Organizational Analysis Assignment Sample 

Here’s the best sample of Organizational Analysis Assignment, written by the expert. 


The following part presents some useful information regarding the importance of conducting proper person analysis and tasks analysis at the company where the students are at work.  The part also includes some effective questions that are involved in proper analysis of the organization for better understanding the requirements of performing the person and task analysis at the company.

The questions for Organizational Analysis

  • What are the main priorities of the organization in case of its overall operational management?
  • Does the organization have clear and compelling visions and missions?
  • Does the organization have effective internal and external alignments with necessary working factors?
  • What are the specific nature of roles and accountabilities of the critical decisions taken by the organization?
  • How far does the operations of the organization are in alignment with its actual strategies?
  • How effective are the core business processes of the organization?
  • What are the overall situations of the working skills and knowledge of the employees in this organization and how this can be improved?

All these questions would be asked for gaining an overall view of the situation of the organization. This would help in successful performing the tasks of person analysis and task analysis of the company.

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Organizational Analysis Assignment

Conduction of Person Analysis at the company

The person analysis refers to the process of having effective study of the employee behaviour for determining if the performances of the employees are meeting the standards of the working. Person analysis is an effective ways of better understanding the ability of the employees for performing the critical tasks based on the perceived knowledge, skills and experience of the employees. As the present context is concerned regarding the training importance for developing the performance and skills of the student at work in a company, it is very important to conduct the whole process based on effective standard (Sieweke et al., 2017). This would be able in measuring the overall performance of the students at work in this context. In this case it is of vital importance to measure the effectiveness of the performance standards of the students working as trainee in the company.

One of the most important requirements in this case is to organise and follow the most suitable steps for progression of the tasks of effective person analysis in the company.  First of all establishing an effective standard of performance is very much important for measuring the performance and ability of the student at work. The next step will be arranged with the aim of determining the gap between the actual performance of the students as trainee and the desired performance of the students as considering in case of the employees (Hoffman, 2015). This would essentially help in understanding the gap between the standard performance and the real life performance and ability of the students concerned.  The final step would be for identifying the obstacles towards providing effective performance of the students at work.

For better conduction of the person analysis at the company, the entire process will be divided into the following steps of analysing the personal characteristics of the students, followed by detail observation of the result of particular input and its outcome generated by the students.  Therefore, the most effective tools in this connection will be application of particular input, output, the consequences and feedbacks of the students. It is needed to be observed that if the students are able in generating particular outcome from the specific input while working in the company (Shepherd, 2014). With this, it is also to be observed what types of difficulties and barriers are faced by the student and exactly what type of measures are being taken by them for mitigating with such situations.  In this context, it is important to take note of the areas of lack in knowledge and requirements of the training solutions. Based on these observations, the content, coverage and design of the training activities will be done.

One of the most effective ways will be to have proper observation of the students at work. This would help in carefully monitoring and assessing the skills and abilities of the employees under particular working environment.  This will also be helpful in proper understanding the attitude and skills of the employees when faced with specific working constraints and difficulties in the operational progress. This type of close observation will help in determining the strength and weakness of the students while engaging in work in the company. Based on these observations, the observed might understand the areas of shortfalls and requirements of greater emphasise while conducting and development of the training programs (Shelton, 2017). The normal actions of the students would not be interfered for the sake of better observation process. The observer is required to have prior information regarding the skills and ability of the student and based on this, the observation process will be performed.

The observation process of the students at work will be followed by effective sessions of group discussion or individual level of discussion with the students. This would be specifically helpful for the students in case of understanding their own shortfalls and weakness. This might help them in better perceiving the importance of particular training and development for overcoming the weaknesses (Chia, 2014). Thus, following these specific steps would act as the effective possible ways of person analysis in the company.

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The expected result of person analysis might be in case of developing the ability of self-reflection and realisation of the students regarding their strength and weak points while working in a company. Increasingly sincere attitude and professionalism will be the best effective outcomes of successful person analysis in the company.

Conduction of Task Analysis at the company

For successful task analysis of the students at work in the company, it is required to have specific observation regarding how particular process or procedure of organizational work is carried out by the concerned students.  The process of effective task analysis will be helpful for the trainers as well as the students also in case of enhancement of the professionalism of the students while working in the company. It will also help in netter identifying the performance objectives and development of effective training and development session for the students (Lipset et al., 2017). Therefore, for the purpose of effective task analysis the specific procedures would be followed.

All the working aspects of one typical working day are required to be researched in effective ways. It is required to analyse which are tasks that are carried out by the students during a typical work day. One very effective option in this regard will be to have a discussion with the team leaders regarding figuring out the crucial tasks for the students and the possible rooms for improvement.  Next it is very much important to find out the various steps involved in the tasks performed by the students. After collection of the important information regarding the tasks, it is required to break those tasks into their basic components (Alston et al., 2018). This is helpful in figuring out the exact amount of time and efforts taken by the tasks. This would help in understanding the expected outcome from all the steps based on which it will be easier to create the training and development plans for the students at work.

Concentration on the individual actions for each step is very much required. It is required to create a list of all the actions that are required to be fulfilled by the students in order to complete the exact steps.  It is required to concentrate on the major steps of the performance of students in this connection.  Therefore, all sorts of the skills and information involved in the actions are required to be collected and effectively analyse for better performing the task of task analysis. One particular assessment is very important with this regard. This is to have [proper information beforehand regarding the exact skills and knowledge to be applied by the students while performing their jobs in the company (Strati, 2017).  It is also needed to be identified that exactly what are the difficulties and weaknesses faced by the students or what are the areas of lacks of knowledge that are creating the difficulties. Therefore, while conducting the process of task analysis it is a must to be as clear and concise as possible in understanding the actual requirements of the skills and knowledge application in the tasks.

Questionnaire for validating the list of tasks:

  • How complex and difficult is the task?
  • What are the behaviours used in performing the job?
  • How frequently is the job performed?
  • To ways degree can the task be performed individually and is the part a set of collective tasks?
  • What is the consequence of the task not performed in correct ways?
  • What level of the task proficiency is desired following training?


From the above discussion it is clear that the activities of person analysis and task analysis at the company has higher importance in case of better understanding the requirements of the training and development programs for the students at work.

Reference List

Alston, E., Alston, L. J., Mueller, B., & Nonnenmacher, T. (2018). Institutional and organizational analysis: concepts and applications. Cambridge University Press.

Chia, R. (2014). Organizational analysis as deconstructive practice (Vol. 77). Walter de Gruyter.

Hoffman, L. (2015). Longitudinal analysis: Modeling within-person fluctuation and change. Routledge.

Lipset, S. M., Trow, M., & Coleman, J. S. (2017). Organizational analysis. In Sociological Methods (pp. 127-136). Routledge.

Shelton, H. (2017). Using Oculometrics for Cognitive Task Analysis.

Shepherd, A. (2014). Hierarchial task analysis. CRC Press.

Sieweke, J., Köllner, B., & Süß, S. (2017). The relationship between employees’ objective internal and external pay standing and their job performance: A within-person analysis. Journal of Business and Psychology32(5), 533-546.

Strati, A. (2017). Aesthetic understanding of organizational life. In The Aesthetic Turn in Management (pp. 3-16). Routledge.    


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