
BSBMGT502 Manage people performance

Section: 1

Learning activity: Raising productivity through better performance management

Answer the following questions:-

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Question: what changes have recently occurred in the workplace at Callaghan Collision Centre?

Answer: The workplace has recently implemented the performances management system. It helps the organization to develop the coordination among the employees and assist in proper flow of information among the employees. Such practices contribute in the performances management of the employees.

Question: what are the benefits to employees of the new performance management system?

Answer: The benefits that employees achieved from the new performances management system is that employees could able to clear about their roles and responsibility which is expected by the organisation. At the same time, the coordination among the employees would also improve with the new performances management. Flow of information among the employees is also maintained with the new performances management. Thus, these practices indicates that the new performances system provide various benefits to the employees.

Question: Apart from productivity, what are the other benefits that Callaghan Collision Centre has witnessed?

Answer: The other benefits that is gain apart from productivity is that management gain the employees satisfaction, healthy working environment and enhance the goodwill and value in the market.

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Learning activity: Identify and assess stakeholders

This table represents various stakeholders that hold work plan for the project.

Keep Satisfied

Stakeholders: Customers and employees. For instances, to catering the needs of customers and employees are the primary target of the company.

Manage Closely

Stakeholders: Top management manage the work closely through implementing new performances management.

Monitor (Minimum Effort)

Stakeholders: Manager, employees monitor the performances of the management through using various elements like feedback and performances appraisal.

Keep Informed

Stakeholders: Customer are considered as a key stakeholders that need to be keep informed about the new offering or providing them the detail information about the product.


Learning activity: Allocate work

  • In order to allocate the work to the employees, for that organisation firstly need to identify the specialisation or expertise of the employees and as per that they need to allocate the work. Likewise, if the work is allocated as per the employees skills then in such case employee work with full efficiency and that’s result in generating value to the organisation.
  • Source organisational work planning templates.

Code of conduct and organisational values

The code of conduct of Australia hardware could apply on the work plan through informing all the employees about the guidelines of the company. This can be done through conducting the training program. Likewise, if the management communicates the employees about their record keeping policy and the ethics that company follows in their work. Then the employees would perform each activity as per the work plan by following code of conduct.

Learning activity: Review a code of ethics/code of conduct

Question: How is the code consistent with organisational plans and goals?

Answer: The code of conduct is consistent with the organizational goals and objectives because goals and objective is developed with the help of code of conduct. It is consistent as company in their goals and objective stated the code of conduct which is required to follow by the management. This indicates the consistency between the two terminologies.

Learning activity: Research or develop KPIs

What KPIs are applicable?

Answer: KPI are the financial performances, internal operational performances and customer orientation, employee’s satisfaction, generating profits. These are the KPI that company should consider for achieving the goals and objectives.

How are these related to organisational planning?

Answer: KPI consider as an integral part of the organisational planning. It is because, without describing the KPI, management or employees can not clear about the goals and target which they need to achieve for accomplishing the organisation objective. Therefore, organisation planning includes the KPI area for guiding the employees properly.

How are KPIs in your organisation set: by perspective or by cascading?

Answer: The KPI are set in the organisation through by perspective. In this, KPI management expert by accessing the goals and objective of the company, they develop KPIs. Thus, it indicates that the KPIs are designed through looking the actions that is required to achieve the targets.

How can you ensure that you set KPIs to: measure what you need to measure in order to understand what drives success in your organisation and to performance manage to achieve success through your people?

Answer:  It is because KPI is set as per the goals and objective and as per the capability of employees. So this indicates that the KPI helps the organisation to achieve success. On the other side, the organisation successes are drives with the help of KPIs as it helps the employees to understand what to do and how to achieve the task. So identify the key performances indictor is the crucial part of the organisation growth.

Learning activity: Manage performance management risk


  1. Firstly the risk which is associated with strategies and objectives are the uncertainties in the planning, changing of business environment and frequently up-gradation of technology also affects the strategies and objectives of the business.
  2. The following process for analysing and evaluating the risks.

