MN7405 Strategic Management Assignment Sample


Module Code And Title : MN7405 Strategic Management Assignment Sample


Emergent strategies are the set of multiple actions including strategies that are effective for changing the reality and organizational concepts as per business point of view. There has investigated the actual aspects of the emergent strategies in business.  It helps to understand the actual real condition of an organization like empathy, and particular vision of the company.

As a result, the company can progress the business following some effective strategies that relate to the economical development of a firm (Ferreira et al., 2021). The concepts of the emergent strategies insist to move an unplanned action based on the current circumstances. Moreover, a company can implement a particular strategy to possum the future condition that is easier for a company to take the major steps for uplifting the position of a company.

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According to the emergent strategies, it is effectives for reorganizing the structure of the company to achieve better returns also balance the relationship to the hierarchy of the company for developing the business sustainability in the respective market. Moreover, the application of emergent strategies aids to increase the certainty level of the business’s desired goals based on the actual condition. It is useful for rechecking the values of the resources so that the company can avoid complication or manages the risks to implement some appropriate and effective strategies in business.

On another side, the multiple kinds of business strategies have a separate role to develop the condition of a company. Apart from that, the strategically analysis is acted an essential role to develop the performing capability of a company that directly affects the financial development of a company. Moreover, the high potentiality level secures the capability level of a company so that the firm can represent itself as a potential competitor in the respective industry.

Based on the concepts, there have selected the world reputed company Google for evaluating the strategic values of the company.  The effective strategies are Leadership, organizational culture, Total quality management that selects for completing the paper including the positive vision.

The leadership strategies have valuable aspects that relate to the vision and mission of a company in that case Google. Moreover, the vision and mission are insisted to a company to hold the performance and develop the skills for better returns. After implementation of the proper role of leadership strategies, the company can achieve the objects which effectives meet the desired goals that increase the valuation of the company in the respective field.

Similarly, organizational culture strategies are highly effective to build up a healthy bonding among the organizational culture and strategies. As a result, the company can able to experience both the positive and negative impacts that measure the shares of the company. Total quality management is related to the customer’s servicers that serve from the employees of the company.  Moreover, by implementing the strategy in the organization a company can emphasize the satisfaction of the customers after availing the services. Moreover, it is going to discuss the role of the strategies including the advantages and disadvantages that reflects a company’s development.


Concepts and practical application of three theories

Organizations implement various strategies within the operational process and management system of the working place to enhance the level of performance and profitability margin. This is important for every organization to select accurate strategies for enhancing productivity range according to the type of work.

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According to McGahan (2019), there are various strategies that have been maintained by various companies such as leadership management strategy, cultural management strategy, and management of total quality. There are several advantages and disadvantages of these management strategies in aspects of improving the working efficiency of an organisation. This is essential for companies to understand the limitation and emergent strategies up to a specific extent to enhance the quality of overall performance.

Leadership management strategy

Leadership is an important factor within the organisation in terms of motivating employees to become more productive and understand their requirements. According to Kim (2020), there are various types of leadership styles that have different impacts on the different types of organisation and leaders are responsible for managing the efficiency of employees through solving issues.

In the same context according to Mubarak and Yusoff (2019), organisation implements one of the leadership styles according to its type of work and structure of organisation which supports companies to gain more profitability. The main types of leadership styles are such as transformational, transactional, democratic, charismatic, and emergent strategies which are beneficial for influencing employees to become more productive and participate in every activity of the organisation.

Google is one of the leading organisations across the world which has applied an effective leadership style to motivate employees to understand the purpose of any particular task to enhance efficiency (, 2022). This company has applied a distributed leadership style which has helped this organisation to develop effective planning and decisions for gaining more profitability.

According to Chen and Guo (2020), leadership needs to be implemented within the work environment of an organisation for a particular emergent for increasing the impact on the productivity of the company, and emergent leadership style is associated with developing a group of leaders rather than individuals.

According to Grinerud et al. (2021), distributed leadership style allows every group member to participate in the decision-making process and this is effective for enhancing the quality of performance.  The organisation will need to understand there are major impacts of leadership style within the efficiency and productivity of employees and influence them to enhance interest in their tasks.

MN7405 Strategic Management Assignment Sample 1Figure 1: Leadership styles  (Source: Chen and Guo, 2020)

Organisational culture management

Organisation culture has a major impact on the performance level of the employees as culture is directly associated with the interest and motivation of employees to become more efficient. According to Eniola et al. (2019), organisational culture is an important factor for the purpose of management of organisation as this enhances the quality of the management system of every organisation.

According to McGahan (2019), there are various types of strategies that are implemented within the organisation to develop a better working environment. There are various types of organisational cultures such as corporate culture, behavioural culture, cultural strategies for innovation, and customer-associated culture. The culture has a different impact on the productivity margin of an organisation through controlling the management system of the organisation.

