MGT702 Managing People Assignment Sample

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The aim of this report is to undertake self-analysis through identify the strength and weakness. This action supports the development of leadership traits. In regards to this study, the leading skills are evaluated with the aim to solve the issues which is growing in today’s scenario (Wang et al., 2014). Likewise, now-a-days companies faced the issue of low performances due to less skill and knowledge about the work activity. This could be occurred because of poor leadership quality and lack of appropriate policy of firm. It gives rise to the un-productivity.

This paper will help to address such issue by analysing self-leading skill based on the course work. It means that the personal strength and weaknesses is identified with the help of course and in regards to this leadership skill will be evaluated. Therefore, this study will support to define what are the problem areas and the strategies to address such critical one. This reflective report proves to be useful in regards to present the self- leading skill in regards to make influences to the people and which result in higher productivity.

Weekly activities

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In respect to course training program, there are various activities are performed which are mention below:-

In the starting of course, trainer tried to found out the problem area within which the issue of poor productivity get increased (Houghton et al., 2012). In regards to this, the reason occurs in form of lack of healthy employer-employee relationship due to which the task performances can’t be done properly.

The leadership theories are incorporated into the training session with the aim to bring improvement and people tend to identify their strength and weakness. This is because it is study that for managing people, it is important to understand their competency and it can be achieved with the development of right leading style. The leader that possesses skills are able to influence the individual in a positively manner. 

In regards to implementation of leadership style, the trainer makes the team of seven each and selects the leader in both the team and allocates the task. I have selected as a leader for Team A. The task is to get the feedback from customers about the new product which is launched by the company. In regards to this, I delegate the work among the team members. For instance, I have two members to prepare the questionnaires so that customer response can be recorded properly. Besides that, I have asked three members to analyse the recorded data in order to interpret the customer interest or reaction toward the product. This role play helped me a lot in terms to bring improvement in the skills and it also assisted me to learn new concept, theories and terminologies. Such areas help me to analyse the capability to lead the people (Marques-Quinteiro and Curral, 2012). However, on last days, trainer provided the feedback to the performances and stated that I was good at making decision but it comes to communicate the information. It results in poor customer service. On the basis of this study, I evaluated my strength and weakness through undertake the trainer feedback and peer member response towards the performances. Other than that, the output of the action also undertakes to reach towards the evaluation of performances. 

Reflection of personal leadership through identify strength and weaknesses

The training course reflected the personal leadership based on the identification of strength and weakness. In the course study, trainer made us learnt about various leadership style like behavioural theories where different style is used such as autocratic, democratic, Laissez-faire etc. In regards to this, I have learnt that leader should use the combination of leading style based on the situation (Whimbey et al., 2013). For instance, if individual need to perform some task in particular manner, then it is important for leader to use autocratic style and at the time when creativity is required then leader need to invite the members for taking part in decision-making. The democratic style uses the leader for enhancing the creativity and take appropriate decision. Therefore, these areas clearly show that leading style should vary as per the situation. This leading style is promoted into the training session by asked to perform the role play in a similar manner. The democratic leadership strategy I used in the task performance through allow team members to develop the questions together like what all areas will help to understand the customer interest areas towards the product. The team-work helped me to develop relevant questions. This makes the market survey more authentic. However, this strategy is appropriate till the questionnaire is prepared as I found that team members after getting much liberty affect the performances as market survey get delayed due to members collect less information which is not relevant to generate final result. That’s why the future process of data analysis gets suffered (Hwang et al., 2012). This situation get occurred due to I have stick on solely democratic style of leading. In spite of this, I need to change the style of leading.

In respect to above analysis, I identified that my poor leading skill is the biggest weakness of mine due to which communication skills is getting poor. However, lack of customer service is another problem-area within which I fail to address individual complaints. Thus, these areas are important to consider in order to improving the skills. It is found that the leading skills help the people not to influences other but also develop the long-term relationship with another person. Such areas can only be achieved when he/she has a proper communication, negotiation and problem-solving skills. Thus, these skills are my focus area for bringing improvement and push the professional development.

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According to Khan et al. (2012), the success of individual in an organisation is highly based on the emotional rather than the academic intelligence. In regards to this, the competency needs to identify. In respect to this, I found that confidence is my main strength yet very emotional which sometimes effect the decision. Besides that, I have self-control on my thoughts and I always ready to try something new all the time. I also possessed the social skill and empathy as most of time I have managed the conflict and changes at the work activity. Basically, I have high confidence and change management skill which would help me to bring changes in myself and learn new concept and theories. Such strength will help to develop the new skills and overcome the weaknesses.

These practices contribute towards the professional and personal lives of individual in the form of achieving vision through develop the skills. Other than that, change management skill will also support to individual to easily accept the new things and develop more growth in personality (Strom et al., 2014). Depend on this study, it can be stated that I can overcome my weakness i.e. poor leading and communication skill with the help of strength such as confidences and change management.

Multiple goals and specific strategies to improve the leadership competence

From the above study, I am able to find out the strength and weakness in regard to use the leadership skills. Likewise, I found out that I am weak in communication or customer-service areas which impact directly towards the leadership skill. In respect to such issue, the use of advanced technology and meeting are the best source to bring right flow of communication. This strategy also helps me to improve my learning. Moreover, I need to work on certain areas like to push away all negative thoughts and appeal for values. Besides that, I need to ask my senior for guiding me to improve my skills as there suggestion will help me to strengthen the skills.

