Assignment Sample on MARK1190 Foundations of Scholarship Research Methods

1. Introduction

1.1. Introduction

Food supply chain management evaluates different aspects through proper “planning, sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, delivery and returns” for reducing wastage and ensuring food safety. The study is going to evaluate this food supply chain management issue in the case of business development with creating a sustainable environment. The study sheds its light on background, aims, objectives, research questions and the benefits, challenges and strategies of food supply chain. In understanding this process, a secondary data collection method and qualitative analysis are selected to incorporate authentic and accurate data on this topic.

1.2 Background of the research

The food supply chain management process is one of the beneficial processes in case of maintaining food quality and increasing customer safety. An improved food supply chain process helps to fulfil customer safety and hygienic factors through their products and customer service (Francis et al. 2021). The improved communication between the consumer and producer with reducing transportation costs and increased transparency are key process to improve food supply chain. According to the view of Arunachalam et al. (2018), the effective responsibility of procurement management reduce different risk factors through supplying fresh food. It assist the organizations to increase profit by reducing different hygienic factors, food waste and disposal costs.

1.3 Aim and objectives


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The key aim of the study is to optimize food supply chain through proper planning with ensuring customer safety and reducing waste.


  • To understand the importance of the food supply chain management process in ensuring food safety and customer hygiene.
  • To identify the issues and challenges faced by organisations in improving food quality and challenges of different hygienic issues for improving customer safety
  • To identify the possible strategies to improve food supply for maintaining customer health through proper planning

1.4. Research questions

RQ1: What is the importance of the food supply chain management process in ensuring food safety and customer hygiene?

RQ2: What are the challenges of different hygienic issues for improving customer safety and challenges faced by organisations in improving food quality?

RQ3: What are the key strategies to improve food supply for maintaining customer health through proper planning?

2. Literature review

2.1 Review methodology

Total 30 references have been selected in case of collecting data and information on the research topic. These references are pretty authentic provides a vast amount of information under this food supply chain management process. This reference provides information about the issue and challenges that have been faced by the organisations (Arunachalam et al. 2018). These risk factors create hurdles in the path of their business development process. However, the references provide some possible strategies that have been used by those organisations. Food supply chain fosters effective planning to increase food quality to maintain customer health by reducing hygienic issues. Data collection about different hygienic issues are significant for proper business development and understanding customer concern. The procurement management takes the initial responsibilities through proper planning and gathering raw materials.

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Therefore, there are a website research process, journals, books and other articles that have been researched in case of collecting data and information about e research topic. The scholarly journals provide the possible information of several organisations and their process in case of managing the business procedures. The researcher is maintaining the ethics of the research process to maintain the research procedure.

The keywords that have been selected in this research process are “Food supply chain management (SCM)”, “planning, procurement”, “advanced technology”, ‘sustainability’, “customer satisfaction”, “reducing waste”, “food safety”.

2.2 Review

2.2.1 Importance of food supply chain management process

An effective food supply chain management covers with four major factors that includes “procurement, operations, distribution, and integration”. It assists in increasing food quality by reducing use of preservatives and freezing and allows customers to get fresh food with minimizing cost and wastage. Conservation of valuable resources, reduction of food waste is the key way for effective food supply chain management through promoting different sustainable practices. Understanding “farming methods”, “transportation and distribution methods”, “optimizing warehouses” assist in minizine waste and improves insulation of facilities. Efficiency in food supply chain is significant to increase safety and profitability in this growing market for more revenue generations. The food performance management ensures food quality, safety and authenticity for both organizations and consumers.

2.2.2 Impact of food supply chain management on business development

Food supply chain procedure maintains the quality of organisational products and the management are able to improve their planning process. In this scenario, the management team have to maintain some of the things to utilise the advantages of this SCM process. The management has to take care of their suppliers and maintain a proper relationship with them (Speelman, 2018). This helps the organisation n to get the raw materials at the proper time. This process mitigates the chance of having disturbance in the organisational infrastructure. Proper SCM process in the food industry help to develop effective strategies to maintain the suppliers’ and it also helps to maintain a proper customer relationship with their business (Kalogiannidis and Mavratzas, 2020). This maintains the customer service of the employees and it also helps to understand the demands of those customers. This helps the management team to develop an effective strategic development process that improves the whole infrastructure of the organisation.