There are various impacts of the culture of an organisation in terms of enhancing the performance of employees, increasing profitability margin through gaining larger productivity levels. According to Abdi et al. (2019), this has both long and short-term impacts on the organisational performance through applying effective organisational culture for motivating employees, increasing sales rate. There are various ways to implement organisational culture such as developing strategies, motivating employees, and aligning effective organisational cultural strategies within the porches and behaviours of the company.

Google has implemented traditional corporate culture which has helped this organisation to enhance the interest of employees regarding the purpose of the task through maintaining sustainability (, 2022). Innovation is one of the major strategies of Google and this organisational corporate culture has helped this company to develop innovation within the process of this organisation.

According to Spicer (2020), ultimately innovation is effective for enhancing customer satisfaction of customers and increasing sales volume.  This is essential for companies to understand the emergency of organisational culture for enhancing the margin of performance and gaining various competitive advantages.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Among various strategies Total Quality Management is an important strategy for every organisation for improving the sales rate and satisfaction of customers. Along with innovation, quality of service and products is another essential factor for every organisation to gain the trust and beliefs of customers. According to Eniola et al. (2019), TQM is a management theory that is directly involved with the long-term success of organisation through improving the quality of performance as this theory ensures the improvements in service and goods which are needed for satisfying customers. Customer satisfaction is beneficial for an organisation to gain a higher sales rate and improve the margin of profit.

MN7405 Strategic Management Assignment Sample 2Figure 2: Total Quality Management  (Source: Eniola et al. 2019)

Through developing various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) organisations analyse the margin of performance and gain knowledge regarding particular activity to be improved. Google is one of the well-performing organisations which have implemented a feedback system for collecting information about queries and areas to improve and through this method the leaders has got ability to increase customers’ satisfaction level.

According to Alzoubi et al. (2018), there is high emergence of this theory within the organisation as there are various important principles associated with this theory for enhancing performance level. This total quality management theory has provided guidance to focus on customers to Google which is beneficial for increasing sales and profitability rate that is around 56.94% in 2021.

Developing good relationships with suppliers is another effective strategy for organisations to improve the quality of products and this is beneficial for satisfying customers. According to Nguyen and Nagase (2019), supply chain management is an important factor for every company to develop effective customer service through manufacturing quality products.

Google has developed an effective leadership style to train and increase the skills of employees to understand the demand of customers (, 2022). This is beneficial for organisations to understand the requirements of customers and modify or change the service of customers to gain more satisfactory responses from customers.

Advantages and disadvantages of theories

Advantages and disadvantages of leadership theory: There are several advantages and disadvantages of leadership style in terms of improving overall performance according to types of work and organisation. According to Roscoe et al. (2019), leadership theories have a major impact on the performance standard of every organisation and the major advantage of leadership theories relies on the ability to motivate employees to become more effective to complete allocated tasks within time. According to Shaikh and Sohu (2020), the behaviours of leaders are an important factor for enhancing the interest of employees towards organisation and their job role.

This is highly associated with the flexibility of work and develops more efficiency within the work culture. Through implementing effective leadership styles organisations gain the ability to reduce the rate of conflict within the employed and work environment.

There are various types of leadership strategies that have different impacts with different advantages and disadvantages. Google is one of the leading organisations of search engines across the world and this organisation has maintained a distributed leadership style within the working culture of the organisation. According to Ahmed and Siddiqui (2020), there are various advantages and disadvantages of this leadership style such as enhancing the efficiency of employees for increasing customer satisfaction and improving overall performance to gain more profits [Referred to Appendix 1].

Decision-making is another advantage of this theory and through applying this theory Google has secured a top position as a search engine across the world (, 2022). According to Mannion and Davies (2018), the major disadvantage of this distributed leadership theory is the leaders face difficulty in maintaining accountability, and due to this reason the leaders take more time to make accurate decisions. Through this slow decision-making the process of the organisation takes more time to complete particular tasks.

Organisational cultural strategy

Organisational culture is an important factor for organisational management of every industry as this has the capability to influence employees to become more efficient and productive. There are various types of organisational cultural strategies and they have different advantages and disadvantages on the organisational profitability. According to Bravi et al. (2019), traditional corporate culture has various advantages such as this to enhance the impact of behaviour of leaders and motivating employees through effective communication.

One of the major advantages of this culture is that it helps organisations in increasing the rate of employee retention which is beneficial for improving the quality of performance and productivity margin. Through implementing corporate culture within the workplace of Google, this organisation has secured a good rate of employee retention that is around 80% in 2021 and the total employee number is 156,500 billion (, 2022). According to Kutut (2018), higher employee retention is associated with improving the reputation and brand image of the organisation and through this cultural strategy, Google has become one of the most popular organisations worldwide.

