MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample


For an individual to be effective, they must communicate ideas and information clearly and coherently (Misra and Srivastava, 2018). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

Sundar Pichai’s capabilities as a global leader are described in this report, along with how these capabilities apply to the frameworks of personal effectiveness – Coveys’ and CEO Genome Model.

Some Skills and Behaviors of Sundar Pichai’s

As one of the most successful businessmen out of all those who dedicate themselves to their work and achieving their goals most effectively and efficiently possible, Sundar Pichai stands out from the rest.

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In addition to maintaining a healthy relationship with his employees, a successful leader is always active (Robbins and Davidhizar, 2020). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment SampleTo achieve all his employees’ goals and solve all problems they face, he is responsible for managing their individual personal goals and the needs of the organization.

All employees are encouraged and motivated by Sundar Pichai to share their ideas at regular intervals. The following points can characterize Sundar Pichai’s negative and positive behavior and skills.

  • Communication Skill
  • Team Management
  • Slow Decision Making
  • Poor Crisis Management

Positive Components of Pichai’s Behaviors & Skills and their Impacts

Communication Skills

Sundar Pichai possesses other leadership characteristics along with empathic communication skills. The best way to demonstrate empathic communication is for the other person to believe they are being seen and heard (Main et. al. 2017).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

Messages become more powerful when the other person believes they are being heard and seen. Pichai is highly regarded at Google, and it is hard to find anyone who does not like him.

He carried out leadership in a humane manner in contrast to the bold styles of Silicon Valley. President Trump demonstrated empathic communication during the employee walkout against the travel ban that affects seven predominantly Muslim countries. The crowd was quieted for about six weeks after he empathized with them and told them his immigrant story.

As part of Covey’s seven habits of an effective leader, the study can relate this to the fifth dimension, i.e., Seek first to understand and then to be understood. Empathetic communication is essentially the practice of looking for and learning from the experience of others.

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The model of the third habit states that understanding before communicating is a key component of listening to others. Covey defines empathic communication as listening to understand before communicating (Spohn, 2018). http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment SampleHis ability to demonstrate this skill positively impacts his professional and personal brand and his Google ranking. Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, represents the company, and his involvement in a protest for issues that affect thousands of employees and customers solidifies the company’s positive public image.

This is another way the company demonstrates its commitment to customers and employees alike. In addition, he further enhances his image by displaying empathy and establishing communication with colleagues and customers, strengthening his reputation as a leader who cares for and eases their stress.

Team Management

Coordinating a group to accomplish tasks is a characteristic of a leader. During his tenure at Google, Pichai recruited, mentored, and retained some of the world’s top product managers through his leadership style, according to former colleague Chris Beckmann. A team led by Pichai built Google Chrome.

After failing to meet the target, the team finally succeeded. Pichai emphasized the importance of teamwork as a means of achieving better results.

Pichai relates strongly to the sixth habit, “synergize,” of Steven Covey’s seven habits. This refers to encouraging co-operation and acknowledging the benefits of group collaboration. When two or more people work together, they can achieve more than alone.

As a result, Google will be able to attract even better talent by demonstrating the benefits of working for the company to prospective employees. Positively, it ensures Pichai gets to learn from the best minds in technology and strengthens his affiliative leadership style.

 Negative Components of Pichai’s Behaviors & Skills and their Impacts

Slow Decision-Making

Since everyone is not a fan of Pichai’s leadership style, his positive and negative characteristics go hand in hand. Can he lead effectively even though he is a nice guy? Pichai has been criticized for hedging the risks he takes and making slow decisions, which prevents the company from leveraging growth opportunities.

It is exemplified when Google executives suggested that they could purchase Shopify to compete with Amazon. Even though share prices were rising, Pichai rejected the idea. Shopify’s growth has tenfold in the past few years, and the acquisition was never even contemplated due to Pichai’s reluctance to make such a deal.

The company’s top executives complained that business opportunities were missed due to cracks within the organization. The former Google executive Caesar Sengupta believes that Pichai makes better decisions if he makes them more quickly but admits he also makes many right decisions.

Based on the CEO Genome model, it cannot ignore how Pichai fails to demonstrate the first leadership habit (Decide quickly and with conviction). This describes a strategy of successful Executives – making decisions quickly and with conviction, rather than only making the right decisions (Botelho et. al. 2018).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample Consequently, Google was rocked by the overworking culture, the loss of several vice presidents, and the failure to realize potential commercial opportunities. As a result, this negatively reflected Pichai as it indicated he lacked leadership.

An Inadequate Crisis Management System

A series of management crises followed Pichai’s approach to open communication. It became more open to attacks and scrutiny from employees, whether it was leaked, questions about defense contracts with the government, or gender-based and sexual abuse claims.

The company seemed to have some cracks. In addition, Google’s attempt to be politically correct failed to resolve internal problems due to being politically correct. Although the executive hasn’t addressed workplace harassment yet, an ex-employee, Jones, has implied that employees are raising internal concerns. Additionally, even if the executives’ motivation is purely financial, the author recommends that they are educated on inclusion’s importance.

Neither Pichai nor Google displays the first Covey habit, “Be Proactive.” This habit includes thinking ahead in anticipation of a problem or opportunity (Sroithong and Tantasanee, 2019).http://MSc Management PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Assignment Sample

Despite Google becoming embroiled in more controversy, Pichai didn’t foresee the problems he would cause with his open approach. This resulted in negative publicity, fines, lawsuits, and a large turnover of employees at Google. Furthermore, it indicates a lack of firm leadership on the part of Pichai in critical circumstances, which does not reflect well on his professional reputation.


An example of an effective and successful leader is Sundar Pichai, who possesses various behavioral skills and traits. By discussing Pichai’s strengths and skills above, it becomes clear what skills and competencies are necessary for a leader to succeed.



Botelho, E.L., Powell, K.R. and Raz, T., (2018). The CEO next door: The 4 behaviors that transform ordinary people into world-class leaders. Currency.

Main, A., Walle, E.A., Kho, C. and Halpern, J., (2017). The interpersonal functions of empathy: A relational perspective. Emotion Review9(4), pp.358-366.

Misra, S. and Srivastava, K.B., (2018). Team-building competencies, personal effectiveness and job satisfaction: The mediating effect of transformational leadership and technology. Management and Labour Studies43(1-2), pp.109-122.

Robbins, B. and Davidhizar, R., (2020). Transformational leadership in health care today. The Health Care Manager39(3), pp.117-121.

Spohn, D., (2018). An operational definition of effective leadership: Was Covey right. Review of Public Administration and Management6(2), p.251.

Sroithong, N. and Tantasanee, S., (2019). Exploring employee effectiveness using “The 7 habits of highly effective people” as a framework: a case study of PRG group. ABAC ODI Journal Vision. Action. Outcome6(2), p.152.

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