First step is the identification of risk

Second step is determine the nature and level of risk

Third is assessing the risk on the basis of their influences on the business process. So that accordingly they determine that which risk is to be first taken.

Develop the control measures for the risk as per their ranks.

Thus, these steps include in the analysis or evaluation of risk.

  1. Risk Mitigation Strategy: – Risk mitigation strategy includes handling options in which there are various options are available to the organisation in regards to mitigate the risk. These are as follows:-
  • Assume/ accept the risk through collect the detail information about the risk and according remedy will be prepared.
  • Avoid: The avoid option could be used by the organisation when the risk is not having a great impact on the business process.
  • Transfer: It is considered as a most relevant option for the organisation in case to deal with the external risk. Likewise, the organisations need to transfer the risk into the other product line or operation in order to reduce the effect of risk.

These can be the options for mitigating or reducing the risk.

Section: 2

Learning activity: Enhancing performance through employee engagement

How can employees at CPX Printing and Logistics communicate their improvement ideas?

Answer: The employees through the system called CPX printing and logistics could able to communicate the better ideas to their clients in the form of solution. This system is focused on the quality services with innovation. Therefore, this could help the employees to provide proper and appropriately information to clients related to their problems. Through this system, it is quite easy for the employees to communicate the ideas as CPX uses digital printing which makes easy for the company to spread their solution at the distant places.

What is the main weakness of this system?

Answer: The main weakness of this system is that it not been achieved the high recognition among the employees and at the same time it is costlier as compare to other printing system.

What does Robert Emms from the Australian Institute of Management say is required to measure the gap between current performance and the target set?

Answer: From this statement, he wants to stated the growth and profit of the company will only be estimated through the measuring the gap between current performances with the set target. It means that, manager should compare the actual result with the standards result for finding out the deviation in it. So according to him, the measuring of the gap between the actual results with standard are the important aspects of the company in order to take future decision.

What advice does Robert Emms give James Bennett about how to make his performance management system work and how to engage all the employees in the system?

Answer: The employees develop the performances management system with the aim to effectively manage the performances of employees and this system works in a way to provide annual review of each employee that helps the employees to know about their weakness and strength. On that basis, employees make improvements in their performances. Therefore, the incorporation of this system is crucial to the company for managing performances. At the same time, this system also proves to be helpful for the company to engage the employees in terms to bring the improvements in their action plan for achieving specific targets. To engage all employees towards the adaptation of this system, for that it is require to conduct the training program for all the employees.

Learning activity: Skills audit/training needs analysis

For the effective training needs analysis, the manager should need to analysis the job description and necessary skills which are required to perform the particular job. Through this organisation determine the training needs.

Learning activity: Plan training

Training plan includes objective of conducting the training and it also involve the schedule within which it is identified that when training will start and till at what time it end. For planning effective training program, then there is need to refer the below given template.

Training planning session for the five managers:-

Learning activity: Balanced scorecards and performance management

Does your organisation use balanced scorecards as an element of performance management?

Answer: yes, organisation uses the balanced scorecards as an element to measure the performances of management.

What are the benefits of using balanced scorecards?

Answer: The benefits which organisation achieved from the balanced score card is that the company could bale to track each aspects of their financial and their lacking area where they need to improve.

How would you use balanced scorecards to improve performance in your team?

Answer: Through balance score card method, employer guides the employee about their performances and their improvements areas. As per this method, organisation come to know about the capability of their employees towards the performing any particular task.

Section: 3

Learning activity: MBWA and Gemba

  • The case of MBWA/ Gema approach defines various improvements that can be achieved by the management. Gema approach provides different tactics like manager should ask in-depth questions and focuses more on the open ended questions. Thus, by following these tactics, management get improvements in their feedback system.
  • This approach can be applied on Performances management by observing the different actions of the employees in workplace and from this approach, management could also able to get the detail information about the employee.

Learning activity: Feedback sandwich

What is the danger inherent in always adhering to the feedback sandwich approach?

