Organizational Report Assignment sample

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Executive Summary

Performance management in an organisation helps in improving the performance of employees while motivating them towards work. In this report, the organisational issues of Service Call Centre Line would be discussed while developing an effective performance management and motivation aspect in the workforce. Following the theories such as Performance Management Theory and Maslow’s Theories of Needs would help in identifying the


Performance management in an organisation helps in boosting the engagement and productivity of an organisation. This consultancy report aims to address issues in performance management and motivation aspects of the workforce of Service Call Centre Line. Application of appropriate theories in performance management and motivational aspects would help in evaluating the case study as well as in providing recommendations on the same.

Importance of performance management and motivation in HRM policies

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Performance management and motivation factors effects positively in a workforce while improving organisational output in long term. According to Aleksić and Rašić Jelavić (2017), effective performance management helps employees in tracking the progress and personal development aspects in achieving organisational and individual objectives. On the other hand, the motivation factors in a workplace increase the quality of performance of employees and higher job satisfaction aspects. Hence performance management would help employees in improving their skill which would help in improving the quality of work and job satisfaction. This would help in motivating the employees and increase the productivity of the workforce in Service Call Centre Line and address organisational issues.

Issues in performance management and motivation in Service Call Centre Line

Service Call Centre Line has faced organisational issues in not meeting the targets, unorganised organisational performance issues, consistency issues and an ineffective organisational culture. The workforce has been suffering from extreme stress while facing a lack of employment security, challenging working conditions and irregular shift issues. As mentioned by Bhat and Bharel (2018), lack of employment security increases anxiety, depression and other negative feelings among employees that can negatively affect employee’s performance as well as decrease their motivation towards work. Co-dependent relationship between team members with team leaders as well as lack of flexibility has also created issues in achieving organisational success for Service Call Centre Line.

Performance management in Service Call Centre Line

Performance management in the Service Call Centre Line would help in implementing effective communication in the workplace. As per the views by Osborne and Hammoud (2017), effective communication skill helps in smooth mobilisation of relevant information among the professionals. This helps in increasing the collaborative nature and building effective relations in the workplace of Service Call Centre Line. Setting a clear goal, empowering staff, measuring their performance and would help in effective management of employees in the organisation. In addition, adequate training facilities, skill development opportunities, and an appraisal would help inefficient time management among the employees of Service Call Centre Line.

Implication of behavioural management in Performance management for Service Call Centre Line

Behaviour management in the performance management process provides a better opportunity for HR managers in controlling the effective behaviours among the working professional in Service Call Centre Line. In the opinion of Woods and West (2015), behavioural management inclusion in performance management reduces the negative aspects of a challenging organisational environment and increases work morale of the employees. It can henceforth be that behaviour management in the performance management process would help Service Call Centre Line in increasing morale of the employees in the company and help them in becoming motivated towards work.

Organisational environmental influencing motivation in workforce

Focusing on increasing motivation among employees would help Service Call Centre Line in reducing the stress among employees, reduce the issues of failure in target meetings, challenging workforce environment and employment security issues. Rožman et al. (2017) has explained that motivation among employees encourages them in increasing productivity, becoming creative and learning from their past mistakes. This would help Service Call Centre Line in addressing the issues of decreasing employee retention in the organisation, achieving their personal goal and developing a positive work environment for employees. It can therefore be ascertained that inclusion of motivating factors in the effective HRM policies would help Service Call Centre Line in creating a collaborative workforce, motivate the employees and secure the employment security factors in the company.

Theoretical Interventions

Performance Management Theory

Organizational Report Assignment sample

Figure 1: Performance Management Theory 

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(Source: Inspired by DeNisi and Murphy, 2017)

“Performance Management Theory” can be identified as a continuous performance management framework that helps in establishing effective communication in a workforce. It would also support the strategic planning of achieving organisational goals for Service Call Centre Line. As described by DeNisi and Murphy (2017), incorporation of basic steps such as skill development, interactive actions and execution of the same helps in performance management of a workforce. Incorporation of strategic organisational objectives, aligning organisational activities on the same and following the same would help in effective performance management for Service Call Centre Line. Effective teaching as well as measurement process along with reviewing the performance of the employees would hello in the performance management cycle of the organisation. However, inflexibility in the organisational policies, bias nature in performance appraisal, and lack of engagement from employee’s side would limit the advantage of application of performance management cycle. Henceforward it can be established that Service Call Centre Line can focus on implementing effective HRM policies to advantage the performance management cycle in the workplace.

 Maslow’s Theory of Needs

Organizational Report Assignment sample

Figure 2: Maslow’s Theory of Needs 

(Source: influenced by Badubi, 2017)

Maslow’s Theory of Needs” focuses on identifying different needs of humans that help in being satisfied and survive in the life cycle. As proposed by Badubi (2017), Maslow’s Theory of Needs focuses on five types of news for employees that are “physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs”. Effective HRM policies addressing the needs of the employees in the workforce of Service Call Centre Line would help in feeling satisfied with the workplace and motivate them towards work. This would also help in development of beneficial relationships between employees and the organisation while creating a positive environment in the call centre. Implementation of Maslow’s Theory of Needs in HRM policies of Service Call Centre Line would help in reducing the challenging environment in the company, meet the needs of the employees and keep them satisfied. This would help in increasing employees motivation in meeting the targets and being consistent and improve the quality of the performance. On the other hand, lack of a proper method of measuring the steps while implementing Maslow’s Theory of Needs would be considered as the limitation of the theory for creating a motivated workforce in Service Call Centre Line.


Incorporation of performance management in workforce

Assessment of performance, setting clear objectives, and creating an action plan accordingly can be recommended to increase effective performance in Service Call Centre Line. Lakshmi and Sireesha (2019) have explained that sharing key management strategies in a workforce, evaluating the effectiveness, and establishing realistic organisational goals helps in increasing efficiency of a workforce. Thus, it can be recommended that performance management would help in increasing the performance of Service Call Centre Line while achieving its goals in future.

Focus on increasing motivation of employees

Motivation factors help in increasing the productivity of the workforce while enhancing the personal growth aspects among the working professionals of Service Call Centre Line. In the views of Heyns and Kerr (2018), motivation can help in boosting the work morale of the employees. It can therefore be recommended that focusing on incorporation of motivation factors while meeting the needs of salary appraisal and training needs of employees would help Service Call Centre Line in improving the work ethics of employees and perform better.


Following the study, it can be concluded that focusing on performance management and motivational aspects of the workforce would help the Service Call Centre Line in addressing the organisational issues. Organisational activities meeting the needs of employees and organisational goals would help Service Call Centre Line in achieving future goals and creating an integrated workforce.

Reference List

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Bhat, I.A. and Bharel, S.K., (2018). Driving performance and retention through employee engagement. ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 8(1), pp.10-20.

DeNisi, A.S. and Murphy, K.R., (2017). Performance appraisal and performance management: 100 years of progress?. Journal of applied psychology, 102(3), p.421.

Heyns, M.M. and Kerr, M.D., (2018). Generational differences in workplace motivation. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 16, p.10.

Lakshmi, P. and Sireesha, R., (2019). Impact of employee cadre towards performance management outcomes: an empirical study. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 3(2), p.1901.

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Osborne, S. and Hammoud, M.S., (2017). Effective employee engagement in the workplace. International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, 16(1), p.4.

Rožman, M., Treven, S. and Čančer, V., (2017). Motivation and Satisfaction of Employees in the Workplace. Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, 8(2), pp.14-25.

Woods, S.A. and West, M.A. (2015). The Psychology of Work and Organizations.Second Edition. Cengage Learning EMEA, Hampshire.


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