Plan and Implement Coaching Strategy

Plan and implement coaching strategy

Formative Activity 1

Question 1 Research and analyze three definitions of coaching referring one differ from the Mentoring.

Answer 1

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Definition 1: Coaching is a collaborative approach which is result oriented and refers the systematic process within which a coach improves the work performance, personal growth and self-learning of the coaches.

Definition 2:Coaching: Coaching refers the efforts made towards developing the skills and knowledge of a person so that job performance can be improved in alignment with organizational goals (The boom, 2014). It focuses on the quality of work and progress in work and can impact on one’s personal life as well for short period of time.

Definition 3:Coaching is based on the professional partnership between coach and coaches that aims on achievement and exemplary goals (Serrate, 2017). It is task oriented slightly different from mentoring driven by relationship

Yes, I agree with above definitions as there is not clear cut difference between coaching and mentoring.

Coaching is done for guiding the lesser experienced person for better performance however mentor can involve in one’s professional as well as personal life .

Formative Activity 2

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Question 1Identify the main issue within this case study. How you would handle this issue.

Answer 1The main issue within this case study is that company CEO want the departments head to present the Idea of department merge before him as they were their idea.  At the same time, He wants coach to coordinate department heads in reaching the final conclusion. As coach is also agree with this Idea.Therefore, he must initiate and coordinate with the departments heads to be agreed on this telling them its benefits.

Question 2 What if the CEO will not change his expectations of what you can/ will do for him?

Answer 2CEO has right expectation with the coach as he has been hired for coaching the executives and managers in order to improve the sales. Coach must justify with these duties of his role and contribute maximum for idea execution as it make huge difference in its expectations.

Question 3 How would you obtain support in your organization from the CEO and others to initialize a coaching strategy?

Answer 3Coach needs to discuss with CEO presenting the coaching strategy and try to involve the managers and executives explaining its significance in the company. Also, need to educate its requirement in current business scenario and benefits in future business growth.

Formative Activity 3

Questions 1Identify three practices that can be put into place in order to adhere the business coaching ethics:

Answer 1

Code of Ethics:The main element that supports the business coaching is code of ethics must be aligned with each other and company policy.

Communication and Awareness:The strongest practice to create the awareness in the organization and effective communication of business coaching ethics order to successful implementation.

Monitoring and Accountability: There must be proper monitoring while implementing the coaching ethics and accountability towards addressing the raised concerns in this area.

Formative Activity 4

Question 1 List and describe the two coaching techniques including the steps and information that is required to determine if the technique is suitable to the situation with procedures and processes.

Answer 1 There are two basic coaching techniques that fit into this situation: GROW and FUEL model

GROW Model: This Model is a simple yet powerful framework to structure a coaching or mentoring sessions. GROW stands for Goal, Current Reality, Options, and Will or way forward.

The company initially decides where it is going (goal); understanding the current reality; explore various routes to destination (options); and finally proceed on the journey (will), successfully overcoming any obstacles may have along the way.

FUEL model:

This model includes four steps:

  1. Frame the conversation– Set the context for conversation by agreeing on purpose, process, and desired outcomes of the discussion.
  2. Understand the current state– Exploring the current state from point of view of coachee, expanding awareness about situation to determine the real coaching issue.
  3. Explore the desired state– Articulating the vision of success and exploring multiple alternative paths earlier than prioritizing methods of achieving this vision.
  4. Lay out a success plan– Identify time-bound ad specific action steps to be taken for achieving the desired results, and establish milestones for follow-up and accountability.

Formative Activity 5

Question 1 In a group create a monitoring timetable to identify the points that the coaching strategy will be reviewed.

Answer 1

Monitoring Time Table

Policies and Procedure Type of Data Review Points Recommendations
Coaching policies and procedures are alignment with the organizational policies majorly based on the code of conduct and business coaching ethics. In order to design the coaching program qualitative data has been used. Coaching program will be reviewed on the basis of impact of the employee performance, learning, and their feedback for trainer and significance to the employees’ job. Also, the other important aspect is to analyze the required budget in case it has proved as beneficial for achieving the organizational goals.



In order to enhance the coaching session more interactive, trainee’s participation need to be increased.


Coaches need to consider the trainee’s opinions and feedbacks.



Checklist Policy and Procedures Type of Data Milestone Timeliness
Fast Delivery Organisational Policy and Procedures Customer Feedback Reduce delivery time from 3 hours to below 2 hours Within 1 weeks
Code of conduct and business coaching ethics Alignment with the organizational policies majorly based on the code of conduct and business coaching ethics In order to design the coaching program qualitative data has been used. Coaching session interactive with 1 hour, Within 3 days
Risk management Monitor the level of project risk as well as the success of any risk mitigation For mitigating the risk Trainee’s participation need to be increased in risk management program. Within 2 weeks

Formative Activity 6

Question 1 Outline two storage methods for coaching data or information include in your response any risk associated with these methods.

Answer 1 There are two types of data storage that can be used for securing the coaching data and information:

Centralized system of Record Keeping: Some businesses use the centralized system which records for several people or units are located in central location for store the coaching data.

Decentralized system of Record Keeping: Decentralized system stores the data which is located throughout the office, generally at individual work stations. However, it is usually controlled by the person who creates or receives them.

Formative Activity 7

Question 1 Describe two methods of reporting on coaching programs and key factor of reporting methods.

Answer 1 Following are the two methods of reporting on coaching programs

Questionnaires: In this method, Coaching information and data can be collected and presented through questioning reports that provides the gathered information from respondents. It also helpful to catch the significant changed quickly by receiver.

Written Reporting: it is the most useful method for reporting for coaching programsas to why it helps in managerial decision making process.

The key factor in all reporting methods is theyfacilitate the clear reporting of coaching programs and significant information and trends.

Question2Describe two methods of evaluating the success of coaching programs

Answer2Two methods for evaluating thesuccess of coaching programs

Mid-Point Telephone Interview:  In this evaluation method EO keen to gather feedback of coaching programs in mid-way and to get insight about how coaching programs is going. It is conducted to adjust the budget for the coaching programs if it seems to be beneficial. Trainees are interviewed through the telephonic process exploring the issues in coaching programs. Also, the questions are asked to the trainees are based on the individual expectations and outcomes.

End of programs impact questionnaires:  it is applied after the completion of the coaching programs in order to measure the success. In this method, EO prepare the questionnaire ask some questions to the participants seeking the effectiveness and significant of the coaching programs. In addition to this, the information gathered in evaluation process is helpful in identifyingthe variable factors that impact on the organizational outcomes.


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