Answer: The danger thing about this feedback is that people easily get depressed as in starting they receive positive feedback from the employer but suddenly by getting negative feedback make them conscious about their performances. So this state can be proving to be negative in sandwich feedback.

What is the importance of emotional states in changing behaviour?

Answer: The emotional state consider as an important state in the changing behaviour as emotional state help the people to taking the decision which is rational correct and emotional also relevant.

What method does the author suggest to deliver feedback?

Answer: The best method that authors believe to be relevant in terms to deliver the feedback is 360 degree feedback method.

Learning activity: Reflect on feedback

  • No, employer will not provide feedback immediately after the observation because it makes the employee uncomfortable. So mainly employer provide feedback once in a week or formal feedback in a monthly basis.
  • For the feedback, it is currently trending that employer uses the 360 degree model.
  • Employer provides feedback with the intention to make an improvement and developed necessary skills in them. At the same time, the employer also clears about the changes and improvements that they want to communicate to the employee.
  • The feedback is received through face to face so that employees get the right explanation or information about their work performances.
  • Yes, employer considers the recipient feeling.
  • Yes, with the 360 degree feedback performances of employees get improved and this makes them to learn skills which encourage them to maintain their performances level and motivates the employees to enhance their level.
  • Feedback program have positive influences over the other employees as they all get the chance to learn about their weakness and about their capability.
  • To deliver the timely feedback, for that I coordinates the activity and make advance planning regarding to collect the information about the employees and prepare the documents of it.

Learning activity: Plan a coaching session

             Stage Questions
Goal:                                   Coaching session goal is to identify problems and issues which employees faced in the workplace.
Reality Define the reality of the employees’ current performances. It also provides the gap between the expected performances and actual performances.
Options In this, team member explore the alternatives for the solution.
Will There is need to develop the willingness among the employees in order to improve the performances.

Learning activity: Delivering formal feedback and recording outcomes

How effective is the procedure in practice?

Answer: The procedure of formal training is proved to be so effective for the employees in terms to develop the skills and competencies that assist the employees to perform their task effectively and efficiently. The formal training also develops the healthy working environment on the workplace.

What changes would you make to the appraisals process to make it more engaging or easier to complete?

Answer: The changes that need to make is that instead of using 360 degree of performances appraisal. It is easy to ask the employees to prepare a daily report of their work through which it becomes easier to appraise the performances of the each employee.

What are the recordkeeping requirements, if any?

Answer: The record keeping requirements include the employees’ employment records for one year from its joining to termination of the job.

Now consider your own organisation:

What processes exist for delivering formal feedback on performance?

Answer: The process that our company uses in the formal feedback system are one to one meeting and department meeting.

How would you/do you implement the process in a way that maintains a positive tone while completing requirements?

Answer: By addressing each and every individual problem, our organisation tries to maintain the positive tone.

What are the legal requirements that apply?

Answer: The legal requirements that apply in the organisation are the fair remuneration act and health and safety act.

What recordkeeping requirements exist?

Answer: Cash book, sales book, employees’ records, work, health and safety records etc.

Section: 4

Learning activity: Seek assistance from internal and external specialists

  • Recordkeeping requirements: for this area, I have needed an advice of accountants, financial manager regarding to record the cash, sales and purchase. At the same time, I also required the information of employees about their work performances.
  • Effective performances management: Relevant information system is required for effective performances management.
  • Conducting appraisals, counselling sessions or disciplinary meetings: For all these areas, there is high need of information about the employees of all levels in order to conduct performances appraisal programs and meetings etc.
  • Unfair dismissal laws: For the laws, there is need of advices in regards to frame right policies and guidelines.

Learning activity: Rewards and recognition

What are the main options for compensating employees for high performance and desired behaviours?
Answer: In an organization, there are various ways to compensate employees for high performance and desired behaviour. For this, company can increase salary, provides paid leave, holidays package, bonus etc.

How do you decide on the best rewards and recognition scheme to match the circumstances?
Answer:  In order to decide the best rewards and recognition scheme to match the circumstances, the best ways is to identify the desire of the employees in regarding workplace and personal life.

