Assignment Sample on International Business


The evaluation here details a clear understanding of the research work on new ways of student learning and how it is influenced by the technology driven business world. The argument thus begins with selection of two article, one is the primary article mentioned for the study and another from the reference list of the first article chosen for discussion. The analyst has selected Collaborative learning in online business education: Evidence from a field experiment by Denise Stanley & Yi Jenny Zhang , and from the reference list of the article the following has been selected Teaching International Business via Social Media Projects Ilan Alon and Ruwanthi Kumari Herath for comparison and evaluation.

Both articles are based on teaching and how students perform under different situation such as either with peer influence or under the impact of alternative classroom experimentation.


The two articles are based on pedagogy and ways in which present education system impacts of their knowledge development process. They are different in their argument but have several similarities in the content sense and this encourages selection of these two articles for the study.

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In the primary article Collaborative learning in online business education: Evidence from a field experiment by Denise Stanley & Yi Jenny Zhang the researcher presented an insight on how students are driven by the technological innovations and adopt online business courses to improve learning and develop skill set.  Online courses and peer learning system have helped in achieving high scores and gain success in life. The study however pointed out that several business education studies emphasise on going through the instructor-produced materials. It has also argued in favour of the collaborative activity in the individual learning and its role in helping students grow through the online platform. In the collaborative learning set up an exercise has been conducted exploring peer learning and problem analysis based on the video submitted by the students. It has been underpinned from the analysis of the class, that producing videos by new students accelerated participation. Besides this, improving the business course study with involvement of peer class method also encouraged students.

On the other hand the article Teaching International Business via Social Media Projects by Ilan Alon and Ruwanthi Kumari Herath iss a successful study on student’s understanding of experimental learning exercises, and also underpinned that students generally embraces such approaches in pedagogy and hence have shown positive accepting behaviour.  It has been argued that the student’s positive attitude towards the new approach of teaching might have germinated from their changing expectation in classroom education system. Students have not only welcomed the approach in a positive way but also enjoyed while studying under the new system and gave very productive result which was unthinkable in the earlier ways of teaching and learning. They have also shown happiness in following the new ways of examination instead of the traditional process. In this discussion thinkers have also noted several advantages of adopting the new ways of education and experimental learning exercise.

The main themes of the research articles are different, the primary article studies on collaborative learning in online business education and in the second article it studies and details on education and teaching business through social media projects. Both are unique in approach and therefore compared as both are connected on the use of online media for study and skill development. On the first exposition the author argued that increasing impact of online education has impacted negatively on the quality of the education and for this reason a collaborative learning activity has been carried out to improve student learning on the online platform through peer participation and online class management. It has also studied how new ways of teaching online business have accelerated student engagement through the peer learning activities in a managerial economic class. Peer learning is strictly about the art of learning with the other students without implied authority in any particular. This attitude foster interchange of ideas and encourage active participation of the students (Alon and Herath, 2014).

On the other hand the second article opens to introduce how business environment is changing platform and with time it is now becoming online driven. Global connections are becoming increasingly important for business survival and it is vital that the business schools adapt to new ways of teaching through online collaboration and students are exposed to real time problems that could be solved by using new technologies. Thus, here the experimental use of social media to teach students has been implemented.

While the first article adopted collaborative learning, the second one has followed online platform for improve student learning. Also regarding the comparison of the references used in both research works, it has been studied that both researchers have carried out distinct investigation on new ways of pedagogy and student learning and then completed the article. They have also collected primary data before discussing the secondary data evaluation. Owing to the similarity in research area it has been noticed that some research works are similar in both reference list. The reference list further highlights the fact that the analyst has conducted an in-depth study on the topic and gained sufficient knowledge on the area of discussion before working on the research (Stanley and Zhang, 2020).


After conducting a thorough study on the two articles it may be concluded here that both articles presented an insight on the present day business education system which is largely depended on the online platform. Digital platform is the way forward and the businesses today have transcended to the digital platform. Knowledge of using digital medium is important. Hence, traditional ways of pedagogy are slowly losing their importance from the education system. In the course of the argument, the researcher also noticed that new ways of online pedagogy is important to improve learning. For example the traditional collaborative learning methods and peer involvement has been introduced through videos and youtube classroom sessions. Thus, isolation has been reduced from the online studies and new ways of interactions have been implemented to balance the traditional approaches and modern day business needs through education system improvement through alteration.


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Alon, I. and Herath, R., 2014. Teaching International Business via Social Media Projects. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 25(1), pp.44-59.

Anson, R., & Goodman, J. (2014). A peer assessment system to improve student team experiences. Journal of Education for Business, 89(1), 27–34. doi:10.1080/ 08832323.2012.754735

Barczyk, Casimer C., and Doris G. Duncan, (2012), “Social networking media: An approach for the teaching of international business”, Journal of Teaching in International Business 23 (2), 98–122.

Bettinger, E., Fox, L., Loeb, S., & Taylor, E. (2017). Virtual classrooms: How online college courses affect student success. American Economic Review, 107(9), 2855–2875. doi:10.1257/aer.20151193

Bhagwat, Shree, and Ankur Goutam, (2013), “Development of social networking sites and their role in business with special reference to Facebook”, Journal of Business and Management 6 (5), 15–28.

Cannonier, C., & Smith, K. (2019). Do crib sheets improve student performance on tests? Evidence from principles of economics. International Review of Economics Education, 30, 100147. doi:10.1016/j.iree.2018.08.003

Chavan, Meena, (2011), “Higher education students’ attitudes towards experiential learning in international business”, Journal of Teaching in International Business 22 (2), 126–143.

Fan, Ying, (2010), “Branding the nation: Towards a better understanding”, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 6 (2), 97–103.

Hill, John S., (2009), “International Business: Managing Globalization”, (Sage; London, United Kingdom).

Stanley, D. and Zhang, Y., 2020. Collaborative learning in online business education: Evidence from a field experiment. Journal of Education for Business, 95(8), pp.506-512.

Wankel, Charles, (2009), “Management education using social media”, Organization Management Journal 6 (4),

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