However, SMART test would be undertaken for analysing the selected strategy in regards to improve the leadership challenges. It includes the following points:-

S: – Specific – The goal of strategic should be clear and authentic in order to deliver the right result. For instance, the continuous improvement or advancement of technology strategy is used to bring changes in the action. This strategy only be implemented successfully when individual have a confidences to generate the best end result. this
M: – Measurable -This aspect involves the track the progress of strategy. Likewise, for gaining benefits from the strategy of advancement of technology and change management, I have tracked the goal on the basis of its effect. For instance, I evaluate that advancement of technology will affect the individual in which manner.
A: – Action – This aspect guides that whether goal is realistic or authentic. It means that the mention goal will help to attain the desired result. Likewise, technology helps me to improve my communication skill in the form of providing current information about the target audiences within which it become easy to negotiate them.
R: – Relevant – This aspect indicates the relevancy of goal in regards to accomplish the outcome. However, the installation of advanced technology allows to developing proper flow of information. It results in making relevant decision.
T: – Time-framed – this concept present that goals should be attainable but within the time framework because large consumption of time reduce the positive effects (Lian and Tui, 2012). For instance, If I conduct the team meeting in a weekly manner, then it becomes easy for me to make the members update related to current facts. Such area allows to influences positively.

Therefore, the SMART Test allows to analysing the goal efficiency to offer the solution in regards to address the leadership challenges. However, the advancement of technology will helps me to learn the practices of leadership like what areas that I need to undertake for improving the communication skill. Such areas will be addresses with the use of e-books (D’hulst et al., 2015). Thus, the system installation also guides me in regards to current consumer taste and preferences and this may help me when I communicate with the consumer directly. Therefore, this strategy will help me to address the leadership challenges by improving the personal limitation.

Explanation of theoretical and practical justifications of goals to leadership outcomes

In regards to overcome the weakness and convert them into the strength, there are various strategies that helped to bring improvement. First and foremost, online platform is the most crucial one which is supported by the technology. This platform help me in the form of learn the process of influencing the people likewise by recording the people current taste, it become easy for me to understand the problems and expectations (Cherry et al., 2012). Besides that, the installation of system also support me to current their needs and wants. Thus, such practice results in influencing the people in an effective manner.

Since I am good at conflict management skill, then this will help me to bring coordination among the members and generate positivity in working environment. The effective leader always considers one who creates the positive atmosphere at workplace. Thus, this area helps me to improve my problem-solving skill.

In the views of Cirac and Zoller (2012), the Goleman (1998) original model is the best suited for realising the competencies. Likewise, this model is divided into personal and social competencies. The personal competencies include the self-awareness, self-regulation and motivation whereas social competencies involve the empathy & social skills. Based on this model, it is important to understand our behaviour as well as other one because it guides the actions to leader. In regards to this, I possessed the confidence and self-control power which allow me to bring the changes successfully (Batool, 2013). Moreover, empathy and social skill are also my strength. Thus, this test clearly demonstrates that I possess both personal and social competency. The area where I am lacking is the lack of practical experiences which can be overcome through online activities and use right leadership style. Likewise, if I have to make certain decision then I need to ask to the members for becoming a part of meeting. This can be done through conduct the meeting where there is required to invite the team members and give them opportunity to share their ideas. Thus, this process helps me to achieve my goals in a ways to improve my skills. However, right communication of leader always supports to make the healthy and long-term relationship with others. Thus, the social competency like conflict management skills helps me to address the team-members problems and allow working with coordination (Burwell, 2015). This process helps me to develop cordial relationship with others. However, I have high confidences and self-control system that indicates my personal competency and such area help me to take decision which is best suited to situation. Besides that, self-control power supported me to take up the risk and opportunity so that desired output can be achieved. Thus, these competencies helped me to become a good leader.

Additionally, problem-solving skill is also considered as a vital part for becoming an influential leader. In respect to the skill, it is important to gain the knowledge about different subject matter. Besides that, the support of right technology is also required in order to improve the skills. Thus, these areas help me to solve the various problem of individual.

Furthermore, the feedback is another aspect which also considered as an important tool for bringing improvement in the skill. Likewise, this process also helped me to find out the area where I am lacking. For instance, if I am informing something to the individual then I need to ask the people so that I get know about the areas where I am making mistakes. Likewise, in case individual stated that he/she is not able to understand their communication due to lack of clarity aspect. In such case, I get to work on it. This way I can able to improvise in myself.

Other than that, reward and recognition tend to be best way to influence the individual and contribute relevant work results. This is because if I appreciate the people work with the help of monetary or non-monetary effect then it enhances the people dedication towards the work and it result in large contribution of productivity (Nixon et al., 2012). Therefore, such practical action supports me to achieve the goal and positive leadership outcomes.


From the above analysis, I found that I have possessed poor leadership skill due to which I faced the issue of decision-making and communication. However, in regards to this, there are several suggestion undertaken which helped me to improve the weakness. Likewise, adaptation of advancement of technology helps me to make communication skill better by identifying the consumer needs and wants and then contact them. This practice helps to make great impression on consumer. While system installation helped to properly flow of information among the team members. This allows to avoiding the misunderstanding among the individual and promoting the clarity of roles and responsibilities. Thus, it results in influencing the individual in an effective manner. Such practices helped me to improve my leadership skills which contribute towards the influencing other individuals.


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