health condition of individual’s. Sensors are majorly used in the hospitalized the patients who are suffering from dengue. In order to improve the dengue management in Brazil. This is possible while implementing an innovation based on the wireless communication and low-power electronics (Islam et. al. 2021). These are helping the management to use wearable technology and measure the significant result or outcome. As developing a strong integration of medical sensors and enabling a home based data collection. It supports the remote care and also prevent the digital health program against management of dengue.

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Management Report Assignment Sample

Figure: 1 Sensor management

(Source: Khurram & Khan, 2020)

On the other hand, there are different examples related to the wearable sensors for monitoring health condition. Although, many devices are already introduced in market. In the context of clinical management of dengue, it continued to measure the different clinical parameters including symptoms, signs. As per considering a wearable sensor technologies that would help to encourage or motivate the communities.

Nowadays, it has been rapidly increasing the demand of sensor based wireless technologies to easily monitor or track the activities of patient. It has the potential aspect of revolution in context of dengue management as well as surveillance. The ability to measure and diagnose the dengue accurately (Jayarajah et. al. 2021). It is important thing to use the innovative technologies and improving the management system in Brazil. Based on the investigation, it is always targeting the dengue management and also avoiding unwanted requirements. This is not only applicable for community level but it is also supporting to integrate with different facilities. The wearable sensor is based on the modern technique that help to monitor or track the impact on the dengue management in different areas. By consideration of the safety parameters, it is needed to keep track or monitor activities. The most importantly, it would require to improve the health resources allocation and also associated with cost saving, time management. In the large scale, the advanced the wearable monitor allow for individual’s to predicate the level of risk or threat. For different purpose, it has been continuously measuring the different physiological parameters.

The evidence-base for the project

According to the evidence, it has been summarised about the importance of wearable sensors and clinical monitoring technology in the dengue management systems. It reviews on the effectiveness and usefulness of clinical monitoring, wearable sensors.

According to Khan et. al. (2021). the modern technology such as point of care diagnostics including wireless communication. These are providing the better opportunity for staff member to monitor or track the activities of patient. This is consider the revolution in the context of management, surveillance and also control the dengue outbreak situation. Khurram et. al. (2020) said that there are consider the portable electronic devices to keep record the information of patients who are suffering from dengue. Novel based technology is used to examine the current health condition. It is the cheap, invasive and wireless connectivity that allows to keep tracking or recording the activities. Nowadays, each and every staff members are using e-tool for both patients and hospitals because it help to identify the right information or data. On the other hand, now it is also available the RT-PCR tests, identifying the current activities on real time manner.

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis refers to the internal analysis tool for purpose of strategic planning and management. The purpose of internal analysis tool is to identify the strength, weakness, threat and opportunity (Nurlaela et. al. 2021). In Brazil, it is undergoing the revolution of sensors technology to meet the specific demands. For improving the dengue management, it is needed to propose the innovation and creating a more reliable clinical monitoring tool. Whenever, it is focused on using a sensors and identify symptoms, sign of dengue immediately.

Management Report Assignment Sample

Figure: 2 SWOT analysis for health systems

(Source: SWOT analysis, 2021)


The strength of sensors and wireless technology are associated with advantage or benefits. It is declined the operational price or cost. For purpose of dengue management, it would be increased the funding from multiple sources, which is helping to be proposed innovation and develop more awareness among large populations.


Nowadays, the price or cost of sensors technologies are expensive. In this way, it is negatively impact on the growth of dengue management process. A lack of resources, staff training prices are high.


Many threats or risks are associated with sensors, clinical monitoring tool and developing a situation of vulnerabilities. Sometimes, it impacts on the functioning of connected medical devices such as sensors, wireless communication.


The dengue outbreak has crippled the world with increasing the high rates and fatalities. If in case, it is using the innovation techniques such as wearable sensors to track or monitor the symptoms, sign and health condition of patient’s. This kind of setting may bring a great opportunities for implementing innovative proposed solutions.

Identified benefits

Based on the analysis, it has concluded that there are different benefit or advantage to the dengue management through implementation of sensor or clinical monitoring platform (Prabowo et. al. 2021). This kind of innovation is always supported to provide the advantage for both patients and management.