Effective food supply chain increase customer safety through reducing different hygienic issues with taking fruitful raw materials.  The food organizations are taking crucial responsibilities to increase the effectiveness of food supply through reducing waste and providing fresh items. Food security is properly required through sustainable and sufficient affordable production by reducing food loss and waste with improving public health.

In this case, there is an implementation process of advanced technologies to maintain this SCM but this also provides several advantages to improve their risk management process and decision-making process (Ali, 2021). This food supply chain procedure provides the opportunity to attract a large no. of people n through providing customer service which is able to increase the customer retention of an organisation.  The employees get the flexibility in case of fulfilling the demand of their customers and innovation process of tier products and it helps to increase the profit percentage of the company.

2.2.3 Issues and challenges faced in food supply chain management process

In this present business world, food supply chain management is a big factor that is providing several opportunities to the management teams and business procedures. SCM process helps an organisation in case of getting the competitive advantages and surpasses their competitors in the long run procedure (Dixit et al. 2021). In this section, there are issues and risk factors that have been mentioned that are creating hurdles on the path of the business development process. Those are mentioned below –

Untrained employees

In the case of business development through the SCM process trained employee plays an important role in case of maintaining the working procedure of the organisation. Untrained employees are unable to perform their tasks properly and there is a chance of having errors in the business infrastructure (Jubayer et al. 2020). The management team are unable to effective strategy as their lack of talents and skill of those talents. Other than this, unskilled employees are also unable to use advanced technologies to manage the food supply chain management process (Ardito et al. 2018). On the weather hand, unskilled employees also are unable to maintain the working environment of an organisation as a result the employees are unable to concentrate on their tasks.

Food supply related issues

The food supply chain management team has to research those suppliers’ performance and their stock of raw materials percentage by which they are able to provide them in the meantime (Azamovna, 2021). However, there are sudden issues an organization is to face as the suppliers are unable to provide raw materials and equipment at the proper time or they withdraw the contract in the middle of the process. Increased refrigeration and use of preservatives sometimes diminishes food quality and increase different health issues and decease business profit. These issues are the fundamental problems of food industries to increase its profit through identifying different health issues.

Marketing trends and change of demands

In this marketing scenario, fulfilling the customers’ demand is the prime task of those organisations. In this scenario, there are a diversity of customers for which they have their personal choice and demands (Nygård, 2020). The research and development team of the organisation has to look after those factors and try to develop an effective planning procedure. This helps them to maintain their innovative products (Lapteva et al. 2020).  However, the management is unable to manage all the demands of those customers and its effects on their customer retention percentage. In this time, customer’s change in food preference create an issue to different organization to collect sufficient raw materials for proper food distribution.

2.2.4. Strategies to improve food supply chain process

 In this scenario, the management team of an organisation agave to develop effective planning proves and strategically development process to improve their business process. In this scenario, there are some of the strategies have been mentioned that have been applied by that organisation to improve the food supply chain process in a short period of time. The strategies are mentioned below-

Training and development process

In case of improving the performance of the employees, a management team have to provide training and development process. The training process help the employees to improve their skill set and knowledge by which they are able to perform multiple tasks in the meantime (Vincent, 2020).  Therefore, the employees develop their organisational performance and it helps to maintain the production function of those organisations (Abolade, 2018). In this case, the employees also have to focus on their skill development process by which they are able to improve their future careers.

Advanced technology

In this modern digital world, most of the organisations are focusing on using advanced technology to improve their business procedure.  These technologies create several opportunities and provide advantages to the management team which help to improve their business infrastructure. There are AI technology, Block chain technology and big data analysis process that have been applied by those employees which also boost their organisational performance. AI technology helps the organisational team in case of developing their planning procedure and effective decision-making process (Torresen, 2018).  Other than this, this technology also helps them to analyse their existing strategies and find the errors in them. Apart from this, there is block chain technology which is the most useful technology in case of maintaining the food supply chain procedure (Knezevic, 2018). This technology also helps to decrease the cost of production and it mitigates the chance of having a financial risk situation of the organisation.

