MSc Management Customer Experience Strategy Assignment Sample

MSc Management Customer Experience Strategy Assignment Sample

Importance of Customer Experience

Providing a remarkable customer experience is a crucial component of business success. It is important to create a positive customer experience that promotes brand loyalty, which is important for companies to retain customers (Peppers and Rogers, 2016).http://MSc Management Customer Experience Strategy Assignment Sample

There is no longer a power differential between sellers and customers in today’s world. The advertisements for a business will multiply no matter where it is located, as long as customers are satisfied with the product they receive. For businesses to be successful, they need to focus on providing a better customer experience.

Creating community outreach programs to promote brands

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A large part of Apple’s marketing strategy is to convince customers that Apple products are worthy of their attention and will greatly benefit their lives by using highly effective stories. Community marketing, or word-of-mouth marketing, involves spreading information about a product to locals instead of ‘brand advocacy’ (Kato, 2022). http://MSc Management Customer Experience Strategy Assignment Sample

Apple customers frequently recommend MacBooks to others and encourage them to buy the product after hearing about their experiences with the product. Apple’s competitors’ level of customer engagement is the highest among all gadget companies.

Revenue growth

As far as establishing long-term customer relationships is concerned, Apple is distinguished from its competitors by its customer experience strategy. The excellent customer experience provided by Apple contributes to its success. Although Apple leads the laptop sector, it is also the result of the high quality of the product that consumers experience (Pappas, 2019).http://MSc Management Customer Experience Strategy Assignment Sample The company can also lose a large amount of money if customers are unsatisfied with prices.

Development of Customer Personas

Companies use a strategy to create customer personas to write fictional character that represents their customers. This technique allows consumer expectations and needs to be met while making innovations that meet them.

For customer personas to be created, an organization must collect demographic and behavioural information, purchasing habits, and expectations (Bradley et. al. 2021). http://MSc Management Customer Experience Strategy Assignment SampleApple must develop a customer persona to deliver products that meet the expectations of its customers and achieve its revenue targets.

The customer persona that Miss Amelia created can be found here. Managing a small marketing agency, Amelia manages various files and designs via her laptop while providing digital marketing services to startups.

Demographic and Story
Demographics – Amelia, a 36-year-old San Francisco resident, lives in the Bay Area. Her job is to lead a small marketing agency that services various clients.
Story – She needs an Apple MacBook to complete her work and projects.
Supervisor for an agency.
Purchase Motivation
In addition to offering a wide range of features, the MacBook also has high levels of security.
Goals for Using Laptop
There are many advantages to using an Apple MacBook, and Amelia’s family members recommend she purchase one due to the features it offers. Also, the MacBook has features that protect documents and provide security features with a touch ID. In addition, it is environmentally friendly, making it ideal for those who wish to minimize their environmental impact.
Painpoints/Apple MacBook Solve
The importance of purchasing products that offer a wide range of excellent features cannot be overstated, and document security is considered among the most important.

Analyzing the customer journey

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For a business to become successful, it needs to continuously look for ways to enhance customer satisfaction by developing products and features that benefit customers. It must also ensure that it provides customers with a satisfactory after-sales service.

According to a recent study, 60% of Apple’s customers are satisfied with its products and services (De Guzman et. al. 2022). http://MSc Management Customer Experience Strategy Assignment SampleFrom a customer’s initial visit to the moment they interact with Apple products, customer journey mapping illustrates the entire relationship between Apple and its customers.

  1. EQUIPMENT FOR JOURNEYS – Several factors influence a consumer’s decision to purchase a product, including the necessity of searching for websites, browsing those sites, evaluating the products, researching the system of payment, and finally making a purchase.
  2. ACTIVITIES – Searching for products on social media and websites and checking out ongoing deals.
  3. EMOTIONS AND NEEDS – It has been a great experience using the product, as I find it very useful in my working environment.
  4. AREA OF POSSIBILITY FOR IMPROVEMENTS – Providing greater opportunities for improvement will be achieved by reducing the prices of products.


Bradley, C., Oliveira, L., Birrell, S. and Cain, R., (2021). A new perspective on personas and customer journey maps: Proposing systemic UX. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies148, p.102583.

De Guzman, M., Tabaquin, K.L., Dimaunahan, P.J. and Dimaculangan, E., (2022). Impact of Apple’s Brand Equity Towards Purchase Intentions of Gen Z Thomasians on Secondhand Apple Products. International Journal of Social and Management Studies3(5), pp.116-124.

Kato, T., (2022). Does Concept Recall in Brand Image Show High Loyalty? An Experimental Study on the Apple MacBook. In Marketing and Smart Technologies (pp. 69-77). Springer, Singapore.

Pappas, N., (2019). The complexity of consumer experience formulation in the sharing economy. International Journal of Hospitality Management77, pp.415-424.

Peppers, D. and Rogers, M., (2016). Managing customer experience and relationships: A strategic framework. John Wiley & Sons.

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