  • By using sensor or monitoring platform, it help to avoid the medical emergency because it can easily measure certain kind of sign, symptoms.
  • The excessive use of innovations which means that help to maintain quality of medical health care services. It is not only providing the advantage but also improve the performance and efficiency.
  • The benefits of innovative technologies are avoiding sever attack on the patient related dengue and its major consequences.
  • It is also eliminating the ethnic and racial bias. Moreover, the advantage is to avoid any kind of hospitalization charges or transportation prices.

Implementation plan

In the context of improving dengue management, it has been proposed the suitable implementation plan which include strengthening diagnostics and management, outbreak preparedness. The most importantly, it is an essential aspect to engage with the vector management approach and proposed innovative tools like wireless sensors as communication (Revathy et. al. 2020). It is helping to increase the promotion with communities and engage with certain kind of risk or threat.

In the context of clinical monitoring, an implementation will require to run the dengue management and also reduce the interruption to the care of patient’s. Before implementing a suitable plan of innovation, it is important thing to select a right sensors tool or platform. it is important aspect to establish a strong coordination between staff members.

Lewin-3 stages of change management

The Lewin-3 stage of change management is based on the model which involves different stages such as unfreezing, refreezing and changing. In the context of dengue management, it can be used the process of change and also entails creating a specific perception according to the requirements. Nowadays, it has been changing the desirable behaviour, and attitude of individuals.

Management Report Assignment Sample

Figure: 4 Lewin’s Three-Step Model

(Source: change management model, 2020)

Whenever, it is improving the dengue management so that it is important aspect to consider the application of change management. According to the Lewin’s model, it has been analysed the change as process. The unfreezing is related to identify the disruption on the regular process or operations including psychological behaviour of staff members towards dengue management (Robinson et. al. 2020). As moving another stage, it would require to identify essential changes and evaluate the trial or error basis. Apart from that, final stage is to establish a coordination with change behaviour and practices of dengue management. But now as identify the current complex situation of dengue in Brazil. It is an essential thing to adopt the innovative technology such as wearable sensors, clinical monitoring tool.

The adoption of wearable sensors and clinical monitoring tool ensure that large population of Brazil can protect themselves. At some point, it can be identified the challenging barriers while implementing communication, lack of trust with innovative tool. Thus, it should be needed to make an effective plan for changing. It helps to deal with uncertainties, which may arise in the dengue management at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Kotter’s eight step model

It is based on the change model that help to overcome barriers in dengue management. Resistance to change is an important process in which make an effective plan to overcome resistance in both communities and staff members. To ensure that handle resistance and also performed some changes to introduce a concept of wearable sensors, wireless communication and clinical monitoring tool (Sahassananda et. al. 2021). It is helping the staff members, where they are committed to dengue management procedures and provide excellent services to the critical patient’s.

Create urgency– In this process, it will be generating a specific need or requirement for urgency in the context of dengue management.

Power coalition– Many critical patient’s needs to be interacted with innovative technique and perform self-evaluation. It would be developed a strong team to participate into different area or place.

Create a vision for change– As per consider to be improving the dengue management which is needed to access advance quality of sensors at reasonable price or cost.

Engage with vision– Top management authority will ensure that all kind of changes need to be done in the process of dengue management. Each and every staff members should be accurately informed about the innovation and its objective.

Empower action– In this process, it will take an important action against the risk or barriers which involved in the dengue management. If in case, it has been implemented the proper innovative idea that is able to align with entire procedure of dengue management.

Creating quick approach– In this phase, it will be creating a short-term goal so that it can easily establishing a strong coordination with other staff members. It provides a great motivation among staff members.

Building on the change– It has continuously changed the improvement in dengue management and improve the performance of individuals.

Activities and Time Scale

S. No. Task Time
1). Selecting  topic or subject 5 days
2). Planning 4 days
3). Gathering information 7 days
4) Literature review 3 days
5). Proposed innovation 2 days
6). Implementation plan 5 days
7). Risk analysis 2 days
8). Cost benefit analysis 2 days
9). Recommendation 1 days


Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is based on the graphical representation of project schedule and also showing as start and finish time. This kind of representation is used chart in the term of project management. For implementing plan, it needed to focus on the scheduling, managing and monitoring specific tasks, resources. Project manager ensure that project remain on right direction and completed within specific time-line.