There is big data analysis process that helps the R&D team to get the data and information about the possible process of improving the SCM process of a food organisation. Other than this, it helps in the risk management process of the organisation and they are able to take proper decisions in problematic situations (Oncioiu et al. 2019). The organisations are using drones and robots in case of delivering products to their customer by which they are able to provide those products in a short period of time. Other than this, in this COVID-19 scenario, this process helps them to maintain hygiene and it mitigate the chance of spreading the virus (Perdana et al. 2020). It improves the loyal customer base of the organisation which provides advantages in the long run in this situation.

Choosing proper suppliers

In the case of managing the food supply chain process of an organisation, the management team have to choose proper suppliers who are able to provide the raw material and equipment at the proper time (Gelderman et al. 2021). As a result, the organisation is able to improve its customer retention and increase its sales percentage. The organisational team use these advanced technologies in this procedure in the case of increasing the work efficiency of their employees.

Data and information

Data and information help the food supply chain management team to understand the strategies of tier employees and they are able to take proper precautions to maintain their organisation development process (Gupta et al. 2019). This also helps to proper customer service and mitigates the possible challenges and risk factors on their business procedure.  Proper data about different health issues, engagement of different professional employees and proper resources are important to improve food quality. The procurement can take different responsibilities to reduce waste by minimizing refrigeration and preservatives.

Proper implementation of advanced technology by reducing hand touch and sanitization of warehouse is required to improve food supply chain and improves effectiveness in supply chain.  In the words of Gelderman et al. (2021), fresh food items and engagement of different suppliers assist in reducing food waste. Advanced technology, training of employees can ensure food safety and prevent different hygienic issues by increasing customer satisfaction.  Therefore, it is imperative to note that these implementation of strategies are important to improve food quality and ensure customer safety through proper delivery with maintaining sustainability.

2.3 Research gaps

  • In this research process, there are some issues that have been found this process which affects the quality of the research process. This researcher is unable to conduct in-depth research as there are limitations of time and budget in this research process (Safaei, 2020).
  • In this research process, there are no theories and models that have been analysed by the researcher as well as the management team of those companies. These theories help to understand the importance of the food supply chain management process and strategy development process.

3. Research design

3.1 Proposed research methods

Research methods depict diverse process strategies and techniques that are utilized in data collection or evidence for understanding new information about the topic. This research method assists in overviewing the food supply chain management from different perspectives through using tools of data collection. As opined by Williams and Moser (2019), it provides a phenomenon to understand the benefits and effectiveness of food supply chain management. In understanding the topic, a qualitative research method is applied to measure available data based on the case study and grounded theory. This research method critically involved the collection of non-numerical data to evaluate opinions, concepts, and experiences about the food supply chain. This research method is also used for gathering in-depth insight about the problem through generating new ideas on the food supply chain in different organizations.

Two types of research methods, qualitative and quantitative, are commonly used to define a subject through different data collection methods. As stated by Guest et al. (2020), quantitative data usually involves analysing and collecting numerical data by statistical analysis and it creates an unnatural environment and does not create usable information. In this case, a qualitative research method is selected to understand these food supply chain management and its effectiveness in this challenging global market. This flexible research method emphasizes different perspectives and aims through understanding phenomenological research, ethnography, grounded theory, and narrative research (Cardno, 2018). The qualitative research method focuses on retaining the proper and rich meaning of food supply chain management and its impact.

Food supply chain optimization is an effective process to build quality management for satisfying reference customers through driving efficiency with reducing waste. The qualitative research method provides different data on improved collaboration with the manufacturer, retailer, and suppliers, utilization of advanced technology, and forecasting inventory management (Fuster Guillen, 2019). A strategic initiative, rationalization, reducing waste, collaboration, and improving performance management are the key ways for building effective food supply chain management. As opined by Williams and Moser (2019), the qualitative research method provides opening responses for the problems in food supply chain management through different feelings and perceptions. The data collection about food supplies is conducted in a natural and real-world context and adopts new ideas to improve this data collection method.