What are the advantages of salary as an incentive?

Answer: Compensation strategy like salary and incentive are providing various benefit to the company in regards to motivate the employees to perform the work/ task in an effective manner. The fair compensation always pursue contribute towards the building the healthy work environment.

What is the most popular scheme and what problems exist with it?

Answer: The most popular scheme related to compensation is the salary with bonus scheme. It is because this scheme is helps in motivating the employees and encourages them to work dedicatedly on the goals achievement. So, it can be stated that the bonus scheme is the urge that create the sense of competition among the employees towards the achievement of goals.

What are the pros and cons of commission structures?

Answer: The major pros of the commission structure are that it develops the win-win situation for both employees as well as for the organisation. This also leads to create the flexible and healthy working environment in organisation. On the other side, cons of the commission structure are considered as a stressful and it also includes no stability.

What is a ‘salary plus pool’ system and why does the author recommend it?

Answer: Salary plus pool is the extra benefit that is provided to employees besides the salary. The pool can be bonus, commission, incentive etc. At the same time, author recommend it that every organisation include the salary plus pool schemes in their compensation plans. It is because compensation plans motivates the staff to complete the task on time in an effective and efficient manner.

What variations of the pool system are available?

Answer: Variation in the compensation pool system will largely depend upon the profit margin as compensation policy is decided by the HR department on the basis of profits earned by company.

Learning activity: Managing underperformance

What is underperformance?

Answer: Underperformances consider as an unsatisfactory work performances that result in failure to perform the standards work.

What are the causes of underperformance?

Answer: The main cause of underperformances could be the unhealthy work environment, lack of coordination among the management due to improper flow of information.

How do you manage underperformance?

Answer: To manage underperformances, there is need to provide clear feedback to the employees so that they bring improvements. Moreover, clear the roles and responsibility of each employees so that they able to understand the process through which employees achieve its target on time. Besides, imparting training, sponsorship, providing feedback could also prove to be essential for managing the underperformances.

What can be done if managers lack skills to manage underperformance?

Answer: In case of such situation, it will be stated that manager should appoint a trainer who have a specialised knowledge about the particular subject matter. Such practices contribute towards bringing improvements in employee’s performances.

Learning activity: Communities of practise

What are communities of practice?

Answer: community of practice is considered as a group of people that share common concern, passion and dedication for work with the aim to achieve the particular goals and objective.

Are they a new phenomenon in vocational education?

Answer: Yes, the community of practice can be considering as a new phenomenon in vocational education. It is prove to be more beneficial for the employees in regards to achieve the common objective of company.

Why are large organisations looking at harnessing communities of practice to improve performance and maintain high performance?

Answer: It is because communities of practices helps the employees to develop practically understanding of the task and assist the community to achieve the goals of company on time.

How does a community of practice work to improve individual performance?

Answer: Through exchanging the different ideas and views in the group then it helps the individual to identify their strength and weakness. At the same time, due to interacting with the different individuals in a group, employee able to learn various skills that prove to be helpful for them to pursue its target.

What do you think is more relevant to your organisation: people individually solving their own problems to perform better at work or teams sharing information and insight to improve both individual and team performance?

Answer: It is more relevant if teams sharing information about the insights to improve both individual and team performances because with the sharing of information in teams allow the members to reach towards the best solution or decision.

How do communities of practice promote autonomy and personal responsibility for work?

Answer: It promote the autonomy and personal responsibility for work through allows the practitioners to take collective responsibility for managing the knowledge they need, recognizing that, given the proper structure, they are in the best position to do this.

Does a community of practice exist in your workplace?

Answer: Yes, it exists in the workplace.

If a community of practice exists in your organisation, is it based one work location or is it distributed across many locations, facilitated by online tools such as forums, project management software or shared knowledge management systems?

Answer: It is based on distributed to many locations by facilitating online tools such as forums, projects management software and shared knowledge management systems.

How could you deploy a community of practice (or take advantage of an already existing informal community) to promote high performance in your organisation?

