MIS605 Systems analysis and design

MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Assignment Sample


The case study is based upon Bookedbook.com which intend to offer an online platform that provides opportunities to the reader to read books, give feedback and also allow to launch books. Bookedbook.com will also allow the users to interact with one another via messaging and chat rooms. The case will also explain all human and non-human actors within the system along with providing a brief description against each actor. Use case diagram will also be laid down within the report that will be helping in drawing out activities that hold importance. Documentation of the use case methods will also be stored where the description of the actor involved, associated user interface and detailed description will be laid down in tabular format.

Question 1

Book reading is considered to be an extremely healthy activity as it helps in reducing stress, anxiety and depression. Moreover, book reading also helps in mental stimulation, improvement of memory and it also improves language skills. Cynthia is a young technopreneur and an ardent book lover and her love towards the book has inspired her to open an online lifestyle substitute business named bookedbook.com. Cynthia has also formally registered her new company and has also accumulated funds to develop an online website that would support Cynthia’s business idea. Cynthia has developed the website in such a way that would require individual registrations and proof of ID for the members to log in. Readers are also the actors that play a vital part during the Bookedbook.com, the readers of the book would be able to launch the books that they own and which they want to give away to other registered members. The users while registering in the portal also need to give complete details of the book, address and link of the book available in the platform also need to be provided. The readers are also allowed to give their feedback and comments about the book and also offer opportunities to the readers to rate the book. Book owners will also be provided with the facility to promote their books among the readers and know about their responses that motivate them in writing more of similar genre and entertain the readers. Bookedbook.com also offers opportunities to the readers and the writers to connect with themselves through messaging and chat rooms. The software will also be used during the process that is including of chatbots and zoom video calling apps and email through which communication among the reader and the writers will be maintained.

Data analytics tools will also be used by Cynthia, which will be used to observe and analyse every form of data that will be obtained through the website. Data analytical tools will be useful for knowing which book has been exchanged most, customers reading habits, book exchanged analytics and book ratings. Based on the gathered data it becomes easier for Cynthia to know about the success factor of bookedbook.com. Cynthia does not want this website to be a book exchange platform only, she wants this website to be a platform for all the users to arrange for an online and face to face meetup. The events and meetups will be beneficial for book lovers and will also be a great source of marketing for the company. Cynthia wants this platform to be profitable and for the same, she wants authors from all around the world to advertise their books on booked.com. this platform aims to allow the readers to get their hands on a large variety of books that they can lend or buy. The aim is to provide great customer experiences to the people that will be helping bookedbook.com in growing their brand status among the people and make this online portal successful.

Question 2

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The use case diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements of the book shop management system. The use case diagram uses a methodology to analyse, identify, clarify along with organising the system requirements of the book shop management system. The main actors of the book shop management system within the use case diagram are super admin, system users, shopkeepers, customers (Rahman & Zin, 2018). All of the actors present in the book shop management system perform different types of activities that being including of manage books, managing receipts, managing sales, inventory, stocks along with publications of the books. The relationship between the actors and the use cases of the book shop management system is as follows.

Super admin entity: The role of the super admin entity within the use case diagram includes managing books, managing receipts, sales, stocks and inventory. Cynthia is the super admin in bookedbook.com as she is responsible for taking control of the overall operations of the online book portal. As the super admin entity her responsibility also includes monitoring the number of online book sales, tracking the readers reading habits and the greatest number of books exchanged (Islam, et al., 2021). She also takes control of the reader’s personal information so that proper anonymity of the reader’s personal information can be maintained.

System user entity: Authors act as a system user entity as their role within the system is to manage books, stocks and managing publications. The role of authors within the use case diagram is to promote their books and launch them to attract the readers towards the online platform (Suchacka & Chodak, 2017). The authors also build a relationship with the readers to know about their feedback regarding the products and ask them to rate the book. Promotional and advertisement are also being performed by the authors by connecting with the readers and making them know about the book.

Shopkeepers’ entity: The role of shopkeepers within the use case diagram includes managing inventory, creating invoices along managing bills. The role of shopkeepers is to promote the products among their customers through different promotional and advertisements so that their habits towards reading can be developed (Borgman & McArdle, 2019). Shopkeepers also pass on the information to the super admin about the customers reading habits and the books that are most liked by them.

Customer’s entity:  Customers within the use case diagram also plays a vital part as they are the one who decides about the success or failure of the bookedbook.com. Customers interactions for the online book firm help them in growing their reputation among the business and earn growth opportunities (Essebaa & Chantit, 2018). Positive customer feedback also helps the firm in growing their business operations and at the same time growing the number of readers.