This research method critically evaluates food supply chain management through detailed information and available data from secondary data collection methods. It further develops different theories through shared information and basic elements of the food supply chain in different industries. An improvement in the process of effective food supply chain management through understanding different perspectives are critically conducted through qualitative research methods. As cited by Carminati (2018), flexibility, holistic account, and natural settings are the key advantages of this research method to develop the topic and understand the challenges of the food supply chain. Therefore, the qualitative research method delivers different information and new insights about food supply chain management and its evaluation.

3.2 Data collection

The data collection process measures different critical information on these food supplies and management to ensure relevant questions and evaluate outcomes. In this study, a secondary data collection method is critically applied to comprehend food supply chain management, its characteristics, and challenges. According to the view of Scott and Kline (2019), it delivers the latest information through various external and internal sources for developing the research topic. Food supply chain management focuses on improving food quality through reducing waste and utilizing quality resources. Proper “procurement, operations, distributions, and integration” are the major elements to improve this food supply chain management.

In this pandemic situation, the primary data collection method is strictly avoided to reduce complications in gathering data on the food supply chain. The secondary data collection method is easily accessible through different mediums and provides diverse information about the topic. In the words of Rezapour Nasrabad (2018), additional information about food supply chain management is gathered through this cost-effectiveness process and easier way. It assists in improving different problems of the food supply chain by diverse data and it is considered as the ‘cheaper and quickly obtainable’ process. A secondary data collection method is applied to evaluate this understanding and effectiveness of the food supply chain through analysing the challenges.

3.3 Data analysis approach/tool

Qualitative data analysis is conducted in this research to understand and evaluate food supply chain management, and in this case, a content analysis approach is selected. As opined by Gaur and Kumar (2018), it is applied to determine the presence of different things, concepts, and awards of qualitative data to understand research topics. This data analysis approach focuses on observing the reliability and validity of data on food supply chain management that is collected from secondary data collection methods. “Conventional, directed, or summative” are the three forms of data analysis technique through reading, defining codes, discussion, and understanding validity.

The content analysis approach provides deep insights over time by allowing the closeness to data on the specific research subject. As influenced by Scott and Kline (2019), it further provides systematic arrangements on the food supply chain through understanding different areas, effectiveness, and challenges. Food journals, public records, government publications, health reports, and documents are the key tools to evaluate and collect data on the food supply chain. It further allows different new insights from previous research to integrate more valuable information in a systematic way (Gaur and Kumar, 2018). Content analysis is significant for labelling and organizing qualitative data through overviewing different relationships and themes.

3.4 Justification of selected research methods

Food supply chain management evaluation is an effective way through improving quality management by reducing waste and collecting raw materials. As opined by Weston et al. (2019), a qualitative research method is selected to estimate the food supply chain through a secondary data collection method. This research method is effective for understanding different themes for improving the food supply chain. The content analysis approach delivers different insights through different tools with organizing qualitative data on food supply chain management. This research method is significant through allowing creativity and providing insights through understanding attitudes while incorporating human experience (Hakizimana et al. 2019). Therefore, this qualitative research is selected for developing insights and identifying solutions to food supply chain management.

4. Conclusion

This assessment process is based on the optimisation process of SCM where there is a brief description of the impact of the SCM project. This help to understand the importance of this process and its importance in the case of increasing the sales percentage and increasing the customer retention of those organisations. Other than this there are some issues and strategies that have been found for managing this process and the organisational team are focusing on developing some strategies to improve their business opportunities and their annual profit rate. There are some possible research gaps that have been mentioned that should look after by the researcher in case of improving the quality of future research processes and get brief information on the topic. The researcher has conducted a secondary data analysis process in case of collecting data and analysis process to maintain the authenticity of the information as well as the research process. There are qualitative data analysis process have been used and the content analysis process for this research topic. This research process helps SMEs and start-up business organisations to understand the process of managing this food supply chain for their business development in this competitive market scenario.


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