Risk management

Risk management refers to the techniques for identifying and controlling complex threats to the enterprise capital. In the context of dengue management, it can be identified the variety of sources which including legal liabilities, strategic management errors and technological uncertainties (Sangkaew et. al. 2021). For implementing a sensors based technology in the improvement of dengue management. It can be identified the different kind of risks or threats.

Risk or threat Impact Mitigation strategy action
Engagement with different stakeholders in the terms of dengue management. As per identification, the significant impact of proposed innovation on the dengue management activities. It may arise a problem regarding financial management during implementation of innovation. It is an important thing to focus on the positive approach of innovation in dengue management and fulfil all essential resources, funds from different sources. Afterwards, it will be successfully implementing a plan (Surendran et. al. 2021).
Data breach issue or problem Main problem arise in the proposed innovation related to the data breach. Sensors technology and clinical monitoring tool will represent improper result or outcome.

This kind of situation arise due to the lack of credibility at the time of implementation plan.

To resolve data breach problem in the advanced technology. It will be implementing a protection policies or approach to maintain relevant data and information.

Cost or budget analysis

On the basis of analysis, it is mainly focused on the implementation of sensors or wireless technology in the dengue management. Therefore, it will require to concern about the cost or budget analysis. The most importantly, it will  be implementing the cost analysis and identify that how much investment needed or handled by health care department in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Cost analysis is one of the most common approach that help to create or develop awareness about its usefulness. In the context of advanced technology, it will be divided the cost break-down and identify the benefits of implementing sensors technology in dengue management.

Cost benefit analysis

S. No. Investment needed Costs/prices
1) Capital invested for sensors, clinical monitoring tool or platform 1,00,000
2) Applying the charges by prevention of dengue management 5,00,000
3) Return of investment for innovation 3,00,000

Based on the experience, it has been conducting the cost benefit analysis and implement innovative tool or platform in the dengue management. The cost benefit can be received as an important things in term of proposed innovation and prove as an effective approach in dengue management in Brazil.

Measuring project success

Here are focused on the multi-level framework and guiding the implementation of innovative project success. This can possible to gather or collect relevant information regarding the sensor technology and clinical monitoring tool (Sahassananda et. al. 2021). Whenever, it can be measured the project success through effectiveness of proposed innovation.

  • Based on the evidence, staff members will monitor the profitability, if in case it will implement or use the sensors for the identification of dengue symptoms, signs. As per implement an innovation, it can measure success of project through return of investment. Moreover, it is also identifying the cost effectiveness of implementation project.
  • The management staff members of healthcare will use the sensors and keep record the data or information of patient. If in case, it will be accessing the actual performance in future perspective.
  • By using sensors, it can easily review the performance and efficiency, identify the critical condition of patient due to dengue.


Here are suggesting the few actions to improve the dengue management with the help of clinical monitoring tool or technique. The most importantly, it is an essential needs to be considered during the implementation plan.

  • Before implementing or introducing a new innovation, it require to setup a fixed budget and monitor or track activities on regular basis. The project planning depends on the cost-benefit analysis and also measured the effectiveness of proposed innovation.
  • Based on the analysis, it would recommend that enhance training session for staff members so that they can easily use and handle clinical monitoring (Sahassananda al. 2021). Before using a devices, it is important to allocate a proper task for every staff members, where they can understand the step by step process of monitoring or tracking in the context of dengue management.


From above discussion, it has concluded that dengue management process is one of the best approach in the context of prevention and control. Analysing the SWOT framework to identify strength, weakness, threat and opportunities of proposed innovation. In this report, it focuses on the wearable sensors as clinical monitoring tool or technique. This kind of innovation has been implemented in the dengue management process. It provides the brief idea related to the benefit or advantage and identify the impact of advanced technology in the improving dengue management. Based on the analysis, it can be identified the certain barriers which may convert into threat or risk in the proposed innovation. Afterward, it has been implementing mitigation action to remove or eliminate risks. In this report, it has been examined that sensors, clinical monitoring tool as cost effective innovation which provide the advantage not only patient but also support to the staff members in the hospitals.


Book and Journals

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Jayarajah, U., Lahiru, M., De Zoysa, I., & Seneviratne, S. L. (2021). Dengue infections and the surgical patient. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 104(1). 52-59.

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SWOT analysis. (2021). [Online] [Available through]:<>

Change management model. (2020). [Online] [Available through] :<>


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