MIS605 Systems analysis and design

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MIS605 Systems analysis and design

Figure 1: Use case diagram for Bookedbook.com

Source: Author

Question 3 1000

Use case number
Use case type The use case type includes explaining about the Bookedbook.com that has been developed by Cynthia a young technopreneur who has a love for the book. Cynthia has formally registered the company and has also developed an online website that supports Cynthia’s business idea. Bookedbook.com is an extremely interesting website that offers opportunities to authors and readers to interact with each other. Readers can rate the book and give their feedbacks. Whereas authors can promote the book through the online website among their readers. The data analytics also help Cynthia in examining the reader’s preferences towards the book.
Use case name Bookedbook.com is a great opportunity for readers to read, buy and exchange books. The online book platform offers a great opportunity to the readers to interact with the authors and give them feedback. Moreover, the online platform for the authors provides them opportunities to promote and launch their books. Online messaging and chat rooms will be provided to the readers and the authors that will be helping them in exchanging information. Bookedbook.com also arranges online face to face meetup that enables the readers to know more about the readers.
Priority The priority of activities that need to be performed by Cynthia includes registering bookedbook.com so that website can be launched. The priorities of activities that need to be performed include arranging the books in the online platform so that readers attention towards the online platform can be gathered. Proof of ID will also be arranged for each of the readers to login into the website and access the book. Online chat rooms will also be made available to the readers and the authors so that proper feedback sessions can be carried out.
Actor involved The actors involved within the use case diagram includes of super admin entity, system user entity, shopkeepers’ entity and customers entity. The role of the super admin entity includes managing books, managing receipts, sales and inventory. Whereas, the role of the system user entity includes managing books and publications. The role of the shopkeeper’s entity includes managing inventory, creating invoices and managing bills. Furthermore, the role of the customer entity includes searching for books, maintaining relationships along making payments. The actors involved play a vital part in making Bookedbook.com successful.
Associated data sources The data sources for gathering information includes data analytics from which the customers reading habits and buying data are being gathered. Data analytics also benefits in gathering information regarding the most liked book along with gathering information about their feedback process. Moreover, data sources for bookedbook.com are also being gathered from chat rooms and through messaging. Online registration is also considered as the most appropriate way through which data sources regarding the customers and the authors are being collected. Data collected are being used to promote the books that are most liked by the readers.
Associated user interfaces The user interface of Bookedbook.com includes online registration where the readers need to fill up their details to get access to the online portal. The user interface is convenient for the customers as it offers better information about the books as a result of which it entices the attention of the customers towards the online book reading platform. The user interface of Bookedbook.com has been made in a way that allows the readers to rate the book and also to interact with the authors that gives a clear idea about the books they want to read.
Pre-conditions The pre-condition of Bookedbook.com includes of lack of user interface that makes it challenging for the online book firm to offer better reading facilities to the readers. It has also been noticed that before the use case diagram there was a lack of proper systematic work procedure that made it challenging to offer better convenience to the readers. Lack of online registration and developing their online website also turned out to be difficult for the readers in reading about the feedbacks of other readers regarding any particular book. Moreover, there was also no meetup among the readers and the authors.
Post-conditions Postcondition explains the role of each actor that is present within Bookedbook.com such as Cynthia role includes managing books, operations and analysing the customer footfall in the online website. The role of the system user entity includes managing publications, books and stocks. The shopkeeper’s role in the use case diagram includes managing inventory, invoices and bills. Finally, customers role includes searching for books and making payments. A proper use case diagram has helped in developing and designing the user interface for better customer convenience.
Detailed description Bookedbook.com is an online platform that offers better opportunities to the readers in reading and provides feedback about the books. Moreover, data analytics are also being used to measure the readers reading history and know about their preferences towards the different genres. Authors also get to promote their books through the online platform along with carrying out a promotional campaign that helps them in making the books reachable among the targeted customers.
The normal course of events using a flow chart diagram A flowchart is a tool for analysing processes, it allows in breaking the process down into individual events or activities along with establishing the logical relationship between them. Constructing flowcharts also promotes a better understanding of the processes along with making pre-requisite for improvements. The flow chart also helps in describing the activities that are being performed to make the event successful.
Alternate course The alternate course of action that can be undertaken includes designing a process diagram of activities that need to be performed in a systematic and aligned manner contributing towards making the online website of bookedbook.com successful.


The examination of case analysis has explained about the online book reading platform bookedbook.com that offers a great opportunity to the people to register them and read books. This platform also offers opportunities to the readers to promote their books and carry out advertising to make the books readily available to the customers. Chat rooms and messaging are available that allows the readers and the authors to get connected so that better relationship among them can be developed. Furthermore, Bookedbook.com also aim towards making the online platform interactive for all age group of people.


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