Answer: the company install the new version of community of practice so that they achieve all the benefits. Likewise, it can able to connect people to people from one place to another. That’s help the company to make proper flow of communication or information related to work. Therefore, these benefits contribute towards the work achievement.

Learning activity: Education options

Forms of education Tools Useful for supporting individuals to perform
Coaching Checklist

work instruction

online help

These tools will be proving useful for the individual to learn new skills and add knowledge of different subject matter.
Community of practice Online help

Web sites


Document creation and sharing


This tool helps the employees to incorporate practically understanding through exchanging ideas and views with the group members in the community of practice.


Forms of education Tools Usefulness for supporting individuals to perform
Action learning Action Learning Sets It enables small groups to address complicated issues by meeting regularly and working collectively.
Classroom learning Classroom teachers (International Standard Classification for Education (ISCED) 0-4) It provides enriching, dynamic and a valuable learning method for students.
Self-paced learning Pace learning system PACE targets and trains those skills that are most likely to have a meaningful impact on a person’s learning and work performance. These skills include attention and concentration, memory, processing speed, problem solving, visual processing, phonetic awareness, and comprehension.
Self-paced e-learning Paced learning system It provide immediate response of instructor
Webinars (synchronous e-learning) Synchronous and webinars system It provides instant messaging and video chat for solving the problems and to make the students learn.


Learning activity: Provide support

What methods of intervention or support were available to you?

Answer: The methods that provide support to the employees are the counselling and coaching tools that allow the employees to learn something new.

What method of intervention did you use?

Answer: the method of intervention which used widely is the coaching process.

Was it effective?

Answer: yes, it is quite effective for the employees in terms to make improvement in their performances.

Why was it effective or ineffective?

Answer: It was effective because it contributes towards the achievement of goals and coaching process was ineffective because it only helps in gaining the theoretical knowledge not pursues towards the practical understanding.

What would you do differently today?

Answer: The changing business environment and increasing competition will make company focus differently in order to stay in the market over longer period of time.

Learning activity: Counselling/disciplining

What counselling or disciplinary processes exist?

Answer: Counselling process includes the steps:-

  • Employees must be given an option of 24 hours notice regarding counselling meeting.
  • General Manager to assist in the recording of the interview using Form 1- Counselling Interview.
  • The employee must be informed of the purpose of the counselling session in reasonable detail at the beginning of the meeting.
  • Clearly identify acceptable levels of work performance or conduct and agree on methods to achieve such, including time frames and review dates.
  • Both the interviewer and employee will sign and date Form 1- Counselling Interview. If the employee refuses to sign, a notation should be made to that effect.
  • Provide the employee with a copy of Form 1 – Counselling Interview and place a copy on the employee’s personal file.

Discipline process includes set of rules and regulations that need to be adhere by the employees. Disciple process involves the code of conduct of employees and policy which need to follow by the individual.

How would you improve performance management processes to ensure counselling was undertaken in the most effective way?

Answer: An effective counselling policy helps in performances management process. It is because counselling considers as a vital part as it assist the employees to solve their problems and at the same time, counselling helps in managing the work performances and provide high productivity. In the counselling, all types of employees issues can be identified and even solutions will be propose. Besides that, employees can receive support to confront any issues under the counselling. Thus, such practices clearly indicate that the counselling is essential for managing performances.

Learning activity: Termination: Fair Work Act compliance

Policy How does this policy assist the organisation to comply with fair work legislation?
Termination Termination policy of employment occurs when an employee’s employment with an employer ends. These policies contribute towards the fair work legislation as termination policy includes various compliances with workforce’s laws.
Redundancy policy Redundancy policy contributes towards the fair work legislation in terms to terminate the employees in case expenses will be incurred.
Performances management policy Performances management policy contributes towards the fair wok legislation under this policy there is high liberty given to the employees for taking decision. At the same time, this policy also installs the system that consists of proper flow of information that’s contributed towards the management of performances. This policy also assists in making fair transaction.














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