MN7405 Strategic Management Assignment Sample 3Figure 3: Number of the employee in Google (Source:, 2022)

Besides all those advantages, there are various disadvantages of this corporate culture and this has been faced by Google. One of the major disadvantages of this culture is associated with poor communication with teammates. According to Umarova (2020), this poor communication has a negative impact on the information distribution and misunderstanding about allocated projects.

Another disadvantage of corporate culture is, this is highly associated with micromanagement and this has a negative impact on the efficiency of employees. According to Zaidin et al. (2018), this micromanagement is directly associated with creating unnecessary pressure for employees which influences employees to lose interest and efficiency. Additionally, the disadvantage of corporate culture is, this develops unhealthy competition among employees and the organisation needs to focus on competing with other organisations. This unfriendly competition among employees is associated with lowering the efficiency of employees as this influences employees to develop conflict.

Pros and cons of TQM

Total Quality Management theory is directly associated with developing effective service for customers to maintain a good rate of customer satisfaction. According to Ferreira et al. (2021), the organization implements total quality management theory within the operations process of the company to improve teeth performance margin as there are various advantages and disadvantages of this theory for organization.

There are various advantages of total quality management such as this supporting organisation to strengthen the competitive position among competitors, increase the margin of profitability, and improve the market image and reputation. According to Allen (2018), these are beneficial for increasing the rate of sales through gaining higher satisfaction from customers. This theory is beneficial for enhancing the quality of products and services through maintaining the quality of raw material and training employees.

According to Abbas (2020), this helps companies to increase productivity and profitability which is beneficial for gaining competitive advantages and competing with other competitors in the market. Additionally, there is another advantage of total quality management theory for improving the overall performance through increasing the reputation and market image and this is essential for increasing the rate of customer volume and sales.

Advantages of TQM Disadvantages of TQM 
Increase profitability and productivity Expensive process
Ability to enhance satisfaction rate of customers Higher competition among employees.
Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of TQM

Besides all these advantages of total quality management theory, there are various disadvantages of this theory for organisational performance. It has been found that implementing this theory within an organisation is expensive, which is one of the major disadvantages of TQM. There are various costs which are team development cost, training cost for employees, and developing proper infrastructure.

According to Alzoubi et al. (2021), another disadvantage of this theory is this forces companies to focus on the standardisation of products and lose creativity within the organisation. TQM is associated with a long-term and high commitment for a long period and once broken destroys all the processes of this strategy.


Management strategies are essential for organisations to increase quality and performance through gaining competitive advantages. There are various strategic theories for different organisations which are emergent for gaining better performance and improving profitability margin.  This can be concluded that there are various theories in the management system for organisations such as leadership management theories, organisational cultural theories, and total quality management theory.

These theories are associated with various advantages and disadvantages for improving the profitability and overall performance range. Through implementing these theories organisations get the ability to improve the overall performance and gain more profit. This can be found from the analysis of this essay that these strategic theories are beneficial for organisations in terms of increasing customer’s satisfaction and higher quality service.

There are various leadership styles that have different impacts on the management process of an organisation such as transformational leadership style, transactional, democratic, and distributed leadership style. There are different impacts of these leadership theories on improving the performance range of organisations. This can be concluded that there are different advantages and disadvantages of distributed leadership style that has been experienced by one of the top organisations around the world which is Google.

One of the major advantages of this leadership style is this leadership style has helped Google to increase the rate of employee retention and enhance performance margin. Along with advantages, there are several disadvantages of this leadership style which is; this leadership style is associated with longer time consumption for making decisions.

Through analysing the emergent theories this can be concluded that organisational culture is another important theory for every organisation to motivate employees to become more efficient and improve the overall performance. The major advantage of this theory is this influence organisation to increase employee retention rates and satisfactory level of both employee and customer.

Besides all these advantages this can be concluded that there are several disadvantages of corporate organisational culture such as this is highly associated with higher competition among employees which is unhealthy for the environment of the working place of the organisation.

This can be concluded that total quality management theory is another emergent theory for organisation for improving the increasing the quality of performance of organisation. There are various advantages and disadvantages of TQM which is beneficial for every organisation to analyse. The major advantage of this theory is that theory allows organisations to improve the standard of performance through maintaining the quality of products and services. Through improving the quality and standard organisation gain the ability to increase the customer’s satisfaction and volume of sales rate.

Besides these there are several disadvantages that are associated with TQM and those are such as the higher expense to implement Total Quality Management within the organisation such as cost of the team, infrastructure development. This can be concluded that there are various theories and among those, there are some emergent strategies such as maintaining leadership style, total quality management, and organisational culture of the working place for improving the motivating employees and enhancing the rate of profitability and productivity.

Reference list


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MN7405 Strategic Management Assignment Sample 4Appendix 1: Customer Satisfaction (Source: Umarova, 2020)


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