
NURS3002 Assignment 4b Standards for Professional Practice

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Standard 1: Thinks critically and analyses nursing practice

A registered nurse should think critically and analyse the nursing practice effectively to provide the best results in the hospital setting. RNs are able to execute different thinking strategies and evidences in decision making and providing the safe and quality nursing service to the patients. The RN should access, analyse and use the evidences which are the best available including research findings, quality and safe practices. Apart from this, it is also responsibility of the RN to develop practices based on the reflective experiences, activities, skills and knowledge and emotions and views and perceptions to recognize how they can be used to change the practice properly (Masters, 2015). In addition, it is also crucial to give respect to all cultures and experiences including proper responses to the family and community underpinning the health of aboriginal people and diversified cultured people. Apart from this, it can also be noted down that it is also required for the RN to comply with the legislation, regulations, polices and guidelines and standards regarding the nursing practice while making decisions. For example, it is also mandatory for the RN to execute the ethical guidelines and standards in making decisions at workplace. It is also crucial for the RN to keep maintenance of the accurate, comprehensive and timely documentation of the assessments, planning, decision making and activities (Clarke, & Donaldson, 2008). Moreover, the RN also makes a contribution to the improvement in quality of service and related research aspects.

Standard 2: Engages in therapeutic and professional relationship[s

Nursing practice requires the engagement in the formation and maintenance of effective therapeutic and professional relationships. Maintaining a therapeutic and professional relationship is fundamental to nursing. It is maintained by helping relation that is based on mutual trust, respect and hope. It is nurses’ responsibility to ensure relationship is based on plan and goal. Profession boundaries in nursing are which protect the space between profession power and the patient’s vulnerability. Nurse should be aware of potential implications, avoid repeated crossing and examine any boundary crossing. It is important to maintain confidentiality of personal information obtained in professional capacity. Example, make sure the patient privacy has maintained during care and all the basic needs are met such as relieving pain or other discomfort. It is crucial to make effective professional relationship with the patients and help them to come out from the adverse health situation early (Nursing Management, 2010). Maintain professional boundaries. For example, some of patient needs touch that is more therapeutic whereas some patient prefers no touching. Always respect cultural difference. Apart from this, RN can also provide the support and resources to the patients to make better health related decisions. For example, nurse can solve the enquiries of the patients related to medicine regime and instructions and contradictions. Such type of support can be beneficial for the patients to get better health outcomes in the least time possible (Clarke & Donaldson, 2008). Apart from this, it is also required for the RN to maintain the good relationship in delegation, supervision, consultation and referrals that can be effective to get the better results. In addition, nurse can provide better knowledge on the food habits and daily routine activities to be healthy fostering the culture of safety and learning.

Standard 6: Provides safe, appropriate and responsive quality nursing practice
This can be achieved by the using a best available evidence base practice, comprehensive and systematic assessment. Nurses are responsible to provide quality and goal directed action. Responsible to delegate the care safely within their scope of practice and role. Follow the relevant policies, procedure, standard and regulation of hospitals. The RN is also responsible for providing safe and quality nursing practice to accomplish the set objectives and results. In addition, it is also crucial for the RN to adopt the practices which are within their scope of nursing practice. It is also accountability of the nurse to delegate the practices to the enrolled nurses as per their skills and knowledge (Masters, 2015). For instance, if any nursing staff member is good in communication and has empathy characteristic, he should be allocated with the responsibility of convincing the unsatisfied patient with the service. Apart from this, the direction and supervision are also provided to ensure safe and correct delegation of the practice. All the practices should be accordance with the nursing and health guidelines, regulations and legislation. It is also required to report and raise the concerns where practices done by self and others do not meet the expected level of the expectations and risk related system issues. For example, if someone is not fulfilling the expected duties and responsibilities on time, then RN should report about this concern to the senior.  A proper follow-up of the employees’ performance in relation to nursing practice is crucial to provide safe and quality services to the patients.
Standard 7:  Evaluates outcomes to inform practice
RN needs to be responsible for evaluating the practice on the basis of the agreed outcomes for planning and making changes in the existing practices accordingly. RN is also accountable for evaluating and monitoring the progress related to the desired goals and results. Apart from this, it is also required for the RN to revise the plan on the basis of the evaluation. He also determines, communicates and provides documents the objectives and priorities and results with the related individuals. For example, the effectiveness of the nursing staff service can be monitored and controlled by determining the patient conditions in perspectives of the nursing services (Stuart, 2014). If there is an improvement, it means the nurse practices are accordance with the set standards and objectives.  The changes in the existing practices depend on the proper evaluation and monitoring that suggest the nurse to make for the further improvements.
Reference List
Blackberry, I. D., Furler, J. S., Best, J. D., Chondros, P., Vale, M., Walker, C., … & Liew, D. (2013) Effectiveness of general practice based, practice nurse led telephone coaching on glycaemic control of type 2 diabetes: the Patient Engagement And Coaching for Health (PEACH) pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ347, p.f5272.

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Clarke, S. P., & Donaldson, N. E. (2008) Nurse staffing and patient care quality and safety.

Decker, S., Fey, M., Sideras, S., Caballero, S., Boese, T., Franklin, A. E., … & Borum, J. C. (2013) Standards of best practice: Simulation standard VI: The debriefing process. Clinical Simulation in Nursing9(6), pp.S26-S29.

Masters, K. (2015) Role development in professional nursing practice. UK: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Nursing Management (2010) [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 8 August 2017)

Sittner, B. J., Aebersold, M. L., Paige, J. B., Graham, L. L., Schram, A. P., Decker, S. I., & Lioce, L. (2015) INACSL standards of best practice for simulation: Past, present, and future. Nursing education perspectives36(5), pp.294-298.

Stuart, G. W. (2014) Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing-E-Book. UK: Elsevier Health Sciences.

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